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MARCH 2025

Netanyahu Claims Israel “Winning” Against Iran

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Netanyahu Claims Israel "Winning" Against Iran

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On March 1st, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that Israel was “winning against Iran.”

He blamed Iran for the explosion at the Israeli-flagged vehicle carrier in the Gulf of Oman.

“This is indeed an action by Iran, it is clear,” the prime minister told the Kan public broadcaster.

Asked whether Israel would respond to the attack on the ship, Netanyahu said that Iran “is Israel’s biggest enemy and we are striking them across the region.”

The prime minister added that Israel has told the United States that Jerusalem will not allow Tehran to have nuclear weapons, no matter what the terms of the JCPOA are.

Iran responded to Netanyahu’s statement, saying it “strongly rejects” the accusation that it was behind the attack. In a press briefing, Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh said Netanyahu was “suffering from an obsession with Iran” and described his charges as “fear-mongering.”

Iran blames Israel for a recent series of attacks, including a mysterious explosion last summer that destroyed an advanced centrifuge assembly plant at its Natanz nuclear facility and the killing of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, a top Iranian scientist who founded the Islamic Republic’s military nuclear program two decades ago. Iran has repeatedly vowed to avenge Fakhrizadeh’s killing.

Iran also said that it was unwilling to sit down with the US in unofficial negotiations to try and salved the JCPOA. The Biden administration lifted some of the UN-imposed sanctions, that the Trump administration reinstated, but refuses to lift many others that Tehran says need to go before any negotiation can take place.

Iran’s foreign ministry spokesman said it was not an appropriate time for the talks proposed by the European Union.

“Considering the recent actions and statements by the United States and three European powers, Iran does not consider this the time to hold an informal meeting with these countries, which was proposed by the EU foreign policy chief,” spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh was quoted by Iranian media as saying.

The US said it was disappointed but that it remained ready to “re-engage in meaningful diplomacy” on the issue.

A White House spokesman said the US would now consult with other parties to the nuclear deal – the UK, France, China, Russia and Germany – “on the best way forward”.


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johnny rotten

What can Isisrahell ever win if they are killing their citizens with a mass experimentation entrusted to one of the worst actors of the criminal vaccine cartel?


The Pfizer vaccine is working just fine … thanks

I’m Canadian and would be happy to get a vaccine … as long as it’s not Russian or Chinese made … eh?



So not Israeli after all, huh?

Yalla! Teeztizy is waiting for the next customer. I’m finished [buckles belt].

John Brown

Why don’t you take every one of them? They each claim to be about 91% effective so if you take them all you should be 99% safe


I’m ready to take any except the Russian or Chinese vaccines … eh?

John Brown

Good take them all. And every other vaccine in existence as well. There are 10 for tropical diseases.


No tropical vacations coming up … a Road Trip to the US South and NYC for 3 weeks in August

Portugal next winter …


Jim Allen

I wish you would.


I will be …


Canada is Jew infested, no wonder LOL


Delusional Nethaniahu thinks Israel is winning …..when in reality EU and US were rebuffed by Iran to meet and possibly discuss JCPOA.


So … no meetings on JCPOA means winning?

Jesus … what a moron

The Objective

He’s got no clue that Iran desperately wants a deal. Not only will that trim down the chances of war, but also provide some desperately needed cash to relief the Iranian economy.


yes mr parsi of mumbai. No talks mean Iran stockpiles more 20% U-235 much faster. Brings closer deployable Iranian tactical nukes. From now on, this is the path forward. Any nagging from the West, and Iran gets closer to a full nuclear capability.

John Brown

Nice try mossad. You have been saying this for 25 years. Iran’s nuclear weapon and deterrrent is the Dimona nuclear power plant. If Israel dropped a nuke on Tehran Dimona would be totally destroyed, making Israel a toxicradioactive wasteland for over 100 years.


Is this the wahabbi punjabi take on things?…….lol……FYI, that Iran/ China agreement is in deep freeze brah…..its gone from da news you see…..lol…..only punjabi dalit want it revived for some reason no?……lol. Iran already has infrastructure…..don’t need Russia or China much, if you know what I mean……Iran a stand alone player.

John Brown

The China Packistan is a separate silk road deal moron.


ok doc…….now your new ID’s of servet goplu, john brown and tzatz have been exposed……lol. You see, you can try being sneaky, but you get busted time and again doc…..lol…..you done brah….lol

John Brown

You are a joke Mossad.


