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MARCH 2025

Neo-Nazis From Europe Rush To Fight In Ukraine, Flee Faster (Videos)

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Neo-Nazis From Europe Rush To Fight In Ukraine, Flee Faster (Videos)

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In addition to allied European and U.S. forces, radical right-wing neo-Nazis are pouring into Ukraine. Although their numbers are small, these fighters exert a certain ideological influence on both Ukrainian soldiers and fighters f the Ukrainian military formations.

Latvian fighters can be seen in the photo. Their caps show the symbol, which was used the Totenkopf SS division in Nazi Germany.

Neo-Nazis From Europe Rush To Fight In Ukraine, Flee Faster (Videos)

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This is how fast foreign fighters are fleeing from the front lines together with Ukrainian soldiers:


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Let me end this BS, “there are no Neo-Naizs in Ukraine”.

UN: Combating glorification of Neo-Nazism and other practices.

Countries that voted NO: the US, Canada, and Ukraine. I don’t need to talk about Ukraine or The US but Canada also voted NO. The UK and Germany abstained. CTV: “Mounting evidence Canada trained Ukrainian extremists, gov’t needs to be held to account: experts”

Ukrainian forces aren’t Neo-Nazis or they don’t support Neo-Nazis: https://i.postimg.cc/gcqPbnG1/Capture.png

That is the Black Sun: “The Black Sun is a Nazi symbol, a type of sun wheel employed in Nazi Germany and later by neo-Nazis. The symbol’s design consists of twelve radial sig runes, similar to the symbols employed by the SS in their logo.”

“New York Shooting” – Had Nazi black sun on his body armor. Let me be clear about this, don’t let MSM blame it on all white men, those fuks did that to Middle Eastern people before. Wahhabis = Middle Eastern.

Like ISIS and Al-Qaeda in the Middle East – Neo-Nazism is growing in the West. We need to stop Zion fuks faces.

Fun fact: most of those people who supported Al-Qaeda and ISIS in Syria and Iraq are the same people who openly support Neo-Nazism in Ukraine. Those people are ofc anglo-zionist pigs.

Last edited 2 years ago by JJ345

The Azov (A3OB) symbol on all their flags is a Wolfsangel, which by itself has Nazi connotations, but as pictured, the “N with vertical line” looks just like the NSDAP SS logo, just rotated slightly. And of course many of the Azovs display other obvious Nazi symbols like swastikas and Totenköpfe, as shown above and in many other photos. They predated Zelensky coming to power so he probably has no choice but to do as they say.


I didn’t include the Azov because why should I? They are Neo-Nazis. But I don’t know if you notice or not – people are now changing their argument. They agree that they are Neo-Nazis in Ukraine but Ukrainanins and Ukraine forces aren’t linked with Neo-Nazis somehow. This isn’t true, over the last 8 years Neo-Nazism grow stupidly and there are Neo-Nazis in Ukraine’s armed forces and civilians – remember that Ukrainian News reporter reading one of the German Nazi’s comments about killing children?

Their plan A was – there are no Neo-Nazis in Ukraine. Now their plan is to blame everything on the Azov and move Ukraine’s armed force away from Neo-Nazi claims.

But thank you for adding that.

Ashok Varma

The Hollywood racist Zio-Nazis found the Russian denazification operation Z too tough as the Russians unlike women and children tend to fight back. That is why it is imperative that Russian kill all the Azov Nazis to set and example for rest of humanity, that these savages will not live among humans. JAI RUS!


It is not so wrong saying “there are no Neo-Nazis in Ukraine” because what we see in Ukraine seem to be the last survivors of the real old nazis


Exactly, and the EU is now run by their son’s and daughters. With plenty of examples for anyone to research. There are just as many neo nazis on Poland as in Western Ukraine. There are less in Germany because we hung so many, in poland, estonia, latvia, lithuania, ukraine etc. they were not hung as reward. This was a huge mistake which can now be rectified with a rope.


