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NATO Troops Start Pouring Into Ukraine

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NATO Troops Start Pouring Into Ukraine

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Written by Eric Zuesse

According to Stephen Bryen, whose extensive experience has been as a U.S. armaments-manufacturing high executive as well as in both the Executive and Legislative ends of the U.S. Government, headlined on April 25th, “NATO is starting to deploy Troops in Ukraine and Russia is Racing to Win”, and he reported:

NATO is starting to deploy combat troops to Ukraine.  They are in uniform and mostly are concentrated in the western part of the country, although in some cases they are close to the actual fighting in the east.  Soldiers from Poland, France, the UK, Finland and other NATO members are arriving in larger numbers.  These troops are not mercenaries.  They wear the flag of their country on their shirts. …

The Biden administration, at least for public consumption, says it opposes sending NATO soldiers to Ukraine. But the truth is, Biden may be waiting for his reelection before he gives the order for US soldiers to fight in Ukraine.  After Biden is reelected, he will have a free hand.  The recent passage of the $60 billion air bill for Ukraine signals that Congress will go along with whatever the Biden administration wants to do “fighting the Russians.” …

Meanwhile NATO is far behind Russia, both in weapons, manpower and industrial might. Furthermore, stockpiles of weapons are very low and equipment supposedly for national defense has been sent to Ukraine, leaving defenses wanting.

The consensus opinion in the US National Security establishment is that Ukraine is losing its war with the Russians and could potentially face the collapse of its army. …

NATO’s plan seems to be to try and ward off disaster by filling in gaps in Ukraine’s forces by importing “advisers,” waiting for the US to commit its army to the battle after the election in November.  The Russians know this and are in a race to try and collapse Ukraine’s army before Biden returns to office, if in fact he does.  If the Russians are successful, a bigger war in Europe will be avoided.  If not, with the introduction of US forces, Europe will be plunged into World War III.

And so too would the U.S.

In short: Ukraine’s war against Russia will soon be a war between Russia and all of these NATO member-nations, not merely against Ukraine.

This will force the issue, because any negotiated end to this war has thereby become impossible: the end of this conflict will be either a U.S.-and-‘allied’ victory and a Russian defeat (so unlikely as to be virtually impossible), or else a Russian victory and a crushing defeat of the entire U.S. empire (leading ultimately to a collapse in the value of the dollar and the bankruptcy of the U.S. Government).

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s latest book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.


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please guys, don’t stop with your bullshit propaganda, it’s so fking hilarious. and now imagine the few simple minded idiots believing this crap 😆😆😆


our eurotard proxies believe everything we say, its the amerikkkan way!

we love nazism and we follow goebbels teachings!

🤡 😆😆😆


like seriously, ‘russian defeat (so unlikely as to be virtually impossible)’ 😂😂. the nazi’s thought the same and look what happened. ruzzians will suffer the same fate even if ukraine falls since russia is on a path of conquest of the former ussr.


if russia loses like many you will not live to tell

Случайный человек

who’s paying you up in washington to write these stupid comments tommy? i get a laugh out of every single one tom!!! keep it up hahaha


yes, we amerikkkans tell you eurotards to send your nazi troops into ukraine, just like adolf did, and you bitches do as we say!

third worldwar on your soil again, guillable clowns! 🤡 😆😆😆


for a time in ww2 the usaf had airbases in ukraine, fighting together with their soviet allies to conduct shuttle bombing missions, where planes would take off from one place and land in another to confuse the nazis, but after a while they were followed by a german reconnaissance plane then bombers arrived the next night.

jens holm

so why are none killed or catched.

when you try to find something in your dark infected behind, you at least could try using a candle.🦽🦽🦽

Last edited 9 months ago by jens holm

you certainly are a pro when it comes to the pooper!

clown 🤡 😆😆😆


my behind is kept free from undesirable things, thank you for your concern. the americans were unhappy with the performance of the russian air defense, but as the russians were also there getting bombed it was clearly not intentional.

jens holm

if you place twenty-five øre coin in my mouth, you can use a candle in my dark infected behind.

