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NATO Troops In Belgorod Border Attacks – Crawling ‘Barbarossa 2.0’?

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NATO Troops In Belgorod Border Attacks – Crawling 'Barbarossa 2.0'?

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RDK is ideologically based on the WWII-era “Russian Liberation Army” (ROA in Russian) that was directly allied and subordinated to the Wehrmacht during the “Barbarossa” invasion. Considering such historical parallels clearly indicates what similarities there are not only between the current Neo-Nazi junta and their Bandera forefathers, but also between their respective backers.

Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

It has barely been ten days since the previous major attack on Russian border areas, but the Kiev regime launched another one in early June, once again resulting in civilian deaths and dozens of other casualties. Russian media are reporting that the governor of Russia’s Belgorod oblast (region), Vyacheslav Gladkov, stated that this marks the third such incursion, while the relatively regular shelling by the Neo-Nazi junta forces has been ongoing for months, killing at least seven people within last week alone. The Russian military, supported by the FSB and other security services, is conducting “search and destroy” missions in the area, effectively “hunting” what can only be described as terrorists considering their (mis)treatment of civilians.

“I saw the appeal of scoundrels, bastards, murderers and fascists who allegedly want to meet with me, offering a conversation in exchange for prisoners. In fact, a group of saboteurs went in, there is a battle in Novaya Tavolzhanka [border village]. I hope that they will all be destroyed, it cannot be otherwise. Every day civilians die at the hands of these fascists, we bury them every day. Crippled children and dead old people – that’s their handiwork,” governor Gladkov stated, obviously (and rightfully) enraged by the attacks.

Reports indicate that the attacks are being conducted by the so-called “Russian Volunteer Corps” (RDK in Russian), a Neo-Nazi group led by Denis Nikitin, a Russian national fighting for the Kiev regime. However, the question remains, how exactly “Russian” this group is, as the evidence shows a large presence of foreign troops within their ranks, particularly Poles and Americans. The primary reason for naming the group RDK is obviously psychological warfare and subliminal messaging that “so many Russians are against their government that they’re ready to fight in a foreign military against their own country”. Expectedly, support for such people is on a level of statistical error in Russia considering how many foreigners there are in RDK.

Taking this into account, as well as the ever-increasing presence of NATO assets in Ukraine, the latest incursions are very much akin to a crawling “Barbarossa 2.0”, a sort of “mini-invasion” that is aimed to probe and discredit the Russian military and government, as well as stir potential unrest in Russia itself. However, such expectations show just how little the political West knows about the Russian people. The deeply traumatic experience of the Second World War and the unimaginable brutality of the invaders which left an unparalleled trail of deaths and destruction that resulted in nearly 30 million deaths in the former Soviet Union are ingrained in the minds of both regular Russians and the country’s leadership. Thus, military adventurism of this sort gives no advantages to Kiev, but it certainly unites and mobilizes the Russian people.

In addition, the United States has openly stated what its goals in Ukraine are. In the early days of the special military operation (SMO), State Department spokesperson Ned Price admitted that “this is a war that is in many ways bigger than Russia, it’s bigger than Ukraine”. Once again, such statements clearly imply who and for what reasons is pushing virtually all decisions for the Kiev regime. It also makes the idea that the political West supposedly “doesn’t condone attacks on Russia”, as reported by the mainstream propaganda machine, all the more laughable. However, the potential Russian response to such escalation is bound to be anything but a laughing matter. In “poking the bear”, the political West is jeopardizing not just global security, but also its own existence.

The belligerent power pole has long intended to cross all Russian red lines, mistaking Moscow’s stoicism and restraint for weakness. However, Russian patience is most certainly not an endless resource. Between unashamedly Russophobic remarks by Western officials, the Pentagon’s “decapitation strikes” rhetoric and even Joe Biden’s calls for Putin’s removal from power, it would seem that Moscow doesn’t have many reasonable people to talk to in Washington DC. The latest attacks in Belgorod are clear proof that the US has either completely lost control over the Kiev regime (theory pushed by those hopeful there are some reasonable people left within American leadership) or that it not only condones, but actively supports them.

Whichever of the two possibilities is true, at the very least, Washington DC has made it clear multiple times by now that it wants a government change in Moscow, preferably through a violent coup as demonstrated by their support for RDK. This is also seen in the fact that the group is ideologically based on the WWII-era “Russian Liberation Army” (ROA in Russian) that was directly allied and subordinated to the Wehrmacht during the “Barbarossa” invasion. Considering such historical parallels clearly indicates what similarities there are not only between the current Neo-Nazi junta and their Bandera forefathers, but also between their respective backers.