Wife of Azov Commander Hailed in West is Pictured Giving Nazi Salute https://sputniknews.com/20220516/wife-of-azov-commander-hailed-in-west-is-pictured-giving-nazi-salute–1095550213.html


It is not MOUNTING evidence it is de-facto evidence that goes back to 2018 when they were busted by multiple hate watch groups in Canada. Canada is Israel did most of the Azov training.


The black sun is Saturn the high deity of the Talmud


Thanks for your input, (((JJ345)))!

mike l hutchings

the NAZI found a home in Ukraine, and they will build a new SS from all nationalities, keeping Hitler’s legacy alive


The ASOV/A30B Battalion symbol is just the standard SS logo in reverse, closed together, and tilted upwards at an angle. It isn’t a coincidence. It says it all.

Update: remaining ASOV’s in steel works are surrendering – around 350 so far, and not a word in western MSM. The Kiev Regime is in a panic as to how to spin the story, they are saying it’s an ‘evacuation’ to avoid admitting it’s surrender and capture. These ASOV prisoners are not eligible to be exchanged.

Last edited 2 years ago by SaharaWinds

the pickup truck in the second video looks like it was shipped in from Britain.

Last edited 2 years ago by pravoslavni
"you need to"............die, mofo

From the spoken English, looks like a few mercs were shipped in with it.

Ashok Varma

Indian RAW estimated that western NATO puppet regimes have recruited and shipped over 20,000 worst gutter level racist trash from European, US and Canadian ghettos to go rape, kill and murder people in Ukraine, especially the ethnic Russians. These scum must be killed before they fell back to their Euro-trash racist sewers. Humanity owes Russia a great debt of honor for all the noble sacrifices of Russian soldiers to get rid of these Zio-Nazi sewer rats. God Bless Russia and President Putin for his noble efforts to denazify its Ukrainian territory. JAI RUS!

Last edited 2 years ago by Ashok Varma

No these zionazis need to be toughened up by war and when captured by Russia well taken care of and then sent in good health back to Europe. They should serve the people of Europe well.

Pamfil Military Academy

You’re right, but those nazi mercenaries are real tough to kill because they are very important propaganda assets for Ze fag banderist slave of Ameriscum occult. For that reason they are very well protected inside ukropizdan army by not letting them to fight in hotspots and not in the first lines.


Same pattern as seen in Syria, of US networks internationally recruiting for Islamist extremists to fight in Syria as militants. With Ukraine, US networks have been recruiting internationally for neo-fascist extremists, for last 8 years, to train and to join ranks of Ukrainian Right Sector and its militant battalions. As in Syria, once again, it’s left to the Russian’s to clean out the US’ dedicated program of foreign recruited militants, in this case, of Euro-UK-US neo-fascists/low IQ useful idiots in Ukrainian ranks.

Last edited 2 years ago by SaharaWinds

Terrorists, tgey have no rights under the Geneva convention


Is this supposed to be “accelerationism”?


No. It’s just normal Capitalism in its darkest hour: they (capitalists, more specifically the Western high bourgeoisie) have no plan other than “loot while you can” and have reached the internal and external limits of their endless greed, extreme monopolization (a natural capitalist tendency, Marx 101, see also Lenin on “Imperialism”) and are trying to rally the crumbling US Empire by means of resorts they still have advantage, namely PRopaganda and a very robust, yet very fascist/nazi, secret service known as Gladio Network (the secret backbone of NATO).

They have no better plan than doing more of the same but worse than ever. It will work like “accelerationism” (I hope) but it’s not an intentional process by socialists who are in total disarray since way too long ago but an unintenional process by way too arrogant and almost brainless oligarchies.

Remember what some guy who gave a conference at Davos years ago eplained: the handful of oligarchs who attended his conference soon interrupted him asking for methods to keep their security guards loyal in case of total social collapse, the guy suggested that they should pay and treat them well, the oligarchs would have nothing of that and demanded more “radical” approaches like “shock collars”. Literally, that’s the pathetic level of our rulers: “shock collars”!

