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MARCH 2025

Nazis And Genocide: MSM-Painted Portrait Of China As “Global Enemy No. 1”

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Nazis And Genocide: MSM-Painted Portrait Of China As "Global Enemy No. 1"

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In recent months, and even more so, in recent weeks MSM is filled to the brim with reports regarding how the Chinese government allegedly treats Uighurs in its northwestern province of Xinjiang.

Most recently, a very clear portrait is being constructed. That of genocide.

On July 30th, Munich-based World Uyghur Congress (WUC) sent an open letter to the International Olympic Committee president Thomas Bach.

In it the WUC alleges that China is carrying out “genocide” and that its right to host the 2022 Winter Olympics should be taken away.

“We have so far been greatly disappointed that the International Olympic Committee has not addressed the human rights situation in China since awarding Beijing the right to host the 2022 Winter Olympics,” the letter, signed by WUC president Dolkun Isa, said.

“It is deeply concerning that the IOC, as an international body with strong ethical rules, has failed to acknowledge China’s human rights record, given the international crimes being committed in the Uighur region at the moment, as well as in China in general,” it added.

The WUC also said that it “has still received no official reply or information” from the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) after appealing to the Swiss-based tribunal in February for a ruling on China’s hosting of the Games.

In response, the IOC said, through a spokesperson, that the organization remained neutral on global political issues.

“For the Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022, the IOC Evaluation Commission considered the views of independent NGOs with respect to a number of issues including human rights,” the spokesperson said.

“We will continue to discuss Games-related issues, when necessary, with the organisers as part of the Games preparation process.”

Whether the Winter Olympics in 2022 are moved to another location or not is beyond the point. The accusation is there – the WUC said that Beijing is carrying out “genocide,” something that MSM reports have, for a while now, been hinting at.

It is now part of the narrative.

By themselves these allegations are serious enough.

Combine them, however, with a report by the Guardian, which is sure to be perpetuated by other MSM outlets and a portrait of a country that sat at the core of the world’s greatest conflict – World War II.

“’China is powerful now’: Beijing’s aggressive global stance sparks wave of nationalism”

In recent days, since China shuttered the US consulate in Chengdu, citizens have waved Chinese flags and made other demonstrations in front of the building.

The Guardian, quite conveniently omits the fact that it was the US that first shuttered the Chinese consulate in Houston, Texas.

In another video, widely circulated on Chinese social media, a CNN reporter attempting to broadcast is drowned out by a group belting out a patriotic Chinese song.

It should be reminded that, unlike in the US, the journalist wasn’t assault and hailed on, simply yelled over.

“Our country is not like before. We can do more than just make statements, we can actually take action,” says Wu, 25, who lives in Chengdu. “Back then China couldn’t afford to offend the US, but China is powerful now and not afraid of American imperialism.”

The Guardian, furthermore, says that this presumed nationalism puts China in an even more dangerous position, since its locked into disputes with the UK, Canada, Australia, in addition to the US.

“Yet, cultivating a sense of nationalism that puts China increasingly at odds with much of the western world, also threatens to make current frictions more intractable, driving it closer to conflict with countries such as the US, its main rival. Beijing is locked in disputes with the UK, Australia and Canada over issues from Huawei to Hong Kong, and has blamed the US for those tensions.”

At least, this time, it mentioned that the US pressure campaign was blamed by Beijing as the reason for all of it.

“On both sides, the nationalist sentiment is stronger than ever before. There is no doubt that antagonistic nationalism has dramatically increased to a level that many have never seen,” says Shi Yinhong, professor of international relations and director of the centre on American studies at Renmin University of China. “This may mean the government policies will become more antagonist towards each other.”

Furthermore, citing Jessica Chen Weiss, associate professor of government at Cornell University, the Chinese government has relied on nationalist rhetoric to establish its rule.

“The Chinese government has increasingly leaned on nationalist rhetoric to justify its rule, while also keeping grassroots nationalism on a much tighter leash,” says Jessica Chen Weiss. “To some extent, the government has been able to use tough talk and bluster to appease domestic audiences, but swagger has real downsides for China’s foreign policy objectives.”

As such, it is not difficult to imagine this portrait – a government that is increasingly nationalist in its rhetoric, to establish its rule and play from the position of power on the global scene.

