Su-25 aircrafts in Syria. FILE IMAGE: Vadim Grishankin/Russian Defense Ministry Press and Information Office/TASS
Russian warplanes carried out around 700 airstrikes on ISIS cells in central Syria in the last ten days, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported on February 13.
According to the London-based monitoring group, at least 40 airstrikes hit ISIS cells in the Hama-Aleppo-Raqqa triangle in the last 24 hours.
In its report, the SOHR said the intense Russian airstrikes are meant to “reduce the [terrorist] group’s growing activities in the [central] region.”
The last few days saw a decline in ISIS attacks in the central region. Nevertheless, limited clashes are still ongoing on several fronts there.
The SOHR claims that 33 terrorists of ISIS and 56 fighters of the Syrian Arab Army and other pro-government factions were killed in the central region over the last ten days.
ISIS has been working to expand its influence in central Syria for more than a year. The terrorist group’s cells managed to penetrate a number of areas in eastern Hama, southern Aleppo, southern Raqqa and western Deir Ezzor. However, they failed to establish new strongholds.
Syrian government forces and the Russian Aerospace Forces are currently working to re-contain ISIS within the Homs desert, which lays between eastern Homs and western Deir Ezzor.
Condolences to the fallen wahabimossad and CIAisis operators. May they rest in pieces…
Indian Media Sources Anticipate Signing of $5 Billion Contract For New MiG-35 ‘4++ Generation’ Fighters Air Force is seriously considering signing a contract for the acquisition of over 100 MiG-35 ‘4++ generation’ fighter jets from Russia. A preliminary agreement was reportedly reached following the Aero India 2021 airshow, where extensive talks were held between representatives of the Indian Military and the Russian state arms exporter Rosoboronexport. The contract is expected to be valued at over $5 billion https://militarywatchmagazine.com/article/indian-media-outlets-expect-signing-of-5-billion-contract-for-new-mig-35-4-generation-fighters
If the Russian deal goes ahead, we can expect the US to put sanctions on India :)
Good point! That could ruin their custom made “QUAD alliance” ;US, Japan,Australia India built by US exclusively for the “containment” of China only. I don’t think US can afford to alienate India completely (and India hasn’t even received S-400 yet)
There is no reason for that. India has been acting independent and relative neutral since they and the Pakistanis stated to kill each other making Ghandi cry.
Ghandi would cry (also) if reading your comments…
Thats right. Maybee cotton spinning was just a joke and he prefared women in long hair and no clothe as well.
I was wondering: How is it possible that an Evil, Bankrupt, Lying, Deceiving, Treaty-Breaking, Massmurdering, Looting, Criminal, Warbased Country like the US can dictate & sanction other nations?
They cant really. Russian Forex reserves still growing. Chinese GDP still growing. Huawei and Xiaomi still butchering the competition. North Stream 2 still a go. I can go on. If you sanction the whole planet you are basically sanctioning yourself.
Sanctions often are limited.
You wonder because You are kept stupid and illiterate since birth.
Maybee Your parants already has sold as body replacemenet for XPres. Trump.
The US have control over the use of financial instruments and infrastructure that sanctioned nations rely on. In the end, Lone Ranger is correct as these sanctioned nations will find alternatives.
By Swift transfers, central banker pressure and illegal acts of piracy etc.
And if they dont buy the Russians will sanction them too:)
Jeff Bezos has donated 5 billion dollars to help evict Indian farmers from their farmland, so maybe they will just close down Indian food production until the Indian admin cancels the order.
Big smile form here.
wont happen because India dont want junk 4th generation Mig-35 with radar tech from 1980s
They have bought 300 Russian SU-30MKI mulkti role jets already! MiG-35D is better multi-role fighter jet than SU-30MKI so why wouldn’t they buy 110 MiG-35?!? Other is heavy fighter jet and older model while MiG is new model and medium size fighter jet. MiG-35D is cheap, has “aesa” radar and extremely cheap maintenance and flight hours….unlike US jets. On top they have said already, they would buy them.
mig-35 has large radar cross section, and NO electronic warfare system the old mig-29 electronic warfare system built inside plane was garbage, that’s why Mig-29 has a record of 0:20 and no hits on enemy planes worse fighter in history
India reject Mig-35 because they say its radar is piece of shet with old planar/pesa radar tech. India wants Israel to modernize all its mig-29 and su-30MKI to have advanced AESA radar, powerful israeli jammer ecm, and reduced radar signature
MiG-35 has AESA radar you dork. Read the article and stop up-voting and embarrassing yourself ignoramus.
