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MARCH 2025

Navalny Poisoning: Recovered Bottle With ‘Novichok’ And Nordstream 2  

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Navalny Poisoning: Recovered Bottle With 'Novichok' And Nordstream 2  

The real target of the ‘Navalny Poisoning’?

After having miraculously survived an alleged assassination attempt, Russian opposition personality Alexei Navalny returned to the headlines on Thursday following claims that he has evidence that he was poisoned with Novichok. The claims were made in the midst of a political and media hysteria in Europe and the US being fomented to urge more sanctions against Russia and, in particular, to ban the Nordstream II gas pipeline project between Germany and Russia

Western governments and media outlets have formed a chorus claiming that the Russian government has used Novichok, a toxic nerve agent, to poison political opposition personality Alexei Navalny, following on from earlier accusations that another critic of the Russian government, Sergei Skripal, was also poisoned. Both survived the alleged assassination attempts.

Initially, Navalny supporters claimed he may have been poisoned after drinking a cup of tea at the airport. But now it’s claimed that he was poisoned by a water bottle from his hotel room. The story has mutated considerably over time.

Navalny Poisoning: Recovered Bottle With 'Novichok' And Nordstream 2  

An alleged bottle with Novichok

As Zero Hedge reports, according to Navalny’s allegations they discovered the container in which the Novichok was put in the following manner.

“It was decided to gather up everything that could even hypothetically be useful and hand it to the doctors in Germany. The fact that the case would not be investigated in Russia was quite obvious,” the post said.

It showed his team bagging several empty bottles of “Holy Spring” mineral water, among other items, while wearing protective gloves.

“Two weeks later, a German laboratory found traces of Novichok precisely on the bottle of water from the Tomsk hotel room,” the post said.

“And then more laboratories that took analyses from Alexei confirmed that that was what poisoned Navalny. Now we understand: it was done before he left his hotel room to go to the airport.”

How Navalny’s teammates survived after the contact with a bottle with ‘Novichok’ remains a secret. Probably, they, as well as their leader, are de-facto immune to the deadliest ‘chemical weapons’ of the Kremlin.

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Откуда взялась злосчастная бутылка? Давайте объясним, откуда взялось то, про что нам непрерывно задают вопросы. Так называемая “бутылка с «Новичком»”, ну, а точнее, обычная пластиковая бутылка из-под воды, на которой потом в немецкой лаборатории обнаружили следы боевого отравляющего вещества.  Это бутылка из номера в томской гостинице, где останавливался сам Навальный и вся наша съемочная группа.  Перенесемся обратно в 20 августа. В этот день часть нашей команды улетела в Москву, часть осталась в Томске доделывать видео. В полете Алексей потерял сознание и начал задыхаться, самолёт экстренно сел. Почти сразу сотрудники ФБК, которые остались в Томске, узнали о случившемся. В этот момент была сделана единственно возможная вещь. Они вызвали адвоката, поднялись в номер, из которого только что выехал Навальный, и начали фиксировать, описывать и упаковывать все, что там нашли. В том числе, и бутылки из-под гостиничной воды.  Как это происходило, вы можете посмотреть на этом видео.  Никакой особой надежды что-то такое обнаружить не было. Но поскольку нам было абсолютно ясно, что Навальный не “слегка заболел”, не “перегрелся” и Рафаэлкой здесь не поможешь, было решено забрать все, что может хоть как-то гипотетически пригодиться, и передать это врачам в Германии. То, что дело расследовать в России не будут, тоже было достаточно очевидно. Так и вышло: прошел почти месяц, Россия так и не признала отравление Алексея. Спустя две недели именно на бутылке из томского номера немецкая лаборатория обнаружила следы «Новичка». А потом еще две лаборатории, которые брали анализы у Алексея, подтвердили, что Навальный был отравлен именно им. Теперь мы понимаем: это было сделано до того, как он покинул свой номер, чтобы поехать в аэропорт. Сегодня в 20.00 в передаче «Россия Будущего» на ютюб-канале Навальный LIVE Георгий Албуров @alburov расскажет подробности.

A post shared by Алексей Навальный (@navalny) on

On Thursday the European Parliament passed a resolution requesting an international probe into the Navalny incident. The political manoeuvre followed comments by the EU’s top diplomat, Josep Borrell, who supported calls for the imposition of a new set of sanctions on Russia.

The campaign for additional sanctions against Russia before any actual investigation has been completed into the poisoning claims, much less an investigation of who might have been the perpetrators, clearly shows that Brussels is not interested in establishing the truth but is instead seeking a pretext to further damage relations between Europe and Russia, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said.

