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NATO Waships Reportedly Move Closer To Syrian Coast Amid Escalating Situation Over Militants In Idlib

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NATO Waships Reportedly Move Closer To Syrian Coast Amid Escalating Situation Over Militants In Idlib


NATO is building up its naval presence in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea as the US, Britain and France are preparing to respond to an alleged incoming chemical attack on Idlib by Syrian forces, according to Sputnik, citing media reports said based on Western websites monitoring naval activity in the region, on September 17th.

Warships from NATO’s 2nd Standing Maritime Group are patrolling Eastern Mediterranean waters close to Syria, according to the cited reports.

The NATO flotilla cruising off the Syrian coast reportedly consists of a Dutch frigate, the De Ruyter, a Canadian frigate, the Ville de Quebec, and a Greek cruiser, the Elli.

Sputnik also cited Commander Harold Liebregs, the captain of the Dutch Frigate, who in his microblog confirmed the movement.

Sputnik further cites earlier reports of US Navy movements. According to them Los Angeles-Class US submarine, the USS Newport News, armed with Tomahawk cruise missiles, has entered the Mediterranean Sea to join a US naval task force consisting of two nuclear submarines with cruise missiles on board and two Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyers, the USS Carney and the USS Ross.

These developments come after WSJ, on September 9th cited anonymous US officials who claimed that new US intelligence has revealed that Assad plans to use chlorine gas in Idlib. It also wasn’t clear whether Assad had allowed the use of sarin gas by Syrian forces, the deadly nerve agent allegedly used several times in previous Syrian attacks on militant-held areas. This US intelligence, disclosed by unnamed US officials comes after on August 25th the Russian Defense Ministry warned of a staged chemical attack by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, who received chlorine gas, delivered to them by the White Helmets “rescue group.”

The US, UK and France have vowed a response to any chemical attack carried out in Idlib.

On the same day, during a UN Security Council briefing, US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley accused Russian and Syrian forces of attacking schools and killing civilians, under the pretext that they are attacking terrorist targets. She did not, however, provide any facts or evidence to support her accusations.

Furthermore, on September 12th, in an interview with Fox News Nikki Haley claimed that US and its allies, most members of the UN Security Council, would “address” any attack on civilians in Syria’s Idlib province, not just a chemical attack.

On September 14th, Moscow announced the postponement of a planned joint offensive by Syrian and Russian government forces in Syria’s Idlib province. The decision came after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan met Russian and Iranian leaders Vladimir Putin and Hassan Rouhani in Tehran on September 7th to discuss Syria.

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Atlanta Bill

Sink the Bismarck!


The NATO flotilla cruising off the Syrian coast reportedly consists of a Dutch frigate, the De Ruyter, a Canadian frigate, the Ville de Quebec, and a Greek cruiser, the Elli…

Russia Sink the Whole NATO Fleet when they fire a Single Rocket….That will be a Clear Signal to this Treacherous Scum…make’m cry for their mommies…


Nope won’t happen. The US plan is to drive a wedge between Europe and Russia, so the US will maintain its control of Europe. Russia will not fall for this very obvious American trap. Russia will allow the Europeans to kill innocent civilians, Russia is not the global cop.


Too Bad no one is going to Sink these Traitors….


Once America is out of the way, the rule of law will come back into force. War crimes are a life sentence.

AND, why did the US need to press gang these other nations?

Every month they have to spend more money, to keep the price of gold down, and the price of shares up. They can’t keep the charade going for much longer.

Dušan Mirić


Peter Jennings

It sounds like a rag-tag bunch. Maybe the Canadian, Greece and Dutch vessels are just there to draw fire or support, such as pick US sailors out of the water.

All need to be careful as the rabid isreali regime have a bad habit of attacking anything and everything. Maybe a new USS Liberty is just over the horizon.


