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MARCH 2025

The Neocons are pushing the USA and the rest of the world towards a dangerous crisis

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Written by The Saker; Originally appeared at The Unz Review

In October of last year a wrote an analysis I entitled The USA are about to face the worst crisis of their history and how Putin’s example might inspire Trump and I think that this is a good time to revisit it now.  I began the analysis by looking at the calamities which would befall the United States if Hillary was elected.  Since this did not happen (thank God!), we can safely ignore that part and look at my prediction of what would happen if Trump was elected.  Here is what I wrote:

Trump wins.  Problem: he will be completely alone.  The Neocons have a total, repeat total, control of the Congress, the media, banking and finance, and the courts.  From Clinton to Clinton they have deeply infiltrated the Pentagon, Foggy Bottom, and the three letter agencies.  The Fed is their stronghold.  How in the world will Trump deal with these rabid “crazies in the basement“?  Consider the vicious hate campaign which all these “personalities” (from actors, to politicians to reporters) have unleashed against Trump – they have burned their bridges, they know that they will lose it all if Trump wins (and, if he proves to be an easy pushover his election will make no difference anyway).  The Neocons have nothing to lose and they will fight to the very last one.  What could Trump possibly do to get anything done if he is surrounded by Neocons and their agents of influence?  Bring in an entirely different team?  How is he going to vet them?  His first choice was to take Pence as a VP – a disaster (he is already sabotaging Trump on Syria and the elections outcome).  I *dread* the hear whom Trump will appoint as a White House Chief of Staff as I am afraid that just to appease the Neocons he will appoint some new version of the infamous Rahm Emanuel…  And should Trump prove that he has both principles and courage, the Neocons can always “Dallas” him and replace him with Pence.  Et voilà!

I went on to suggest that Trump’s only option would be to follow Putin’s example and do the the Neocons what Putin did to the oligarchs.  Clearly that did not happen.  In fact, one month after the election of Trump I wrote another analysis entitled “The Neocons and the “deep state” have neutered the Trump Presidency, it’s over folks!“.

Less than a month ago I warned that a ‘color revolution ‘ was taking place in the USA.  My first element of proof was the so-called “investigation” which the CIA, FBI, NSA and others were conducting against President Trump’s candidate to become National Security Advisor, General Flynn.  Tonight, the plot to get rid of Flynn has finally succeeded and General Flynn had to offer his resignation.  Trump accepted it.  Now let’s immediately get one thing out of the way: Flynn was hardly a saint or a perfect wise man who would single handedly saved the world.  That he was not.  However, what Flynn was is the cornerstone of Trump’s national security policy.  (…)  The Neocon run ‘deep state’ has now forced Flynn to resign under the idiotic pretext that he had a telephone conversation, on an open, insecure and clearly monitored, line with the Russian ambassador.  And Trump accepted this resignation.  Ever since Trump made it to the White House, he has taken blow after blow from the Neocon-run Ziomedia, from Congress, from all the Hollywood doubleplusgoodthinking “stars” and even from European politicians.  And Trump took each blow without ever fighting back.  Nowhere was his famous “you are fired!” to be seen.  But I still had hope.  I wanted to hope.  I felt that it was my duty to hope.  But now Trump has betrayed us all.   Again, Flynn was not my hero.  But he was, by all accounts, Trump’s hero.  And Trump betrayed him.  The consequences of this will be immense.  For one thing, Trump is now clearly broken. It took the ‘deep state’ only weeks to castrate Trump and to make him bow to the powers that be.  Those who would have stood behind Trump will now feel that he will not stand behind them and they will all move back away from him.  The Neocons will feel elated by the elimination of their worst enemy and emboldened by this victory they will push on, doubling-down over and over and over again.  It’s over, folks, the deep state has won.