Pamfil Military Academy

Very accurate. Also to be mentioned that by Gladio Network they (the occult high capitalists) control not only NATO but also EU high ranking figures and politics.

le sith rouge

fighting for Obama, Kamela, Llyod the new Powels, OTAN-Woke, UE-Hidjab…

As said Huntington, they fight for the ones, the multiculturalists, against occidental civilisation…


Of course there are no neo-Nazis in Ukraine. The Nazis in Ukraine are the direct descendants of the original WW2 Nazis.


Underrated comment.

It may just be improved by explaining that Stepan Bandera was not court-martialled by his many genocidal war crimes… but enrolled in the CIA.

Lesco Brandon

Someone is a Nazi only if it suits the West’s agenda. If you’re fighting Russians then they’ll look the other way


Very insightful.


A nazi is a nazi is a nazi is a nazi…

Paraphrasing the poet but with fresh stink to manure.


A commie is a commie is a commie…


and uneducated idiot with no sense of history is an uneducated idiot with no sense of history. Neither China, Venezuela or Cuba have attacked. Blither much?


I wish, way too many “commies” are actually nothing but social-liberals pretending to be radical.


Soros must be destroyed,along with its pathedic feminazi unelected nazi/nazo sodomites! We know who they are and what they wish,agenda 21,bio lab weaponry,genocide+yellen$.

Pamfil Military Academy

Soros is a fucking sexo pervert and pedophile, at 90 he married not long ago a 45 years younger pussy. And his fellows rich corporatist globalists are same menu.

Last edited 2 years ago by Pamfil Military Academy

It’s very strange that there is scarce mention of Canadians. JTF2 was sent to the Ukraine in January when the Canadian government was getting ready to pull the rest of their Nazi project out of the country. They turn up in every degenerate US project, both as government soldiers and mercenaries.


whats funny is in Afghanistan they would make the jtf2 canadians go hide in the bunker during opfor attacks on the base because they didnt want to have to risk their lack of skill sets as bad PR. which is why they were on the base in the first place. middle of Kabul and the boys were not even allowed in public. I guess Canada was in charge of turning Ukropts into world class absquatulaters from battle fields. and now no other army can abandon gear and retreat faster than Ukropt track and field Army.


Yes the Latvians were nazis but because they had restored their democracy aftef the war with the ussr in, was it 1929?,They didn’t want to be returned to communism so went with the socialists Those were the choices going at rhe time. Now Latvians a horrible place with evil governments there since the I dependence Worse than the thieving communists and socialists A place I would not visit despite my father being born there.


Here in Sweden the nazis of NMR are one of the few groups who dont hate on the Russians, they are officially neutral in the conflict and advice their members not to go to Ukraine and I have not heard about a single one that did.

More general nationalists are also ambivalent, wanting to support the Ukrainians because they are more fellow Europeans than Russia but at the same time understanding that the Ukrainians are proxies for the Empire that is destroying us all. In 2014 they organized for volunteers to go down, this time round they organized help to Ukrainian orphanage through their own channels and driving down there themselves. Then again, some Swedish nationalist groups are allied with Polish dito so they kind of have to lean towards Ukraine. While more intellectual types lean against the Ukrainian side in this conflict. Swedish nationalists and radical conservatives often have ties to Poland, so there is that.

Last edited 2 years ago by Erikassimo

Thanks. It is confusing. I wonder if what we see is the result of having European governments punishing legitimate dissent. So dissent becomes more, uhh, angry. The globalists and multiculturalists introduced the poison that leads to national extinction and now we see some of the anger. European politics are utterly distorted. Really sick. French presidential elections are a joke. There needs to be enormous discontent for challengers to the status quo to overcome the two-tiered system.


