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“Neo-Nazis” Take Reichstag To Fight “Neo-Liberal Values”

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"Neo-Nazis" Take Reichstag To Fight "Neo-Liberal Values"

Protests against the restrictive measures in Berlin

At the weekend, mass protests were held in Berlin against the quarantine restrictions imposed by the German government related to the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic. On Saturday, August 29, about 40 thousand people took to the streets. The mass protests revealed an ideological and cultural split in German society.

Berlin faces the protests against quarantine measures not for the first time. The previous demonstration against the excessive restrictive measures gathered about 20,000 people on August 1. The protest was interrupted by the police, because the demonstrators “did not observe the conditions of social distance”. This weekend, more people took part in the rallies, and the mask regime was canceled for one day. The main demand of the protesters is the abolition of quarantine measures, which cause significant damage to the citizens’ income. The protest against the restrictive measures quickly took the form of political demands for the resignation of the Federal government. Mass discontent is caused by the obvious dissonance between the declared threats and the observed reality.

"Neo-Nazis" Take Reichstag To Fight "Neo-Liberal Values"

A protester wrapped in black-white-red imperial German flag stands in front of the Reichstag building in Berlin / Bangkok Post

A crowd of thousands of protesters gathered at the Brandenburg gate in the center of the German capital. Rallies were also held in different parts of the city center. The demonstrations culminated in a symbolic assault on the Bundestag. The protest action was dubbed nothing other than “taking the Reichstag”. Some of the radicals managed to break through the cordon in front of the building and climb up its stairs. The demonstrators did not enter the building itself, and the police pushed them back, using the tear gas. The Reichstag, where German deputies gather in plenary sessions, has a great symbolic significance in Germany. The building and its famous dome were burned down by the Nazis in 1933, in an act that is believed to have been intended to bring German democracy to its knees.

One of the organizers of the rallies was the organization Querdenken 711 (“Non-standard thinking”). The members of this movement are opposed to restrictive measures. They call the quarantine a dictatorship and protest against the mandatory wearing of masks because this demand has no sense and even harms conscientious executors.

The rallies themselves are a motley procession that unites members of LGBT community, anti-state activists, conspirators or far-right supporters. German authorities fear that protests against the quarantine may be used by neo-Nazis. Demonstrations are an ideal environment for radical movements to win more and more supporters for a particular ideology.

According to various statements, the main mass of the demonstrations was made up of the members of the revanchist movement “Reichsbürger” (“Citizens of the Reich”), which recognizes Germany within the borders of 1937. The reichsbürgers consider it necessary to sign a treaty with the United States, after which, Germany would gain full sovereignty. At the same time, the demonstrators believe that Russia could facilitate the signing of such a treaty, and that the Russian President has the ability to influence Donald Trump.

"Neo-Nazis" Take Reichstag To Fight "Neo-Liberal Values"

Source: Ruptly

Despite the fact that in addition to the participants of the Reichsbürger movement, representatives of various movements participated in the rallies, the demonstrations can be described as pro-Russian and pro-American at the same time. Such a trend is a signal that German society is disillusioned with the current political course of the country and is looking for support in countries with a more authoritarian system and with real influence on the international arena.

"Neo-Nazis" Take Reichstag To Fight "Neo-Liberal Values"

“Vladimir and Donald give us freedom”

About 300 people were detained during the protests about 200 of them were detained near the Russian Embassy in Berlin, where an unauthorized rally was organized gathering right-wing radicals and supporters of Putin’s policies. In the crowds of protesters among the flags of the German Empire, the Russian tricolor was also noticed. Videos appear on the Internet showing protesters chanting ” Putin! Putin!”. Demonstrators used placards that read: “Vladimir and Donald! Give us freedom!” Many attribute the capture of the Reichstag to an allusion to the historic storming of the Reichstag by the Soviet Red Army in May 1945.

These facts immediately led to the appearance of various gossips about Moscow’s involvement in the organization of provocations in Berlin. So the journalist of the tabloid ‘Bild’ Julian Röpcke, wrote in Twitter:

“Pro-Putin and Pro-Trump extremists tried to storm the Reichstag”.