Imperialists, you are going go to the battle field, it’s you that are going to die, pi, period. You are so powerful as MacCain shot down by Ho Chi Minh…and…well….be wise, or smart as the dogs, because there will be always Ho Chi Minhs, or Spartacus, but sons of a bitch assassins as MaCain really don’t exist. That piece of shit was a zombie since Vietnam didn’t hang him. I’m no going to protest, life is life. but I hope that some human brothers, bombed by McCain, will claim their compensations (not in dollars, it’s onlty paper)

Gregory Casey

Don’t forget …….. the Brits have sent a Submarine & the French have sent a Submarine. Apparently. Doesn’t matter: they too will be blown out of the water.

Brother Thomas

This is how bullies typically behave: they band together to boost their courage, generally the too-large-for-his age lead bully, and 2-3 of his lackey hanger-ons.


Yes, but I think the US cannot afford a big naval presence. Usually the US will show up with 20 or more ships, when only one or 2 could do the job. The Americans like putting on a big show, bring reporters onto the carriers, and display their plumage like a peacock. But not this time, the fleet’s are in port in the US, they are broke.


Obviously the planned NATO gas attack against civilians in Syria is scheduled to occur quite soon. One of these days, the politicians and the officers involved in this war crime will face the hangman.




Well if you see the Russians removing their ships from Tartus naval base and Taurus becomes almost empty that’s the SIGN that the US and buddies will strike, because that happened this April this year, don’t remember about the 2017 then, but this April when the Americans were sure to attack, 1 day prior to the attack from the US, UK and the French all Russian ships were removed and then they attacked, I guess they were informed both sides US and RU they are keeping safe channels, and what Russia did remove all ships and then the US attacked Syria for second time with 100+ Cruise Missiles. So if you see anytime same thing like Russia moves ships it is a Highly Likely that the US will attack. But why the Russians removed all their hardware from Tartus that’s the question that bothers me. Maybe for safe reasons that no Russian personal be harmed in such an action. Who knows? But the same technique will apply if Western bitches start to attack!

Jens Holm

I saw ysterday or something, that the arrack plan on the Idlibs should be too dangerous as it was. Therefore they would do nothing – for the moment.

By that it make sense Russians get home – for the moment.

Russia, Syria and Turkey dont know what they are doing – how when why is do totally forgotten for years.

They only know killing – even each other -5 armies are lined up and only make selfdestruction.

They have no pland for the future apart from killing. Almost none here comment facts like that. All is abut killing each other incl all civilians whatever the children wear white helmets or not.

How can any in the normal world even understand that. Almost all confirms, what I was blamed for in Denmark:I knew nothing – Well, thats correct. It is much worse. You dont have structures, culture and even religion to handle Yourself.

The joke of last week was Assads had elections. hahahahahah.


Stop smoking crack

Jens Holm

Well, we are not censured here in Denmark about it, and our brains certainly has less bad temper. Seemes we are raised different as well.

How bright is it 5 armies are like moskitos to a candle in Islib and forget how Russia not lang ago had 25 ships – and then 4 Natos are the whole fleet of them.

Thats splutnik telling You, that should have or have no memeory making dirt into first class.


Yea raised different is right..

Promitheas Apollonious

how ever you been raised, is not an excuse not to have common sense and process of elimination within.



Promitheas Apollonious

bullshitting is a family trade or is just your unique quality?

Vince Dhimos

Yes, it is clear there was Russian-US/NATO coordination last April.


Well whenever there is trouble, warships put to sea, sitting in port is just asking to get hit. Soon the moon will expose the American bombers, the US will have to attack within the next few days, or wait until the next new moon.


Hey West…Assad and Russia will give you Two Choices in Idlib: Option One: They kill everybody…. Option Two: If you want to protect your Headchoppers in Idlib then take All those people you think are Nice and take’m to your Own Countries…


Interesting…. So is NATO there to protect Turkey & US terrorist assets in Syria? I’ve often wondered why Erdogan, after being treated like he has been by the US, refuses to give up his NATO membership. It looks like blood suckers will remain blood suckers, for they can’t change their plumage.

p.s. Everyone should remember how NATO, the US Empire’s army of European vassals, sought to defend terrorists next time they start crying about a terrorist attack in the West.