Here in Sweden the real uprising was in the 1990ies. It was supressed extremely vigurously by our betters. So nationalist dissent in Sweden is just becoming more peaceful and is moving away from politics since that door is completely closed to us. By demographics if nothing else. And by rulers that have abandoned everything but the pretence at fair play and “democracy”. Swedish nationalism turning inwards and towards culture and lifestyle instead.


They may be the only nazis or nazi-like parties in Europe to do so. Still they may advise against volunteering to Ukraine because they know it’s a butchery and they want to keep their membership safe.

But in general far right parties in Europe, from Le Pen’s RN to AfD and Vox are all pro-Ukrainian since day one. In fact that’s what pseudo-leftists are often accused of: of rallying behind the nazis on this issue.


That is not true. Here in Sweden for example the rightwing populist party Alternative for Sweden are against NATO and want a pro Swedish foreign policy rather than a pro USA one. Im sure its similar with Alternative for Deutchland, that they are at the very least the last to join the hate Russia train and only do it for survival reasons and without conviction. As for the NMR, they do podcasts in English. My suggestion is that you chosse between not speaking about what you do not know. Or inform yourself and then speak about what you actually know.

Last edited 2 years ago by Erikassimo

The fascists are all (or most at least) in favor of the US Empire anyhow. They have no better ideas and the USA and NATO have for way too long cooperated with them in ways secret, notably in the infamous Gladio Network, which was never dismantled (except possibly in Turkey, where its local branch, Ergenekon, was put under control of Erdogan after due purge).

The very ideas they have like “white nationalism” are all Germano-centric or Nordo-centric and are best represented by the USA. They know it. Also they consider Russians “racially admixed” and their greatest fear is that a power of non-European roots like China takes over. Not that Chinese can’t be racist, fascist, etc. but they re not Eurocentric, the USA is.

In fact most nazi trolls you find online, here included, are from the USA, very rarely from Europe (Poland and Ukraine excepted maybe) even if they fill their mouths with the word “European” and have all kinds of poisonous advise for Europe as if it was their turf. They rant a lot about Soros and the Jews but never mention Bannon and Breitbart, because that’s what they are. As always the fake US “democracy” offering two almost identical choices: Soros vs Bannon, Coke vs Pepsi, McDo vs Burger King, Liberals vs Conservatives, etc.


You have no idea what you are talking about. Here in Sweden ANTIFA work with the secret police to supress nationalists. And absolutely zero sponsorship from USA in any way shape or form for nationalists. On the contrary, the financial system shut down nationalists bank accounts. The radical left and the Swede haters are part of the establishment and have enormous funding and backing. And noone in the dissident right here support USA or the neocons.

Last edited 2 years ago by Erikassimo

Antifa is NOT an organization: it’s an attitude or an idea. Just like socialism or communism are not an organization but an idea, a feeling, a social project… that adopts many forms in the specifics.

You’re just parroting neonazi Bannonism-Trumpism. It’s ridiculous.


Im Swedish. I read all Swedish media. And have done for two decades. And I also follow US media. You have no idea what you are talking about. And you are using an American framework to analyze Sweden. Which is rediculous. The parrot in this conversation is you. But thats the way it goes. You globalists always accuse others for what you yourselves are doing. You truly are the Empire of Lies.


Sweden is not the navel of the world. I replied elsewhere on your absurd accusations of “globalism”, which is a nickname for “capitalist” and I’m communist of the Apoist kind (approx.) and thus want fraternity but decentralization and not capitalist nigtmares, be them “liberal” or “conservative”, let alone “naz” or as you guys say “nationalist” (there’s also liberation nationalism, which is legitimate but your version of it is pretty much neonazism, which is also globalist, mind you, just racist-globalist).