Doc….lol…..I’m sorry I exposed all your ID’s here…..lol. I know you want control…..this is the only explanation I got for your behavior…..Had you put half this effort into Zoroastrianizing Yazd again, you mighta succeeded by now. You know I’m right. Playing hilljack, yahudi, goplu toglu and came jockey all at the same time and having conversations with yourself is very strange behavior. I don’t know what else to say, except that in front of all the Iranians now you been exposed doc……We all took notice. I bet Jensi mohammad is you too……lol…..kheli tho koskesh doc….lol. You had everyone fooled……but not me.


Frankly, the CPEC deal is not working out as Pakistan is bankrupt and China is looking at a major trade and security deal with Iran to isolate Indian investment in Chah Bahar.

John Brown

What a joke you are, Iran just signed a 40 billion plus deal with China. China is is glad every time the USSA sanctions a country so China can move in and get all the business and make alt the money.

The USSA is now the number 2 economy never number 1 ever again soon it won’t ever be in the top 10 with its rapid collapse.

With China being number 1 USSA sanctions are now a joke. USSA sanctions now just mean the USSA is giving more markets and wealth to China speeding the USSA collapse.


Get a better script writer at the troll farm.

John Brown

What does Iran care about USSA Zio sanctions now. Iran just signed a 40 billion plus deal with China.

The racist supremacist global Jewish satanic slave empire dictatorship is losing. The USSA and EU are just their slaves.

China is glad every time the Zio USSA sanctions a country so China can move in and get all the business and make alt the money.

The USSA is now the number 2 economy never number 1 ever again, soon it won’t ever be in the top 10 with its rapid collapse.

With China being number 1 USSA sanctions are now a joke. USSA sanctions now just mean the USSA is giving more markets and wealth to China helping China grow faster and get stronger, speeding the Zio USSA collapse.


China will suck the blood from the Iranians …

I encourage it

Maybe they’ll put the Mullahs into re-education camps … and hang the IRGC at the same time … eh?


oh come on doc……Iran not even interested in China’s offer. Check the news……its all on the back burner.

Just Me

If the illegal sanctions are not lifted in 3 months, Iran may accept the Chinese deal as China is tiring of Pakistani failed state and its corruption and military meddling.


yeah but bro be mindful that during Ahmaghe nejad era hundreds of billions in projects were signed on by Chinese construction, pet-chem/ oil & gas majors in Iran and Iran got sweet fukk all to show for it in the end. It was a total failure. So this time around, Iran is super careful, after learning painful lessons. This reason and the other being that major infrastructure in Iran is fairly well developed and maintained, oil demand low so no one is desperate, like Pakistan is just busted ass, so they had no choice. And from what we can observe their CPEC has done sweet fukk all too. It’s just a failed state.


I didn’t mention it … hello?

Just Me

You killed the real one, evil Jew.


Comin’ ta git ya …

John Brown

The racist supremacist global Jewish satanic slave empire dictatorship is losing. The USSA and EU are just their slaves.

Steve Standley

lol @ the Jewish Messiah and his lies.

Hasbara Hunter

Where is the evidence that Iran attacked a boat?


They said “highly likely”, what other evidence is needed!?

Hasbara Hunter

Well…it is more than “Highly Likely” that ISraHell is behind the “Controlled Demolition of the Twin Towers”….According ISraHelly Logic, Ratio & Reason…that sounds like a pretty good reason to turn ISraHell into Glass….


Come on, we need the land for the real owners. Why ruin it?

Occupiers will leave by themselves and in groups. Make them pay reparations first, before they leave…

Hasbara Hunter

Yeah you are probably right that is the more Intelligent, Diplomatic & Peaceful approach….Radical solutions must be due to my Dutch genes & Ancestry I think…We used to Sink Spanish Armadas, Sail up the River Thames to Burn British Ships, Burn Islands with nasty non-cooperative Indigenous Folks..etc…


Genes… work in mysterious ways… Pity that Jens is always on psychedelics, otherwise we’d had a much more interesting forum. That is, if he wasn’t from Tunisia or something.


sequester anything they own, chattel, real estate and cash.


There is not any, Frankly, the Zionists are crapping in their diapers for the past 40 years now and have achieved fuckall.