Every Terrorist-Attack is an Operation Gladio False Flag Attack until Proven Otherwise…Already many Headchoppers returned to their Original Countries through the “Turkey Corridor”… so a lot of Fun in Europe to be expected…

Peter Jennings

Lots of bored disgruntled jihadist roaming the streets of europe. What could go wrong? But don’t worry people, our leaders are safe behind lots of security. Phew! we can all sleep better now knowing that they are safe. No jihadi tunnels linking their public funded housing underneath their properties for them.


A car parked into a couple of shopping Folks… a couple of stabbings or Axe-Attacks… a Subway or sum buses blown to pieces here & there…or sum Hostage-Taking…Emptying a Kalashnikov at a Concert….yeah these things might happen occasionally…but hey Terrorists need their bit of entertainment too…


I agree, Beslan 2004 is a good example


“Osama Bin Laden brought in another Saudi, Ibn al-Khattab, to become Commander, or Emir of Jihadist Mujahideen in Chechnya together with Chechen warlord Shamil Basayev.”

The Famous Shamil Basayev of Beslan…We all Know that the CIA sponsored the Mujahideen right? So the CIA is Responsible for the Deaths of those Kids….





But every Terrorist-Attack is an Operation Gladio False Flag Attack until Proven Otherwise..


Beslan was a Western supported Operation Gladio Attack….See Promitheas Apollonious…. Every Terrorist is a Western supported Terrorist….Divide et Impera…


And what did they achieve or planned to achieve with that?


Creating Chaos….Divide et Impera…Bring in their New World Order…


There is no such things as ‘chaos’. It’s a religious term. What Beslan op achieved was that international opinion turned 100% against the Chechens so this is a solid reason to be considered an inside job.

Promitheas Apollonious

the ones who financed the Beslan atrocity are the lions club (masons one of the undertakers of loyds) with the joker of georgia as the middle man so you know.


Merijn, the Oghuz problem on that thing called Turkey is that they real no have a country, and the idiots are trying to contagiate not only their cousins Azeris and Turkmens (of Turkmenistan), but also want to retake Crimea and conquer a piece of China!

Nigel Maund

Great suggestion as they are already tearing Europe apart! God knows what would happen if they imported them all into the USA!!


Give a map with Europe, so I can understand you. Em português: acho que não sabes a quantas andas, ó pequenote. Que raio de nacionalidade é a tua’


What tells you that this will be Russia’s warning?


They want to Destroy Headchoppers that otherwise for sure will pop up in Russia for some Attacks….so either they fight them in Syria or on their own Turf… but if Europe or America wants to have’m…they can take’m…

Jens Holm

As I recall ir, rgw russians has/had 25 and Turey a few.

The build up is by the russians during times. Typical Plutnik maniplutnik.

Certainly inflation below in several comments = comics.

Joe Doe

Syria had its chance to liberate Idlib in 2016, but they screw up, now they will have huge problem with Idlib

Vince Dhimos

It would be good if China could help out now.


I think China has been helping all along, not militarily, but financially.


Yap, the more, the marrier, isn’t it? Then we have a world war, not a local conflict. How nice. Deep state has been pushing for it for years.

Nigel Maund

Here we go again!! FALSE FLAG ATTACK PER (AS PER USUAL A CHEMICAL WEAPONS “ATTACK” INSTIGATED BY THE WHITE HELMETS AND CIA / BRITISH SIS). The Western MSM will of course scream about evil Assad and also demonize the Iranians and Russians. getting their manufactured Causus Belli just like Afghanistan (911 False Flag) and Iraq (911 False Flag). The entire stinking thing is so sickeningly predictable because its following the same formula the US – UK has used since WW2 and increasingly in recent years.


Well, the war goes on, as against Hitler, and in that time was “you will not pass”, but now is much more bad. No chance beasts. Take care as survival animals (the greenbus to somewhere)-

Brothers of special troops, we like to believe that we are the bests, so, lets practice, can you. or you are just Nato’s beasts?