Russia’s permanent representative to the EU, Aleksey Chizhov, said the resolution appeared to be extremely rushed and contained some elemental factual mistakes. Squarely calling the Navalny affair a “poisoning” shows the EU is trying to blame Russia for the incident instead of finding out what exactly happened, the diplomat said, adding that “Russia will find a way to retaliate if the EU decides to implement sanctions.” LINK

The resolution passed on Thursday called on European Union member states to “continue to isolate Russia in international forums,” encouraging the European Council “to prioritize the approval of the EU Magnitsky-style human rights sanctions” against what it called “the Russian regime.” The ‘Magnitsky’ sanctions are named after a Russian tax auditor, and associate of American-turned-British billionaire Bill Browder, who died in a Moscow prison in 2009.

532 MEPs voted for the resolution, 84 were against and 72 abstained. A total of 688 out of the registered 705 MEPs took part in the voting. The resolution is advisory in nature and not legally binding, intended to provide policy recommendations for EU governments.

“It is necessary to immediately start an international investigation, with the participation of the EU, United Nations, Council of Europe and the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons,” the resolution states. It names Alexey Navalny as “a leading Russian opposition politician, lawyer, blogger and anti-corruption activist” who has become “one of the few effective leaders of the Russian opposition.”

In addition to damaging Europe-Russia relations generally, it now appears that the main objective of the allegations surrounding the incident is to use it as a pretext to block the completion and commissioning of the Nord Stream II gas pipeline, as the European Parliament resolution also reiterated its “previous position to halt the Nord Stream 2 project.” LINK

A report at Oilprice.com notes that:

The U.S., several European countries, including the Baltic states and Poland, as well as the European Union (EU), have expressed concern about Russia using gas sales and its gas monopoly Gazprom as a political tool.

The US and its collaborators in the campaign to block Nord Stream II (and, coincidentally, instead supply Europe with much more expensive gas from the US) have also been recruiting support from opposition groups in countries where the government has not joined their campaign. The supposedly isolated events and incidents are converging just in time for an EU summit next week which could be crucial to the prospects of the Nord Stream 2 project in the immediate future.

An article at Global Research commented of the latest rush of demands for more sanctions against Russia:

Last December, German Foreign Minister Heiko Mass said “European energy policy is decided in Europe, not the United States. We reject any outside interventions and extraterritorial sanctions.”

Did the novichok poisoning of Putin critic Alexey Navalny hoax change things?

During a September 24 – 25 summit of EU leaders, the future of Nord Stream 2 will be discussed.

Ahead of the summit, Merkel’s government offered to invest around one billion euros (about $1.2 billion) in construction of two terminals in Germany for US LNG…

According to the German news outlet Die Zeit, German Vice Chancellor and Finance Minister Olaf Scholz sent a letter to US Treasury Secretary Mnunchin in August with the proposal:

“In exchange (for Berlin’s proposed LNG investment), the US will allow unobstructed finalization and use of Nord Stream 2,” adding:

“(E)xisting legal options for (challenging US) sanctions (on firms involved in the project) have not been exhausted yet.”

Proposed German LNG terminals would be built in Brunsbuttel and Wilhelmshaven.

Berlin’s proposal also included a gas transit contract for Ukraine and financing of a terminal for Poland’s use of US LNG.

Following the Navalny incident, opinion on completing Nord Stream 2 in Germany is divided.

Although Merkel still supports the project, as evidenced by her government’s offer to build two terminals for US LNG in exchange for dropping sanctions on the pipeline by the US, German media reports that Merkel has said a final decision on Nord Stream 2 has not been made following the Navalny incident.

When the US imposed additional sanctions on companies involved in the project earlier this year, Gazprom CEO Alexey Miller said Russia will complete construction of the project on its own if necessary, and that it is expected to be operational early next year.


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Lone Ranger

Unelected soros cucks/traitors/cia dick munchers… Would be time for them to grow a spine…

Jens Holm

Mossad Zorro is here. No more curly hair and well camouflages as women, so even being alone near You, he will never be raped.


Lone Ranger

Cool intro Jens, I guess another one of your routines from the local isis club in Kopenhagen…

cechas vodobenikov

she is a potato eater from arhaus

Jens Holm

Thats not the worst You can be.

cechas vodobenikov

true–do u eat deermo?


Jens is not a potato eater, Jens is a shiteater.

cechas vodobenikov

he is remarkable—it seems he is always wrong—even Tommy is sometimes correct

Jens Holm

Thats right. We feed them well buyour social security system. And when they becomes fat and slow and cant camouflage themselves anymore even in out biggest holes in the roads, we make them into soap.

Wee save many tons of phosfat every year, which is very good for the inviromenet.

