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MARCH 2025

Neither Moscow Nor Washington Needs Him. Clouds Are Gathering Over Zelensky

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Neither Moscow Nor Washington Needs Him. Clouds Are Gathering Over Zelensky

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The Western media have not stopped discussing the negotiations between Washington and Moscow on the peaceful settlement of the Ukrainian crisis. President Donald Trump has made it clear from the first day of his new term that he wants to end the hostilities as soon as possible. The financing of the AFU in the midst of the depletion of Ukraine’s mobilization resources brings the Americans to a deadlock. At the same time, this impasse is very costly. It is impossible to realize the ambitious tasks that Trump faces in domestic policy without a significant reduction in spending on foreign policy adventures. Kiev demands too much. And gives the Trump administration very little.

But if Zelensky can be persuaded to negotiate by simply cutting off arms supplies, the U.S. clearly does not have enough tools to influence Russia. The Kremlin has sacrificed too much to achieve the goals of the Special Military Operation. Therefore, as Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has emphasized, what is needed is peace, not a ceasefire. This implies a comprehensive agreement on security in Europe, which would replace the previous outdated arrangements. Who will be a signatory to the agreement on the part of Ukraine? This is where the legal conflict begins, which the top leadership of the Russian Federation has rightly pointed out.

Vladimir Zelenskyy has not been president of Ukraine since May 20, 2024, according to the Ukrainian constitution. Having secured the support of the Joseph Biden administration, the Ukrainian leader has essentially canceled the presidential election and usurped power in the country. The Ukrainian constitution provides for the expansion of the powers of the Supreme Council in case of war. However, the Constitution does not provide for the automatic extension of the presidential term. According to the letter of the law, the supreme power at the moment should belong to the Speaker of Parliament, Ruslan Stefanchuk.

Neither Moscow Nor Washington Needs Him. Clouds Are Gathering Over Zelensky

Ruslan Stefanchuk

It is significant that during last year’s discussion of the electoral issue, the Office of the President of Ukraine refused to seek the advice of the Constitutional Court. Its decision is final. If the Constitutional Court had made a decision unacceptable to Zelensky, a full-scale power crisis would have ensued. The Ukrainian president has a negative experience with the judges of this institution. It is enough to recall the conflict with the Chairman of the Constitutional Court (2019-2022) Aleksandr Tupitsky.

Neither Moscow Nor Washington Needs Him. Clouds Are Gathering Over Zelensky

Aleksandr Tupitsky

American journalist Tucker Carlson, who is close to President Trump, has it on good authority to state bluntly:

“The first characteristic of a dictator is that he is unelected. So Zelensky is unelected. He also outlawed a religious denomination. He has killed his political opponents. He outlawed a language group. These all seem to me to be characteristics of a dictatorship. Now he has the backing of British intelligence. But that doesn’t mean he’s not a dictator. He looks like a dictator”.

Apparently, this opinion is shared by Donald Trump’s entourage and the American leader himself.

In this regard, the White House can understand Moscow’s concerns about the future of the agreement. If the illegitimate Vladimir Zelensky signs the document, it could become a reason to denounce it in the future. For example, the next head of Ukraine will appeal to the Constitutional Court. The court will decide that the agreement does not comply with the Constitution, because it was signed by a person who was not president at the time. The consequence of such a turn of events would be a new war under unfavorable conditions for Russia.

“This is a very serious issue that must guarantee the security of both Ukraine, by the way, and Russia for a serious long-term historical perspective. And there cannot be a single mistake, a single roughness here: everything must be perfect. According to the Constitution, the President of Ukraine, even under martial law, has no right to expand his powers. From the point of view of signing documents, everything must be so that lawyers confirm to us the legitimacy of those people who will be authorized by the Ukrainian state to sign these agreements,” President Vladimir Putin recently explained his position.

In 2025, it is possible to predict that presidential elections will be held on Ukrainian-controlled territory under pressure from the United States. With a high degree of probability, Vladimir Zelensky will lose this election.

  • First, Trump does not like this politician and is fully aware of Kiev’s role in the impeachment attempt in 2019.
  • Second, Zelensky’s approval rating in Ukrainian society has been steadily declining amid setbacks on the war fronts. The latest sociological survey by Socis shows: 56% of Ukrainians do not trust the Kiev leader.

The trust rating is higher for two personalities: the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry, Kirill Budanov, and former AFU commander-in-chief Valeriy Zaluzhny.

Neither Moscow Nor Washington Needs Him. Clouds Are Gathering Over Zelensky

Valeriy Zaluzhny, Kirill Budanov

But it is premature to predict that either man will come to power. Washington has serious questions about both of them. Budanov and Zaluzhny have close ties with Great Britain. It is no coincidence that the former AFU commander-in-chief was appointed ambassador to London after his resignation. Relations between Trump and Starmer are, to put it mildly, far from ideal. The Americans do not need a British protege in Kiev. They need an American protege. Such a candidate could be, for example, the former face of Ukrainian military propaganda, Alexei Arestovich.