You are a globalist attackdog like all the other antifa. And you are extremely arrogant making blanket statements about things you know absolutely nothing about.

helene matz

which radical left,can you name them dette er skitsnakk


In the specific example I gave in the comment below the one we are talking under, the organization was called AFA Doku and the guy who was getting paid by the Secret Police was Martin Fredriksson. AFA Doku was populated by real heavyweights of the autonomous left in Sweden, such as Mathias Wåg, and I think (guessing here) Martin Fredriksson was also of high status there, he certainly had a violent past. At the time it was said that he hacked Disqus commenting system, more likely, he was given exploits by the Secret Police. The people from AFA then got the most prestigeous journalistic price in Sweden for this “hack”, the “Guldspaden”. Incidentally, the comments in question were comments under the alternative media sites “Politiskt Inkorrekt” (or it might have changed name to “Avpixlat”) and Fria Tider who were ever growing in popularity. So the establishment, the police and the extreme left cooperated to damage competitors to the MSM. Cute, no?

If you yourself want to be taken seriously, maybe not start calling something you know little about “skitsnakk” (Norwegian for bs)? I mean, asking for more specifics is fair, but, you know, why start out by making arrogant impression?

Last edited 2 years ago by Erikassimo

Let me give you an example how it works. In 2012 an ANTIFA group hacked the discqus commenting system and aquired the email addresses that people had used to sign up to it. They then collaborated with MSM to have them show up with TV crew at peoples homes unannounced to shame them for what they had written anonymously under articles in alternative media. The “hacker” of the hacker group turned out to be collaborating with the Secret Police at the time of the hack. Thats how it works here. The left is just the thugs of the establishment. And the establishment are the same people that hate against Russia and are bringing Sweden into NATO without debate and without referendum and without intervening election. ANTIFA et al also rarely get arrested for the crimes they do and function as an enforcement arm for the establishment, showing up at peoples homes at night and destroy them and their cars and attack people and prevent people from having meetings and assault people. They are just the regime thugs, sadists and misfits that enjoy being able to be scary and violent without facing consequences.

Last edited 2 years ago by Erikassimo

That’s not “antifa”, that’s some Gladio operation and as thus fascist.


You globalists always accuse others of what you yourself are doing. You are the Empire of Lies. And you obviously know exacly zero about Sweden. And still make cock sure statements about it. You are ignorant and dogmatic.

Last edited 2 years ago by Erikassimo
helene matz

minsann,skratt og latter


You are really not bringing much to the table yourself. At least have the curtesy of expressing yourself in English when you are at an English site?


No, I’m anti-globalization and actually antifascism and anti-globalization are historically tightly linked tendencies. You neofascists may claim to be “anti-globalist”, i.e. opposed to an ideology of globalism you have made up yourselves, like all nazi rantings about imaginary enemies (which usually carry no or merely circumstantial evidence at all).

“Globalism” is only a pretext to rant about “nationalism”, without even understanding nations and ethnicities most of the times yourselves and worse: trying to build a globalist and globalized bloc of “nations” under whichever hegemon yourselves, typically the USA again in the name of white supremacy and culturally appropriating our Europe for your road movie pseudo-country, which is definitely not part of Europe at all (but is all the time meddling in our subcontinent and hurting Europens much like Britain did before).

The Anglosaxon fake ideology of “nationalism” is nothing but the new version of British “splendid isolation”, which was neither splendid nor isolated at all, but rather all the time intervening in Europe, directly or by proxy so Europe could not become something real and strong, pitting us against each other for their own benefit. That’s your Bannonism, sir or madam: destroy Europe for the sake of Anglo oligarchs — while Russia also seems happy, because that’s the only thing the USA and Russia have in common: they don’t want a strong united Europe of any sort, you want us divided and subjugated.

There is no “globalism” but there is GLOBALIZATION, which is a capitalist (and even proto-capitalist) process whose inaugural band was epically cut by my compatriot Elcano 503 years ago and that has become more accentuated through all these centuries. It’s so old that it’s almost trivial, much like your fabled “new world order”, which is the motto inscribed in the US Great Seal since almost 150 years ago: “novus ordum sec(u)lorum”.