A government that allegedly targets an ethnic group and attempts to commit “genocide” against them.

A large portion of the world, once, united itself against such a “common enemy”.

And still, according to Weiss, China may wish to not accelerate tensions any further.

“Chinese state media have kept a close lid on topics such as a recent border clash with India, an incident that could easily have caused a wave of national anger. Chinese officials, while loudly condemning the US for ordering the Chinese consulate in Houston to close, have limited threats to promising an “equal response” to US actions.”

“Chinese authorities were quick to clamp down on any sign of protest outside the US consulate in Chengdu, reflecting Beijing’s apparent desire to retaliate in a way that shows resolve but does not accelerate the current death-spiral in US-China relations,” says Weiss.


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Zionism = EVIL

The reality is the AmeriKKKan arseholes are going down the crapper of history and have no one else to blame but the Zionist cunts who bankrupted them with endless wars and police state. US economy or lack of it is in free-fall and things are about to get worse. The Jew parasites destroyed Amerucnt dumbass in a mere century. China’s rise is now unstoppable.

U.S. economy plunges at titanic 32.9% rate in 2nd quarter and points to drawn-out slide as jobless rates rise. Coronavirus triggers steepest recession since World War Two and no end in sight.

Lone Ranger

100million Americans face danger of getting evicted because they cant pay their bills, rents , mortgages. Their collapse will make the dissolution of the Soviet-Union look like a walk in the park.

Zionism = EVIL

The morons are facing socioeconomic collapse, this is not surprising as the costs of the Jew fanned wars would have eventually bankrupted them,. but the Pimpeovirus just accelerated the collapse. To top their stupidity they are making enemies all over the world from Venezuela, Russia, Iran to China. The dumbasses had been gloating about the collapse of the USSR, but their collapse will far worse and bloody. Just watch and enjoy.



but visit your bank and withdraw your deposits in cash.


US debt now tops $30 trillion and its economy has shrunk by half, not a very promising future, for sure.

Ivan Freely

Some say the US debt is much higher.

Антон С

-33% for 2nd quarter, it’s -8% for whole year, not a half. If quarantine continue for 3rd quarter, it could be -20%. -8% for each quarter + some cumulative effect. 2 trillion help could add few percent, so I’m awaiting something near -15% in the end of year. Very much, but not 50% though.

Jim Allen

This in addition to the 100 million in the 2006 crash. Tent cities are extermination camps.

FANFARONE ? Year of the Pig ??

why aren’t you institutionalized ? don’t you have any family to care for you ? poor soul …

Jim Allen

Shut the fuck up stupid. I watched the whole trip happen, as I have a front row seat to the festivities in US. I could ask the same thing of you. Top off your Kool-Aid sir ? Only a troll talks stupid shit like your comment. Those are the numbers, and they’re accurate, I don’t get news from Fox, CNN, NYT, WaPo, BBC, Guardian, etc. In 2006 there wasn’t the censorship there is today.


that’s year on year . no!


The banker gangsters have put the US into an economic hole and dug it out before, like before and during World War 2. Geopolitically, today’s China is pre-world war Germany: Both put restrictions on corrupt oligarchs, both grew their middle classes instead of shrinking them like the banksters want, and both got hit with sanctions and provocations leading up to regime change wars.

Like how the Danzig Massacre provoked Germany into invading Poland, the banksters just need a good enough casus belli, a reason for war to restructure all their controlled countries for peer adversary warfare. In the previous world war, the US jobless rate plummeted, many of the new jobs were in manufacturing or infrastructure, and Americans went back to work while keeping the low standards of living from the Depression because they believed it was for a “good cause” – “the good war.”

It is true that China is not responding to the provocations against it with an “invading Poland” or “attacking Pearl Harbor” event, but the banksters can also false flag something, hence COVID-19.

Lone Ranger

Trumply will overload his Twitter account and spam China back to the stone age… ?


US rapid decline is self-inflicted with wrong priorities.

Jim Allen

Not entirely, this is Zionist Khazar criminal Banking Cabal driven. De-population is a worldwide Globalist agenda.

FANFARONE ? Year of the Pig ??

not to forget the earth is flat as well

Jim Allen

Zionist Khazar Atheist pretending to be God’s Chosen One. Only a hasbarat talks total shit like you do. You don’t even have a pretense of knowledge, pitiful troll.