I then concluded that the consequences of this victory would catastrophic for the United States:

In their hate-filled rage against Trump and the American people (aka “the basket of deplorables”) the Neocons have had to show their true face. By their rejection of the outcome of the elections, by their riots, their demonization of Trump, the Neocons have shown two crucial things: first, that the US democracy is a sad joke and that they, the Neocons, are an occupation regime which rules against the will of the American people. In other words, just like Israel, the USA has no legitimacy left. And since, just like Israel, the USA are unable to frighten their enemies, they are basically left with nothing, no legitimacy, no ability to coerce. So yes, the Neocons have won. But their victory is removes the last chance for the US to avoid a collapse.

I think that what we are seeing today are the first signs of the impending collapse.

The symptoms of the agony

  • Externally, the US foreign policy is basically “frozen” and in lieu of a foreign policy we now only have a long series of empty threats hurled at a list of demonized countries which are now promised “fire and brimstone” should they dare to disobey Uncle Sam.  While this makes for good headlines, this does not qualify as a “policy” of any kind (I discussed this issue at length during my recent interview with SouthFront).  And then there is Congress which has basically stripped Trump from his powers to conduct foreign policy.  This bizarre, and illegal, form of a “vote of no-confidence” further hammers in the message that Trump is either a madman, a traitor, or both.
  • Internally, the latest riots in Charlottesville now being blamed on Trump who, after being a Putin agent is now further demonized as some kind of Nazi (see Paul Craig Roberts’ first and secondwarnings  about this dynamic)
  • Organizationally, it is clear that Trump is surrounded by enemies as illustrated by the absolutely outrageous fact that he can’t even talk to a foreign head of state without having the transcript of his conversation leaked to the Ziomedia.

I believe that these all are preparatory steps to trigger a major crisis and use it to remove Trump, either by a process of impeachment, or by force under the pretext of some crisis.  Just look at the message which the Ziomedia has been hammering into the brains of the US population.

The psychological preparation for the forthcoming coup: scaring them all to death

Here are three very telling examples taken from Newsweek’s front page:

The Neocons are pushing the USA and the rest of the world towards a dangerous crisis

Ask yourself, what is the message here?

Trump is a traitor, he works for Putin, Putin wants to destroy democracy in the United States and these two men together are the most dangerous men on the planet.  This is a “plot against America“, no less!

Not bad, right?

“They” are clearly out there go get “us” and “we” are all in terrible danger: Kim Jong-un is about to declare nuclear war on the USA, Xi and Putin are threatening the world with their armies, and “our” own President came to power courtesy of the “Russian KGB” and “Putin’s hackers”, he now works for the Russians, he is also clearly a Nazi, a White supremacist, a racist and, possibly, a “new Hitler” (as is Putin, of course!).

And then, there are those truly scary Mooslims and Aye-rabs who apparently want only two things in life: destroy “our way of life” and kill all the “infidels”.  This is why we need the TSA, 16 intelligence agencies and militarized police SWAT teams everywhere: in case the terrorists come to get us where we live.

Dangerous international consequences

This would all be rather funny if it was not also extremely dangerous.  For one thing, the US is really poking at a dangerous foe when it constantly tries to scare Kim Jong-un and the DPRK leadership.  No, not because of the North Korean nukes (which are probably not real nuclear capable ICBMs but a not necessarily compatible combination of nuclear ‘devices’ and intermediate range ballistic missiles) but because of the huge and hard to destroy conventional North Korean military.  The real threat are not missiles, but a deadly combination of conventional artillery and special forces which present very little danger to the USA or the US military, but which present a huge threat for the population of Seoul and the northern section of South Korea.  Nukes, in whatever form, are really only an added problem, a toxic “icing” on an already very dangerous ‘conventional cake’.

