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NBC Reporter Goes To Crimea, Shocks Viewers By Telling The Truth

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NBC Reporter Goes To Crimea, Shocks Viewers By Telling The Truth

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Originally published by ZeroHedge

Mainstream media correspondents for major US networks rarely, if ever, report from inside Crimea and certainly are nowhere near Russian-held territory in eastern Ukraine. However, this week NBC News chief international correspondent Keir Simmons went to Sevastopol, surrounded by a significant Russian military presence given it is home to the Russian Navy’s Black Sea Fleet, and in a live segment admitted that it’s not at all realistic Zelensky and Ukrainian forces can ever hope to take Crimea. 



This is especially as the “the people there… view themselves as Russian.” Simmons noted that “This is the closest that any US news crew has got to the Russian Black Sea Fleet in many many years.” He explained that “Vladimir Putin will be determined to defend that port – to not have it take it away from him – he may well do pretty much anything to try to achieve that.”

“It is a very, very dangerous standoff.. it’s hard to see how you reach a negotiation over that. There’s military absolutely everywhere, it is a military town,” he continued, before saying…

“When for example Victoria Nuland talks about that at the very least we [the US] want Crimea to be demilitarized, I find myself standing there and wondering, how on earth does that happen?

Ukrainian officials and pro-Kyiv media pundits are said to be outraged at the segment, given it repeatedly and bluntly referenced that Crimeans see themselves as Russians. Even a separate write-up filed days earlier from inside Crimea and posted to NBC’s website included the following:

This is not Russia, according to Kyiv, its Western allies and the United Nations. It was annexed by the Kremlin in 2014, with the U.N. calling on Russia to return to its “internationally recognized borders.” And following Moscow’s broader invasion launched a year ago, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has vowed Ukraine will take Crimea back.

But Praskovya Baranova, 73, speaks Russian, feels Russian and lives here.

But it appears that the NBC correspondent, once he was on the ground in a place that few Western reporters ever venture, couldn’t deny the plain truth he was seeing all around him.

David Sacks comments of the refreshingly truthful segment, “Not long ago, these were denounced as Putin talking points.” 

Sacks also says regarding NBC clearly conceding that Zelensky’s goal of retaking Crimea remains unrealistic and dangerous

This is a huge admission because it means that Biden’s policy of “only the Ukrainians can decide” the objectives of the war makes no sense. We’re effectively delegating our foreign policy to Zelensky, who is pursuing objectives that we don’t agree with.

“At the same time that MSNBC is suddenly airing the truth about Crimea, its chief Ukraine pundit is lobbying for an all-out attack,” Sacks also observes of the timing of the mid-week report.

“It’s getting easier to see who are the real fanatics in this war,” Sacks concluded.


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jens holm

this is impossible–only dumb mark CIA media is unbiased



Some recent developments:

1) Kazakhstan signs a strategic cooperation agreement with the USA

2) The ruling party of Hungary announces their intention to ratify the NATO bids of Finland and Sweden.

3) Serbia’s Vucic announces that any Serbian citizens who joined the Wagner Group PMC will be immediately arrested when they return to Serbia.


I suppose these are some of the last successful blackmail actions of US on the planet. One must admit they are still successful but the power declines. None of these 3 countries profits from these agreements and concessions , they will sure revide them after first signs of weakness of the hegemon. It’s only a small temporary success , but yes I admit it is some defeat.

Last edited 1 year ago by Darius


No predictions to this, but yes could be, but I wouldn t bet on it though.

Btw. here:

Below there are two very competent and interesting analyses.. One regarding the current Bakhmut situation (an analysis I guess the pro-russian faction of this SF board will like very much) and another analysis which does research, highlights and reveals the dynamics behind the Russian-China relationship, and which comes to a very interesting conclusion.

Is Bakhmut About to fall? https://nebula.tv/videos/tldrnewseu-is-bakhmut-about-to-fall

Why Russia’s biggest threat is actually China https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iibs7buNwxQ

Last edited 1 year ago by Boohootin
Mexican Beaner 🇲🇽

Where is this stupid term hegemon comes from? It must be a trailer trash term, eh? They have become bigger whiners than ghetto niggers or ukrowhores. Some sort of championship for a biggest жертва.

America is telling everybody to fuck off. That is a loss for all the “fake starving” niggers, “fake suffering” hohols and “fake oppressed” muzlims, but not for America.


They are Russians and they want to live in Russia , if it is not possible to live in the autonomious region in the federal Ukraine. Why is it so difficult to understand?



