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NATO To Send Europeans To War In Ukraine

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NATO To Send Europeans To War In Ukraine

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NATO To Send Europeans To War In Ukraine
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NATO To Send Europeans To War In Ukraine

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After the complete failure of the Ukrainian counteroffensive and the horrific losses of the Ukrainian army, despite the multibillion-dollar supply of Western weapons, NATO lost its hope of winning this war via the forces of Ukrainian men and women. Ukraine is already running out of soldiers. Western warmongers cannot solve this problem with money in any way, and someone needs to die until the war ends.

The Ukrainian defense is crumbling on all fronts and it is high time for Kiev’s Western patrons to take decisive measures. Apparently, they have made their choice.

European leaders met in Paris and discussed sending European troops to Ukraine. Macron is trying to take on the role of the main savior of Ukraine. He loudly declares that the Europeans will do everything to prevent Russia from winning this war; but so far, they did not reach any agreement and they are still looking for a consensus.

Shortly after Macron’s loud statements, many European leaders were quick to express their disagreements with his ideas. The Greek Prime Minister said that sending NATO forces to Ukraine is out of the question. The Prime Minister of Slovakia assured that he would do everything to prevent the direct participation of Slovak soldiers in the war in Ukraine. The Prime Minister of the Netherlands declared that the issue of sending troops to Ukraine “is not on the agenda.”

Unfortunately, it is obvious that Western warmongers have already begun to prepare the European population for the upcoming escalation, and this process cannot be stopped. Apparently, the main question for Western elites is who to send to war and in what legal format.

France, as a nuclear power, was not accidentally chosen as a public European leader. After all, the risk of Russian strikes in Europe in response to a Western intervention will grow; but Paris is not at the helm of this whole adventure. It is not for nothing that the US Deputy Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs came to Paris to take part in the meeting of European leaders.

While Abrams tanks began burning on the Ukrainian battlefields, Washington is likely set to go into a scenario of a “Coalition of the Willing”. This plan was announced in the fall of 2022 by the CIA. The concept is based not the framework of the EU or NATO, but on bilateral agreements between some Western countries with Ukraine. Poland, which has territorial interests in western Ukraine, is likely to become the main power of the coalition; mainly supported by the Bucharest Nine countries under the general leadership of the US military.

In fact, the format of such a coalition is already clear, it remains to be seen to find the bravest one who dares to take the first step across the border.

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pragmatic realist

nato hubs are already locked and if you enter the war, those targets will be wiped off from the face of planet earth in a matter of few minutes by hypersonic nukes, while nato commanders will be nervously asking themselves “what is wrong with our satellites?” and no, it’s not the end of the world. it’s the end of the nato world.

Last edited 1 year ago by pragmatic realist

lol the tard thinks they will survive a nuclear war, less brain than a chicken, no one would survive idiot even you and all your mates would died

pragmatic realist

you will be destroyed before you can retaliate. plus you will be blind as your sats have been destroyed as well. and tell me yankee, even if you manage to miraculously retaliate: how will your old conventional nukes pass the s-550s?


stalin: “without american aid via lend-lease, the ussr would have lost the war.”

– foreign relations of the united states: diplomatic papers, the conferences at cairo and tehran, 1943


Last edited 1 year ago by Saxon

stalin, the go-to source for nafomo truth.


https: // history . state . gov / historicaldocuments / frus1943cairotehran / d353

https : // history . stat .gov / historicaldocuments / frus1943cairotehran /d375


ukraine is gone. get over it.

saxon aka poko molo

dumb poko molo amerikan hillbilly wrong again


http://tinyurl.com/4h5wpyrw address by adolf hitler to the hitler youth | september 8, 1934

Last edited 1 year ago by Saxon

you have seen what the russians are doing to the nato wimps for 2 years, and you have nothing more than this ? you seem to have forgotten that you must think first, then speak.


you people really like jacking each other off. don’t you?