You’re so unfoundedly conspiranoic that you’re fighting against old history itself, history that already happened long ago, that has shapen our reality and that can’t be undone.

We antifa, anticapitalists, communists, are indeed for re-localization for at least some degree of autarchy, because that is needed for democracy and self-rule (and even the most basic food and energy security) and defintely against capitalist wild exploitation of the peoples of the world in what amounts almost to a single spherical global city, but a very segregated one, especially in terms of wealth or class, and not just “race” or ethnicity. Unlike you, we don’t want more segregation, but better distribution and empowering of everyone in our own homelands but respectful and solidary with each other. You may call us naive and delusory, but not “globalist”.


I know exactly what you antifa are from what you people have done for decades here in Sweden. You are just the thugs of the globalists, USA, the oligarchs, the establishment. There is a direct line to the antifa of today from the Leninists that plundered Russia and sold all its riches to foreigners so that they could finance their coup. All this irreplacable heritage and this enormous wealth and the produce of hundereds of years of Russian civilization was scattered to all the winds, sold by you people to your megarich backers in the west so they could become even richer. And much of this was funneled out through Sweden by people that are still at it supporting antifa here in sweden to terrorize and destroy and humiliate, the Swede who is leading them today is a direct descendent of the Red Banker who was helping you people plunder and destroy the Russian civilization 105 years ago. All your dogma and all your nonsense and all your words cant hide what you are from me.

Last edited 2 years ago by Erikassimo
Pamfil Military Academy

Sorry man, you’re messing things terribly. You can’t discern many aspects of politics, ideology and reality, because you NEVER LIVED in both world order: ‘communist’ and capitalist. I lived and I say you’re phenomenally wrong. Maju is right.


He bring nothing to this than parroting superficial dogmatic talking points from decades ago. I know exactly what im talking about and I know exactly what these people are, at least here in Sweden. Theyare just the shadow enforcement arm of the regime to make dissent even more difficult and hard. The radical left always side with the big companies, always have, always will. Like when their ancestors helped plunder Russia for the benefit of the super rich oligarchs in the west.

Pamfil Military Academy

I don’t see how he is a globalist. Only being an american ? A lot of american peoples are against globalism. I’d say the majority.

Last edited 2 years ago by Pamfil Military Academy

The organization that did the hack for the MSM was called AFA Doku and had real heavy weights in the autonomous left in their ranks like Mathias Wåg. It also had ties with Swedish journalist and media owner and extremely rich Robert Aschberg and his Picatus documentation company that sells sensitive information to companies to help them discriminate when hiring people and other such things. As I understood it, AFA Doku shared resources with Picatus, but I could be wrong about that. Aschberg in turn is grandson of the Red Banker who worked intimately with the original Bolsjeviks to finance their revolution by helping them smuggle out and sell art treasures and gold and valuables that the revolutionaries plundered. It is quite probable that the much of the wealth that was plundered in the revolution are still part of the fortune of the Aschberg family. Robert was also the journalist who lead the destruction of the private people that had made insensitive comments in their desperation over seeing their home town turned into something completely alien and substantially more violent and dysfunctional by massive third world migration.

Last edited 2 years ago by Erikassimo
Pamfil Military Academy

Man, not all who call itself a commie is a …REAL communist, do you understand that ????? In fact in those 30 years of so-called ameriscum demonocracy the left wing parties done more harm to the country than the right wing. You can’t be left wing and support capitalism or be a capitalist, like you suggest constantly.


Well, if you want to take a discussion about Sweden specifically, feel free to do so. But then you have to bring actual facts to the table instead of these empty platitudes. I have brought loads of history and events and people and happenings from Sweden. So feel free to make SPECIFIC counter points. Otherwise you are just pulling it out of the air. This discussion is taking place under a rather peripheral observation about the curious neutrality of a smal group of fanatical nazis in Sweden.