However, various statements regarding Russian intervention seem exaggerated, in contrast to the growing level of support for Putin’s policy by the German population and hopes for a rapprochement between the two States on the international stage. Deputy of the city House of Representatives Gunnar Lindemann, explaining the shouts in support of the Russian President during the rallies, said that the Russian leader has a great authority among the Germans.

The demonstrators decided to come to the Russian Embassy to “draw attention to the conditions in Germany” in the hope that the Russian side will be able to influence Chancellor Angela Merkel.

"Neo-Nazis" Take Reichstag To Fight "Neo-Liberal Values"

Twitter account: Julian Röpcke

Modern German society seems to have been overwhelmed by the Euro-Atlantic agenda. This is natural for the population, when in the context of an objective global crisis and a crisis of management decisions of an incombant bureaucracy, the population needs to have a strong leader, someone who can take full personal responsibility for the applied solutions. An additional factor influencing the growth of such sentiments is the objective benefit for Germany from the process of economic cooperation with Russia, which is opposed by Euro-Atlanticists and Brussels bureaucrats.

According to the last statistics of the ZDF, only 10% of Germans consider anti-Covid-19 restrictions to be excessive, while 60% consider them adequate and 28% as insufficient. These figures confirm the fact that in many ways the protests have already a priority not to fight against excessive restrictive measures, but to change the political course of the country.

The rallies demonstrated a deep split in many respects of an ideological nature. Far-right parties, which are gaining considerable popularity in Germany, sharply criticized attempts to ban rallies in Berlin, calling the decision “dictatorial”.

Alternative for Germany (AfD) MP Leif-Erik Holm spoke on Twitter about the “victory for freedom”. The rule of law has protected freedom of Assembly from the arbitrariness of the “left – wing Berlin municipality,” another leader of the party, Beatrix von Storch, said with satisfaction.

At this time, many German leaders denounced an “attack on democracy” after an attempt to storm the National Parliament. German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier spoke out against an “unbearable attack on the heart of our democracy” . He denounced “the outrages of the extreme right” as well as the German “flags of the Reich”.

“Diversity of opinion is the hallmark of a society that is doing well. But freedom of Assembly reaches its limits from the moment the state rules are trampled underfoot, ” said conservative Interior Minister Horst Seehofer.

Over the past month, protests against quarantine measures have taken place in many European capitals, as well as in the UK. They were much smaller in scale. For example, in Paris on Saturday, up to 300 people gathered to express their dissatisfaction on August, 29. In Berlin, the rallies, which involve tens of thousands of people, have become one of the largest protests in more than 10 years. One of the factors that contributed to this level of discontent is probably Germany’s success in preventing the spread of the pandemic. Germany is one of the most effective European countries in detecting, containing and treating coronavirus. The relatively low number of deaths has created a public perception that it is not dangerous, and that the authorities are introducing unfavorable, unnecessary measures to combat it.

The rise of far-right sentiment in Europe, as well as support for Russia’s political course, seems to be an important indicator of the decline of neoliberal ideology. This trend is accompanied by an increasing acceptance of the alternative ideology of the Russian kind, which is also manifested in the desire to get closer to Russia in the framework of international politics. Such trends are clearly visible not only in the process of rallies in Germany, but also, for example, in the foreign policy of France, conducted by Macron. Apparently, the societies of Western countries are beginning to realize the inevitability of the decline of the neoliberal agenda and are looking for an alternative in more conservative concepts, the most appropriate and close of which seems to be the pro-Russian ideology.

In this case, protest movements in post-Soviet countries, such as Ukraine and Belarus, which continue to blindly follow the Euro-Atlantic agenda driven by local nationalists, raise confusion. In practice, we observe the standard ideological waves. When the population of the leading European countries has already shifted to a different level of meaning and demands, developing countries under the influence of colonial style propaganda still continue to raise the slogans of liberal democratic dreams to the banners.


