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MARCH 2025

NATO To Increase High-Readiness Force To Over 300,000 Troops

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NATO To Increase High-Readiness Force To Over 300,000 Troops

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The force currently consists of 40,000 troops

Written by Dave DeCamp. Originally published on AntiWar

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg announced Monday that the alliance will increase its high-readiness force from 40,000 troops to over 300,000 as part of a plan he called “the biggest overhaul of our collective defense and deterrence since the Cold War.”

The NATO Response Force was formed in 2003 and was first activated in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The entire force wasn’t deployed, but several thousand troops from the US and other NATO countries were sent to Eastern Europe as part of the Response Force.

The US currently has over 100,000 troops stationed in Europe for the first time since 2005 as a result of NATO boosting its forces on what it calls its “eastern flank.” Stoltenberg outlined plans to make the reinforcement more permanent that will be officially announced at the upcoming NATO summit in Madrid, which starts Tuesday.

“At the Summit, we will strengthen our forward defenses,” Stoltenberg said. “We will enhance our battlegroups in the eastern part of the alliance up to brigade levels.” Brigade levels would bring NATO’s battle groups to about 3,000 to 5,000 troops, which is the type of increase the Baltic states of Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia are hoping to see.

According to a NATO fact sheet from 2021, there are about 4,615 NATO troops spread across the four battlegroups that are currently deployed across Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia. Stoltenberg announced back in March that the alliance will deploy new battlegroups in Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, and Slovakia.

Stoltenberg said Monday that NATO will also bolster its forces with “more pre-positioned equipment, and stockpiles of military supplies, more forward-deployed capabilities, like air defense, strengthened command and control, and upgraded defense plans, with forces pre-assigned to defend specific allies.”

While a major increase in NATO’s presence in Eastern Europe is expected, NATO members are at odds over where exactly to place troops, issues that will be worked out at the Madrid summit.

Another issue to be discussed is Sweden and Finland’s potential membership, which has been blocked by Turkey over the Nordic nations’ alleged ties with Kurdish militant groups. NATO is also set to release its new Strategic Concept document that will mention China by name for the first time as the alliance has its eyes on expanding into the Asia Pacific.

Stoltenberg has repeatedly stated that NATO members should be ready to support Ukraine in its war against Russia for a long time. He said at the upcoming summit, NATO allies will agree on more military aid for Kyiv and that the “longer-term” goal is to “help Ukraine transition from Soviet-era military equipment, to modern NATO equipment.”

As the US and other NATO members are flooding Ukraine with billions of dollars in weapons and NATO is expanding its presence in Eastern Europe, the risk of nuclear war is at its greatest height since the end of the Cold War. But the risk doesn’t appear to be factored into the US response to the war in Ukraine as Washington has abandoned diplomacy with Moscow and continues to escalate in every way possible short of sending troops to fight Russia.


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Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

hahahaha NATO is a bunch of asswipe LGBT lardass LOSER faggots who can’t even wipe their ass,,,,,,SLAVA ROSSIYA!

Last edited 2 years ago by Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace
hunter bidé lab pork !

oh Cmom they so cute sitting faraway sending terrorists and nazis to fight theyr stupid wars !! and they are so loosers that need one bilion of agendas to f everything !! they should change sex and take in the anus first !!!

Florian Geyer

I do hope that NATO is up to date with the number of Genders , so that their indoctrinated soldiers can feel ‘safe’ at all times Will every NATO platoon have a Gender Awareness commissar?

Slava Rossiya

hunter bidé lab pork !

Stoltemberg is changing is Anus after he will go naked fight the pedo that he his !!! OHhhhh STOLTEMBORG SHEIZEN GAY LGTB should be more gay and take in the Anus !!!

AM Hants

Isn’t he off to run Norway’s Central Bank shortly and don’t they heavily invest in MIC ? Wonder what he has done to keep Rockefeller and mates so happy?


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Last edited 2 years ago by Anglia
AM Hants

Not forgetting the pregnant pilots, they will require to man the planes, whilst those receiving state funded, gender realignment surgery are off on sick leave.

Joe Biden

Just like their commander, trans four-star US admiral Rachel Levine.


Last edited 2 years ago by Joe Biden

If ever there would be a war between NATO and RF, numbers of combat army won’t mean anything because Putin would simply press the red button to incinerate all opposing elements. He’s got all aces cards powered with hypersonics.


NATO = Nazi Anglo Terrorist Organization


Wasting their resources on a nothing burger, Russia has no plans to invade a NATO country.

hunter bidé lab pork !

they dont care as an Elite of Parazites to reset everything and have digital slaves to wash their anus of Psico Parzite Pedos 6build 6back 6digitalmonkey slaves !!!

