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NATO Service Members Hit By Mine Explosion In Eastern Ukraine – Media

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NATO Service Members Hit By Mine Explosion In Eastern Ukraine - Media

Illustrative image: RIA Novosti / Igor Maslov

On May 17, NATO’s service members hit by a mine explosion at a Ukrainian minefield in Avdiivka in eastern Ukraine, Russia’s state-run news agency RIA Novosti reported, quoting sources of the DPR operational command.

Avdiivka in a town controlled by the Ukrainian Armed Forces, near a contact line with forces of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR).

“According to our intelligence data, today during a visit of the line of contact, NATO soldiers accompanied by Ukrainian forces near Avdiivka, The Armed Forces of Ukraine brought guests into their minefield, where a car with foreigners was blown up by a land mine”, a source from DPR command said.

The source pointed out that three NATO’s service members from Canada died, two more from the US were injured. Three service members of Ukrainian forces were also injured, according to the information provided by sources.

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Tudor Miron



Don’t take it at face value. These guys were clumsy.


Let’s draft you and see if you do better! See why you should not dismiss human loss so lightly?!?! Jerk…


“Human” loss? Helping Nazis to slaughter innocent Russians in Donbas, and we are supposed to be sorry for them?


Be thankful for internet anonymity, it’s the only reason your not unconscious.

Promitheas Apollonious

or is it because is that anonymity that make you so brave little dork? It is so easy, to play it warrior behind your moms keyboard, broken condom.


I’m a former tanker, and I’ve done and said worse things right to the faces of people who claimed to be friends. Rot in hell.

Promitheas Apollonious

and I am seal in semi retirement, due to the fact I still be called back to train new seals, in unorthodox warfare. As for what you are……. you just a retarded person who think it can threaten people behind its keyboard and get away with it exactly because is an empty threat, and you know it.


Jacek Wolski

The beauty of social media. Anyone can scream and shout and have a hissy fit. You carry a verbal stick and so do I. What’s your point? You think you are a winner?! Here, have your scratch and sniff sticker. Or would a blue ribbon suffice? Go on, gloat away Apollo!! You are a God of fuck all.

Promitheas Apollonious

i am not the one who answering for his boyfriend and seem to have taken personal what I told him. why your boyfriend dont answer for himself? Is the day you playing the man?

as I said, pathetic little dorks, both of you.


You’re ranked higher then. Oh well.


Oh well, is that tanker code for my other brain cell went to sleep?

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Unorthodox warfare? Two can play this game, and as usual, the pompous RACIST, expansionist and violent US forces will pay a heavy price. Get out of Ukraine, Syria and other countries before more people die.


So you are one of these killers for hire? Did you identified with those oopsies, and realized that nobody would be sorry if you were dead?

Poor thing.


Can you be a former wanker Smaug?

Valerianus Maximus

Smaug, an American infantryman, and a German combat engineer walked into a minefield. The German engineer deployed a mine detector and was able to clear a path out of the danger. The infantryman said, “That’s not what I was trained to do,” and pulled out his bayonet and started stabbing the ground until he hit a mine and was blown up. Smaug, while nonplussed that his combined arms potential was severely diminished, decided that his tank would make an excellent mine-clearing vehicle, so he climbed in, started the motor, and assumed his rightful place in the commander’s hatch. Before he could go anywhere, a Novorussian Kornet antitank missile hit the tank, and the explosion threw Smaug 20 feet into the air and then down onto a mine. Ka-boom! The German looked at the antics of his now former allies and said to himself, “American ingenuity . . .”


Lol :)


Oh man obviously he’s still active.


Hey man the Drunk tank is fucking dangerous, I will never insult you again. When you and as go for your Aids test do they prick you for a blood sample or just use the open sores. Oops my promise didn’t take.

Jacek Wolski

And that makes you any different? Your stubby fingers are tap tapping away at that keyboard wannabe warrior … idiot. Got a brain? Use it.

Promitheas Apollonious

oh did I touch a nerve answering to your boyfriend? Are you exchange spit in the showers with him. Whose the woman and whose the man in your games or you take turns?

Jacek Wolski

You seem to know so much about exchanging human fluids.Telling from personal experience?

Promitheas Apollonious

ask your mother kid.


If you had balls you wold be a wolf not a tweety.


Good point lol.


hey go F*Yourself. you are definitely not a smaug more like a toad.


Really :) Subconsciously you are unconscious Smaug ,as you think we take notice of your wet dreams Smaug.


What did you Fart again?

Promitheas Apollonious

the hasbara below seem to lose his cool and threatens you? are you shaking in your shoes or not yet?


Tweety flew away from the battlefield, and I got really scared now.


“innocent” Russians in Donbas that plant mines and shot down airplanes

Dr. Pro Liv

they didn’t have to shoot those LGBT idiots….they are so incompetent that they are even danger for themselves…… no Russians do not shoot any airplanes… Ukrainians are too scared to come…. only drones come but they do not shoot them they take control over them and FLY THEM on RUSSIAN SIDE !

Valerianus Maximus

Why did the U.S. Army clear the minefield? To get to the opium field on the other side.

How many NATO soldiers does it take to remove a mine? 52 – one to find the mine, one to step on it, and 50 to absorb the blast and shrapnel, keeping it from injuring any other NATO soldiers in the vicinity.


It is their land to do whatever they are pleased. What are Canadians and Muricans doing so far from home? You are not wellcome there, and you are risking to die for your bloody money.