[Sidebar – a real life nightmare: Now, if you *really* want to terrify yourself and stay awake all night then consider the following.  While I personally believe that Kim Jong-un is not insane and that the main objective of the North Korean leadership is to avoid a war at all costs, what if I am wrong?  What if those who say that the North Korean leaders are totally insane are right? Or, which I think is much more likely, what if Kim Jong-un and the North Korean leaders came to the conclusion that they have nothing to lose, that the Americans are going to kill them all, along with their families and friends?  What could they, in theory, do if truly desperate?  Well, let me tell you: forget about Guam; think Tokyo!  Indeed, while the DPRK could devastate Seoul with old fashioned artillery systems, DPRK missiles are probably capable of striking Tokyo or the Keihanshin region encompassing Kyoto, Osaka and Kobe including the key industries of the Hanshin Industrial Region.  The Greater Tokyo area (Kanto region) and the Keihanshin region are very densely populated (37 and 20 million people respectively) and contain an immense number of industries, many of which would produce an ecological disaster of immense proportions if hit by missiles.  Not only that, but a strike on the key economic and financial nodes of Japan would probably result in a 9-11 kind of international economic collapse.  So if the North Koreans wanted to really, really hurt the Americans what they could do is strike Seoul, and key cities in Japan resulting in a huge political crisis for the entire planet.  During the Cold War we used to study the consequences of a Soviet strike against Japan and the conclusion was always the same: Japan cannot afford a war of any kind.  The Japanese landmass is too small, too densely populated, to rich in lucrative targets and a war lay waste to the entire country. This is still true today, only more so.  And just imagine the reaction in South Korea and Japan if some crazy US strike on the DPRK results in Seoul and Tokyo being hit by missiles!  The South Koreans have already made their position unambiguously clear, by the way. As for the Japanese, they are officially placing their hopes in missiles (as if technology could mitigate the consequences of insanity!).  So yeah, the DPRK is plenty dangerous and pushing them into their last resort is totally irresponsible indeed, nukes or no nukes]

What we are observing now is positive feedback loop in which each move by the Neocons results in a deeper and deeper destabilization of the entire system.  Needless to say, this is extremely dangerous and can only result in an eventual catastrophe/collapse.  In fact, the signs that the USA are totally loosing control are already all over the place, here are just a few headlines to illustrate this:

A French expression goes “when the cat is gone, the mice dance“, and this is exactly what is happening now: the USA is both very weak and basically absent.  As for the Armenians, they say “The mouse dreams dreams that would terrify the cat”.  Well, the “mice” of the world are dancing and dreaming and simply ignoring the “cat”.  Every move the cat makes only makes things worse for him.  The world is moving on, while the cat is busy destroying himself.

Dangerous domestic consequences

First on my list would be race riots.  In fact, they are already happening all over the United States, but they are rarely presented as such.  And I am not talking about the “official” riots of Black Lives Matter, which are bad enough, I am talking about the many mini-riots which the official media is systematically trying to obfuscate.  Those interested in this topic should read the book Don’t Make the Black Kids Angryby Colin Flaherty which shows that racist attack on Whites by Blacks (aka “polar bear hunting”) are on the rise pretty much all over the county.  Likewise, to anybody who stubbornly persists in ignoring the strong correlation between race and crime ought to read Ron Unz’s seminal analysis Race and Crime in America.  Now, before some self-appointed thought police volunteer accuses me a racism, I am not saying anything at all about the causes of the racial problems in the United States.  I am only saying that racial violence in the USA is severe and rapidly getting much worse.

The second problem which I see threatening the US society is an extremely rapid delegitimization of the entire US political system and, especially, of the Federal government.  For decades now Americans have been voting for ‘A’ and each time what they ended up with is ‘non-A’.  Examples of that include the famous “read my lips, no new taxes”, of course, but also Obama promises to stop stupid wars and now Trump’s promise to “drain the swamp”.  Americans have been lied to for decades and they know it.  There is a widening chasm between the so-called “American values” taught in schools and the reality of power.  While officially the USA are supposed to stand for democracy, freedom and all the other good things advocated by the Founding Fathers, the disgusting reality is that the USA are in bed with Wahabis, Nazis and Zionists.  The all-prevailing hypocrisy of it all now threatens to bring down the entire US political system just as the no less prevailing hypocrisy of the Soviet system brought down the USSR (if interested, you can read more about this topic here).  The simple truth is that no regime can survive for too long when it proactively supports the exact opposite of what it officially is supposed to stand for.  The result?  I have yet to meet an adult American who would sincerely believe that he/she lives in the “land of the free and the home of the brave”.  Maybe infants still buy this stuff, but even teenagers know that this is a load of bull.