Muhammad your Prophet

Vladimir Putin just launched a terrorist attack that murdered 36 civilians at a shopping mall in Ukraine. The world is starting to see that Russia and its alliance with other shitty countries around the world are a threat to civilization.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet
Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

hahahahah RUSSIA kicking serious hohol ass, you faggots will love what’s coming next…….SLAVA ROSSIYA!

Muhammad your Prophet

When the fuck was that? The Putin cockroaches can’t even build tanks back in Russia. They don’t even have the parts to keep the assembly line to keep their invasion going. Putin is a desperate terrorist up in Moscow.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet
AM Hants

Yeah, which is why old Porkie, the previous Pres, of Ukraine, was using images of a Russian Tank Factory, when trying to pass off Russian tanks as Ukrainian, for the export market.

Yamil Perez Dead

Yeah sure bitch, BBCNN and other NATO terrorists said Russians didn’t have missiles either two months ago and you retarded shiteating cockroaches repeated their laughable bullshit for you braindead fucking morons. We can see all over Banderistan every day how they don’t have missiles lol. Go swallow Kalibr along with Stoltenberg’s dildo and Bidens diapers, or just die from monkeypox you dumb monkey turd instead of vomiting dumb crap from your shithole mouth.

Last edited 2 years ago by Yamil Perez Dead
Yamil Perez, Autist of Kiev


AM Hants

He cannot as he has just had taken advantage of being neutered, courtesy NATO perks. No doubt he needs something to do to take his mind of his missing balls.

Muhammad your Prophet

I don’t even know what the fuck STFU means. Probably another deranged outburst from another terrorist psychopath around here just like you. It’s all very amusing.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet
jens holm

It means “Suck Trans Fucking Uranus”

AM Hants

With regards you having no understanding of what STFU means, well a clue is in the fact that you used the F word yourself. Keep laughing as it is not as though anybody takes your comments seriously, now is it? With regards being a terrorist psychopath, one I do not get paid a monthly bonus by $oro$ and two, not something you will find on my CV.

Toxic Male

Thats because your a boomer whos a virgin spending his last years with retarded autistic trolling. GO OUTSIDE!!!

GTU-UK284Hdumb p00fs FULLOVIT

More staged bullshit from you,the only threat to civilisation are lgbtqrxt phaedo bio lab rats like you filthy unexonerated slimebag!


NATO doesn’t decide anything. Europe’s going to starve and governments that try to waste more money on these futile wars will get busted.

The unipolar world is gone with the wind.

Ashok Varma

BRICS population 3.3 BILLION, so-called bankrupt G-7 barely 770 million. Guess who will win?

As editorial in Times of India boldly predicted:

The Anglo-Saxon unipolar world of plunder is over, get ready for an Asia centeric multipolar world.

Simon Ndiritu

‘The Anglo-Saxon unipolar world of plunder is over, get ready for an Asia centeric multipolar world’ will sure read this

AM Hants

They have been using the same script, using the same characters as back in the days of the Roman Empire. Caligula – you can see Biden sleeping with his horse. However, who would be Julia Drisilla? Trudie, Maccron or Boris or would they be the vessel virgins, on HRT or opoid equivalent?


Trudeau, Maccaron, Boris the Pighumper and Olaf the Schwein are empty vessels, not vessel virgins. With such leaders it is hight time for Europe to sink.

AM Hants

Boris the Pighumper, haha, reminds me of his Bullingdon Club and fellow political mate, David Cameron. Cameron did not hump the pigs, but, do believed he preferred the oral route, for his satisfaction. I wonder what they have got on Gove, as Osborne was meant to enjoy coke and Max Mosely fun, down in the dungeons.

I would hate to have all the blackmail files on the crowd, as there are some things you can never erase from your mind. Cameron and the Pigs Head, being one such image.

AM Hants

Even though living in England, I do find it interesting that BRICS and friends make up over 80% of the planet and only use up 20% World Debt. Then you have City of London vessels, who make up 20% of the Planet, but, own 80% World Debt.

With so many more joining BRICS and friends, it will be interesting if they all come together with their own Defence Union. Put NATO back in their box.

We only had peace in Europe, when NATO was in a bi-polar relationship with the Warsaw Pact. Both should have ended at the same time. NATO went on to become a uni-polar, offensive and has happily wiped out billions and not just wedding parties.

AM Hants

Sounds like there was plenty of that over at the G7 Freebie. More testosterone amongst the wives than the flatulent idiots representing their nations.


Operation Barbarossa began with 3.5 million troops in 3 army groups. It didn’t work out too well for Adolf, and Russia didn’t even have nuclear weapons then. As for making the war “last a long time”, all that will achieve is in making the Ukraine into a failed state like Libya.

Ashok Varma

Russia needs to take the command and control centres in Kiev before NATO sends in long range SAMS. This velvet glove approach is only encouraging NATO criminals who want to fight to the last Ukrainian Slav.

