Three Bundeswehr soldiers have been wounded by Lithuanian mechanized troops, who opened mortar fire on them during the Iron Sword 2016 military exercises.

Photo: RIA Novosti / Sergey Stepanov
Lithuanian mechanized troops opened mortar fire on German observers during the Iron Sword 2016 military exercises of NATO troops, the Baltnews news portal reported, citing the Lithuanian Defense Ministry. As a result, three Bundeswehr soldiers got contused wounds of varying severity.
The incident took place at the firing range named after General Silvestras Zukauskas, located near Pabrade. Victims were handed to military doctors and then taken to a hospital in Vilnius. The Lithuanian military police is currently investigating the incident.
The Iron Sword 2016 military exercises, in which about 4,000 servicemen from 11 NATO countries are taking part, were started on November 20. Reportedly, the allies practice to perfection defense of an inhabited locality and a following offensive.
The Lithuania’s national security concept involves holding of strong points and transportation nodes for 48 hours, then getting help from NATO allies, changing over to the offensive and expulsion of an aggressor from the territory of the country.
Fire! Aim! Ready!
NATO precission munitions everybody!
That last bit is the truly comical part:having been invaded by Russia, Lithuania will be ready to go over to the offensive in 48 hours!