Hasbara Hunter

Their Babylonian False Flags that have worked for Centuries don’t work No Mo’… The Veil came down…these Genocidal Psychopathic Kahazarian Paedophile Parasites are done…

Just Me


chris chuba

I think Iran was behind the attack on the tanker and it was a very reasonable response to Israeli aggression. No one was hurt or killed and it reminded everyone of what Iran can do in the surrounding waters.

This was after Israel sabotaged Iranian infrastructure including a civilian NG plant, killed Iranians, and cyber attacked a port (again a civilian target). Who the hell does Netanyahu think he is that he can ‘target Iran throughout the region’ and expect no response. Take the hint and try being civilized.

Pave Way IV

I can’t imagine Iran would do such a thing just to send a message. There’s plenty of ways that could have gone south and sunk the ship, which would mean Iran accidentally starts WWIII or at least the U.S. war against Iran. Just my opinion.

Re: Netanyahu – he’s gone in like three weeks. The Gantz PM shitshow starts then, and he’s one mean bastard. Expect war and death – that’s what he does. Bibi just yapped a lot and made faces.

chris chuba

Placing limpet mines like they did over a year ago would be more risky to the IRGC than to the cargo ship. But who knows, maybe they did fire some rockets. Cargo ships are pretty sturdy. Iran knows them very well. Iran does not want to start a war but at some point they need to brush back in some way.

Netanyahu’s psychotic rant proves that Bibi’s out of control and needs a dose of reality.


Gantz is not even close to being a front runner …

Get ready for Sa’ar / Bennett / Lapid or maybe Netanyahu in a squeaker

stay tuned

Blue In Green

I guess we’ll see if Iran and its allies are worth all the rhetoric they constantly espouse.

My take is that the United States will allow Israel to conduct more operations in Iran as a means to pressure the country to come back to the ‘negotiating table’ in order to garner even more concessions on top of the previous ones from the JCPOA. Either that or a drastic increase in military operations since everybody and their mothers keeps talking about how much more war-orientate Gantz is compared to Netanyahu.

Nothing about this whole charade bothers me that much since it’s kind of wishful to think that both the Iranians and Israelis would never come down to direct blows but it must happen at one point or another. Sooner is better for Israel but they’re at a massive disadvantage contrasted from ~10 years ago.


you seeing our old friend the Parsi doc (pademchen) from PDF forum running riot here with half a dozen nicks?…….lol…….koskesh has two jew, 2 wahabbi and at least 2 hillbilly ID’s very active here……lol

Blue In Green

omg that’s Pademchen?!

also lol, I didn’t you were acquainted with PDF, are you also a member there as well?

Kheli inja ru Disqus Koskesh hast, ye dast madargavaha mian mirinan oh miran xD


aray….inha koskesha kheli obsessed shodam. It’s beyond help. He wanna do it bro…….you know, get rid of islam and bring back the zartoshti any which way he can….adam kheli devoone…….lol……over the tears though, I have grown to like him though. He’s a patriot, no matter what anyone can say, he’s got ancient Persia in his heart……but he needs to earn his trust as a zartushti javoon. I have told him many times to move to Yazd, but he rejects that…..don’t know why?…..The doors to investment in Yazd (barae anjomane zartushtian) are wide open! Iran will happily take them back and start the process or reintegration, but he rejects it for unknown reasons.

Blue In Green

Khob digeh haji, begoo asmet ru PDF chiyeh? Dareen account?

Man asmam hamoon “Blue In Green” hast lol.


na man unja banned shod……long ago……I had many nicks running there, but because of wahabbi/ jihadi population I refuse to go there…….moder jendeha Pakistania are all a bunch of wahabbi jihadi.

Blue In Green

Ah I see haha, yeah PDF isn’t the best place in general given all the trolling that goes down but I got used to after a while. Been on the platform for around 5 years now.

The Iranian section only has a handful of individuals worth following and keeping tabs on for updates. PeeD, Philosopher, AmirPatriot (who no longer goes on there), Yavar and some others. It’s not as bad as it used to be but the Iranian thread can be pretty dead at times.

Anyways, I guess it doesn’t really matter. Disqus is a better platform mechanically speaking (imo) and the user base is super diverse. You can find loads of people on here from a lot of different backgrounds, which is probably the thing I like most about it.