Pamfil Military Academy

Man, do you understand the real situation or ? There was not real communism nowhere in the world, and now is no real left almost nowhere in the world. The former communists were in majority slick opportunists and demagogues, avid for power benefits and now, same things happen with the so-called leftists. Just one mention: now the so-called left wing parties and figures are a creation of secret services, mainly JUSA globalist cabal, to mimic the ‘democracy game’ to deceive the large masses of idiots to behave on theirs agenda. Example: in Romania, the former communist high ranking figures have the highest quality of life in the country, way over the common proletarian people. They had almost all stuff from WEST (TV color, VHS players, swimming pools, 2 level houses, holiday homes at mountain and at Black Sea beach, etc, etc, etc). After the so-called revolution, in fact a clear direct coup of the secret service, they infiltrated (former secret service transformed into new intel agency) both wings: left and right, to give the population the impression of political fight, but when reach on government, they behave the SAME: plunder and be slaves of the masters, selling countries interests on those who give more.


This has always been true of communists, even if you go back to the Russian revolution.

Orcrainians are white ISIS

AZOV orcrainians surrendering marks the beginning of the end.


The moment Zelensky and his criminal gang started to shell the breakaway regions was the beginning of the end. But now the west world knows exactly what’s coming if they dare to cross a red line again. Just take a look how they all open up accounts to pay in Ruble. They are big on words but fold quick and quietly in the end. Anyway, this doesn’t look good for Zelensky and what’s left of his country.

Last edited 2 years ago by TopGum
Pamfil Military Academy

Cocaine Ze fag fake jew don’t give a shit about Ukraine…he’s interested only in his personal assets. So, in any (bad) case you will see him in 15 minutes taking a personal jet via JUSA.


The more of this Al CIAduh owned Gladio filth “pours” into rump Ukraine the better. The wimps in Urupp and USSA are not capable of exterminating their angloZionaZi bred rats, but Mr Bear is dealing very very effectively with this rodent vermin.

Send more rats by all means to the Monika Zelenski rat barbecue


Didn’t hitler swear to plow the fields with Slavic bones?


Plowing fields with Slavic boners? Gee that prick had a twisted mind. Sicko, like most of the Western “leaders”.


How do you do linebreak in comments?

Last edited 2 years ago by Erikassimo

The first image, replaced one swastika with another, LOL.

hunter bidé lab pork !

what a bunch of suking in jews parazites are doing there !!!?? theres no more coke !!!! where were you fighting the lookdowns ?? suking jews !???


There are no more “nazis” in Ukraine than in Russia or anywhere else, just look at all the bloodthirsty scum commenting in this forum alone, lol.

Last edited 2 years ago by Boggs

STOP the Ukrainian rampage and the murder of the Russian ethnic minority in Ukraine! ! Stop Ukrainian fascism!


Western weekend warriors – the twat in video spent more time spray painting his AKM and magazines than learning what he was actually getting into. This is not US soldiers playing at war in Afghanistan; occasionally venturing out from the climate controlled base, taking pot-shots at distant goat shepherds, calling up F-16 strikes at first sign of any trouble, and calling in medivac helos to save any wounded. Nope, none of that US style war experience applies here. This is real war. It actually looks like an updated version of THE eastern front, just in smart fone HD color, tanks knocked out from both sides, massed artillery barrages, slogging the same forests and dirt roads. Only the Russians have all the advantages – they can bring in new equipment systems from right next door, that critically use the same organized supply chains. Ukraine is desperately scrambling just to stay in the fight, and all these various NATO supplied weapons are just make their disrupted resupply logistics far worse. This is what such western weekend warriors actively got themselves into – and unless they flee now, they will certainly die from an artillery barrage on a static defense trench in the fields of Donbass.

Richard NEIL Wilshier

Vehicle unable to start…Electrometric Attack…The new Battlefield


mercs want paid. of course they flee when they realize no pay is available. lol

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