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It’s complete Horseshit! It turns out that the infamos BfV [Verfassungsschutz equal to the UK’s MI5] has infiltrated the Protests with several of their Deep-State Operatives AKA ‘Agent Provocateurs’ to steer the Protest in a certain direction and gives a certain appearance. When all those Protests start to surface the Fake-News/Propaganda MSM in concert with the corrupt Regime and Politclown Establishment start to smear them all as ‘Right Wing’ ‘Anti-Semitic’ ‘Neo-Fascist’ the usual BS and they repeat all the time the same lies and narratives to delegitimize any critics of the Regimes actions related to corona. The BfV is infamos for a lot of such criminal shit on behest of the Regime such as the so-called ‘Celler Loch’ incident they put a bomb on a prison wall in Celle and blow it and than pinned on the RAF [their bogeyman back than] to further some unpopular security laws, the order came from Ernst Albrecht [corrupt CDU POS] the Lower-Saxony Governer back than and interestingly the father of Ursula von der Leyen the illegitimate unelected head of the EU-Junta [EU-Commission] a first grade corrupt cleptocratic incompetent criminal POS, the apple falls not far from the tree.

Jens Holm

Thank You too


As I was there please correct your report! The above report is not correct. There were only a few people one would classify as right wing. The majority were people of all different political believes, mainly center. The barricades around the Reichstag were just a meter high, and people did not climb over it, but just disconnecting the joints to walk through. There were no policemen at the beginning, later 3 policement came around the corner and asked the poeple to leave the stairs. These policement were joined by roughly 20 more policement when people already left the stairs. I did not see ANY tear gas used, no force used by neither demonstrators nor police to free the stairs.

Jens Holm

Thank You.


So the Neo-Nazi and LGBT member protesters in Berlin support Russia and Putin. Not only Neo-nazis and LGBT hate each other, Kremin also is not particularly fond of them, to put it lightly. What an interesting world we live in.

Lone Ranger

Ever thought about that maybe they are CIA/Soros funded to discredit Russia?


On the other side of the wall not everything is the boogieman

Lone Ranger

What wall? I didn’t say everything…


It is a metaphor for the Berlin wall and some nostalgic people demonizing everything on the other side (on both sides to be honest). Hence some people still jump straight on their boogiemen for anything they don’t like. I also didn’t say everything or nothing was the boogieman, sometimes it is sometimes it isn’t

The Farney Fontenoy

Basically this is a bit piece defending communism. SouthFront is saying here that anyone protesting a totalitarian socialist dictatorship is a nazi? , I’m visiting SF less and less b/c of this commie crap. I’m half expecting to hear the USSR’s national anthem playing next time I get here.


Hey wanker,CCCP saved the world from you fascist scum but also dumassed cia trolls who keep ranting the (fake us commy hate) where infact all usa/hegemony are blatant nwo./nazi regimes, no wonder heterosexual (real deal commy chinese) absolutely smashed ye nwo/nazi doctrine!

The Farney Fontenoy

When you open with an insult, you’re telling me you have noting to say.


Some people obviously don’t read anything but the title…. and the title use ” “ for both “nazis” and “neo-liberal values”

Scare quotes are quotation marks that writers place around a word or phrase to signal that they are using it in a non-standard, ironic, or otherwise special sense

“Basically this is a bit piece defending communism.” where exactly? “SouthFront is saying here that anyone protesting a totalitarian socialist dictatorship is a nazi” again, where do they say so?

Not SF, but german authorities (including Merkel) called these protesters with various names, including far-right. German and all western media as well, for example DW/Deutsche Welle (basically propaganda tool of the german government, extremely pro-globalist and pro-NATO)


The Farney Fontenoy

Did Israel ever say they did 911? They dropped every hint in the world they did, but never directly said it, I guess they didn’t do it, b/c they didn’t say they did.

In Exile

The Nazis were actually the good guys, yeah it boggles the mind once you know the truth. Goldberg and his pals have sold us a whole lot of lies now they tell us Assad is another Hitler, come on time to set Goldberg straight. When you control the media, Banking and Entertainment you can virtually get away with anything.


A bit naive to to still think their is any kind of ‘alliance’ between Trump and Putin. Trump has signed up to the usual anti-Russia BS of Washington, so trying to support both is impossible.