Just Me

PDF is a Paki ISI sponsored forum and they ban anyone who speaks up for Iran or against the Jews.


oh they’ve got these migrant paki jihadi hordes full of piss and cum…….ready to fuck or fight. Lower caste kashmiri mirpuri webby runs the show. Lot of nonsense they talk over there, fully aware they talking big about a hopeless failed state. It’s a sad toxic place.

John Brown

The USSA and Israel will lose any war with Iran. The pentagon even admits it. Since most of the parts for the USSA mlitary come from China as the USSA no longer has an industrial economy, thanks to its Jewish slave masters, the USSA can no longer produce the weapons in the quantity needed to defeat Iran unless China will sell them the parts the USSA needs. Not gonna happen.


What a load of crap … making up bs


Wow … Gantz more war oriented than Netanyahu? NOT … because he was a chief of staff?

War with Iran is a major decision to be made by Yossi … when a nuclear breakout is imminent …

Israel 10 years ago DID NOT HAVE an adequate anti -missile defense … BUT now they do … Israel’s Air Force has 50 F-35’s TODAY …

Where are you pulling your ‘stream of conscience’ bs from?



Bibi (the Security Cabinet) approved the attack on Hezbollah and IRGC strongholds last night in south Damascus … let’s wait for the damage assessment to see if it was proportional … eh?

Who the hell does the Ayatollah think he is attempting to surround the Jewish State with Iranian proxies?

Just sayin’ … eh?

What’s good for the goose is good for the gander …

chris chuba

How dare the Shiites live where they were born? Houthis in Yemen, Hezbollah in Lebanon, PMU in Iraq, what’s the world coming to, they got some nerve.


Are you attempting humour?

Leave it yo the Jews … eh?



No doc, he’s right…..it’s you whose attempting massive humor, but I like your style…..lol


Apparently … the IRGC and Hezbollah strongholds in south Damascus hit last night have been surrounded by their own troops … causing a news blackout on deaths / injuries / damage inflicted

Wow … it must have been a big blow on these turds … eh?



Doc, even if a single Iranian dies, there will be hell to pay and you know it.


Let’s hope … many IRGC thugs will have died

I could give a sh Xt


you do care…….come back to your motherland. You will be accepted.

John Brown

If Israel is so strong whey don’t they start an all out war with Iran????


Yossi will decide the time and place … eh?


yossi gonna suck uncircumcised kir……lol……get outta here doc…..you’ve swamped this place with a dozen nicks. Fooling everyone……ba dahanet tho kos kesh…..lol



The Objective

If that was Iran’s response, it’s laughable. I was laughing as I read your post. Forgive me, but it’s pretty funny to call that a response. Hahahaha

chris chuba

1, It shows the Saudis how vulnerable their shipping is. If this is Iran, no one EVER catches them in the act. They rule the Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman. 2. Even if you don’t sink the tanker, it costs them money to repair it, lose shipping revenue and their insurance rates are going to go up. Bibi cares more about money then people.

Blue In Green

Tankers, Cargo Ships, any commercial Ship really: run on tight time-tables if I’m not mistaken. So any sort of incident at high-sea whether it be an attack, takeover from pirates, breakdown, war-zone etc., will cost quite a pretty penny when it comes down to their bottom line.

There are rumors that the Owner of the MV Helios Ray is a multi-billionaire Israeli who has close ties to the head of Mossad (Yossi Cohen I think). So this ship probably had an important mission to carry out and was struck by Iran due to this very premise.

John Brown

Its a false flag. Iran only strikes targets which are of strategic importance.

Tommy Jensen

You forget money is not a problem for us. Money is a problem for YOU.

The Objective

Most countries are capable of such sneaky cowardly attack. Iran might not be caught in the act, but that didn’t prevent Iran taking the blame (and possible repercussions). Iran can pull such a sorry shit because their is no war yet, and Iranian vessels can navigate freely. In a war, the entire Persian gulf would no longer be permissive to Iranian navigation.

The cost of repairing that tanker is way below the economic harm Iran suffers everyday from sanctions – not to mention the oncoming retaliation by Israel.

John Brown

An obvious false flag. When Israel nuclear weapons or the Dimona nuclear reactor is destroyed then I could believe it would be Iran.


netanyahu is locking for the lamppost he will be hung from. and it ain’t too far away and the world will happily watch as he is swinging in the wind, prior to his head being hoisted on a sharp pitch fork and placed for everyone to see.


