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MARCH 2025

NATO Threatened By Upgraded Russian Iskander-1000 Missile – Report

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NATO Threatened By Upgraded Russian Iskander-1000 Missile - Report

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The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are deploying their upgraded Iskander-M missile complex with increased range of 1,000 kilometers. According to Military Watch Magazine, new systems are going into mass production soon.

Citing some anonymous sources, the MWM reported that the new Iskander-1000 missile will recieve new engine and increased fuel supply that will increase its range to 1,000 kilometers. Now, Iskander-M missiles destroy targets 500 kilometers deep in enemy rear regions. The complex carries missiles with various types of warheads, including high-explosive, cluster and penetrating. The upgraded system saves high accuracy and mobility.

The new complex is expected to largely reinforce the Russian missile forces and change the balance of power in the entire Europe. NATO faces another challenge. With its increased range, the Iskander-1000 is able to attack strategic military infrastructure in the enemy rear areas, including NATO military bases in Europe.

There is still no confident information about the deployment of new Iskander systems but the West is already worrying. According to Defense News, the Iskander-1000 has advantages in range and mobility compared to Western systems such as ATACMS or PrSM.



In fact, the report by the MWM has no new data. The first reports about the development of the upgraded Iskander system were published by Russian military reporters in May 2024. The existence of new missiles was supposed after the footage from the Kapustin Yar test site, reportedly showing the launch of an Iskander ballistic missile with an enlarged missile part.


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to add to the above – the iskander-1000 – it has much improved its accuracy with its new autonomous inertial guidance system supplemented with russia,s glonass gps circular error is only 16 feet ! it can radically maneuver in its terminal phase at high speed throwing off radar decoys as it does so .


information for my post comes from the national interest website -not from russia.


thanks for clarifying do nuts and where does national interest come from drop kick ? your toilet?


big deal for dummies 101 .


russia reported on this months ago, this just means the new weapons are opperational now…

Boris Orlov

then use it!

Potemkin Village

they rf use now t-54 and soon likely t-34/76. tells where russian military is now when peace is becoming possible. can trump save putin from total humiliation? let’s see. this war has been russian fiasco compared to hype russian fascists and nationalists were posting in early weeks of 2022.


tanks used by russia — from the t54 -t-62-t-64-t-72-t-80- t-90 40 in each grade so you are wrong -btw- the t-54 was bought worldwide and was the most popular purchase in the 50,s worldwide -all info from western military sources even the uk mbt books i hold say that !


potemkin is a retard, the only t-54 he’s seen was covered in christmas lights at the chinese new years parade in vietnam… the last reported ‘use’ of a t-54 in the smo was wagner guys using the museum piece for cover while assaulting nazis in avdiivka, and put a flag on it after mopping up the area.

Boris Orlov

i don’t see why using a mass product like the t-80 or lower should be a problem. leopards, abrams, challergers as well as israeli supertanks are burning on the battlefields, too. it’s a mistake from the start to rely on these high tech things. the iskander cannot win a war but make important point strikes. what’s completely not understandable is that there are no strikes on khokhol fuhrers.


no, they don’t have any tanks at all, not even t26s or bt7s. all they have to fight with are shovels and washing machine chips. they seem to be doing well with those shovels though. must be high tech shovels.


you’re dumb… the only use of those ancient systems was the parade last week, you idiot. even the mobile mine clearing or bunker busting units use more modern armour chassis to deliver payloads in suicide attacks after their components are cannibalized for repairing units in better condition.

Fabrício Lustosa

how pleasant it is when iskanders hit installations full of vermin in ukraine and suddenly news reports that nato officers died either in a “helicopter accident”, “climbing everest”, “on a ride in the amusement park” and so on go. it’s a lot of fun 🤣🤣🤣🤣


il punto è solo se lo usano crediamo che sia come il missile oreshnik non lo usano mai è solo propaganda la guerra si vince sul campo.


sul campo mi sembra stiano vincendo bene


they stand the same piece of shit as soviet union , a big big misery with great great weapons people should eat weapons

Monkey with a Gun

that sounds more like the us considering it is the richest country on earth, and its defense budget is magnitudes higher than all of its domestic budgets combined. inner cities look like dystopian ****holes full of crime and homelessness and drug addicts. now add the further decimation of the middle class as a result of inflation and squandering of tax dollars into these “great great” weapons which are by the way — junk!


the problem is the us citizens like it like that and consider everything else communism so no one will be able to seed discent in the usa by telling their people they have a bad life.


the citizens don’t like, but the dual citizens doing it…love it, best rip off scam ever, counterfieting…


hahahahaha you with your fake identities.. working hard for your paymaster .imo


lol the kremlin parrot parrotung the samecold song…russia is much better place pity the majority of public schoals still haven’t sewars or dribking water, pity a pack of butter cost 25 dollars


how rich are you if all your wealth is denominated in fake counterfieted fiat paper bills? richest country, no… most inflated fraud based economy…yes.