Not true SU-30-MKI will be modernized with “Super-Sukhoi” program and get SU-35 engines and BARS radar (with 400 km range )with Israeli avionics! If they buy MiG-35 those MiG-29 will have the same AESA radar that MiG-35 has!!!
yet none of the Mig-31 or Mig-35 in service HAVE aesa radar! HAHA you schmuck
Russia is having only few of MiG -35 for testing purposes before buying them in big numbers with “aesa” radars you RETaRD!
“”India is likely to be the first foreign customer of the multi-purpose fighter Mig 35 as well” https://defenceview.in/mig-35-big-win-in-india-with-5-billion-usd-contract/
bad investment. basic aesa radar with no special feature
“bad investment” haa, ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha!! For price of one Rafal Russia can buy 3 MiG-35 !! MiG costs half or third of the price of any Western multi role jet from Rafal to F-18 while maintenance and flight hours are soooo cheap that is ridiculous specially comparing to F-35 ($ 31 000 per hour!!!!!)and F-22 ! While MiG-35’s can easily match any 4th generation multi role jet. Russia is working on 6th generation photonic radar for MiG-41 and SU-57 (fuck “aesa”)! While all SU-30 jets will be brought to SU-35 standard in general overhaul and unification of the maintenance..Same radar,engines and everything else for all multi-role Sukhoi jets !
yes but Rafale and F-18 super h have RCS of 0.5-1m2, meanwhile mig-35 and su-35 have rcs of up to 3-5m2. Much large radar signature.
And no, Quora expert Abhirupt sengupta confirmed via a radar picture of SU-35 screen, showing it detecting a 3m2 target at 259km but ONLY getting target LOCK at 100km, meaning SU-35 radar cannot shoot down 3m62 target past 100km. SHEESH
I was not talking about SU-35.
su-35 pesa radar is not good. detect range of 400km and can only lock onto a 3m2 target at 100km proven by its own screen picture in flight test! mig-35 has radar cross section of 15-30 m2 huge radar signature
prove me wrong!
Yea just like that idiot form quara you also seem to be pulling random shit out of your ass…the MiG-35 does have a AESA radar oh and btw just so you know their is no real differance in performance between AESA and PESA radars.
actually no. Russian domestic version have ONLY PESA rp-35. Export customer have AESA version if optional OPTIONAL. HUGE DIFFERENCE in performance with AESA and PESA radar. AESA radars are very hard to JAM, very hard to confuse, and have much greater ranges against smaller stealth targets. PESA need MUCH MORE POWER to detect at far range, and can easily be fooled by jamming (noise or clutter, deception jamming)
errrrrrrrrr no not really that might have been the case for older PESA radars but modern PESA radars and AESA radars are identical in performance power consumtion and jamming resistance. other then beam scattering AESA radars have not real advantage over PESA radars why do you think the Russian military concluded the SU-35’s PESA radar needed no replaceing? It does its job just as well as its AESA counter part the only reason why the SU57 has a AESA is why not? Its a next gen aircraft so night as well do it.
acctually wrong! PESA russkies use WAVE TUBE, 1 transmit receive box. Meanwhile US aesa radar use HUNDREDS or THOUSANDS of individual Transmit/receive module.
PESA can be easily fooled by the simplest jamming (noise or clutter)
Bomb the Israeli Secret Intelligence Service & al-CIAda to Smithereens…turn’m into Dog-Chow…Dog-Shit will fertilize the ground…for a sustainable environment…a win-win situation…
This is happening, right as there is a massive resurgence of ISIS (coincident with the Biden administration). Clearly, Putin knows what’s up, and Russia’s not having it. So how do trolls that think Putin is in the pocket of Chabad explain this? Everyone knows, including your average Zionist Jew, that ISIS is a Mossad construct designed to destabilize Syria with the aim of the Greater Israel project.
Hear hear.
Thats constructuvisme but a perfect excuse for almost anything.