Lone Ranger


Jens Holm

And the leftovers are very skinny and hairy and we sell many of them as pipecleaners alll over ME too.

Lone Ranger

LSD is a hell of a drug…

Fog of War

Don’t disparage LSD. If Jens was actually on it the sad thing would make a lot more sense.

Lone Ranger

He is on something heavy duty, thats for sure…

Lone Ranger

This nerve agent acts in seconds and its 100%. Deadly. So how did he manage to get to the airport alive? How did he survive? How come other passangers werent harmed. How comes his autistic team werent harmed? How comes two Russian laboratories found nothing? How comes the inventor of this nerve agent who is living in the U.S. nowdays by the way says its BS…? CIA and MI6 starting to sink to Poletard/Baltic trash/ukropnazi level… Maybe they shouldnt hire faglets like Windman…

Nikola S

Yep, he easily survived this super powerful poison, which is at the same time completely useless, but at the same time they keep using it for whatever reason. Because illogical + illogical + illogical = logical for western media and politicians.

Also, first they claimed he was poisoned after drinking cup of tea at the airport (directly infront of cameras, how very convenient to show exact moment of his ‘poisoning’). But after how many days, weeks, they changed their story completely: now they ‘returned’ to his hotel room (checked out already but who cares), after how many hours? Yet no one bother to clean the room, housekeepers obviously don’t clean rooms for the next guest in russian hotels, and not even these ‘poisoners’ bother to remove the evidence. Nah, Navalny’s buttbuddies easily found ‘smoking gun’ and probably Putin’s photo right next to those bottles with a note: Yes I Putin did it, now please can I have more sanctions.

It’s all beyond stupid, ridiculous, laughable… Yet, they keep repeating it. Big Lie. “The English follow the principle that when one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it. They keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous.”

Jens Holm

Far out comment from You. Maybee You as a minimum should read about the poison.

Telling everything is “novichock” accusations also is not true. Its about 4 persons.

There was an Ukrainian politicians, which was given poison. That was not “Novi”.

And as usual we in the west lie all the time and Russians and affiliates never do. I read that song right here every day as well as USA will collpase tomorrow.

You are sick and hardly know to see whats true or not in Your own selfcreated deep dark state. It semes as if You run Your countries like that too.


Retard, your monkey brain is “sick” and already decomposed, wtf are you babbling again? Truth? You don’t even know what the word truth means, you pathetic asslicking slave, nor you deserve truth. You deserve to eat american shit as usual. “deep dark state’? Definition of the US. Now go back to deep dark nato-nazi anUS and stay there. And stop bothering me with you imbecilic gibberish and retarded spam, or at least learn proper english, any english, I doubt you can speak danish. You fucking retard.

Me&Myself None

I am starting to think that the EU did the whole Navalny affair toward accomplishing this goal. They wanted to stop this project but didn’t know how to do it, therefore, they created this false flag opportunity. If they cancel this project, that would prove my point.

Jens Holm

Maybee You should start reading about the decission proces for Norstream 2 and include the players. The majority of the EU members are for it, because we so far need that kind of energy. The biggest companies here in EU are included in the ownership as well as being connecters to the pipeline net of today. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8fce8d3c486f0f4db5c211a8f5d25abab5f27765c3f4125297048c62b124e90f.jpg

Denmark is/are against is beause it will delay needed structurel changes. USA is against it because they thing Russia gets too much influence.

I winder You can write that much even You know that little.

cechas vodobenikov

u really r spectacularly stupid—an under socialized primitive—USA is aware that their LNG is inferior and far more expensive than Russian gas

Jens Holm

The gas price dont bother them is those matters. It bothers them Russia has an income by selling gas and oil to EU, and we are dependent.

By that their boycut is less effective. EU onlyhas a selective boycut.

If needed, they have promised the same for Ukraine.

I already know I am not sdtupid about this and several other things. I even has papers for some of it.

cechas vodobenikov

your stupidity is remarkable—the USSR sold gas to Western Europe and the USA never complained about “dependence” then—obviously…the US was required to import most of their gas from Canada…. “we are never deceived; we deceive ourselves”. Goethe u r an expert in self deception

Daily Beatings

Everything Jens posts is nonsense. Somebody hands him a memo with talking points and like a good little monkey he repeats it. JIDF must have lowered their standards because we haven’t had quality shilling for quite some time.


Putin on Jormungandr:))) thats funny

Arthur Deodat Jr.

Have they found any russian passports of KGB poisoners? They must have been in drawer under the desk. I love this farytales…

Fog of War

Its most likely even worse, they probably wanted Russia to waste a lot of money also.