Dušan Mirić

Andrei Martyanov recently wrote that Russia is working overtime to beef up Syrian air defense. I hope a few Bastion or similar missiles were part of delivery packages

Gregory Casey

S-300’s & 400’s have been deployed widely across Syria by Russia & Syria over past 4 – 5 months

Gregory Casey

The People of Europe and specifically, the Germans, Italians, French, Dutch, Belgians, Norwegians and English (NATO) really need to question what their Governments have been a party to in Libya and Syria. Moreover, these People need to seriously question their National & International Media that told the People that intervention in Libya and Syria would be “Good” ‘cos such intervention would remover “Bad” Leaders ………. Muammar Gaddafi and al-Assad and allow for creation of “Democracy” in those Countries. Now, Europe is overrun with Refugees from Syria & N Africa (in addition to Pakistan & Afghanistan & Iraq), Refugees that would never have even bothered to consider moving from Syria or Libya BUT for the Wars inflicted upon their Countries and Peoples by the unanswerable unelected military-industrial complex together with their favourite war-mongering Elected Pols. It is long past time for the People of Europe to rise up and remove both those Governments and each and every CEO / Financial Officer / Director and/or Board Member together with those in the Banks and Armaments Manufacturers who have been fuelling the fires of WAR WAR WAR.

Jürgen Hartig

“The People of Europe and specifically, the Germans, Italians, French, Dutch, Belgians, Norwegians and English (NATO) really need to question what their Governments have been a party to…” THEIR Governments? Maybe u forgot the more than 100 US-Military bases in Europe + UCC’s (AFRICOM, EUCOM) stationed in Germany, additional in Germany – excerpt Wiki: “In April 2015, The Intercept reported in collaboration with Der Spiegel that a U.S. military base in Ramstein, Germany, serves as the “high-tech heart” of America’s drone program. Ramstein is the site of a satellite relay station that enables drone operators in the American southwest to communicate with their remote aircraft in Yemen, Somalia, Afghanistan, and other targeted countries. The Intercept cited a top-secret document and a confidential source, who said that “Ramstein carries the signal to tell the drone what to do and it returns the display of what the drone sees. Without Ramstein, drones could not function, at least not as they do now.” [27][28][29][30]”. ………

Gregory Casey

Oh …….. I forgot!! How could I …. Burn the Media …… written, visual & aural and lock up ALL Commentators and Features writers together with Directors and Board Members Editors, News Managers and other people who lie for a living and throw away the keys for 15 – 20 years.

Gregory Casey

A new and honest free media will emerge!!


Another day, another misspelled title… “NATO WASHIPS”

Gregory Casey

So common as to be un-pass-remarkable

Ray Douglas

There is only so long that Russia can put off confronting the yanks. That time is very close.



Promitheas Apollonious

closer as coming within range of the anti ship missiles of Syria or closer as hiding behind Italy well out of range? as the last times.


“the captain of the Dutch Frigate, who in his microblog” somebody save the captain, he’s trapped inside a microblog!


What is a Waship?


Chinese for Warship….Chinese can’t pronounce the “R”

Promitheas Apollonious

nope is dutch pronunciation, when they high on weed.


Only Russian Spies smoke weed….when they are on assignment… We the Dutch Export Pick-Up Trucks to Moderate Headchoppers… Financed with legal Tax-Money….so nothing wrong there…

Promitheas Apollonious

well…. you set me right now and I stand corrected. My bad will try to be more accurate in future. :-)

Promitheas Apollonious

p.s. my best friends are dutch, so dont take me wrong, when I joke about certain things.


Hehehe….I didn’t feel offended….


They wouls say walship. Leally!


Good, we have to boost the popular voice in all that thing, well, called West. The worst enemy of the humans its an insider: he is the BOSS!

Tom Tom

Nikki Haley and her neocon buddies in both parties just got checked by Russia/Turkey/Syria. Demilitarized zone, LOL.

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