Very impressing headlines are next:
Biden and Netanayuh on picnic and sightseeing in Palmyra
They should get along quite well now that biden is a vegetable. Let’s hope that netty can keep up.
I read it.
In wonder why they continue to elect as they do in Israel.
How many ISIS has ZioAmerica killed ? They are expandable trash used for the grand theater. Dont be so naive.
You tell me how many the US has killed, and how many they’ve spared. ISIS in Al Tanf much? Who had them released from the Kurds? I suggest you come with some real information, dumbass.
Burn you bastards.https://youtu.be/en1uwIzI3SE?t=10
70 sorties a day just in eastern Syria, I think the SOHR’s got it’s numbers mixed up, because even if they included the airstrikes against terrorist elements in Idlib and Aleppo in this ‘700 airstrikes in 10 days figure’, it still sounds WAY WAY too high. 3 sorties per day by each aircraft means 23 Russian fighter bombers were flying over central Syria every day, at 4 sorties each per day the number comes to 18 aircraft every day which is still unbelievable. The Russians might have enough aircraft and personnel to service/maintain/refuel/rearm them but the time it takes to do it makes 70 sorties a day sound just a little too unbelievable. I found one report of 6 Russian aircraft attacking one area in eastern Hama, another report confirming at least 20 separate sorties in one location in southern Ar Raqqah with an additional 4 sorties a bit later on in the same area, but both reports still fall way short of the SOHR’s claim of 70 sorties a day. And remembers the Russian aircraft have also been very active over northern Idlib too, so some of the aircraft I’ve listed had to be operating in the west of the country at the same time this 700 sorties over a 10 day period occurred.
Tactical bombers 12 Su-24M2 8 Su-34 Attack bombers 4 Su-25SM
Fighter aircraft 4 Su-27SM 4 Su-30SM 4 Su-35S 4 MiG-29SMT 4 Su-57
So even if the SOHR had said the figure was for the whole of Syria, and not just for the areas they were attacking Isis, I’d still find the numbers unbelievable. 70 sorties a day for 10 days straight, mmmmm, even this segment from the SOHR article contradicts the headline,
“According to the London-based monitoring group, at least 40 airstrikes hit ISIS cells in the Hama-Aleppo-Raqqa triangle in the last 24 hours”,
That’s only 40 in one day and 30 short of the claimed 70 per day.
At peak 2015, 100+ RuAF-Syria sorties with a slightly larger force…so it is possible for short periods, but not weeks on end. Old Su’s are easy to maintain.
As you said the Russians had a slightly bigger air contingent operating at the time and the max 100 sorties per day [I found max 90 sorties per day and 400 for one week which is 57 per day average] was referring to all Russian activities in Syria, the SOHR report claimed the 700 sorties were additional to the airstrikes that were also carried out in western Syria at the same time, so the total number would’ve been a bit higher than 700, [but not much higher]. So I am still just a little skeptical of the 700 strikes in one week claim, but I will concede it is possible, but as you said only for a short period of time, those high tech warplanes need regular and frequent overhauls/services otherwise they start falling out of the skies.
and still cannot win hehe. aircraft carrier broke down! they lost 2 su33 and mig-29k, disaster!
A sortie is typically not the same thing as an airstrike – the confusion might just be terminology. You could unrack your entire loadout at once on a single target (so 1 sortie = 1 airstrike). But it makes a lot more sense for RuAF to have several potential targets per aircraft on a mission and use one or two precision-guided munitions per target, especially if they’re going all the way into central Syria (1 sortie = say, 5 airstrikes). Depends on aircraft type and capability too. You’re not going to send a Su-24 that far to leisurely drop eight 500 kg bombs on eight separate targets, nor would you send a Su-34 with 16 AB-500s to carpet bomb a goat shack. Well, unless the goats were being held captive by ISIS for ‘dates’ and you wanted to put the poor things out of their misery.