AM Hants

Russia, is normally a master with regards timing. She does not need to do things too early, just because many of us are impatient.


The timing is right now, the entire world is suffering and couldn’t afford to wait any longer to see the remains of Zelensky in a wooden box so the BRICS could start resumption of commerce and trade to initiate world recovery from painful situation.

AM Hants

The World might be suffering, but, still the masses refuse to wake up. If we are so stupid and dense, then we deserve all that is going to happen.

AM Hants

With NATO wanting to make the war last long enough to keep MIC happy, how does it work? When Russia wipes up and takes control of what they want and leaves Galicia to their own devices. Plus, not forgetting what is left of the Ukraine Forces, over in Russian POW camps, coming back and throwing a military coup. Not much NATO can do then, is there?


It must be apparent to many here that regardless of Mr.Putin limiting the action in Ukraine the USA and its servants are pushing for all out war.Mr.Medvedev has just stated -quote- “any encroachment on Crimea is a declaration of war against Russia which could lead to WW3”.

AM Hants

Do you remember when Medvedev was the President of Russia, and how Georgia got it so wrong? It only took 3 hours, for Saakashvilie to beg for a ceasefire, when the Russians, gave his Forces an escort home. Weren’t the Georgian Forces also trained by NATO and that was before they were more upto speed with PRIDE Parades than fighting.


Yes I remember that -no “mucking about ” -just ACTION always works BTW in a programme on US bioweapon labs the Georgian lab released mosquitos containing germs into South Ossetia.

AM Hants

The US also spent around £7 or was it £70 million, on upgrading Porton Down. The same Portion Down who used CW on the general public, travelling on the London Underground, just for experimental purposes.

Weird, how the US cannot afford to cancel their bio-weapons, in accordance with the chemical weapon treaty, yet, have more than enough cash to fund over 40 bio-weapon labs in Ukraine, the one in Georgia and so many others. Funny how the UN stays mute, when Russia mentions what they found, including the mosquitoes so loyal to Gates.

I do like Medvedev, as well as President Putin and wish them well.

John Tosh

NATO has full spectrum dominance only in their head????

Is this not the definition. Of madness ?



Ashok Varma

NATO lost even to Afghan goat herders and had to flee in the middle of night killing women and children. NATO and 60 other western and Anglo-Zionist lapdogs attacked Iraq and killed millions but still lost the war. NATO comprises corrupt western societies that are soft, greedy, selfish and casualty averse and they will not fight Russia or China, they simply can not take mass human losses in a conventional war.

AM Hants

NATO lost to the goat herders and the US lost to the pig famers.

Florian Geyer

It certainly is, LOL.

Slava Rossiya.

AM Hants

That is what you get when you go to Klaus for your Leaders. Not the brightest bulbs in the box, but, tend to be a RAINBOW Master Class.

kiev ukraine recruiting office

we are gonna be busy.


Nato is being revealed as an organisation that would be unable to supply a major combined arms operation for more than a few weeks. We know this is the case, not just by how supplying Ukraine is running down their stocks, but because they imagined Russia was about to run out after a couple of weeks. Why did they imagine that? It’s because they applied their own supply figures to the Russian rate of fire. Imagine this 300,000 man army suddenly brought to a standstill because they’ve run out of weapons. Nato is like one of those animals that puff themselves up to look bigger and scare predators. I don’t think Russia is impressed.


NATO is demographically, morally, politically and above all economically bankrupt. It is a has been and simply unable to take on the rising powder of Eurasia and growing Russian allies in Latin America, Africa and Asia. Despite threats and millions spent on anti-Russian propaganda in Africa, the US and its NATO lapdogs were blocked by Algeria to even hold a virtual “summit for Ukraine”. 55 countries just boycotted.

NATO has huge moral bankruptcy issues with large LGBT populations and men being turned into eunuchs by Jew fanned militant feminism.

AM Hants

George Elias, a few years ago wrote some brilliant articles, over on Op-Ed News, with regards the US handing out 80% of it’s intelligence to the Private Agencies. Now why does General Joel Hardings, Porn Trolls, so come to mind? Anyway, do believe UK has gone the same way, as Integrity Initiative comes to mind, even if funded by the Foreign Office. They are all ‘Yes Men’, with no understanding of intelligence and just make it up as they go along. Hence the fact NATO and friends cannot understand why Russia is winning, and with zero effort.

The Truth

The whole purpose of NATO is not to defend anything but to keep Europe under permanent U.S. occupation forever.

Last edited 2 years ago by The Truth
Dick Von D'Astard

United States is bankrupting itself faster than a sex addict in a porn studio.


US will implode, it is hollowed out morally, politically and economically. Its $1 trillion military is worse than a PAPER TIGER and has lost every war it started, even to small defenceless states like Iraq and Afghanistan. At least they recognized that Iran would be a swan song so stayed away. Against Russia or China, the American cowards or NATO lapdogs will not last more than a week.

hunter bidé lab pork !