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while ukro goblinas were working in the western porn industry, wagner destroyed more of their goblin men than the size of the entire british army 😂 🤣😂 🤣. when rumors surfaced on some parts of the front, that wagner is going to be deployed to that area, the ukro goblins killed their commander and mutinied 😜 😂


ahahahaha…wrong wagner captured a rashist commander and mutinied him that’s the truth fucking rashist scum!!

Romanian yankee kurwa

under unknown circumstances, colonel oleksandr makaev, head of the department of operational command “south” of the armed forces of ukraine, was debanderized (https://t.me/ukrainian_guide). apparently, there was an arrival at some headquarters or command post.

Last edited 1 year ago by Romanian yankee kurwa

if possible capture a few of these saboteurs i bet most are from western european countries and north america.hand them over to the locals and hang them criminals everyone of them……


avete scoperto pure l” acqua calda ? senza le migliaia di mercenari stranieri privati e statali usa-uk-ue-nato le forze armate ucraine sarebbero state spazzate via a marzo 2022 e la guerra tra ucraina e russia sarebbe finita entro il mese di maggio 2022 !


desperation is a bad adviser. it seems some europeans, the us mutts in ukraine don’t care what will happen if they ask for a nuclear conflict. i’m not religious but if praying would help i would pray my until my hands are falling off. the exceptional stupidity of the europeans is baffling.

V Molotov

chad and jens and sawyer now in group lgbt therapy


to the russian army.

take lots of pictures of the dead pollacks, american$ky and “limey” missing parts, and your raised “middle digit” with a “добро пожаловать” sign encouraging as many to show up as possible!…

always keep in mind the invaluable service you are providing the globe.

Last edited 1 year ago by Matt

1) you are removing a population of sub-human scum that need to be reduced for the betterment of mankind, the rule of law and most importantly improving the gene pool.

2) they will provide great nitrates to the soil for future russian wheat harvests. and when you eat your bread you will say thank you to amerikansky for their sacrifice to your daily “bread”!…

Last edited 1 year ago by Matt

because anyone that can betray their own and the rule of law after 9/11 that gave birth to the patriot acts and the dhs deserve the very worst that can happen “them”!..

Last edited 1 year ago by Matt
Raptar Driver

it should be clear to everyone by now that this war is being fought by nato using a different name….. ukraine.


operation yawnarossa

Lenin the Disgusting Mummified Face

it’s a catch 22. if ukrainian forces are really attacking the russian border at belgorod then the russian army really is the shittiest army in the world.

Last edited 1 year ago by Lenin the Disgusting Mummified Face

time to bomb polak terrorist bases and anglozionazi weapons’ depots throughout polakville, romania and elsewhere. russia must take the initiative and show the natostan trannies that their snake blood will spill for this rump ukrapper slaughter. next up the war mongering nazi scum in ussan occupied germanistan. the world is praying for russia to deliver humanity from these reptilian retard scum. z


“whichever of the two possibilities is true, at the very least, washington dc has made it clear multiple times by now that it wants a government change in moscow, preferably through a violent coup as demonstrated by their support for rdk.” yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn

even as the cadaver-in-chief and his cracked up ho son swirl around the crud caked bowl of the collapsing ussan “culture” of genocide, debt and perversion. flush the anglozionazi shit already. z


it can’t really be compared seriously with operation barbarossa, in which the russians had no nuclear deterrent and the enemy force was drastically larger and more competent. the ukraine proxy war is among the dumbest and most ineffective attempts to wage a war against russia in history, with almost no preparation or advantage in either quantity or quality. the ukrainians are a poultry force and western equipment is rubbish

Gneaus stapo

yeah sure, thats why putins fluffer medwedew keeps talking about nuclear war/ escalation ever since the west send the first helmets and then further equipment . all is crap, but next crap cause armageddon;-) logic is obviously not a russian invention. wait? are there any russian inventions?


the polish are savages who must be treated with ak-47


hunt these nazi rodents down and kill them on sight, no prisoners.

Gneaus stapo

talking like the barbaric flathead u and ur side truely are. time for endlösung der russenfrage, dedumbification and for the worst flatheads a shower indeed.

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