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NATO Tanks Burning In Ukrainian Assaults On Kursk Border

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NATO Tanks Burning In Ukrainian Assaults On Kursk Border

German Marder destroyed in Russian Kursk region

Russian military sources shared the first footage of the Ukrainian military columns destroyed during their failed attacks in the border areas in the Kursk region in an attempt to gain a foothold in the rear of the Russian grouping advancing north of Sudzha.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine do not stop attempts to break through Russian defense near the villages of Veseloe, Medvezhie and Novy Put in the border Glushkovsky district in the Kursk region.

The release of the new footage of border battles is a response to Ukrainian glorious claims and videos of assault operations on the Russian territory. Ukrainian propaganda is widely sharing videos of NATO tanks storming Russian border. Russia responded showing the results of these operations.

Ukrainian video of failed attack near Novy Put:



The Armed Forces of Ukraine threw German Leopard 2 tanks,  Swedish CV90 infantry fighting vehicles, and other NATO vehicles into battles. Supported by barrier engineering vehicles, they broke through the minefields on the first line of Russian defense. Armored vehicles with infantry followed in an attempt to gain a foothold on the Russian territory.

While Ukrainian propaganda is claiming another success, the footage shows that the attacks brought no results. Russian Airborne forces welcomed NATO tanks and destroyed the group. The Ukrainian military suffered losses in manpower and equipment. Some of Ukrainian attackers managed to escape from the battlefield.

The footage is filmed by Russian reconnaissance UAV that coordinated Russian fire and recorded the results of Ukrainian attack, which took place about 1 kilometer from the official border line near the village of Veseloe:



Columns of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are seen moving along the roads under fire of Russian drones and artillery, coordinated by Russian UAVs. In their turn, Ukrainian forces have no air support in bloody attacks.

NATO Tanks Burning In Ukrainian Assaults On Kursk Border

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After almost a week of attempts, the Ukrainian military failed to gain a foothold on the Russian territory and develop any further advance. Stopped on the small villages of Navy Put, Veseloe and Medvezhie, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are trying to accumulate forces under Russian fire to launch attacks in the area of Krasnooktyabrsky located to the west.


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dead hand is ready

it’s time for russia to strike nato hubs once and for all


it’s a, city described in the revelation that’s destroyed and then there’s, a brief period of cal and then a huge war which ends in a 1000 years of peace peace is not natural for mammals which are instinctively territorial species.


that’s exactly what the globalists want to have a great reset and man-made climate change from the nuclear fallout.

Ace of Spades

why? they’re probably close to empty by now anyway.


nato hubs are 24/7 full with soldiers and military personal , as we speak. so nuke them, all of them. retaliation= zero


zelenskyy strikes in russian back country is doing more damage than putin damages to a tank.. putin needs to wise up or he will loose this war..!


he keeps launching attacks on russian territory and literally desperation. who is really missing bot?


that’s the business of war that’s how it is the most profitable business on earth. it’s a business that’s all.

Ace of Spades

zelensky will talk peace once enough kiev junta insiders have stashed away enough western loot to decide they want to live to enjoy it.


not at all they know perfectly well that when russia was owned by the romanoffs that made the tsar the richest man on earth by far and between him and the yussupov heir felix, the two of them richer than anyone anywhere else in this universe.


heaven forbid he should loose it!


makes no difference at all who wins or loses really just superficially

Ace of Spades

zelensky said he’ll haff and he’ll puff and he’ll blow the kremlin’s doors down for western demonocracy.

he just needs some time to get a sixth wind.

Last edited 14 hours ago by Ace of Spades

heavens got nothing to do with it. free will determines each person’s future choices. when people are deceived or denied choices that are real, not illusory then it’s a question of intentions as assessed by god. no one else. the bible says “only god knows what is in a man’s heart” no one else. no one.


do you remember brasil v germany 2014? germany were 7 nil up and brasil scored in the 90th minute to make it 7 -1. the war in ukraine is a bit like that game. the only unknown is how far the russians will advance. the outcome is certain.