Colourful cartoon …

In the real world … the Arabs/Muslims are dying in ever greater numbers … by war … by famine … by disease

I’m cool with it … f/k y’all

Simon Ndiritu

This little Netan-Yahoo Guy pretends to be a prophet. He knows everything even before conclusive investigation are done.


He knows …. Kochavi knows … and Yossi knows

Simon Ndiritu

These two are losers and they Know it. They know nothing apart from reading scripts made elsewhere and pretending to be in control.


Stupid remark ….

Simon Ndiritu

Don’t Make me laugh!

Lone Ranger

In a mossadisis funded Disney movie for sure.


Can you do 15 minutes of standup?

Lone Ranger

For you I can do 30mins without breaking a sweat…


Lovely … their GPS coordinates are already in a computer

As the Beatles sang:

“It won’t be long Ya … ya … ya It won’t be long Ya … ya … ya”

klove and light

false flag u morons….


Lusitania Churchill, who was 1/2 Jewish, leaked intelligence to Germany that Lusitania carried munitions, and then it was sent it in a U-boat infested area. The ship was supposedly torpedoed, and a massive bomb exploded, killing 1200. This set the stage for Wilson to bring the USA into WW2, at a later date.

Kristallnacht When government officials were away, Jewish-paid thugs went on a rampage in Berlin and some border towns. Nazis were blamed, and world opinion favored Jews

Bromberg massacre An estimated 58,000 German civilians lost their lives in the massacres carried out prior to the 1939 invasion. A website on the atrocity at Bromberg explains how Polish Bolshevik Jews massacred 5,500 Germans, on one ‘Bloody Sunday, in 1939. This was the flashpoint for the Polish invasion.

The King David Massacre July 22, 1946 Jewish terrorists blew up a hotel, and killed 91 British soldiers, and blamed the atrocity on Arabs. When later caught, they said the British had a list of their Arab spies and were going to turn them over to the Palestinians. The goal of the False Flag was to pit the British against the Palestinians.

Lavon affair In 1954, Israeli agents working in Egypt planted bombs in several buildings, including a United States diplomatic facility, and left evidence behind implicating Arabs as the culprits. The ruse would have worked, had not one of the bombs detonated prematurely, allowing the Egyptians to capture and identify one of the bombers, which in turn led to the round up of an Israeli spy ring

RFK Assassination June 1968 Robert Kennedy is shot by a PLO bus-boy named Sirhan Sirhan. Kennedy was running for President, and would have sought revenge over the Israeli killing of his brother. The use of a Palestinian was a little too ‘Hollywood’.

USS Liberty ….June 6th, 1967 Six fighters, three torpedo boats and two assault helicopters attacked the USS Liberty. There were 24 dead and 177 maimed. F-4 phantoms were enroute when President Johnson stopped the rescue. Israel’s plan was to blame Egypt, and have the US retaliate against Egypt.

Black September 5, 1972 Eight Palestinian “Black September” terrorists seized 11 Israeli athletes in the Olympic Village in Munich, West Germany. In the rescue attempt by West German authorities, nine of the hostages, and five terrorists were killed. Israel, and it’s Jews, are once again the victim, and the Palestinians are demons.

1976 … Entebbe Israel faked a hijacking to Kenya (Idi Imin was an Israeli puppet), and then pulled a rescue, portraying themselves as elite commandos. Arabs looked like monsters and the Israelis, having suffered countless persecutions, have decided to fight back.

1982 Abu Nidal, who was an Israeli Black Ops agent, attacked the Jewish Goldenberg’s delicatessen in Paris. 6 were killed, and 20 were wounded, of which 2 were Jewish.

Pan Am flight 73 A 747 was enroute from Karachi, to Frankfurt, to its final destination of New York. Four hijackers took control of the airplane, and for the next 16 hours, they held 379 passengers at gunpoint, while the pilots escaped. The plane was stormed and 20 died.

Beirut Marine barracks …October 23,1983 241 Marines died when a truck packed with explosives blew up a Marine barracks at Beirut International Airport

Achille Lauro …1985 Abu Abbas, and 15 Arabs, took over a cruise ship and threw a Leon Klinghoffer overboard. After two days of negotiations, the seajackers abandoned the ship. In this False Flag, the Israelis turned world opinion against the Arabs, while once again portraying themselves as victims.