Albert Pike

Well naturaly only a few people will know. It could be that right now we are in a ‘Mind War’ – a special type of Global PsyOp, like it is explainded here:

‘Sometime in late 1980, then-Col. Paul E. Vallely, the Commander of the 7th Psychological Operations Group, United States Army Reserve, Presidio of San Francisco, Ca., co-authored a discussion paper, which received wide and controversial attention within the U.S. military, particularly within the Special Operations community. The paper was titled “From PSYOP to MindWar: The Psychology of Victory,” and it presented a Nietzschean scheme for waging perpetual psychological warfare against friend and enemy populations alike, and even against the American people.’… ‘”To this end,” Vallely and co-author continued, “MindWar must be strategic in emphasis, with tactical applications playing a reinforcing, supplementary role. In its strategic context, MindWar must reach out to friends, enemies, and neutrals alike across the globe—neither through primitive ‘battlefield’ leaflets and loudspeakers of PSYOP nor through the weak, imprecise, and narrow effort of psychotronics—but through the media possessed by the United States which have the capabilities to reach virtually all people on the face of the Earth. These media are, of course the electronic media—television and radio. State of the art developments in satellite communication, video recording techniques, and laser and optical transmission of broadcasts make possible a penetration of the minds of the world such as would have been inconceivable just a few years ago.’ https://larouchepub.com/other/2005/3233spoonbenders.html

Vallely also appears in connection with (the PsyOp) Q anon, and he is just like Trump (don’t know about Putin, and Rabbi Berel Lazar) a die hard Zionist: ‘Vallely is also a supporter of the Jerusalem Summit organization and an advocate of the organization’s proposal to “relocate”/”resettle” Palestine and the Palestinian people to surrounding Arab countries as a solution to the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, and to bring about the organization’s belief “that one of the objectives of Israel’s divinely inspired rebirth is to make it the center of the new unity of the nations, which will lead to an era of peace and prosperity, foretold by the Prophets.” ‘ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_E._Vallely

Trumps son in law Jared Kushner is Chabad Lubavitch, and so is Berel Lazar – so there are indications of a common nominator between Trump and Putin, and if you read the Larouche Link slowly and without prejudice, then we could be in type of Mindwar since 9/11: This one here fits the profile of Nato/Mossad Isis false flag, upto the T: ‘Quoting from a September 2003 San Francisco Chronicle article by Naval Postgraduate School defense analyst and Pentagon counterinsurgency advisor John Arquilla, Hersh hinted that U.S. Special Forces units were being unleashed to create their own terrorist “pseudo gangs” to more easily infiltrate terrorist groups like al-Qaeda. Arquilla wrote: “When conventional military operations and bombing failed to defeat the Mau Mau insurgency in Kenya in the 1950s, the British formed teams of friendly Kikuyu tribesmen who went about pretending to be terrorists. These ‘pseudo gangs,’ as they were called, swiftly threw the Mau Mau on the defensive, either by befriending and then ambushing bands of fighters or by guiding bombers to the terrorists’ camps. What worked in Kenya a half-century ago has a wonderful chance of undermining trust and recruitment among today’s terror networks. Forming new pseudo gangs should not be difficult.”‘ Naturaly it also fits what happend at 9/11…

And don’t forget – there is nothing impossible in a a type of ‘Mindwar’, like projected by Vallely and Aquino…


40,000 at Berlin Rally? Not even close.


Less-than or more-than?

Albert Pike

The numbers go from 1.3 to 3 to 4 millions. Difficult to say because the police disolved half of the demostrations, before they reached Brandenburg Gate.

By the way the Reichtag Storm was a Fake, initiated by AntiFa and Merkel-Spook-Troops – they even gave out the flaggs and bragged about it. And those few hundreds who fell for the story that ‘Trump is Berlin’ were obviously PsyOp- Q-bedazzeled…

Albert Pike


cechas vodobenikov

the recent anti-coved fascism speech by Kennedy attracted 500,000 to 1 million in Berlin(no mask slaves observed); why is SF publishing these strange dissimulations?


There are news about Voldemort. Sanctions are coming


Unseren Deutschen Volk Sieg Heil!

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