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Netanyahu Demands Full Demilitarization Of Southern Syria

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Netanyahu Demands Full Demilitarization Of Southern Syria

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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has demanded the full demilitarization of Syria’s southern region, in a move that could lead to a confrontation with the country’s transitional government.

Following the fall of the regime of former President Bashar al-Assad, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) invaded the buffer zone adjacent to the occupied Golan Heights and launched hundreds of strikes against the bases and equipment of the now dissolved Syrian Arab Army.

Speaking to cadets graduating from the IDF Ground Forces combat officers course on February 23, Netanyahu said that Israeli troops will stay on the Syrian Hermon and the buffer zone in the Golan Heights for “an unlimited period of time… We will not allow HTS [Hayat Tahrir al-Sham] forces or the new Syrian army to move into territory south of Damascus,” he insisted.

“We demand full demilitarization of southern Syria from troops of the new Syrian regime in the Quneitra, Daraa and al-Suweyda provinces,” the primer said, adding that Israel will not accept any threats to Druze in southern Syria.

Israeli Defense Minister Israel Katz revealed while attending the same ceremony that the IDF had constructed at least nine posts inside Syria.

“[The IDF] built two proper posts atop the summit of Mount Hermon and seven posts in the buffer zone to ensure defense and offense against any challenge,” he said, noting that Israeli troops will remain in the posts “indefinitely.”

The Syrian transitional government, which was appointed by HTS before the group dissolved itself, has condemned IDF operations in the country more than once. Nevertheless, it has so far refrained from challenging Israel in any way, likely due to the fragile situation of the country.

Netanyahu’s demand poses a serious challenge to the government as it will weaken the influence of Damascus in southern Syria, especially in al-Suweyda where local Druze forces are in control.

A decision to challenge the Israeli demand may be very risky. However, leaving the south outside the control of the government could mark the beginning of the collapse of Syria as a unified state. In either case, the country appears to be heading to a costly confrontation with Israel.


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Shlomo's little weenie

just itching for it aren’t you smart boy ?


how many fake names are you going to use today? the usual half a dozen?

Shlomo's little weenie

just one for you, shithead. 💩💩💩 = 🇮🇱


find that cliff to jump from and the rest of mankind sans the jews, will be happy.


do you now understand that putler is a khazar?


if putin were not a khazar jew, of course, this would never have happened.

R. Ambrose Raven

normal zionist/trumpist reward for cooperation -you’ve given us lots, now we want everything. note too that these demands go further than russia was demanding of the ukraine – but don’t expect the western media to say so.


grow up. given you corpses returned as hostages.


hamas would be better off returning every last one of the hostages in body bags!


yours would be acceptable.


give them back as bags of human offal. that’s what thousands of palestinian parents had to accept when they buried their children.


the only ones who deserve to be found in ten trash cans are putler and assad. for 14 years, they have been completely destroyed the country. in a just world, russia and israel, like hitler’s germany, would have to pay reparations to all destroyed countries.


before you write and make public, switch on the brain so we won’t have to suffer your inanities!


putler is a crypto jew and is the main traitor to syria. this is not nonsense, this is a fact.


yeah, the u.s./e.u./israel and their arab proxies, ksa, qatar and all their proxies, isis, al nusra, al qaeda…they had nothing to do with anything. people like you are so full crap it just flows out of your mouth when you open it. russia and syria f’ed when they decided to play ball with that other pos, erdog the closet zionist.

Corruption and high treason

think about it, if the traitor assad is actually in moscow and where did he get the money for luxury? and he is very likely hiding somewhere in mossad, because he is actually paid by mossad. he couldn’t have stolen it from the syrian people because they never had it. therefore, all the accumulated luxury was paid for by israel with the aim of destroying syria. so the only possibility is that he received it from netanyahu. no one has ever seen it in russia because it has never been there.


everybody has a god given democratic right to talk complete gibberish. you seem to be exercising that right to the full.

