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MARCH 2025

NATO To Kick Off Baltic War Games With Finland, Sweden

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NATO To Kick Off Baltic War Games With Finland, Sweden

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Gen. Mark Milley says the military drills are a show of force to Russia. However, Helsinki’s intelligence says Moscow has not responded to its NATO membership bid

Written by Kyle Anzalone. Originally published on AntiWar

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization announced it will launch military drills with 7,000 troops in the Baltics. The provocative war games will include Sweden and Finland. Stockholm is hosting the exercises after applying for NATO membership last month.

The war games, dubbed Baltic Operations (BALTOPS 22), are based in Stockholm. BALTOPS 22 will primarily consist of naval operations and run from June 5-17. The drills will involve 45 ships and 75 aircraft. Sixteen nations will participate, including Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Sweden, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

The annual war games are taking on increased significance as Helsinki and Stockholm recently submitted their applications to join NATO. The USS Kearsarge is in the Swedish capital city for the war games. According to Chairman of the Joint Chief, Gen. Mark Milley said, part of the ship’s mission is a show of force to Russia.

“I think the Kearsarge being here is a pretty strong statement,” Milley said. “This is a big exercise with 7000-8000 soldiers from 16 countries, two of which are not NATO members,”

Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson added, “This shows President Biden’s security assurances are followed by actions.” Several NATO members gave security guarantees to Sweden and Finland as they go through the membership process. The security guarantees are meant to prevent a Russian attack before Stockholm and Helskinki receive protection under the alliance’s mutual defense pact.

Russia says it will not react to Finland and Sweden joining the North Atlantic alliance but warned against a military buildup in the Nordic counties.

Antti Pelttari, head of Finland’s intelligence service, confirmed Moscow had not targeted Helsinki with reprisals since it submitted its NATO application. “It has been rather quiet, and let’s hope it stays that way,” he said in an interview with Financial Times. “It’s a positive thing that nothing has happened.”


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Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

Americunt degenerate trash will destroy Finland and Sweden, rapes and crime will go skyhigh. These Nordic Neanderthals deserve it. SLAVA ROSSIYA!


The jews said they will destroy Europe with multiculturalism. It’s way harder for a despot to operate in a homogeneous society. Welcome to Eurabia White man.


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Last edited 2 years ago by Evelin

RIP Russia

Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

RIP = Russia in Poland :)


Karen Kobylanksi

Polish people would welcome Russians, we have no gas or fuel and our corrupt government is telling to go look for wood in the forests. There is no bread in stores.


I am certain that Russia would love to be friends with the Polish people. It is the American/UK alliance and agenda that is driving a wedge and agitating against this ever happening.


We have a lot of Polish companies working in Russia. My daughter worked for one of these companies. Very friendly team was like a family. everyone loved the manager, because of his simplicity, he even poured tea for himself, and dined with all the workers, In a word, he became his own!!

Mary Dahl

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:) AND GOOD LUCK.:) HERE====)> N­­­­E­­­­T­­­­C­­­­A­­­­S­­­­H­­­­1.C­­­­O­­­­M

Last edited 2 years ago by Mary Dahl

Where is Greta Thunberg now? She should see a lot of CO2 in the air. So much she shoulnd’t see sun.

Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

She is so angry and obnoxious and maybe got laid finally. Desperate Pedo Andrew was looking for her in her school dress.

WT Baker

War and volcanoes cause more environmental destruction than all agro-industrial activity .

hunter bidé lab pork !

ahahahahahahahahahhahahahaha what a bunch of losers !!! kik of parazite lgbt nazi ss unicornium gay stolemborg anus got to be exploded !!!!

SM Sparviero

it’s a positive thing… So finland in NATO is a pure PROVOCATION without need, right?!?

Ordinary person

You have to remember that 58% of people are against NATO. 36% of people are NATO-horny. And rest of all doesn’t know what to think.

The politics like “Manna Sarin”, “Alenxander Stupido”, “Jyrki Käteinen” and Paavo (pedo) Lipponen are NATO-horny. Not people, not tax payers.

Ordinar people of Finland want peace and do business with Russian. With culture exchange. Stats all. And if there will be war, we blame politicians. And we hope russians knows that.


Natostan “games”….yes indeed. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn

Moar wargasm$ for the girly men and the manly girls of Natostan and the emasculated scum in suits in Brussels sewer.. Because NOBODY dares go real Bear hunting in the big bad forests of rump Ukropland. Same as it ever waZ


Onward to Odessa

Last edited 2 years ago by Martillo
Haans rauss

Putin is 5D chess master :D baltic sea will be controled by new nato members – finland and sweden


keep dreaming

finland is the same nation of cuckolds that begged Stalin for forgiveness in 1945?

HG Wells book The NWO

Nato was kicked out of France by De Gaulle after they determined that Nato carried out 5 attempts to kill the French leader. Don’t know much about history all these armchair quarterbacks. Operation Gladio. Operation Northwoods. Operation MK Ultra. General George Patton wrote letters home to his wife Beatrice saying his own leadership was trying to kill him and he felt he would never make it back upon American soil. Read a book sometime. Listen to Doug Valentine discuss who REALLY controls the world drug trade.


they go under the umbrella name of “stay behind”

Jesus Engleton was the mastermind behind it all

Gladio is the name of the structure in Italy and yes, they are behind some of the most odious terrorist attacks in italian history

L du Plessis



Is this all you have up your sleeve, Mary “Mark” Miley, a show of force ? Really ? A bunch of transgender and effeminate cowards, this is what you are. Do not get fooled yourself, pompous ass. Mind your own security wherever you are and pray that Russians will ignore you. Do not beg Shoigu for comprehension again. It would be a nuisance. Die with dignity, if you can.


If Russia disturb there communication lines, it will bee fun. How long it was nato drills get some ships to the rocks because fault maneuvres?

WT Baker

A lot of bluster. Nothing but a waste of more funds that could go to food, energy, and transportation needs.

John Tosh

You are right. Nothing better to do. lol.

Tommy Jensen

Dont play with me ’cause you play with fire. https://youtu.be/0xBGSlnTino .


Like as if the didn’t bait Norway and Finland into joining hoping to incite furious reaction. Course they knew plot wouldn’t so could do it Norways got the biggest iron ore mine on earth isn’t it.?Now the usual Bay of Riga stuff,the only decent bay over that way and why they made sure Latvia kicked the ussr out before ww2,but had to give it back after,bbut tthen kicked them out again and next will have to give it back again.Stupid Latvians.AAny brains and the dumb arses would have stayed with Russis all along and the entire region would be rulong the planet now really as the strongest superpower. Same with those dumb as sheep dipstick euro trash idiots without enough brains to wake up that they should align with Russia too centuries ago But stupid as Played like little selfish children by the ones who despite thrir faults are at least smart enough to wrap those suckers around their little fingers and having them sucking hard.


Yea General “Stuffed Shirt” Milley says these games will be a show of force to Russia. I guess he’s talking about showing the same kind of force we demonstrated while tucking our tail between our legs, during our exit from Afghanistan like a little whipped puppy. This seems to be the same show of force we’ve demonstrated on our exits from most of our military engagements, since and including Vietnam.

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