That makes sense and also makes the numbers more believable.
he he!!! rusty junk airforce of Russkie make 700 airstrikes not 1 target hit, not 1 terrorist eliminate. They use old free fall gravity bomb junk from World WAR 1!!! Ww2!!! no such thing as technologoy advance in Russiya airforce or army. They still use processor from 1980 90’s in their computer haha piece of shet
Are you a butt hurt Ukrainian? If so, the US and Israel are not your friend, they will use you as cannon fodder if they get the chance.
because Ukraine have 20 Bayraktar Drone armed with MALD- 10km laser guided missile range? They will humiliate donbass rebel just like turkey humilate Butcher assad, Armenia terrorists and Libyan mia khalifa haftar lol
Mig-35 pesa radar Zhuk is piece of junk from 1980’s! it can see only 3m2 target 150km away, meanwhile US airplane F-18 super hornet AN/apg-79 can see 1m2 target at 150km!!!!
uuuuuhhh the MiG-35 has a Zhuk-AME AESA radar with a detection range of 260km you idiot.
yes but track 30 and engage 6, meanwhile the basic radar of F-18 super horney AESA An/apg-79 can track 30 and engage 15, and a much higher range resolution product aperture
Zhuk-AME AESA is the most basic AESA, just like what the F-16 F-15 currently have, but not even as good
Russki still behind 15-20 years in aircraft radar tech
how can a radar have shorter range yet a higher resolution? Also ummmmmmm the Zhuk-AME has about the same performance (and superior range) to the APG-79 infact the only reason why it can only ingaige 6 targets is due to the MiG-35’s low missile carryeing capacity but also link me a source that states the APG-79 can engage up to 15 targets (i suspect this is a nother number pulled out of your ass since the F18 can only carry 9 missiles.).
Also like i said PESA and AESA radars have no real differance in performance.
Haha! Is this a joke? The An/apg-79 AESA radar out does su35 irbis in range resolution mapping, everything
F-22 can track a 1m2 target at 240km, meanwhile the PESA fire control radar of S-400 92n6e can only track a 1m2 target at 177km away. Imagine that? A HUGE high power ground radar is outperformed by a smaller, lower powered aircraft radar on a plane? Answer is simple. AESA. It is much better end of story
Are you retarded? Like i am not even jokeing are you legit retarded? the Irbis radar has a range of 400km…vs 150km of the APG-79.
Also really? is that so? You do realise that the max range of the F22’s radar vs a 1m2 target is 160km Also the range of a grave stone radar is 400km while their is not data on it how small the target is at that range (oh and btw the range is limited by the missile itself since the grave stone radar is a fire guidance radar and not a scanning radar). as usual you are pulling numbers out of your ass again.
hehe, as you say. Irbis can only DETECT a 3m2 from 400km, not track or target. In fact it can only TRACK a enemy fighter plane 3m2 from 250km away, meaning only a track of 190km against 1m2. Meanwhile F-22 can DETECT at 400km and TRACK at 240-250km. Imagine that? S-400 fire control outclassed outranged by F-22 radar and F-35 radar Abhirupt Sengupta debunks your bs again https://www.quora.com/How-is-IRBIS-E-such-a-powerful-radar-installed-in-SU-35-in-spite-of-it-being-a-PESA-radar
oh ffs again with pulling numbers out of your ass…and linking that indian retard again whom has probably drank a little too mutch cow piss for his own good. m8 at least give me a actual valid source for the shit you claim.
LOOK AT HIS POST! It shows the radar screen of SU-35 detecting target 250km away but only getting a LOCK at 100km! Proof is there! And this target was 3m2 size meaning SU35 cannot actually get target lock on for 3m2 craft beyond 100km. You shet
We also see this in Irbis-E’s flight test video where it allegedly detected a single target plane from 268 km but wasn’t able to get a track until 100 km – all the while having just a single target to track.[1]
Su-35 has a Synthetic resolution map of only 3 meter! The SAME EXACT as F-15E’s APG-70 radar from 1980s LOL
now you see how you look like retard one? FACTS AND LOGIC. Mr sengupta debunks you again. S400 can only detect 0.0001m2 F-22/35 from 30km (17 nautical mile) away. THATS NOTHING. Lol Su-35 radar is trash, cannot target a 1m2 target past 100km. SU-57 is not stealth, has rcs of 0.1-1m2 BOOM NOW CRY hehehe I laugh out loud as my toast is now burnt!
you know you are starting to sound like the retard you keep linking xD at least try to link some actual sources instead of some indian retard on quora XD
indian retard you wish? He has IQ 160 confirm by his mensa membership and is a certify engineer aerospace you skunk
meanwhile US airforce defeat daesh terrorst in Kobani 2014 with only 100 airstrikes. go figure