Lone Ranger

Russia should let them freeze to death on imaginary freedom gas from the U.S. HumplyTrumply would probably collect the money in advance than say sorry guys… We are out of gas. Russia delivered gas to the UK and U.S. last winter… Let that sink in for a moment…

Icarus Tanović

Construction won’t be stopped.


Water bottles spotted in motel room. The part time maid was identified as Jensi. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/73051cbfd4f1618b464d8adaefe1f574262220d53042ac972b3f2ee5ca272b06.jpg

Jens Holm

And here are pictures from the latest negosiations in Suchi between Turks and Russians. Saudis was there camouflaged as Wasabees even they are Wahabits. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d3744fd1a65d0bcfb153fb715b58c02aaa838eabe1422e0527103f5b46e63b2d.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/35fd87d887a06ac09372ade7c096bc7c474aa539ac66a0ac4b527bb6b7ba05a2.jpg

Jens Holm

It was sunday. Normally Jesus makes water into wine for me. If I should vote between Muhammed and Jesus, Jesus makes miracles and is number one.

Lazy Gamer

Russia should have sent a team to double check every procedure when they released Navalny. The table and the whole room should now be examimed for traces under video recording or credible 3rd party observation.

Jens Holm

YOu can read it right here: There is no 3rd party if You have the Russian perspective. We see the same again and again. Used gas in Syria was not possible to get into and take samples. The Russians blocked the area for weeks.

They and Assads even denied anyone was hurt or died even several videos and pictures showed what had happend – even we didnt know who did at thime.

Rapports telling that Jihadists could not spread out a lot of gas in 22 of 27 rapported attacks was denied by akk possible and impossible reasons.

Daily Beatings

OPCW whistler-blowers put that charade to rest:


Every time you post you make a fool out of yourself. You’re a mendacious piece of garbage.

Daily Beatings

OPCW whistle-blowers put that charade to rest:


Every time you post you make a fool out of yourself. You’re a mendacious piece of garbage.

Jens Holm

Again very biased selective information. You write about an example, where experts were not allowed to come in even after weeks.

Anybody in that time could have done anything there even starting to grow potatoes.

Daily Beatings

Documented evidence and facts seem to elude you over and over because you’re just trying to gaslight everyone here. It’s so obvious plus you’re not even good at it. Like I stated before, you’re a mendacious piece of garbage.

cechas vodobenikov

Jenny is an ignorant racist—a resident of the coca-colonized statelette of dk

Jens Holm

Fine with me even if Mossad and CIA run the whole business. Compared from, where You probatly come for, there is only versions of worse.

If You look at trade we sell much more to USA then they sell to us and its in the advanced sector.

cechas vodobenikov

cheese is advanced “sector”—LOL

Jens Holm

I use Your own source. What more can anyone expect.

cechas vodobenikov

again u display your childish stupidity and racism

Jens Holm

I refer to a wikileaks given by “Dayli beatings”. Where are the 26 other incidents according use of gas in Syria.

cechas vodobenikov

crying again Jenny–all claimed attacks were by ISIS/White Helmuts as numerous OPCW whistleblower have revealed—demomonstrated by former US colonel, Ritter

Fog of War

What racism ? Lets drop that over used trope as it has no more meaning in this world. At this point, being accused of racism is a badge of honor. Just like with ” anti Semitic “

cechas vodobenikov

your stupidity again displayed

Fog of War

No, actually your compliant, lemming, subserviance is on display. You just keep parroting what your masters have trained to speak. You’re a good Goy , keep repeating your catch phrases and attempts at smears. Why dont you complete your monotonous dribble and call me a Nazi also.

cechas vodobenikov

the badge of honor of an under socialized moron—u r tiresome

Fog of War

Thats the best ” intellectual ” response you can muster ? Seriously ? Pathetic.

Rhodium 10

USA and EU know that once ND2 be operational beside Turkstream second gaspipe line…Ukraine Soyuz gaspipe line will turn useless…therefore Ukraine will not receive a single dollar for transit fees and USA and EU will have to feed that failed state!…thats why I have doubts that ND2 will be built and also the Turkstream line which link Bulgaria-Hungary.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Navalny would not have made it out of his hotel room let alone made it onto the flight if he had be poisoned with a military grade nerve agent… This sounds like another fentanyl misuse incident.


ban them pipes!!!

Fog of War

Here come the sanctions and this time they will be initiated by the EU. No more excuses Putin these are not your ” partners “.

cechas vodobenikov

if Navalny or the insignificant CIA employees here—adams, fog, jenny, sauron,etc mattered GRU would employe a few mountain Chechens to disappear them all


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