Third, for all the encouraging statistics about the Dow Jones, unemployment and growth, the reality is that the US society is rapidly transforming itself in a three-tired one: on top, a small number of obscenely rich people, under them, a certain amount of qualified professionals who service the filthy rich and who struggle to maintain a lifestyle which in the past was associated with the middle-class.  And then the vast majority of Americans who basically are looking at making “minimal wage plus a little something” and who basically survive by not paying for health insurance, by typically working two jobs, by eating cheap and unhealthy “prolefeed” and by giving up on that which every American worker could enjoy in the 1950s and 1960s (have one parent at home, have paid holidays, a second vacation home, etc.).  Americans are mostly hard workers and, so far, most of them are surviving, but they are mostly one paycheck away from seriously bad poverty.  A lot of them only make ends meet because they get help from their parents and grand-parents (the same is true of southern Europe, by the way).  A large segment of the US population now survives only because of Walmart and the Dollar Store.  Once that fails, food stamps are the last option.  That, or jail, of course.

Combine all this and you get a potentially extremely explosive situation.  No wonder that when so many Americans heard Hillary’s comment about the “basket of deplorables” they took that as declaration of war.

And how do the Neocons plan to deal with all this?

By cracking down on free speech and dissent, of course!  What else?

Their only response – repression of course!

YouTube, Google, Facebook, Twitter – they are all cracking down on “bad” speech which includes pretty much any topic a garden variety self-described ‘liberal’ frowns upon. GoDaddy and Google are even going after domain names.  Oh sure, nobody gets thrown in jail for, say, defending the 2nd Amendment, but they get “demonetized” and their accounts simply closed.  It’s not the cops cracking down on free speech, it’s “Corporate America”, but the effect is the same.  Apparently, the Neocons do not realize that censorship is not a viable strategy in the age of the Internet.  Or maybe they do, and they are deliberately trying to trigger a backlash?

Then there is the vilification campaign in the media: unless you are some kind of ‘minority’ you are assumed to be nefarious by birth and guilty of all the evils on the planet.  And your leader is Trump, of course, or maybe even Putin himself, vide supra.  Christian heterosexual White males better run for cover…

Whatever may be the case, by their manic insistence, on one hand, to humiliate and crush Trump and, on the other, to repress millions of Americans the Neocons are committing a double mistake.  First, they are showing their true face and, second, they are subverting the very institutions they are using to control and run this country.  That, of course, only further weaken the Neocons and the United States themselves and that further accelerates the positive feedback loop mentioned above which now threatens the entire international system.

Us and them

What makes the gradual collapse of the AngloZionist Empire so uniquely dangerous is that it is by far the biggest and most powerful empire in world history.  No empire has ever had the quasi monopoly on power the USA enjoyed since WWII.  By any measure, military, economic, political, social, the USA came out of WWII as a giant and while there were ups and downs during the subsequent decades, the collapse of the USSR only reaffirmed what appeared to be the total victory of the United States.  In my admittedly subjective opinion, the last competent (no, I did not say ‘good’, I said ‘competent’) US President was George Herbert Walker Bush who, unlike his successors, at least new how to run an Empire.  After that, it is all downhill, faster and faster.  And if Obama was probably the most incompetent President in US history, Trump will be the first one to be openly lynched while in office.  As a result, the AngloZionist Empire is now like a huge freight train which lost its locomotive but which still have an immense momentum pushing it forward even though there is nobody in control any more.  The rest of the planet, with the irrelevant exception of the East Europeans, is now scrambling in horror to get out of the path of this out of control train.  So far, the tracks (minimal common sense, political realities) are more or less holding, but a crash (political, economic or military) could happen at any moment.  And that is very, very scary.