See, regarding Crimea, yes, most people there are now pro-russian. Those who where not had to flee, got arrested, killed or subdued and forced to keep their mouth shut. So that’s it for Crimea.

But for Donbass, resp. the region the war is all about I think one needs to look closer into it. As there were chances to achieve peace quickly, but nobody took the chance. And now there is still options to solve the problem by diplomacy, but again both sides do not take the chances, because they are both just poodles of their jewish masters.

Yes, Putin messed it up big time. But not only in 2022 but already 8 years ago, when after US Blackwater jewish Victoria Newland (a jewess with real name Nudelman) Putin did nothing, and let the pro-russian president being chased away like a dog. Then he set beside and looked and watch calmly for 8 (!!!) full years, only to then suddenly decide that it is now time to invade. And with this kind of acting he messed it all up. And – and at least to me that seems likely – he did this on purpose. (resp. likely his Chabad Lubavitch masters ordered him to attack on this satanic date 666 / 24 F.2022 that is 2+4=6 , F=6 , 2+0+2+2=6 so it gives 666). See, self-defence, you can claim when someone beat you and you beat back. But if someone beats you, and you do nothing, then you cannot come AFTER 8 YEARS kill him and his whole country, and then claim that to be “self-defence”. No, it is not. Not anymore after that long time of 8 fuckin years !

Btw. Russia has enough land. They do not need Donbass Donetsk , Lugansk for industrial survival of the Russian federation. But Ukraine does need this mineral-rich territories for its economical survival. That’s fact. The people in the mentioned regions, indeed are pro-russian, feel russian, and hate the ukraine government and all pro-government people. So these both different kind of people obviously can t live together anymore. Hope to this point at least, we all agree here. Then now look what the US and Europe are spending on war, and what russia is spending on war. Wouldn t it be much more clever, to instead of wasting all that precious money on stupid war, and kill each other to just sit on the table and give each Donetsk and Lugansk, Donbass etc. family 8-10 mio $ for that they leave and move/re-settle to their beloved Russia ? With that money, they will be the kings over there, will have likely much bigger house and garden, and life will be much easier for them. No missiles, no war, enough money, only russians not “evil ukrainians” around them. So what’s the matter ? Where’s the problem ?

I’ll tell you ! The problem is: Both ! USA+EU as well as Putin-Russia are not interested in making peace and solve the Donbass problem in a peaceful way. Why ? Because both (!) USA+EU as well as Putin-Russia are controlled and dominated by jews. And these jews (behind the scenes) are the ones really calling the shots. And they do not want peace. They want that the christian nations and people’s jumping to each others throats and mercilessly slaughter each other !! That’s what the whole thing is all about. All else the medias are telling you to “explain” what is happening is just bullshit !

Last edited 1 year ago by Boohootin

It is not just that simple my bro.


Then why did Russia bother trying to negotiate a peaceful resolution through the Minsk agreements?

Erik Nielsen

Merkel just told you EU wanted to give Ukraine strength to enter into a war, and Putin just follow orders from his Chabad Lubavitch masters.

One third of Israel’s population are Russian. Russia has always been lead by the nose by Joos.


@Darius and Medved

I told it several times here already, that both sides sadly are not interested in peace. And to answer your question, they even reject peace now. Both.

Peace on a base which is oppressing eighter the ukrainian or the ethnic-russian people in Donboss is not one that will last, and therefore is worthless. So we need a true and lasting peace concept. Can t you see that?

And I moreover wrote the following (and if you honestly think about it, you’ll see that I am telling the truth):

Russia has enough land. They do not need Donbass Donetsk , Lugansk for industrial survival of the Russian federation. But Ukraine does need this mineral-rich territories for its economical survival. That’s fact. The people in the mentioned regions, indeed the majority there are pro-russian, feel russian, and hate the ukraine government and all pro-government people. So these both different kind of people obviously can t live together anymore. Hope to this point at least, we all agree here. Then now look what the US and Europe are spending on war, and what russia is spending on war. Wouldn t it be much more clever, to instead of wasting all that precious money on stupid war, and kill each other to just sit on the table and give each Donetsk and Lugansk, Donbass etc. family 8-10 mio $ for that they leave and move/re-settle to their beloved Russia ? With that money, they will be the kings over there, will have likely much bigger house and garden, and life will be much easier for them. No missiles, no war, enough money, only russians not “evil ukrainians” around them. Russia could keep Crimea, and Donbass people get large compension (each family up to 10mio $ for resettling to Russia) So what’s the matter ? Where’s the problem ?