More Immigration for What

it is possible that many european citizens will become like zelensky’s cannon fodder. globalism is in complete failure mode. war may be the option of the globalist/zionist puppet governments who ignore the consequences of modern warfare in their desperate attempt to hold onto power.


its nato bases in europe that america is worried about.


pathetic trolling wirh even more pathetic fake votes.


talk about reverse psychology from satanist saul aliskys cook book for dipsticks


go wipe your chin, and stop accusing everyone else of that, which you yourself commits or is…if we wanted a projector, we’d go buy one at staples’ blowout sale you dipshit vault dwelled…


after three years of floundering around i really doubt nato or anyone else feels threatened by putin or his special army.


not true vanya the usa is frightened by the russian military, in its military websites its strategists admit russians have gained large advantage due to their years of fighting ukraine and being able to modify its military hardware in a real life situation to a peak of perfection. thats why russian military hardware is selling well abroad.


you’re full.of ir .russia doesn’t make weapons engkanx does and they wcoiet their factories all over the world esp america but also russia china etc under different names like you here on this english site obviously. .englands commerce .self funded by ” donations ” .hahahaha. heard that one before palsy walsys .


you need to start wearing your face diaper again, we can smell the bullshit on your lips before you even join the chat…


once the us and nato started the irreversible deployment of transgender and lgbtq+ troops, the writing was on the wall for putin. nothing can stop the rainbow alliance now from rolling all the way to the kremlin.


your naive tbs trabsgender movement came from england they began it all starting with the ” dandy ” .but obviously you have little or no education about anything really just vomit propagandas like parrot .imo


lgtb bullshit is from the fukking talmud you epic shit-for-brains lip flapper…


you’d be a great leader wouldn’t you .? were you a girl.guide or a brownie?


then go kiss a nazi commisar on the lips and jump into his mobilisation shaggen wagon you stupid nazi whore… have fun in the trenches you fear-nothing-know-nothing retard.


if the eu stopped fighting with the russians and instead promoted real partnership and a common front they could stand up to the usa and chinese as an independent power.

i dont understand what the wackyass eu gets out of being enemies with the russians.


nothing vanya because they obey the usa who don’t give a jot for the eu,s welfare -germany is a prime example – negative growth -factories closing /firing 1000,s all because the us emperor told them .


look at you just like china’s president said ” our people will all be of one mind ” yeah, simple stupid ignorant and dumb .uneducated really programmed eith propagandas and totally deceived imo


thatz cause you haven’t a clue about the world or its history and your so ignorant you don’t even know it imo

Potemkin Village

russians keep on living in their military fantasy world though even their hyberbolic missiles have been just castle in the air, overhyped but when tested found just mediocre. and they should have been best russia has to offer. the rest of russian military has been shameful shit as always.

Last edited 1 month ago by Potemkin Village

it seems you are in fantasy land pv as russia is the largest country in the world it has tested all its missiles from one end of russia to the other –1000,s of miles ( 5,600 miles ) remember kalinigrad. and has no trouble destroying all americas so called “cutting edge ” military machines -remember the usa/uk/germany boasting at the time.


not at all fact is i saw america’s iron dome plans years and years ago and it’s, even then ,the most impenetrable on earth. why donny doesn’t know and says they’re going to build one better than israel’s is a bit of a mystery for the raytheon british aero space engineering boeing lockgeed accountants to entertain ,i imagine .imo .

Joseph Day

hmmm. im trying to recall, what have the storm shadows, etc etc actually hit. any military or air defence target. but nothing comes to mind. a few homes, a market. soft targets


maybe they should recruit thousands of gays and trannies to improve the quality, like the wesrern lgbt armies.

the narrative

a very impressive missile becomes more impressive … and thats what we can see.


no down votes allowed for mr moderator running the narrative typical of the intentions. .


that’s what they want dummies to think. obviously. of course they’re going to repeat ww1 tactics in russia again because there’s almost no way of defeating that. waley wakey .just like they’ll use terrorism subterfuge infiltration bribery and corruption in america too .engage the armies abroad and run the civil war from within boring but very succesful .imo .


nato will soon collapse. so will the eu. the jewsa is now cannibalising its own empire, imposing sanctions on its most obsequious vassals, canada and the eu gleefully imposed sanctions on the rest of the planet for years. now they’re getting a dose of their own medicine.


now extrapolate the new range of an updated khinzal (which are derived from iskander-m).


a bigger, more bad-ass pizza has been added to the russian pizza delivery menu, now ukraine can get delivery in more places, and faster…

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