English policewoman shot….1984 In 1984, Zionist Jews staged a protest outside the Libyan embassy in London. Approximately 25 English Bobbies were used for crowd control. During the middle of the demonstration, a shot rang out and a female Bobby named Yvonne Fletcher was hit and killed. The shot came from a building used by the Mossad to spy on the Libyan embassy, but the newspapers overlooked that and blamed Libya. Israel used this false flag murder of Policewoman Fletcher, to turn world opinion against Libya.

Alia airliner…1985 Nidal’s Black September group hit a jet with an SAM as it took off from Athens airport. Although the rocket did not explode, it left a hole in the fuselage.

Lockerbie ….Dec 1988 Mossad blew up Pan AM 103 and blamed it on Libya. Unfortunately, the plane was late and blew up overland, and all the evidence pointed towards Israel. Israel’s goal was to demonize the Muslims, and lay the groundwork for 9/11.

AMIA ….1992 Mossad blew up AMIA and the Israeli Embassy in Argentina. Over 100 killed, and practically all of them were Argentineans.

Luxor, Egypt … 1992 An attack on Luxor, by militants, in which 58 foreigners, most of them Swiss, were killed (71 Killed in total). Arabs blamed the Mossad. six gunmen disguised as police emerged from nearby cliffs and fired randomly at tourists visiting Luxor’s Temple of Hatshepsut, the Egyptian Information Ministry said. The Al-Gama’a al-Islamiyya group ( “Vanguards of Conquest” according to CNN) is a revival of the Jihad organization (Headed by Ayman Al Zawahiry) which killed president Anwar Sadat in 1981. Israel destroyed Egyptian tourism, and turned world opinion against Muslims.

Khobar Towers …1996 Khobar Towers was bombed. It housed an F-15 unit. Israel said it was done by Hezbollah, but US military investigators linked it to Mossad.

Karin-A…… 2000 Israel intercepted a ship, the Karin-A, in the Red Sea. The ship contained massive weapons, which Israel claimed were destined for the PLO. A Jewish arms dealer set it all up. As a result, world opinion turned on the PLO, and Israel’s slaughter of rock throwing Arab children wasn’t questioned.

Two airports attacked …..1985 Terrorists of Abu Nidal’s Black Sept. struck at the Rome and Vienna airports. Nineteen were killed at Schwechat Airport and three at the Rome airport.

LaBelle Disco ……1986 As part of a Libya False flag, the Mossad sent a series of false messages out of Tripoli, talking of an impending attack. The Mossad then bombed a German Disco, the Labelle Club, killing three and wounding 230. President Reagan was convinced it was a Libyan attack, and retaliated by bombing Libya World opinion turned against Libya.

OKC Murrah Building …1993 One of the Mossad’s American arms, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), was concerned about the growth of Patriot movements such as Militias, so an attack was staged using a Timothy McVeigh patsy, who was out of Elohim City (Jewish-sponsored terror Mecca). The real brains behind the OKC bombing were Andreas Strassmeir and Daniel Spiegelman, who were/are both Jewish. The Zionists destroyed the Militia movement’s credibility, and brought the FBI down on them.

Flight 840 TWA’s Flight 840, a Boeing 727 flying from Rome to Athens with 115 passengers and seven crew members aboard, had already begun its descent toward the Athens international airport. Twenty minutes before landing, as it flew at 15,000 ft. over Argos, a town near the ancient site of Mycenae, an explosion shook the aircraft. Four were killed but 111 lived. Once again, Israel planted the seed of “Arab” terrorism.

World Trade Center…. 1993 In Dec. 1992, an Israeli soldier, Nissim Toledano, was kidnapped and killed. The Israeli government rounded up 1600 members of Hamas, and deported 415 of them to the no-mans land between the Israeli and Lebanese borders. In the brutally inhospitable weather, these 415 Hamas members were stranded without food and shelter. Furthermore, the Israeli authorities stopped any humanitarian aid from reaching these people. With media focus on the deportees, it triggered international outrage against Israel, which was followed by international pressure on Israel that refused to go away. This time, Israel had bit off more than it could chew. It was time to ‘deflect’ pressure off Israel.

Israeli intelligence services went into action. A detailed process that is too long to elaborate here, hatched a plan. In the third week of February 1993, a truck bomb exploded in the basement of the World Trade Center building. Muslims used as scapegoats took the blame for it, while the real culprits were safely back in Israel. Thus world opinion and pressure was shifted away from Israel.