Moshe Dayan

strike their criminal shepherds and scatter their flocks. send them to hades where they belong. there is no remorse for people who have evil intentions.


we amerikkkans will keep supporting our proxy nazis until the eu as a direct competitor is no more!

eurotards so stupid fell directly into our trap. 🤡 😆😆😆

Massa John

on the bright side – if everything adds-up, nobody will ever check your drivers licence again and all of us are going to get those maschine-guns with grenade launchers or fly something with fixed wings or even better…we are going to be generals….


nothing better than find coward masochist amerikan mercenary sent to lucifer

Last edited 9 months ago by Shaman
jens holm

total internal proganda for keeping russsians in line 🎈🎈🎈


remember to keep those swastikas on your planes little danish nazi!

amerikkka über alles ja! 🤡 😆😆😆


corect and realistic geopolitical assesment. it’s a tragedy for the ukrainian people.and it can became also for the moldavians,romanians,poles and baltic people.


we amerikkkans dont care about you ukrainian people. even less for the yapping balts or the scandinavian inbreds! you are all nothing more then throwaway proxies for us, the same nazi force we used back in the past.

and you will once again get another world war on your soil, because you follow our propaganda like good little bitches!

usa! usa! usa! eu=🤡 😆😆😆

The US Empire Of Misery

i think this year we will see the use of tactical nuclear weapons in ukraine.


hopefully in kiev


“biden may be waiting for his reelection before he gives the order for us soldiers to fight in ukraine.” “biden” does not even know when his diaper is full. as for chucking $lumville mercenaries into the rump ukrapper dumpster fire, has the “expert” forgotten about the disastrous 20 year rout at the hands of sandal sporting camel and goat herders in afghanistan? the only war pentacon kill industries inc has left to fight is the upcoming civil war reloaded in drug-addled $lumville itself.

Edgar Zetar

hahahaha you are the man martillo, hit them hard

Moshe Dayan

shumer eats whole load of feces from biden diaper for delicious nutty flavors

Crocus Shooting Gallery

the allies are shitting all over little vlad’s “red lines” again!!!



as i said before, we are the axis. nazi germany under our umbrella! learn to be factual stupid british yapping dog!

heil amerikkka! 🤡 😆😆😆


how many dead ukrainians, how much territory lost by the failed ukrainian cia project, and how many refugees have fled the ukraine since the 2014 us coup in kiev?

Moshe Dayan

the allies are eating the shittings of the russian armed forces as good supply of food better than gmo poison food of gates and others. gives nato leaders healthy brown hair color for showering with young men in big groups of impressing boyfriends.


avvisate la nato che se parteciperà attivamente nel conflitto di passare dall’oculista e prenotare nuovi occhi satellitari !

WT Baker

the anglophile financial system is hopelessly bankrupt; has been for some time now. remember the quantitative easing in the us? well that should have been a red flag. the anglosphere is finished and due to its satanic nature will destroy mankind in any way they possibly can. they must be stopped.

Edgar Zetar

shame on the children of the western civilization a.k.a the generations created and raised under the full influence of usa anglo zionist empire. we should never expect something good from europe, remember who started both world wars? if the sword is going to be, guess the russians are already prepared to fight all and even their masters in the other side of the atlantic, nato just had toy weapons, wait till u.s.a enters war and you will see the masters only sells toy weapons to their childrens.

Edgar Zetar

history would tell the truth, maybe in a hundred years our childrens would read about the hegemon did in this century and the wars he created to try to take over all of us and slave us (hopefully would read in chinese or russian or another asian language and not in english).


the only important question is if the usa believes if russia will nuke them. if the answer is no they will go all in. russia should have destroyed the us forces the moment they entered syria or crushed the georgians fully when they were the first ones send by the usa to test the russian capabillitys. the only other way would be to go the yelzin way and become a tool for the west like ukraine is.


what is “all in” by the americans? they had their hands full in grenada.

Edgar Zetar

wrong. usa is too big, is #1 by far, the thing is usa controlled all western world but in the shadows, hidden from their colonials and lackeys childrens. russia could not do anything, even china is careful to not directly go against the supreme hegemon. russia is growing slowly but constantly, because they know the hidden empire is collapsing.

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