Shlomo's little weenie

it’s southfront. anything goes (usually)


i would rather see al-assad in several trash cans than in just one.


definitely a strange fixation given the role of the us and their vassals like israel and turkey in the assault on syria.


i wonder if the traitor bashar assad knew what his traitorous boss putler was doing? all fourteen years of war and the end wagner were carried out with only one goal – greater israel. the khazar crypto-jew putler deliberately destroyed syria.


if bassel al-assad had led syria, this betrayal would never have happened. i am convinced that bashar al-assad knew all along, and also actively participated in the betrayal.


the whole world is hostage to the jewish usa and russia. i hope jesus (enki or alien or prometheus) reappears and ends this unfortunate planet. or that daesh finds al-assad somewhere in moscow and smashes him with an isis flag and a katana. or at least that russia or the usa break up into several parts. or that daesh in russia cuts al-assad up into several parts


magical thinking is always the way forward. good job.


putin is also one of them. the truth is that in addition to jesus, the jews probably also killed bassel al-assad because he would never have allowed syria to be destroyed so badly. putin is a khazar jew, so he can kill with impunity throughout russia and around the world.

NATO 2.0

israel will be key country in nato 2.0 together with cyprus. trump last month said i will get back usa from nato 1.0. promises made promises done. trump will kick out turkey and erdogan from nato 2.0. erdogan said i will send turkish army to israel to invade it. this was the red line for usa, plus hamas, hizbullah propaganda maded by erdogan non stop trump decided to fix it.

NATO 2.0

incirli will be closed and new bases will be deployed in israel and in cyprus by nato 2.0. this is why trumps says make nato great again. pete hegseth secretery of defence said the same at germany. turkey will be replaced with cyprus and israel.


if mr. bassel al-assad had not died in 1994, he would have shown russia a way out. he was smart enough to know that hezbollah, hamas, israel, and russia were no good. he died. that is why the country was led to destruction by the great traitor and destroyer bashar. obama should kill assad and putler with one big fat missile. these two monsters putler and assad ended up giving the israelis all the weapons data, leaving the country completely defenseless.


“nato” will not exist soon. neither will the “eu.” neither will israhell.


not the dirt bags would ever know but actually in the christian world there is no place of earth more significant that jerusalem to god and his son jesus another jew born of a jewess mother raised in the jewush religion, preceded the islamic world by thousands of years. islam.didnt happen until 500 years after jesus s death for a start and more or less coincidentally one would have to say, around the same time war thirsty rome decided to make chrisitainty their religion.


many scholars say that mohammed wife, the older wealthy widow, was in fact a previous catholic nun.


islam is just the most recent of god’s revelations to humanity, after moses and jesus, superseding the previous ones, assuming you believe in bronze age fairy stories.


they couldn’t even protect their country from hamas gangs. the hamas gang was able to kidnap israeli people. the only good thing nato to do is destroy russia. russia has completely destroyed syria and all its economic and political success.


so not the us and its jihadi wind-up toys, nor israel nor turkey? thanks for derping.


nato should bomb traitorous russia (khazaria). kazaria leads buryats and yakuts to death. the iraqis are building a wall on the border. they were smart enough to hang their boss, who collaborated with the jews. isis was crazy, but they would probably be smart enough to hang al-assad. or will isis-k find assad in russia someday…


hahahahaha save some of those drugs for your dr, he’ll want to know what you’re on. there ain’t gonna be a nato, much less a 2.0. you’re another that is stupid enough to believe a complete moron. dumbo didn’t have a clue about ukr til putin told him. before that dumbass was all about threats and more sanctions, threats which the u.s. couldn’t back up if the even wanted to.


now that dumbo finally got his fatass on the phone to putin, he found out just what the u.s. was capable of doing, which was nothing. the e.u. will end up dumping the clown, repair ns and go back to business as usual while trump takes the u.s. clown country for a tour down the drain. all his bs threats to everyone will backfire, like his stupid tariff crap will and that will be that for the u.s.


now even the oil companies in the u.s. are quivering, after orange blob talked about $40/barrel oil. it would bankrupt them (another tramp quality) and that would really kill the economy, especially now that canada no longer will supplying their oil. the farmers are really enthused about the fact that tramps sanctions from last time caused the chinese to cancel $690b grain sales, that are gone forever.


a turkish moron and its stupid nickname “zman”.


bog standard thieving zio land grab.