Neither Moscow Nor Washington Needs Him. Clouds Are Gathering Over Zelensky

Alexei Arestovich

After the conflict with the presidential administration, he went to the United States and became close to representatives of the Republican elite. Arestovich’s entire rhetoric, even before Trump’s election, was right-conservative and in line with the ideals of the current American administration rather than the previous one.

But this is just an assumption. It’s quite possible that Washington still doesn’t know who will replace Zelensky. However, one thing is clear: the Trumpists see the future of American-Ukrainian relations without the current leader of Ukraine. For Vladimir Zelensky, the loss of political power is a personal catastrophe. Leaving his post, he loses his immunity. The number of his enemies is enormous – and it is not only Russia. The United States is not ready to guarantee his safety. The examples of Mikheil Saakashvili and Alexei Navalny are very clear. Washington did nothing to save the former from prison and the latter from death. No one will stand up for Zelensky, who has resigned, except a few NGOs close to the Democratic Party.

The only hope is the State of Israel. Vladimir Zelensky is an ethnic Jew. He has never hidden his identity and has always had a friendly policy towards Tel Aviv. The Jewish state protects every representative of its nation, regardless of his political orientation. The extradition of the Jew Zelensky into the hands of Ukrainian or Russian justice would look ugly from the point of view of Israel’s interests. The main thing Vladimir Zelensky has to worry about is leaving the territory of Ukraine in time after his resignation.


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he has such a punchable face. many loathe to see this warmonger beggars face in the news.

Paper Armor

there is no agreement with ukraine or nato or hitler that is not likely to be set aside by them when an opportunity arises. paper is a poor defense


who the hell wrote this article?, sounds like a trump brown noser 👃


well it wasn’t the ghost of adolf, so bad luck sucker

Shlomo's little weenie

more like you’re a ‘sucker’ with above average fellatio skills. 🇮🇱=💩💩💩

Shlomo's little weenie

well tucker boy, you’d know it, wouldn’t you ? all zell boys’ fault. only him. no other mongrel. looks like the cards shifting on the deck are now behaving quite ominously for the entertainer. dejá vu south vietnam, however, this is a far bigger shit show, courtesy of american imperialism again. best to ingratiate yourself with the tribe running israel if you haven’t already done so. they’re your only ticket out of there. 💩


the global banking cartels and ukrainian debt bondholders need to end the conflict. they already made hundreds of millions on the defense / mic side, they already hold trillions in national debt — but now — if they continue to play stupid games, they will continue to win stupid prizes. the resources rich donbass was already denied, the more this goes on, the higher the chances of the bankster “investments” going “sideways”.


putin should 100% absorb ukraine. not only for defense — but to deny the bankster cartels lucrative access to national assets and reconstruction projects.


try to keep up its well established ukraines sold the farm stop with the rubbish incorrect comments that just display how you don’t even know what has happened

grab 'em on the pussy

but you know what has happened, and what’s going to happen, don’t you ? you’re a wise oracle. tug, tug tug . . . . 💩💩💩 = 🇮🇱

AM Hants

why would he want the hassle and expense of absorbing western ukraine? more hassle than it is worth. finish off in odessa and enjoy the comedy as the eu and nato fall to pieces, courtesy the gift of ukraine.

AM Hants

in the short term the mic and bankers might have made $billions from the war, however what about long term? who, apart from the vassels of the us would actually want us mic weapons or systems? they have been shown to be seriously defective and with nought to offer.


i agree. this is yet another american misadventure. the weapon systems were effective against insurgents and weak militaries — and complete junk against an actual peer. that will have far reaching consequences.

R. Ambrose Raven

deeply mistaken. ignores the collective breaching of the legal minsk accords. also relies on the cult of the personality, on an individual,despite criticising that very tendency regarding zelendky..

AM Hants

not only minsk accords that were breached, but, also the ‘treaty of the final settlement, with respect to germany’. i wonder why that gets minimum attention? article ii – only peace will emenate from german soil. rights and obligations arising from the treaty on the non-prolification of nuclear weapons, will continue to apply to the united germany.

AM Hants

treaty is well worth reading.

article v – … during that period and subject to the provisions of article ii of this article, armed forces of other states will not be stationed in that territory or carry out any other military activity there.

how many german/nato/us bases, in eastern germany are assisting ukraine in their battle against russia? how many nuclear weapons are stored in germany on behalf of nato and the us? is it around 20 missiles, in violation of the above treaty?

The Soothsayer

has merkel committed hari kiri over her primary role in minsk ii yet? i’ve seen it in my dreams but no date stamp was visible.

