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NATO Special Operations Forces

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NATO Special Operations Forces


Written by Major General V. Kruglov, Doctor of Military Sciences, Professor; Major O. Vladimirov; Originally appeared at Foreign Military Review 2020 #7, translated by AlexD exclusively for SouthFront

In the resolution of contemporary conflicts, where the use of armed forces is premature or inappropriate, the NATO leadership assign a special role to the Special Operations Forces (SOF). With a high degree of combat readiness and mobility, as well as using special methods of conducting non-traditional military operations (training of rebel forces), they constitute a component of a versatile force.

The general management of the SOF is carried out by the NATO Special Operations Headquarters (Mons, Belgium). Its main tasks are the conceptualisation of operational and combat training programmes, strategic and operational planning, as well as the organisation of cooperation between national SOFs and similar structures of allies and partners in the military block.

The core of NATO’s Special Operations Forces is composed of US formations. The SOFs of the Joint Command of the US Armed Forces in the European zone are involved in the composition of operations and tactical groups.

The SOFs of zonal joint command (except for the European zone) take part in events and activities according to their plans, as they have a zonal and regional focus.

The tasks of direct management of formations in the European zone are assigned to the Special Operations Coordination Centre with its headquarters in Casto. Much attention is paid to the organisation of cooperation in the field of security, psychological operations, as well as actions in emergency situations, providing humanitarian assistance to the population of the host country.

NATO Special Operations Forces

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One of the priorities of the construction of the NATO SOF is the creation of an effective management system for coalition forces, that is, the creation of multinational commands in the most important regions for the alliance. Special attention is paid to the management of units and divisions, which should ensure the maximum efficiency of conducting special actions on the European continent. In the future, SOFs should become even more highly mobile, ready and have guaranteed capabilities for rapid deployment in any region of the world.

For example, in October 2019, Croatia, Hungary, Slovakia and Slovenia signed a Memorandum of Understanding on the establishment of a regional SOF command. The basis for its deployment will be the Hungarian SOF, the goal is to organise the interaction of national authorities, coordinate the planning of the use of SOFs in modern training activities; develop opportunities for other formations of the SOF coalition group in the Balkans, as well as in other regions of Europe, during a crisis period. According to Western experts, the creation of this command is an important step towards strengthening special forces in the region and expanding cooperation and interaction in the Alliance. Hungary is given the necessary powers in the deployment of this formation, operational planning and management of special operations, as well as provides the necessary infrastructure for training special forces units. At the same time, each state will have the right to use its national forces separately, but if necessary, they can act as a whole and take part in missions and exercises of the European Union, NATO and the UN.

It is planned that the regional command will start working from January 2021, and the full involvement of this structure is scheduled for the end of 2024. In accordance with the requirements of the Alliance’s leadership, national SOF management bodies should be able to provide:

  • delivery of special operations units to designated areas (withdrawal from areas) through the involvement of national land, air and sea transfer facilities;
  • reliable, stable transmission of information via closed communication systems from special operations units to NATO command posts;
  • delivery of the necessary materiel to support the actions of the special operations units in the designated area for a specified period of time;
  • interaction with formations of other nationalities.

All countries of the bloc, with the exception of Iceland and Luxembourg, have special operations units in all types of national armed forces. In the military planning process, the accounting of units and management bodies of the SOF, which are included in different types of armed forces, is conducted jointly. At the same time, among the members of the Alliance, there are significant differences in the number, combat composition and capabilities of the SOF, but their organisational structure is basically similar. As a rule, it includes a certain number of combat (reconnaissance and sabotage) units: staff, communications, logistics and medical support. In addition, the geographical features of the Alliance’s allies, namely the absence of maritime borders, make it impossible for some countries to have a maritime component in their composition.

According to Western experts, special operations can be carried out in peacetime, during a crisis period and during military operations.

In peacetime, such operations are aimed at identifying the sources of crisis situations and their localisation at an early stage, as well as countering terrorism, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, maritime piracy, cyber attacks, attempts to exert economic pressure and destabilise the political situation. In addition, SOF units can be used to release hostages outside national territories, conduct rescue operations, and provide military assistance to NATO-friendly states.

In the event of a crisis and the threat of its escalation into an armed conflict, the SOF units support the Alliance’s political efforts to resolve the crisis, participate in the overthrow of undesirable regimes and bringing to power loyal ones to the West, conduct reconnaissance of areas of possible deployment of the bloc’s Armed Forces, and also participate in the implementation of NATO’s plans for conflict prevention using force methods.