hey! don’t forget, the titanic can’t sink and rbmk reactors can’t explode. lmao

No more fun times in the USA

the western trans lib armies stand no chance.


not quite. but he is an idiot to think his zionist state will be uneffected.


lol @ the people who think there’s going to be nuclear war. the only thing that’s going to happen is that the polish toilet cleaners and baltic chihuahas will join ukraine in a pointless fight. the methodology will remain the same.

pragmatic realist

maybe, but again , polish toilet cleaners and baltic chihuahuas means nato, and in this case please refer to my start post.


and how is that different from what we have today? ukraine is an extension of nato, no different than the poles or balts. western soldiers are also present under the guise of volunteers. so except the needless extension of the war, what really changes with this development?


poland and baltic chihuahuas are not officially in ukraine, the day they officially enter the war their countries will be immediately nuked.

Last edited 1 year ago by tyjj

talk about mental masterbation.


why you incels are always posting something about masturbation, jacking off etc. ? go get a real pussy loner

W. Tajok

scientists have speculated that a limited nuclear exchange, between pakistan and india would cause enough radioactive debris to block the sun and cause nuclear winter.


macron is a faggotling controlled by his grandma spouse. freakish horror film on rewind/play…


spend more money western pigs, fuel the black hole that is ukronaziland…


first the owner class floods europe with military age males from the middle east and africa. any bets on who they are going to send?

Joseph Day

no point sending them, the cowards wouldn’t fight for their own country

captain hohol

the arabs in europe won’t fight for anything except expanding arab influence in europe, that will be fun to watch when the native populations have to fight the arabs and blacks.

Edgar Zetar

kind of sure, great comment! but they did it not only to get soldiers, they are the “brute force” at the foundation of every leisure class at the top. that’s why they are doing it even in texas, usa, not only to get democratic votes, they will be the lower class workers. the military industrial complex would need workers to get the new weapons against russia.


white trash. they did not send them from africa. white colonising scum brought karma upon yourselves.


you really think giving millions of eu hating africans military assault rifles is a good idea?

jens holm

my dick-tator lesbian in dumbmark clown show send me bloody tampon


i poko moly yuri, smart from kentucky park.

Edgar Zetar

hahaha yuri the poko molo kentucky homeless park lot

saxon aka poko molo

i like impersonate yuri cuz me inferior hillbilly amerikunt

Dumb & Dumber then CIA

with the cia now leading the west they are ready to sacrifice europe in what they think will be a limited nuclear war. with biden as a mental invalid the cia wants to top one failed stupid idea with an even more stupid one with irrevocable consequences.

No more fun times in the USA

when the u.s education system is all special ed. the intelligence of the above average people in “intelligence” organizations also severely diminishes.

jens holm

russia have exect same behave system and in worse lower lever.

both need refoms but usa has connected infrastrures to their upperclass.

by that usa i clining a little but do produce 3 times then russia.

usa is not specialed in intelligence. the level in must things are just highler. the tools are there and handlers. very much is replaced with fx musk in space righ over you.

concerned citizen


jens holm

you are wellcome.

jens holm

lour states are not even runned like that.

and i tell you you are raised never to belive. you are like animals in zoo not knowing the rest of yoiu kind lives in much better conditions by choise.


good to see vast amount of western trash turned to scrap metal

jens holm

i heard you use yoiur amarta for rehousing. they has upgraded the canon for cooking.

saxon aka poko molo

you heard from me the dumb amerikan nazi

Icarus Tanović

it is called ‘armata’ you imbecile.

jens holm

i never won a spelling test. my servicedog try to change kiev for kij – many houses


iran leader was right to call western leaders rabid dogs and wolves


sa discute disolutia motan! avem doi indivizi maciuca si mociolacu care vor sa lupte pt clovn. bugetarii si cei care sug fonduri nue sunt primii care vor lupta.


asta e tare cu acorduri bilaterale secrete. armata romana cauta fraieri pt generali impuscati in picior. s a deschis sezonul la iepuri. sau continua sezonul…. n a fost niciodata închis.