Ace of Spades

no, not really. i was too busy noticing nazi football thugs burning people to death in odessa because they wouldn’t do nazi salutes while singing slava ukraini.

Last edited 14 hours ago by Ace of Spades

druids build wooden houses and put live people and animals in them and then set them on fire as a religious ritual. the archbishop of england is a druid queen elizabeth was made one at age 14.


it’s not really what it seems the war is really about controlling the law, which necessitates controlling the religion of the territory too.

Ace of Spades

i think he’ll let loose on this war way before he thinks of losing it.


naturally he has no choice the wesf announced him and 400 me. mbers of duma, plus a list of oligarchs as convicted war criminals 2 years ago if he loses then they’re all executed simple facts.


btw hint russia china advocates say russia has 1.5 million soldiers now and china 1.7 million. well pope francis just left indonesia where they have 20 million soldiers now.


the scores are twigged by interceting telcos who have their offices staffed 24 / 7 /365

Last edited 13 hours ago by Anonymous

just as ww1 would never have started if the then telcos hadn’t intercepted the telegram from tsar nicholas to cousin kaiser william. but they did with 100 % intentions


the first line of defense are some tank barriers and mine fields, it can better be called the entrance of the trap because the real stuff comes next🤫


yes and no it’s turnover. that’s, all. humans are just resources too.


nazi’s doing the thrashings of a dying animal, trying anything to please their masters no matter the cost.


it’s basic primal mammalian territorial ism instinctive it won’t be eliminated it’s fundamentally genetically ingrained.


those tanks burn as hot as my passion for gay intercourse with crocus! his schlong would fit perfectly in my pooper!

Crocus Shooting Gallery

you bet it will! there is nothing i love more then having some gay passion with a fellow nazi!


control yourself never mix business with pleasure pussycat


btw blondes are more fun

Ukros without foabs

. n dunner rong?


he must be massive bigger than a battlefield

ivan ivanovich

my name ivan ivanovich. i moscow scrap dealer. i get contract to melt down leopards and swedey tanks. they all in my scrapyard. please herr schulz, please president swedey, you good guys, you send more leopards to russia. very good scrap, 70 tons. but all melted down now. need more. please herr schulz, president swedey, you send more. my guys get big bonuses, have families to feed.

Ukros without foabs

. n feed r rong?


my guy mary wells you tube.


it’s very interesting how compliant samsung devices are to ukraine revealing since they are known to be the highest criminal family in south korea so partners with the msm telcos and western governments

Last edited 15 hours ago by Anonymous

allegedly accordiing to tonnes of alphabet soup for e entree.

Ace of Spades

ukraine’s running on empty and finding itself in a desert wasteland with the nearest gas station 1000 miles away, and rasputitsa and general winter haven’t even landed yet.

but the brits will always be there to set up a few more triage centers. such nice fellows, those brits.

Last edited 14 hours ago by Ace of Spades

mash. charity. faith hope. all that cricket song and dance act.


shitty western junk burns really well. but its not eco green for the environment as advertised


yes isn t the carbon footprint of the mic a crime against nature?


it is…but the public relations department of the mic aka hollywood and msm spend all their time virtue signalling their fake values that they are committed to going carbon neutral, another worthless scam of theirs. does anybody think the western satanic demons care about anything other than sadistic displays of wealth and humiliation? they dont

Last edited 11 hours ago by hasbarats
Jewish pimp

it isn’t eco friendly, that is true, but it burns some ukarofuck forest along.

Jewish pimp

i’ve seen this first video like 5 days ago. but without mine clearing vehicle being whacked with a landmine, although they said so, but never showed. i guess it was some bbc sorta bs.

homer simpson

russian troops use amerikan tanks for shashlik


with nato on the ground they were already at moscow but the tards love to tell them people that they would defeated nato ,lol the orcs shiti army of drunks


i’ve run out of my quota for grammatically obtuse non sequiturs for today. be back tomorrow with more tantalizing tidbits of no particular interest.

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