Dr. Pro Liv

They train Ukies how to kill Russians in top secret sooo very secret military base on the West of Ukraine… So somebody had to fly them over there


Don’t worry pal if Russians start shooting down airplanes their will be no doubt who did the shooting.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

The “ATO” against the Donbass people wasn’t such a good idea, was it? How is Banderized Ukraine enjoying the free lunch provided by the violent and expansionist US/EU/NATO gang?

Norberto Trevisano

Bravo Akper-jan!

Dr. Pro Liv

well some of us are quite happy actually….


“Don’t take it at face value” Fake news. “These guys were clumsy” Unit deployed on these region really are clumsy.


So we just shipped Javelin missiles to clumsy people? What word do you use to describe a politician that would do that? A smaug? You guys make a cute couple.


don’t people get killed in your wars? civilians being shelled in particular? what is nato doing there in the 1st place? a little too fast with “jerk” weren’t you??


These were not Draftees you moron, they were volunteers in armies interfering thousands of miles from home where that have no business to be.

The benefit of this should be that Canadians and Americans demand to know what is going on in Ukraine that is not even a member of NATO.

Karma is a bitch.


You’re a b****, and karma is why your career is going nowhere.


I have retired Smaug and I care little about careers :)

Do you get Bum Boy Points as a Hasbara Smaug ?


The Israelis pump rounds into 3000 innocent people who’s land they stole from them and you get indignant over the memory of a handful of fellows casually touring a mine field? Does Fog rhythm with Smaug? Come out of the Fog Smaug! Oh never mind. I don’t think genetic engineering has come far enough to salvage you.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Invasion usually results in very sad human losses. Pity the blood-thirsty US/EU/NATO LYING leaders usually escape the mayhem their greed has produced. But there is always France 1789 and the guillotine. CHOP, CHOP!

Tudor Miron

I just mean that it’s a hostile environment for nato forces. Old rule applies for thousand of years: “Who comes with a sword will be killed by sword”.


Clumsy is walking out of the restroom with toilet paper hanging off your belt or stepping on a cat. There is another word for showing guests around your minefield.

Well if ever there was a good reason to bring troops home. Our hosts want us dead ranks right up there.


Dr. Pro Liv

Again “MINES” written in Cyrillic…. and they were in the middle of trying different NATO LGBT sex positions…….

Nice souvenir from Ukraine….a wooden leg signed by all comrades….

Dr. Pro Liv

“today during a visit of the line of contact,” …they have made a “contact” on “line of contact,”….

Ken Nonickname Nonecknom Under

I heard the Ukrainians let them drive into the minefield as a way to get more American support. Cynical but highly likely.


Don’t follow your logic, most Americans abhor senseless death of their servicemen. More likely to withdraw in this case. However anyone else’s casualties don’t matter especially if they are brown skinned. The MSM has a full time job convincing Americans that their boys are saving the world. More and more realize they are enforcers for the corporate mob.

Ken Nonickname Nonecknom Under

The Ukrops don’t care about US or Canuck deaths. They want US support. Upgrade your cynicism bro! Peace! :)

Ross Nikolay

А потом НАТОвское отребье начнёт самоубиваться ножом в сердце семь раз, расквартированные в оккупированных хунтой городах и станицах Новороссии.


Don’t play in the minefield kids.


when you plant the mines while being drunk, you don’t necessarily remember where when sober. i wonder how many of these “incidents” no one hears about.


Lots I would think , judging from the continued Uki casualties. :)


A lot of the missing defect to Russia where they don’t put clumsy people in charge of the mine fields.


Mine field? Inventory control.. Perhaps there where a few ‘extras’ in the field.. Sabotage is not out of the question. In this day in age, robotics are best in such designated area, not people.

Joe Stevens

Payback is a bitch!!


“The Armed Forces of Ukraine brought guests into their minefield, where a car with foreigners was blown up by a land mine”, a source from DPR command said.”

So they did it on purpose? They rushed this story out, they forgot the part about how it’s all Russia’s fault. Brought the guests into a minefield. Well of course. That’s like, hey let’s go check out the inside of my septic tank it’s almost full.

Yup a righteous mission is gonna have a lot of stories like this.


In all seriousness what the hell are these troops doing on the front lines of a war zone if they are not combatants in the conflict?


They are combatants, they are part of the NATO(USA) forces attempt to destroy Russia. I have great admiration for those who defend their country from invaders, but deep contempt for countries that invade. So I won’t shed a tear for these criminals who try to steal other peoples countries.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

So, the 100+ “beautiful Donbass babies” murdered by the US/EU/NATO backed “ATO” now have some Canadian company. I hope they will be able to ask a simple question: what EXACTLY were you doing in the Donbass, helping your Banderised Ukrainian stooges attack and kill civilians for the love of “European values”? Now face God’s eternal wrath!

Dr. Pro Liv

NATO “instructors” showing to their colleges from Ukraine how to “safely” put land mine in the position…

Norberto Trevisano

I am just happy that in my former home country, Italy, a new government is preparing a politic plan to wipe off the sanctions against Russia. I will suggest them to introduce sanctions and bans against Ukrainian personalities involved in torturing, killing civilians, banderists, Azovi, and the most prominent government members more active with Nato. And free holiday for the kids of Donbass, else than those African rapers flooding to Europe and seeking our welface.

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