I’ll tell you ! The problem is: Both ! USA+EU as well as Putin-Russia are not interested in making peace and solve the Donbass problem in a peaceful way. Why ? Because both (!) USA+EU as well as Putin-Russia are controlled and dominated by jews. And these jews (behind the scenes) are the ones really calling the shots. And they do not want peace. They want that the christian nations and people’s jumping to each others throats and mercilessly slaughter each other !! That’s what the whole thing is all about. All else the medias are telling you to “explain” what is happening is just bullshit !

And another point where you can see that not only Ukraine but also the russians are not interested in peace. YOU CAN EVEN SEE IT RIGHT HERE, IN THIS FORUM !!

In this SF forum people just cheer Russia and China too, and if you don t do – they delete your comments, put you in the box, label you with names and demand you shall be killed. Isn t that a really backward, and subhuman behaviour ? What light does such a behaviour shed on russians and Russia in a whole? Please tell me. See, with civilized people, it should be possible to have a productive discussion. Not necessary everyone has to agree to what the other says, one can and should argue and really deeply discuss things, positions, options etc. so to get to the point (at best) of mutual understanding, and therby will likely come across new points and chances to find dialog resp. ways to a peaceful road to solve problems.

But this forum is the best example for sabotaging of productive discussions. As it deletes and censors all the real controverse and interesting posts. See, if someone talks to me, regardless if I like his opinion or not, I will not delete his post. Because that is censorship, and censorship shows that you have not the best arguments, or in even fear the truth, and therefore want to shut down your counterparts comments, so that nobody gets to see that he is indeed telling the truth. And here on SF we see exactly that. This russian website deletes ALL none pro-russian comments. It’s barbaric, it’s communist methods to the fullest.

And while doing so, they hypocritically still claim to fight for freedom, a better world, for the russian people, for truth blah blah.

When in fact just by their plain visible behaviour here in this forum one can clearly see that they are uncivilized, unreflecting and free-speech-hating, dictatorship jerks, not able to stand different opinions let alone freedom of speech. And that is really sad. Not you Medved, you’re maybe an exception from that.

Of course members here have no say in what the SF moderators delete in the end, but, and that is what I accuse all those “russian super-patriots” in this forum of, namely that they tolerate and accept such a behaviour. Because upright, respectable and civilized folks would stand up and say: “No ! we’re not the same shit as the zionists government of the EU, or the communist government of China or North Korea. Here you can speak freely, and shall talk the truth from your heart. As we are the ones on the side of the truth. So therefore we do not fear your words ! So bring it on, and show me what you have to say”.

But what is it here in this forum? The opposite !!! The mental dwarfs all yelling and cheering the censorship and deleting of comments of people who have other opinion. So this shows their true mindset, and moreover that they are dwarfs in their heads, unfit for civilization as well as for truthful life, let alone leadership positions. Just subordinate slaves, who are conditioned to follow orders and hail their criminal governments bosses. And to get to your final question. Yes, there is more, and I think also for the bosses in behind, they are weak. Their strenght comes from us, resp. (not you and me but) the hypnotized masses, who are conditioned to follow orders, never refuse and really belief in the lies their governments are telling them. The moment we break from this, their power is gone. Therefore, it’s the medias we need to take down. As they are the poison-syringes into the heads of the different people.

Last edited 1 year ago by Boohootin

He can’t. But if he can, he won’t get his salary. It’s obvious for me – he is shitting here for money, because it’s impossible to be such useful idiot so much time. You could get tired of SF, its “rude” and “homophobe” readers, but Jensy is like a masochist who comes for new portion of humiliation. This is clear proof of payed troll. Any reasonable person would have change a news source, because normal people dislike humiliation. But prostitutes have no proud at all and don’t suffer even after eating big dozes of shit that we proudly feeding to Jensy.)

Captain Hohol

Watch all the Ukraine civil war videos from Vice on Youtube, not from the recent conflict but from 2014. Their reporter does the same thing, he goes there with an agenda to support western narratives and all the people he interviews either paint a picture of extreme corruption of the Kiev government, or the ancestral right of the Russian people and support of those who identify as Russian to claim the soil of Crimea and the east.

The reporter asks a group of revelers in Crimea a day after the referendum, “What country are we in?” And they all scream back “ROSSIYA!” and begin dancing.

The western media cannot force its lies.