Per Dørup

well, maybe it is, time for russia to realise that russia de facto is at war, not mainly with ukraine, but with the us and europe, who provide training, weapons and deaths to russia – and take the consequence. at first conventionally. if the us and europe do not come to sense but then wants to escalate non-conventionally, well, then it is their choice and responsibility. what else can russia do?

War Bringer

“and a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, thus with violence shall that great city babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all.”

Edgar Zetar

this will be done, europe will send boots to ukraine, russia should prepare to fight the lackeys and vassals of usa empire ruled by the zionist anglo neocon kabbals. this could not be stopped. fifteen years ago i had some visions, first i believed my vision were from past world war ii, but now i’m sure this is from world war iii. war its unstoppable, prepare for war. i’m preparing and you must too. thwre will be ‘wars’ until the western empire collapses. mars and the sword rules forever.

Last edited 1 year ago by Edgar Zetar
Edgar Zetar

it’s almost unbelievable the ‘exceptionals’ made all of this, the dod and darpa projects from the 70’s and 80’s became android o. s cellphones, and electronics stuff in the 90’s, google was created to fulfill the void in the new digital age, the 2030 agenda, they were planning deploying and roll out this ‘scenario’ long time ago. that’s why i like to call them ‘masters of the universe’.


“masters of sheople” would be more fitting, since covid a lot of people are waking up to their manipulations. let’s hope that their plans be thwarted nonetheless everyone should definitely prepare for the worst.

Edgar Zetar

agreed 👍. masters of sheeps, full fledged propaganda since xx century. they always accused from everything to nazi germany, but the winners did it ten times worst. the sword is the only warrant to protect and be sovereign and not a lackey or vassal state.

jens holm

i dont think so. most devellepments are in many small steps with many try and many mistakes.

danish windpower all over the world stated as normal schoolprojet with very good teechers. that has chllden from 16 to 18 years have ideas as well.

they broke the limit for what wind can produce using basic.

jens holm

now we have many. not far from me we have mills producing electrity for 6.000 households exact.

there is no digitalnew age. we replace and better in that too. the result fx are ldirty smog and less noise from cars. they are cheeper as well.

jens holm

this explains why dumb dane pay more for electricity than all civilized nations

jens holm

we pay less and are doing well is most aspects.

we cant integrate rusuian here. no corruption, low crime, no fat people using wegosy or ozempik.

they soon return the the world with no vodka. seveal are seen following the nordsteam 2 home. eduation is fre here, so we give them swimming lessons, so they can follow the short for men in their russian dreams.

jens holm

home sweet home.

grotesco tingeliin

Edgar Zetar

come on, it’s cheaper to buy russian gas and also more ecological. you live in a world of propaganda and magical stuff. you believed in the global warming also.

Edgar Zetar

you live in a another dimension jens holm, maybe you are too evolutionated for us or maybe the contrary. they planned everything, i borne with a computer in my hand, and i experienced myself how the commercial world in computers was planned in the 70’s. they sell old technology, second class sciences. ‘dod and darpa’ had android o.s in the early 80’s (maybe before in the military) they released after 2000’s.

jens holm

and we are lucky having a lot of wind. 200 days a year.

i will try to look up old days better.


‘masters of the universe’. lol the “pale blue dot” disputes that stupid claim.

jens holm

you forgot the lgbts and jews most likely dont like you as well.

its shorter writing only the ones, which like you.

Edgar Zetar

to me is an accomplishment that jews did not like me. i respect them but wanna to be far away from them. i don’t have issues with weird people, the issue is when they wanted everybody else to be like them.

Janne Kankaanpää

it would be very funny to see frogs in action. french troops are faster, than hypersonic missiles, when retreating. they would break all usain bolt records.