In wartime, the SOFs largely determine the course and outcome of operations. Their use creates conditions that are important both at the beginning of operations conducted in the theater of operations, and in the future – with significant support for general forces during combat operations.

In general, SOFs are focused on actions on the territory of foreign states on different terrain and in different climatic conditions. At the same time, in all cases, their activities are mainly aimed at conducting special intelligence, carrying out reconnaissance and sabotage activities and providing military assistance to allied countries.

The purpose of special intelligence is to clarify and supplement information received from all types of intelligence, especially if the possibilities of other sources are limited by the physical, geographical and climatic features of the area of operation.

Reconnaissance and sabotage actions are carried out in the interests of solving certain tasks of a strategic or operational scale. They are usually short-term and provide for the immediate withdrawal from the area of operation of the SOF units involved in their conduct after their completion.

Given that during combat operations, special operations forces are expected to be mobilised primarily to capture or disable critical facilities, the effect of using small-sized SOF units in certain conditions can be much greater than the use of large groups of troops.

The main form of use of force is a special operation. It is a set of actions carried out by units and divisions of special operations forces that use tactical techniques and methods of warfare that are not typical for the classical types of the armed forces.

Special operations are planned and conducted to carry out individual actions to protect the interests on NATO, conduct special events in the interests of ensuring the success of military actions (operations) in general, as well as ensuring the safety of facilities and citizens.

The military leadership of the alliance believes that in certain countries and regions of the world, the SOFs are capable of causing significant damage to a potential and real enemy, as well as in a short time to undermine the political regime, economic and moral and psychological potentials. In addition, these formations during special operations can conduct raids, attacks, ambushes, place mines, land mines and other explosive devices on particularly important objects and ways of approach (entrance) to them, deliver pinpoint strikes on the enemy and carry out the guidance of high-precision weapons on selected targets. The success of special operations is facilitated by their detailed planning and comprehensive support at all stages of training and application of such units.

Special operations forces are considered to have significant capabilities and are able to operate autonomously for a short period of time, while complementing the efforts of NATO’s interspecific forces. The most numerous and prepared formations of the Alliance’s SOFs, designed to solve strategic tasks, are considered to be the formations of the US Armed Forces in the European Zone, Great Britain, Germany, France, Poland and Turkey. In other countries of the bloc, they are mainly intended for solving operational and tactical tasks. The change in the nature of armed conflicts with an obvious emphasis on “asymmetric actions” imposes qualitatively new requirements for the mobility, stealth, equipment and professionalism of the SOF combat units.

Important attention is paid to the training of the personnel in a wide range of disciplines, among which are mountain, parachute and sniper training. During the training, the skills of conducting reconnaissance, raids into the rear of a simulated enemy, capturing and holding individual objects and freeing hostages are practices. Joint exercises are conducted using advanced technologies in the field of communication, aimed at achieving coordinated actions of the alliance’s SOF units and divisions.

Special operations forces are equipped with modern means of armed struggle. They have small arms, artillery, engineering and missile weapons, mortars, space communication equipment, small and ultra-small submarines, jet skis, airplanes, helicopters and other means for solving reconnaissance and sabotage tasks in the deep rear or the enemy.

Thus, the NATO leadership considers special operations forces as an important tool for the implementation of the Alliance’s goals, since small-sized SOF units in a certain situation can give a more significant result than the use of a large group of troops. It assigns them an important role in solving the tasks of protecting the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the member states of the bloc within the framework of the collective security system of the Alliance.


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Russia to Double Number of Paratroopers

“The corresponding proposal of the paratrooper command has been approved by the leadership of the Defense Ministry,” the source was cited as saying, noting that the total number of airborne troops will be brought up to 72,000. https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2014/08/06/russia-to-double-number-of-paratroopers-a38076

WATCH Russian paratroopers in world’s FIRST-EVER 10km group jump… in the ARCTIC https://www.rt.com/russia/486909-russian-halo-jump-arctic/


Tula! Have friend stationed there.

Tommy Jensen

Laser shots from our invisible Space Command Centre in a photonic precision strike could take all 3 defence lines out.

catalin zt

If u would not be brought initially as an spermatozoid by a fly in ur fascist anglo-saxon whore “mum” stinky might happen but as ALL of u MORONS got in this life the same way i doubt it will! :)

catalin zt

Amen! And the anglo-saxonkhazarian SCUM races psssssssss…. VAPORISED!