Port Arthur Massacre …..1996 A 2-man Israeli Counter-Terrorism team wounded 25, and killed 35 at a remote tourist (It took them only 90 seconds in the Broad Arrow Cafe to kill 20.) center at Port Arthur, Tasmania. The blame fell on a mentally challenged man named Martin Bryant, Photographs of Martin Bryant had been digitally manipulated with the effect of making Bryant appear deranged. He has served as the designated patsy for this crime ever since.

Zionists got their long-awaited draconian gun control laws passed in Australia as a result of this massacre. funny how Bryant never even had a gun license.

Birmingham ….1998 Birmingham abortion clinic bombed and two people killed. As a result of the bombing, abortion opponents were portrayed as lunatics, while the Jewish-dominated abortion industry special laws passed to protect their trade.

Egyptair 990 (MSR990)…..1999 Israel planted a bomb in the aircraft tail (unconfirmed). the plane dived 60 miles south of Nantucket Island, Massachusetts, in international waters, killing all 217 people on board. Included in the passenger manifest were over 30 Egyptian military officers; among them were two brigadier-generals, a colonel, major, and four other air force officers. Transatlantic commercial air traffic travels via a system of routes called North Atlantic Tracks, and Flight 990 was the only aircraft at the time assigned to fly North Atlantic Track Zulu. There are also a number of military operations areas over the Atlantic, called “Warning Areas,” which are also monitored by New York Center, but records show that these were inactive the night of the accident. Air Traffic Controller Peter Zalewski was responsible for both New York Tower crashes and also was controller for Egypt 990 crash in 1999

USS Cole Sayanims in the Pentagon had the Cole directed to a part in Yemen, where Israeli agents had Arab patsies approach the Cole with a small boat, in order to be seen by crewmen, while they attacked it with a shape charge.

Sept 11 …..2001 The most brazen of all Israeli attacks.

Flight 587….2001 Mossad blows up a Fl 587 out of NY, and it crashes in Rockaway.

Bali Bomb Mossad sets off a micro nuke on the island of Bali, killing 182. Israel blamed the attack on Al Qaeda (which is really an Israeli false flag patsy intel op), and the USA invaded Iraq.

Kenya missile …. 2002 In 2002, Israel claimed AL Qaeda shot two SAM missiles at a jet on take-off. Israel used this incident to help lay the groundwork for shooting down a US airliner.

Manila…. 2003 Mossad planted a bomb on a Manila ferry, killing 103. Israel blamed the attack on Al Qaeda.

CIA Bomb In Gaza….2003 Three CIA agents are traveling in Gaza, when a Mossad bomb exploded. Palestinians were blamed for the attack.

Madrid Train … 2002 Mossad killed 198 in the Madrid bomb blast. Al Queda was blamed.

2004 Mossad bombed two airliners over Russia. Israel claimed it was Al Qaeda.


You’re trying really hard to sound like an anti-Judaism HATER … eh?

Am I missing something?

John Brown

You are a Zio, kkk, nazi

Blue In Green

It’s best to ignore Tzatz, he’s beyond reconciling with.

You wont get much of a meaningful back-and-forth out of him.


he’s pademchen hendi……try to understand……lol….kheli kos kesh……lol

John Brown

Its fun to show him the Goyim can now see.



tzatz … that’s tzatz




Seems the IRGC/Hezbollah has made a news blackout on last nights IDF attack … it must be so bad they’re afraid of the TRUTH getting out … eh?

John Brown

Wind talker. If Israel is so strong whey don’t they start an all out war with Iran????


Ask blue in green … he’s the Iranian braggart … he’s knowledgeable … sucking at the tit of the Ayatollah

The Paper Tiger is going down … it’s Yossi time

chris chuba

The Lusitania ended up killing hundreds of civilians.

I’m not going to shed a single tear for a ship that was damaged within site of land. There were no deaths or injuries. Tankers have relatively small crews, I doubt they even noticed beyond hearing a ‘thud’, they weren’t even traumatized. All this cost was a little bit of money. If Bibi and the U.S. are having a fit over this then we have totally lost perspective.

Assad must stay

hahahahh theyre not winning shit, shouldnt this cretin be in jail by now? what is the hold up? just throw the fucker in there


Trump who lost said the same thing. Netanyahu is just another arrogant loser who made a career from his brother death.

Tommy Jensen

Is that a joke?

Tommy Jensen

Exactly as I have been saying. We are winning, we won, we win, and and we are a winner nation of winners!

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