No more fun times in the USA

usain bolt records are due to heavy steroid use. how many times has he been caught and then charges against him “miraculously” dropped. several times.

Last edited 1 year ago by No more fun times in the USA

that’s just a british and american meme. there is nothing in the history of the british nor americans like verdun, or la voie sacrée. 80 000 french soldiers died in six weeks in 1940. how a french force would fair in the failed ukrainian cia project in 2024 is another matter, but the french soldiers have done a lot of fighting in the last thousand years.

Janne Kankaanpää

french men have mostly been losing. the only reason french won in ww1 was others doing the fighting for them. the most famous french soldier is a woman. france is only such country anywhere in the world. and the french men sold her to the enemy to be raped and molested. what would you call such an army?

jens holm

you must be very limided and many things.

Icarus Tanović

definitely “the many things!”.

jens holm

its icaros. you burned a o to a u or what?


france has won more battles and has more military victories then the us.

Janne Kankaanpää

winning against indians, or african/asian countries without proper firearms does not count as a military victory and is not comparable to modern war.


france has been engaging in ‘modern war’ before the us even existed. the french soldiers have over the centuries have done a lot of fighting against peer opponents, the us is to scared of fighting peer opponents.

Heiner C. Sauer

…does macron really want to go to the front?

no worries! he can contact the ukro embassy in paris and in a jiffy, send him to the front!

the russians will receive him there with a funny fireworks display!

he will be as successful as bon apart or the austrian adolf hitler…

jens holm

macron has prosed should and not only frech troops

It ivan

it should be exciting to see europe burn..for the second time i hope so.

jens holm

so far russian has not even met nato.

jens holm

russia humiliate nato —as nazi saxon admits

jens holm

sure. he make us ´almost die laughing.

lucky me. i got a new wife by that.

CEO of Yapping

france was the only country that mention that and all other said no – yes even the us of zionist said no.

Edgar Zetar

that guy of france macron “the children” with the old wife (maybe she is the supreme mother of somekind of secret sect in france), maybe macron is gay or plays both teams. did you realize how macron plays from one side to the other, first macron wanted to be friend of putin and russia, then macron wanted to achieve peace in ukraine and now the same macron says this. how many faces macron had?

CEO of Yapping

he married his teacher (she had two kids before marrying him as well).

tbh a lot people (elites/rich) want nato in ukraine… not just macron and i guess he was just testing the water and got burned.

Edgar Zetar

macron is a politician, he wanted to be at the front to collect more money to himself just like zelensky and most of the western civilization politicians. they don’t care about others, they just pretend to collect more votes and win elections.

Edgar Zetar

and i wont married or even date my teacher, macron is just a child maybe with somekind of edipo’s that felt in love with their own mother. macron is perfect according c.i.a recruiters.

Saxon poko molo

i went to war with taliban and got sodomized


poko male yuri always smrat.

jens holm

poko molo saxón tantrum from her amerikunt trailer

Icarus Tanović

what kind of jokers they are? who the hell you gonna send there? lolololo.

Raptar Driver

isn’t there only one military that is known to have an effective and deployable neutron weapon? one can consider why an entity becomes suicidal, there are many factors. the europeans have become slaves to the united states so they must serve their master with their lives. but why is the master suicidal?

jens holm

thats internal russian know all.

if we are slave, i any time will prefare it for the ussr collepased ussr.

we anytime live longer and better.

you still see the world as stalin created it now added putinisme for internal cotrol.

you hardly has any contact the reast of as well.

globalisme fx is the world. only russia is not there.