This is hilarious. MSM falls again into election trap, just like 4 years ago

Jim Allen

MSM being owned by the Zionist Khazar criminal Banking Cabal is performing as expected.

FANFARONE ? Year of the Pig ??

they also harvest adrenal glands from newborns to obtain adrenochrome which will allow them to live for ever once they depopulate the world xD what a crank LMAO


Who is this Khazar? Nomadic tribes in north caucasus that raped Russians for centuries?

Jim Allen

Search that yourself, I did.


good for you mate

peter mcloughlin

The developing Sino-US crisis results from a clash of vital interests of both sides; this is leading mankind to world war three, the greatest genocide of all time – nuclear Armageddon. The pattern of history is clear to see. https://www.ghostsofhistory.wordpress.com/

Veritas Vincit

In addition to being facilitators of successive Western bloc wars of aggression, Western MSM have played a key role in facilitating actual genocides:

– “Between 1 million and 1.5 million Iraqis have died from malnutrition or inadequate health care resulting from economic sanctions…… that definition fits genocide,” Halliday said. (Former UN official says sanctions against Iraq amount to ‘genocide’, Cornell University Chronicle, October 1, 1999)

-“We think the price is worth it.” (Madeleine Albright in 1996 regarding the death of over 500 000 Iraqi children due to sanctions)

Indeed, Western Bloc MSM continues to support the economic strangulation of successive nations (also through ‘sanctions’) despite the outcomes conforming to crimes against humanity. Such sociopathic behaviour is conducted while MSM is preaching about ‘human rights’. Other situations of sanctions used as a tool of war include:

– “Officials in Seoul face a choice: Whether or not to use starvation as a weapon to bring down the regime to its north.” (Food for thought in North Korea, Aljazeera, Opinion piece by [US diplomat] Christopher R Hill, 06 Mar 2011)

– “The leadership [of Iran] has to make a decision that they want their people to eat.” (Mike Pompeo Says Iran Must Listen to U.S. ‘If They Want Their People to Eat’, Newsweek, 09/11/2018)

– “Signs of starvation and death in North Korea indicate that US diplomatic strategy works fine, says the secretary of state…. we are getting a lot of evidence that these [sanctions] are really starting to hurt.” (“Dying North Koreans a sign US diplomatic strategy works, Tillerson says, RT, 19 Jan, 2018), etc……..

Atrocity propaganda against the PRC may seek to influence public opinion towards being hostile against targeted nations (most recently the PRC, the Russian Federation, Iran, etc.) but such behaviour does not change the reality of the Western bloc being responsible for mass killings (associated with successive wars of aggression), mass suffering through sanctions and in the case of Iraq, genocide.

Антон С

“Atrocity propaganda may seek to influence public opinion towards being hostile against targeted nations (most recently the PRC, the Russian Federation, Iran, etc.)”

Approving on 200% in russian part. I was a reader of western press in 2006-2011. Reading articles almost everyday. Then stopped, because understood that I’m reading the same things every time. Our famous journalist said: russians are treated now as jews in 1930’s. He is also a jew.

Trap Is Not Gay

China should name the Jews.


the nearest nazis to europe is actually te neo-nazis n the white house/state dept/pentagon and such like institution. after all the neo-nazis allow the middle eastern neo-nazis, the jews illegally occupying palestine, to operate concentration camp Gaza, conduct genocide of the palestinian people of rarely seen proportions and to complete the picture, running a lebensraum program.

what needs to be done? simple, clear palestine of all jews of course.


In spite of Hollywood and the Zionists’ history of Nazis, the actual Nationalist Socialists were opponents of the “international clique” and its “colony of slaves… enforcing a policy of financial blackmail, to squeeze the last ounce of substance out of its people… forced also to take their last rights away from them.”

All the “Nazi death camps” and “human gas chambers” were only found by the Soviets, and after lying about the Shelling of Mainila, the Katyn Forest Massacre, the Chernobyl Disaster, etc., trusting their claims is like trusting the White Helmets.

The Nationalist Socialists did have internment camps that many people, including “Jews,” were sent to, but like China’s internment camps for Uighurs, that’s because the “international clique” radicalizing those groups became a serious concern. Just look at the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia or the Turkistan Islamic Party in Syria…

Jim Allen

Not even a start of what needs to be done.

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