Nato ?? or a bunch of lgbts !! Bolchevics !! nazis !! Pedos !! Parazites of freedom !! cowards !! terrorists !!! agenda gays climate gazoline in their anus !!! eat bugs and destroy all pedo nato lgbts digital parazites !!! F oFF Nato and send all your Digital Slaves to death because you care so much about F everybody !!! F the EU !! F the Nato !! And F the WEF !! and F the WHO and F everybody !!! the Lgtb gay generals that go take in the Anus to the front with drugs to take better in the Anus Amen !!!!

hunter bidé lab pork !

And send the G5 G7 G20 G199 NAKED to TAKE IN the ANUS WHAT THEY DESERVE !!!


NATO is really obsessed with the Russia winning war in Ukraine and with the China rapid global development. NATO wants to take Russia by force or by killing every single person in Russia. I am really not impressed with the NATO butchers. They advised China not to help Russia and tell Russia don’t help China. LOL

AM Hants

In the meantime, China and Russia move on, with India and Iran joining the party and US and NATO now finding themselves isolated. Old Brzezinsky must be turning in Lucifers Roasting Pit,

hunter bidé lab pork !

Send the G 666 naked to take in the ANUS !!! or to see a Horse going to the Anus of Justina trudeaux. Nazi Digital lgtb ukro nazi bolchevic Conada would love it !!!! the queen is an lgtb prostipute psico abortion pedo nazi !!! lets build back better and change the sex of the prostipute nazi queen !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Abraham Lincoln

NATO does not have 300 k people to draft as soldiers. Even the USA can’t raise such an army any more unless you count obese highschool dropouts with a criminal record. Such people are of no use for a modern war


It all panic western propaganda like fake balloon NATO tanks to “scare Russia” :) as if…………


Quite a few posters ask about the number of Russians killed -mostly anti-Russian but a few pro-Russia -that depends on where you read it -America/UK/EU/Ukraine its “up to 30,000 ” but according to BBC,s Russian service its 3000 in a separate investigation which tallies with iStories.media/reportages/ a Russian website.


The WWI and WWII were planned by Germany, and it wants revange of Russia. So, Germany is just waiting a proper moment to re-army itself and to launch another attack (with support of occident) to Russia. However, Germany and occident have no idea what Russia will do to them.

Jens Stoltenberg white haired Faggot

I doubt Germans want another war with Russia, they are not morons like Polaks. This is entirely US/UK project, the rest of so-called NATO are just a bunch of spineless, cowardly vassals and buttlickers ( excluding Hungary and Turkey)

AM Hants

So where are they going to get all these Forces from? Luxembourg perhaps? Do NATO Member Nations actually have enough military serving personnel to man their own bases, besides the demands of NATO?

hunter bidé lab pork !

Nato is going to increase and take more in the anus !! jubileus for Pedos !!!


Sounds like an occupational force, primarily intellectually challenged inbreds from the colonies no doubt ,pity the standard of grunts that NAto attracts are more concerned with rainbows and make up than the moral obligations of the righteous,i wonder why?


They destroy their own people while pushing global war on others. We in the west are living under psychopaths. Elections can’t remove them.


“Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, and Slovakia.” The anglos and Jews will not care if Slavs murder each other off. Even losing will be winning for them. The fact is, the Anglo Jews are also fine with filling Europe up and replacing European whites with Africans. So why fight for that filth? Let’s hope Russia does the right thing, and that once a NATO war against Russia starts, London gets nuked. Along with Tel Aviv, New York City and Washington.


There is no way avoiding this war, I hope all these NWO apparatchiks can still think with their confused brains. I would ask them just one question:”how exactly do you think you can win in Europe”?


I’m not sure that 400,000 will be enough as only Poland requested 200,000 and only half is left for Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Baltic states. Vilnius won’t be happy with scraps after barking exercise performed for EU God.

NATO Empire of Lies

While they are fucking each other in Pooland along with refugee hookers from Ukraine, China will invade Taiwan and these shitheads will do nothing again except barking angrily.


“But the risk doesn’t appear to be factored into the US response to the war in Ukraine as Washington has abandoned diplomacy with Moscow and continues to escalate in every way possible short of sending troops to fight Russia.”…

“$”billions for military equipment being sent with no soldiers, sailors and airmen to fill the void in using them as better than 50,000 dead and counting continues. Insanity doesn’t begin to describe this exercise going on 4 months let alone 8 years…

When printing presses backed by “0” compete with competitors that have money backed by a genuine store of value!…

And folks lets not kid ourselves… This is all this WAS EVER about!… And Western Central Bank$ apparently would rather die than admit to failure!!!

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt
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