Hypers ready

he can’t sign any legal document on behalf of the ukranian people, because he is no longer the formal president.


he wouldn’t be signing for the people anyway. that’s a fallacy, a fiction, even the us cons tits tution isn’t written, we the signers for and on behalf of the people declare bankruptcy or duplicity or anything else, for that matter.

R. Ambrose Raven

suggest meaningful peace agreement has to be nato & russia, plus a formal renunciation of any form of state,-sponsored violence (as per customary criminal law), failing which the holder of a senior official position can be prosecuted by the icj.


they’re a load of bollocks.

Just me

as if it would bother him so much that he can no longer play president. stop dreaming. zelensky will go to his villa in florida and live comfortably off the stolen money.


i think elon should send him to a “villa” on mars.


yes they selected him because they wanted a jew. that was the point to have a jew leading the war against the orthodox. but therein to have the jewush victim of russias progrommes legacy historically as sort of justification it was a set up historical deception but trump will see through that attempt to conceal the real protagonists imo


the only way for him to get out safely and in time is to electronically sign and send his resignation once his flight to tel aviv took off and is already over turkey at 12,000 altitude

AM Hants

the carlson-morgan video is well worth watching. personally, i cannot stand morgan and tucker put him in his place. morgan, who was the editor of the daily mirror, when robert maxwell owned it. morgan, a genius in his own ego, but, purely owned by the globalists.

AM Hants

2) daily mirror and the daily mail, were both owned by dublin brothers, who were involved in the creation of the tavistock institute of human behaviour. one was the daily rag for the left wing and the other was the daily rag for the right wing. set up by the brothers, baron northcliffe and viscount rothermere, together with david rockerfeller for mind control of the masses. to turn the mindset of the pacifist us and citizens of great britain to support wwi, which was being prepared.

AM Hants

3) it was set up a year after the creation of the fed reserve and in the same year that lord balfour and lord rothschild sat down to discuss the formation of a nation in palestine, where the zionists could move to. the balfour declaration was signed in 1917, the same year the city of london led bolsheviks overthrew the russian empire and the ira were created.

AM Hants

4) how many empires fell shortly after the fed was created? how many empires fell after the tavistock institute of human behaviour was created? piers morgan, true and loyal to common purpose, just like each and every uk prime minister, since margaret thatcher.

AM Hants

arestovich comes out the sanist of the four. zelinsky, served his purpose. aren’t budanov and zuluzny loyal to the nazi branch of ukraine? what interests me is the fact that blackrock believe they own the natural resources of eastern ukraine. the same natural resources that trump is after and the same natural resources that are now under russian control. whilst russia munches on the popcorn and watches the comedy, taking no notice of any of them.


somebody pleaae kill the asshole already

Conan M

says who?… “trump’s interest in ukraine’s rare earth minerals might backfire on zelensky” authored by andrew korybko via substack, and with every move putin has made in the zi0ni$ts favor… i wouldn’t put it past him to sell it to the u.$. just like he keeps selling his nation’s energy to his enemies (after nordsteam ii) trying to destroy both he and his country because he likes his “money” above all things!…

Last edited 1 month ago by Conan M

problem is you can’t believe a word trump says he changes his mind every day.

Conan M

what happens when a tiny hat gets control of your existence and blackmails your money and captures your molestation of under age children at caribbean “resorts” on video for later use!… trump would rather sell his soul to $atan/aka than lose his place and flu$h what is left of country down the $hitter!…

Last edited 1 month ago by Conan M

zelensky can always go back to his old job, playing the piano with his penis.

the narrative

are the vegas / polymarket odds on zelensky’s suicide ? . i fear it will be the puppets end.

amerikunt academic

wet are inferior species of obese moron homo sexual degenerate

gestapo mctaco

why the perverted friar tuck slobs get all the attention? religio freashish obsessions with overeating, gluttony not a sin?

Niccolo Machiavelli

this just in: the president of colombia is legalizing cocaine. zelenskyye has applied for citizenship….

Pro-Russian Z

zelensky as an ethnic jew drives groups of white supremacy who adore hitler’s ideology and they kill as part of such one group in the chain of the military the notorious azov battalion, so how a jew drives nazis into a battle that’s a more focused question.


però da recenti notizie sembrerebbe che putin [ nonostante i proclami da lui stesso predicati ] andrebbe a incontrarsi comunque col nazista zelensky ( decaduto della sua carica), contrattare la fine dell’operazione speciale e accordi di fine conflitto ! e’ lecito chiedersi che non era tutto campato in aria le premunizioni espresse a più voci ” dai folower amici “..


però da recenti notizie sembrerebbe che putin [ nonostante i proclami da lui stesso predicati ] andrebbe a incontrarsi comunque col nazista zelensky ( decaduto della sua carica), contrattare la fine dell’operazione speciale e accordi di fine conflitto ! e’ lecito chiedersi che non era tutto campato in aria le premunizioni espresse a più voci ” dai folower amici “.. !

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