The USA has anywhere between 700 to 1000 military bases worldwide, the entire international financial system is deeply enmeshed with the US economy, the US Dollar is still the only real reserve currency, United States Treasury securities are held by all the key international players (including Russia and China), SWIFT is politically controlled by the USA, the US is the only country in the world that can print as much money as it wants and, last but not least, the US has a huge nuclear arsenal.  As a result, a US collapse would threaten everybody and that means that nobody would want to trigger one.  The collapse of the Soviet Union threatened the rest of mankind only in one way: by its nuclear arsenal.  In contrast, any collapse of the United States would threaten everybody in many different ways.

So the real question now is this: can the rest of the planet prevent a catastrophic collapse of the AngloZionist Empire?

This is the irony of our situation: even though the entire planet is sick and tried of the incompetent arrogance of the AngloZionists, nobody out there wants their Empire to catastrophically collapse.  And yet, with the Neocons in power, such a collapse appears inevitable with potentially devastating consequences for everybody.

This is really amazing, think of it: everybody hates the Neocons, not only a majority of the American people, but truly the entire planet.  And yet that numerically small group of people has somehow managed to put everybody in danger, including themselves, due to their ugly vindictiveness, infinite arrogance and ideology-induced short-sightedness.  That this could ever have happened, and at a planetary scale, is a dramatic testimony to the moral and spiritual decay of our civilization: how did we ever let things get that far?!

And the next obvious question: can we still stop them?

I honestly don’t know.  I hope so, but I am not sure.  My biggest hope with Trump was that he would be willing to sacrifice the Empire for the sake of the USA (the opposite of what the Neocons are doing: they are willing to sacrifice the USA for the sake of their Empire) and that he would manage a relatively safe and hopefully non-violent transition from Empire to “normal country” for the USA.  Clearly, this is ain’t happening.  Instead, the Neocons are threatening everybody: the Chinese, the Russians, the North Koreans and the Venezuelans of course, but also the Europeans (economically), the entire Middle-East (via the “only democracy in the Middle-East”), all the developing countries and even the American people.  Heck, they are even threatening the US President himself, and in not-so-subtle ways!

So what’s next?

Truly, I don’t know.  But my overwhelming sense is that Trump will be removed from office, either for “high crimes and misdemeanors” or for “medical reasons” (they will simply declare him insane and unfit to be the President).   Seeing how weak and spineless Trump is, he might even be “convinced” to resign.  I don’t see them simply murdering him simply because he is no Kennedy either.  After that, Pence comes to power and it will all be presented like a wonderful event, a group-hug of the elites followed by an immediate and merciless crackdown on any form of political opposition or dissent which will immediately be labeled as racist, homophobic, anti-Semitic, terrorist, etc.  The evil hand of the “Russian KGB” (yes, I know, the KGB was dissolved in 1991) will be found everywhere, especially amongst US libertarians (who will probably the only ones with enough brains to understand what is taking place).  The (pseudo-) “Left” will rejoice.  Should this course of action result in an unexpected level or resistance, either regional or social, a 9-11 false flag followed by a war will the most likely scenario (why stray away from something which worked so well the first time around?!).  Unless the USA decides to re-invade Grenada or give Nauru a much deserved thrashing, any more or less real war will result in a catastrophic failure for the USA at which point the use of nukes by the Neocon crazies might become a very real risk, especially if symbolic US targets such as aircraft carriers are hit (in 1991 when the US sent the 82nd AB to Iraq there was nothing standing between this light infantry force and the Iraqi armored divisions.  Had the Iraqis attacked the plan was to use tactical nuclear weapons.  Then this was all quickly forgotten).

There is a reason why the Neocons thrive in times of crisis: it allows them to hide behind the mayhem, especially when they are the ones who triggered the mayhem in the first place.  This means that as long as the Neocons are anywhere near in power they will never, ever, allow peace to suddenly break out, lest the spotlight be suddenly shined directly upon them.  Chaos, wars, crises – this is their natural habitat.  Think of it as the by-product of their existence.  Eventually, of course, they will be stopped and they will be defeated, like all their predecessors in history.  But I shudder when I think of the price mankind will have to pay this time around.