Maybe so but it can ENforce lies on the Murkans and Yurpeens.

Le vieux

The MSM narrative brainwash the majority of the westerners but only a small part of the Russians. MSM playkey role in the globalists wars. Netanyahu explained that very clearly in 2002 when he advocated the US invasion of Irak : ” Take very large transponders and beam Melrose Place and Beverly Hills 90210 into Teheran and Iran because that’s subversive stuff. The young people want to have the same clothes, the same swimming pools and so on… It’ better than sanctions. Iran is paradoxically one of the most open society in this region of the world. They are lot more open than Irak. Now you have the ability to foment that kind of “dynamic” in Iraq. Now you can beam Melrose Place but it will take a long time. On the other hand if you take out Sadam, I guarantee you it will have an enormous positive reverberation on the region. People setting right next door, in Iran, young people and many others would say : “the time of such regimes, such despots is gone.” “


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Last edited 1 year ago by anni44

In post war and leading up to late seventies, everyone wanted to be American, everyone wanted to be seen wearing Levis, drinking coke, rock n roll and be awed by heroism of America’s phony wars as depicted by Hollywood.

You see time, is a great leveller, it’s like a long relationship with a woman that superficially was the oxygen that gave you life but you began to realise, at best it’s overrated or at worse, it’s toxic.

The US hegemony had been wrapped with a wonderful dream, Liberty, Freedom and we know what’s best for you but like any lie or falsehood, the ugly truth comes to the surface, like many people like the fucked up liberals, they rather live in their blissful ignorance but this isn’t about do I shallow the blue pill or the red one. You don’t get to choose, when you’re found out, it can only be downhill and into the dark abyss of irrelevance.


The US was the richest, and most powerful imperialist metropol in history. Of course people wanted to be able to get a piece of that wealth. But the plutocrats and the political class that they owned gave up on trying to give the great unwashed a piece of the material wealth in 1972. Even then, the country had never managed to address their urban ghettos and rural poverty via the magic trick-down approach. When the US economic rocket took off in the late nineteenth century, even though they became richer than anybody else almost immediately, the conditions for workers were always vastly worse than in European advanced economies. More industrial disease, more workplace fatalities, etc. Their mining industry was like a vanity project controlled by an Egyptian pharaoh compared to Europe. There’s a reason Ed Bernays and Walter Lippmann became who they did in the US. Imaginationland.


Have you guys seen the video of American soldier that was spying on Ukraine Neo-Nazis and now handed over intel to Russia? RT did a whole interview with the guy so the intel he give is good.

Former US mercenary in Ukraine talks war crimes and CIA involvement | RT exclusive (RT is on odysee).

Erik Nielsen

What NATO should do is first denazify Crimea from all its Nazis, and thereafter demilitarize Crimea to give ordinary people back their freedom.

We who live in the free and civilised societies in the International community owe the suppressed, innocent and suffering Crimean people that!! If we can dream it we can do it!!!


You are led to believe that you are free 😂. You are a pawn being played like everyone. Honesty dignity respect and morals thrown to the side for the greed and profit of multinational companies. This is the new bolshevism.

720 y. o. Big Guy SENILE sleepy Joe aka Pedo Peter

This report changes everything, not only the fake narrative. Big time

720 y. o. Big Guy SENILE sleepy Joe aka Pedo Peter

It’s VERY dangerous to be a investigative and neutral journo in the Western world


Crimea = Ukrainian for 30 years Russian for 300 years


Thats it,its not even up for debate,its Russian and will always be Russian and Odessa has to follow,end of discussion.

Le vieux

It’s pretty funny to see on french TVs anchors and experts talking about “how to expel Russian from Russian crimea” while they pretend on the same time that in France you cannot expel illegal immigrants, cuz “it’s bad and if you do so, you’re facist, racist antisemite scum of the earth” Fucking globalists war mongers


War Criminal Nuland isn’t qualified to speak on anybody’s behalf. Her only purpose in life is to prop up the daisies.


I’m expecting that ‘Zelensky’ kill list will be literally pages long as more Western media whores finally start to report the bleeding obvious that Ukraine is losing the war. I have noticed a slight shift in the narrative here in my country now the reporting is much more somber and seems to reflect a grim reality that Ukraine is struggling to achieve anything militarily significant. Even the news of Ukraine receiving military aid and equipment is downplayed or ignored. Seems the west are learning that it’s all a waste of time and money as their economies shrink.

Last edited 1 year ago by Luke
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