Something important is missing on this meme: Muslim Brotherhood Terrorists [sponsored by Turkey]; The Turkistan Islamic Party or Turkistan Islamic Movement [Uyghur jihadi Terrorists] who wreck havoc for years in western China on behest of Turkey and US/UK Deep-States + Regimes….they are BTW the ‘Source’ of the fabricated propaganda hoax + lie about the millions Uyghurs in [imagined] Chinese Concentration Camps.


Everything is so nuanced and interconnected in complicated way…

“Deep State” – IsraHell – Turkey are still in NATO-Jewhad bed together, more than ever yet Turkey is playing on other side as well. Everything is permitted and totally immoral in politics today.

Tommy Jensen

Turkey is said to have the biggest private mercenary army of them all. Not known by many.


So they claim but in fact they sponsor/employ different kind of ‘competing/rivaling’ Terrorist faction and they frequently have bloody + deadly clashes against each other, like the rabid filthy criminal dogs they are, but you know Erdogan talks a lot of delusional shit when the day is young and he always overplay + overstate his hand.



catalin zt

EXTERMINATE anglo-saxonkhazarians two SCUM RACES from baby capitalist-fascist to adult MORON and the NATIONS of Earth will live peace and harmony FOREVER! AMEN!




Many uninformed people don’t even know what GLADIO is,problem is some don’t care.https://youtu.be/AUvrPvV-KQo?t=42


The best Book on this topic: “NATO’s Secret Armies: Operation GLADIO and Terrorism in Western Europe” by Daniele Ganser.


Turkish branch of Gladio is Counter-Guerrilla They are responsible for coups, assasinations, massacres… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Counter-Guerrilla They change their shape, names, tactics during time but the aims are always the same Gulenists in Turkey were part of it too

Tommy Jensen

“Ultra-small submarines, jet skis, helicopters in the deep rear or the enemy”. What is that supposed to mean?


SOF are the mainstay in the US armed forces at the expense of maintaining large combat ready units. US will never be able to fight a large scale conventional war.

AM Hants

Does the timing have any bearing on who they assume will be President of the US, after 20 January 2021 and also what happened with the UK leaving the EU and all the chaos of corona, as Governments turn to dictatorships?

Who is desperate to go to war with Russia and who is encircling Russia?

Talking of NATO, does anybody remember Russia proposing the Anti-Nazi bill in the UN, back in 2014 and again in 2016?

Those who voted against Russia, back in 2014 were Canada, US and Ukraine. Those who voted against Russia, back in 2016 were US and Ukraine.

Move forward and the bill is presented again, but, why did all the NATO/Atlantic Council Members abstain or refused to vote on it?

Does anybody remember Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt, meeting up in Yalta, Crimea, Russia, back in 1945 in order to discuss the de-nazification of Europe, the de-militarisation of Germany and setting up the UN based on self determination. It led to the signing of the 1945 Potsdam Agreement.

Move on to the 21st Century.

Atlantic Council and what happened to the kiddies of those given safe passage on the CIA first exercise, Operation Paperclip? Where are they now and what are they upto?


Atlantic Council, and wasn’t it set up by the person that was the first Director of the CIA and who created Operation Paperclip? The NATO Admin ‘Think Tank’.

De-nazification of Europe – how did that pan out in the 21st century? Let’s look at Ukraine.

De-militarisation of Germany, which is part of their constitution. They cannot have heavy military forces, unless working with others. So bring in the EU Army, with Germany taking the lead. Will we find out the BREXIT report will show that the UK, despite leaving the EU, have handed their military over to Europe? Theresa May signed that off, has Boris withdrawn that part of the agreement?

Self Determination – how did the UN view the people of Crimea, who voted to return home to Russia, using self determination?


So when the Nazi Bill was again presented in the UN, who again voted against and who abstained or refused to vote?

At the UN, NATO and EU Members Abstains on Nazism

by Manlio Dinucci

“…The political significance of this vote is clear: NATO members and partners boycotted the Resolution which, first of all, calls into question Ukraine without naming it, whose neo-Nazi movements have been and are used by NATO for strategic purposes..

…The Resolution, already adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on December 18, 2019, was approved by the Third Committee with 122 votes in favor, including the votes of Russia and China, two permanent members of the Security Council.

Only two members of the United Nations voted against it: The United States (a permanent member of the Security Council) and Ukraine.

The other 29 country NATO members, including Italy, certainly due to an internal directive, abstained. So did the 27 members of the European Union, 21 of them belonging to NATO. Among the 53 abstentions are also Australia, Japan, and other NATO partners…”




AM Hants

Bit Coin Ad – now replacing new version of Google Pay Advert Troll. Please if anybody sees similar on their posts, do not open.

Ryan Glantz


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