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Israel have no role in the world except terrorism. Adolf Hitler had known this but he or his information minister couldn’t communicated this issue to the world. Zionist have no religion, no country and have no friend. They are too short sighted and selfish people in the world. Why Zionist doing terrorism in the world and destroying world communities? I have no clue about their psychology.

The Zionism movement started about 1890 in the world. Theodor Herzl is considered the founder of the Zionism movement.

John Mason

So the only way out would be to publically list all neocons and revert to the “Wild West”, put a bounty on the neocons.

Dennis Savage

top idea

Nigel Maund

As per usual, the Saker hits the nail square on the head. His last sentence a laser guided summation of the situation. The USA, as it now stands, with a very weak President, whose fate has already been decided, is doomed. The American citizens do not possess the organisational structure, will or the wherewithal to take down and destroy the AngloZionist Deep State once and for all. The future for the US and unfortunately much of the rest of humanity looks very bleak.


I personally think that albeit Trump looks weak, an image defined by a nonstop media onslaught against him, he will have a few surprises for the neocon regime in the near future. He is still the commander in chief of the armed forces, and retains good support among the basket of the deplorables. The neocons and the leftist hierarchy can be done away by armed force.


While however bleak it looks, trump has proven to quickly be a curve ball for globalist. While he may bend and wane back and forth with the wind, he still is providing some extra dynamic that is crucial to slow the true advance of Zionist, if anything just buying us more time.

Vince Dhimos

The problem with the Atlanticists is that they have absolutely no guiding philosophy. They operate on a negative principle, knowing whom they hate but not what kind of world they want. The Enlightenment had 2 schools you will recall, a moderate one and a radical one that wanted the ancien régime dead but with no clear path toward any definable future. This radical school is very much alive today and fuels the chaos of what Saker calls the Ango-Zionists.

George King

The Saker as always stays above the fray as above the stage, thank you!

I agree on “Putin’s example and do the the Neocons what Putin did to the oligarchs”

What about the financial elite that are abandoning the DC administration in droves? The one thing that I have not written about here which has always been a main topic is the financial inequalities, why, who is responsible and what remedy.

For us to ignore this at this crucial moment and the part in it being played by the same common enemies is disingenuous to say the least. When we don’t question the nature of mainstream propaganda and ask the questions why, we neither seek nor shall receive the understanding of truth. Then we remain subject to manipulation by those who may not have the peoples best interest at heart.

I am seeing the same modus operandi we saw in WWI, WWII and many other endless wars of Empire/s.There still exist a criminal cabal that orchestrates the human suffering for greed and power. This must be addressed or there will be no solutions for Inalienable Rights nor People of any persuasion.

I just saw an interview where Jews are being blamed. I have written articles on my thoughts and feel that Einstein’s opinions on his views on humanity and politics had this correct in regards to Israel and Zionist not being much different in their actions than the Pilgrims which is a separate thing altogether than those of the Jewish religion.

In a letter written in the same year, Einstein compared the Zionists’ project with that of the Pilgrims, noting, “how tyrannical, intolerant and aggressive [they] became after a short while.” And in Einstein’s last media interview, which ran in the New York Post a month before his death, he stated “We had great hopes for Israel at first. We thought it might be better than other nations, but it is no better.”

“Within the Jewish community they have preached an admixture of ultra nationalism, religious mysticism, and racial superiority. Like other Fascist parties they have been used to break strikes, and have themselves pressed for the destruction of free trade unions. In their stead they have proposed corporate unions on the Italian Fascist model.” “The only question that really matters: Why?” “Why have we not Known?”


The most amazing thing is that under the proposed new legislation by the US Congress Albert Einstein would be imprisoned as well as in financial ruin for any free speech because it would be critical of Israel.

Moussa Saab

Who wants to be the head of resistance against the U.S Zionist empire?

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