Last edited 1 year ago by jens holm
jens holm

saxon poco molo send me taco from nazi amerikunt trailer

Edgar Zetar

jens holms, you live in a fairy tales propaganda world. “we live longer and better”, would you check please the life expectancy in usa now, we are not anymore in the 80’s. gmo food, sintetic food everywhere, mass propaganda and full scale mental disorders in the civil population. about stalin i could say he did not wanted western infiltration, they said stalin was a mass murder (usa anglo dissinformation probably).

jens holm

i dont live in usa and gmo is forbidden in eu.

denmark send for billions of insulinproduct over there and many hints.

we know stalin very well. we are happy because we dont live there. putin unite more the biden as well. even ussr has moved his grave.

but look all over russia its plastered all hardf as well. almost all russians has no real internet fx yandex and vpn.


i will oppose any kind of draft. this ridicioules war has to end at the negotiation table. this nato expansionism and drach nach osten europa ist unslachtbar is total lunacy from our leadership. i oppose a war between nato and russia. i only support peace negotiations to define eachoters bounderies and spheres of influence to restore the balance and status quo. a resumption of friendly and trade relations.


ukraine used to be a bridge between east and west a center of trade and culture. it could have been a wealthy country benefitting from both russian and european trade and influence. rather then the battlefield it is today. we are all victims of the united states and their psychopathic deepstate who have this dumb heartland theory. zbignew brezinski and kissinger are both dead so is david rockefeller. its time to eind their conspiracy. and go for peace instead of coldwar/hotwar over our continent

Edgar Zetar

war is unavoidable at this time, the “scenario or stage” is well prepared in advance. remember potus obumba the nobel peace laureate and their drones of death all over africa, obumba was the speaker of the neocons, during obumba they called themselves the “exceptionals”. war cannot be stopped, just accept and prepare for it.

Last edited 1 year ago by Edgar Zetar

it is avoidable if only that piece of shit rutte gets massive protests and people drag him out of his office and put him on a nuremburg style trial. i dont care if they send in their goonsquads. down with klaus schwab and his world economic forum down with the young global leaders tyrants before its too late. this is not my war these pieces of shit are guilty they provoked it with their expansionist politics. it can only be stopped if they are overthrown before its too late

Edgar Zetar

it won’t happen, everyone is so drunk in the western world zionist propaganda, they made the world this way. to me seems like even the vatican after wwii collaborate with the usa empire in exchange the usa empire build the propaganda surrounded by western catholic christianism and then the zionist and kabbals taked advantage to get to the top as they always did. check the history of western civ, war conquer slain and destroy everyone who is not like them.


hahaha send nato legacy armies to ukraine and they will meet their end. napoleon, the fuhrer and nato destroyed in the east. bring me more popcorn lmao

jens holm

i dont think so. most likely putin will throw nukes for own honor coxas and will moske will be a lake.

none here would have russia. too many russions.

jens holm

its not mee

In the Crumbling Empire

macron made the claim that nato could send troops into ukraine and that they will do what ever it takes to stop russia from winning the war. then the fsb stops a chemical weapons attack from occurring. just what the us and nato need to justify their intervention! there will be many more of these types of provocations, either chemical or nuclear, (dirty bomb or blowing up a npp) until they are successful in order to justify nato entering the war.

jens holm

seemes some chimals and some nukes already has hit you.


if america wants to put europe in nuclear danger they should be nuked instead of france. france is just another us puppet. russia and usa need to fight this war directly this is the only way to end the war before it begins. the usa is used to destroy other nations while watching from afar and once the war is on their own doorstep they might rethink what they are wishing for.

jens holm

sure. we all are pupples according what you are told.

not matter what be prefare to live longer and much better then russians too. and you not even tell better choices. globalisme is all but you too. and you are kept from that too.

right now russia doing its best to destroy a whole country. its not even enough they are collapsed and very poor. nazis are running nothing there.they even have a jews as president.

jens holm

usa is one of 40 nation. some 141 countris has ask russia to step back in un as well.and when asked about here there are not even an infantile fx for revenge.

saxon aka poko molo

my amerikunt trailer broken

Jens Holm

poko mel yuri the trannova yuryevna

captain hohol

nato won’t, that would be national suicide.


nato is many nation’s. what?

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