A Greater Israel

putler is a jewish khazar anyway and i’m not surprised at all. but the president’s son, who was also president…when he completely destroyed the country, he simply went to his evil boss in moscow or tel aviv. if bashar al assad not evil, i don’t know what is evil. for the crypto-jew putler, it is certain that he is an evil murderer. neither ribal al-assad nor the devil from hell would be capable of such high treason.

Max Hermansen - Oslamabad

“… leaving the south outside the control of the government could mark the beginning of the collapse of syria as a unified state.” syria is less unified than ever!


divide from within to conquer from without. they’re not children with no experience of political intrigues duplicities disingenuities or deceptions like you. they’re so far ahead of you’re thinking that you havent a clue what they’re up to. imo


and the fact that they’ve been, as institutions managing whole nations by social engineering, for centuries, and so are totally experienced at presenting the story so as to make the huddled masses think they understand the motivations. they don’t they don’t know what has happened in the past, they don’t know what is happening in the present and they won’t know what’s going on in the future. same old…


and they won’t even ever know it because that’s the intention. they will think what they’ve been intended to believe, as being their own ideas, are in fact reality they aren’t. it’s like grade 2 kids thinking they understand the curriculum councils intentions in constructing their course. they don’t have the inside information the experience the maturity the wisdom and no pretending will change that.

The wandering inbred

big-time boofhead doesn’t wear that yellow rag squiggle 🎗️ on his lapel, so beloved of all the other faithful israelites. perhaps he’s a fraud.


yes sure as if…

Max Hermansen - Oslamabad

muslims in israel are doing fine, living good lives. is that ok? what if all muslim countries had been like israel; wouldn’t that have been nice?


you have no idea.


yeah, that’s why so many would gladly die for freedom from the lizard people. talk about living good, look at the jews who live in iran. they never bitch about their gov, but boy have they got plenty to say about the illegal leech state. israel even resorted to covert terrorist attacks against jews who lived in muslim states, so they would flee to israel…only to find they hated them…because they weren’t khazarians.


yes it’s really fine being murdered, tortured, raped and robbed on a daily basis and being thrown out of your homes and kicked off your land by zionist goons at gunpoint. really fine.


a lot of muslim countries were like israel. by that, i mean they were managed by scumbags tied to israeli and thus us intelligence.


nb no reports of the hostages including the infants returned by your heroes in coffins i notice infants and mums murdered long ago and their families waiting in hope believing the kidnappers were telling the truth they the hostages were all fine all this time.


they were blown to bits in the genocidal zionist terror carpet bombing. zios deliberately kill their own people. they are expendable to them. they don’t matter.


so were is this erdogancockroach, with all his loud barking of protecting the palestinians in gaza meanwhile supplying israel with the oil it needed to wage geno against the gazan palestinians. and claiming he liberate syria but actually gave it to a islamist regime who now prosecute christians alawites druze shias and kurds.


infact everyone who is intellectual is being targeted by hts right now female university professors graped and klled by these jew helpers. so were is the erdogroach now when is he going to supply syria with the means to force israel back to the 1974 line? right this cockroach dousnt care hes a shabbosgoy juu helper


the syrian people suffer from this transition of power putin and iran pulled the rug. the erdoganroach spread his cockroach goons in damascus and started a juu helping purge against the syrian people. destroying what was left of the country and its intellectuals.

its time people wake up and remove the erdogroach from power along side with shabbosgoy juu helper aliyev and the netanyahu w arcrimi nal

Last edited 1 month ago by handrubbingjews

christians are the biggest group, catholics orthodox and protestants who worship jesus, who is a jew. well maybe not catholics now that pope francis has said jesus is satan. some new thing like that. allegedly


an israeli man in jerusalem attacked an israeli woman with an axe. the woman, who was 70, was left with severe injuries. the attacker mistakenly believed she was a christian. he was motivated by hatred of christians. christian clergy and tourists are routinely abused, spat upon, and assaulted by jews. they are often assaulted by israeli police. charming folk.

The wandering inbred

soon the ceasar of palestine will have a colosseum built in honour of moloch, and it’ll be open season on christians then. free beer and bagels for the indispensable lgbtq mob.


the world demand netanyahus’ head on a platter, the start of a better world till now spoiled by the jews.


says anon et al under his many falsehoods

The poof

you seem sad and melancholy. haven’t you alternative life activities that you can indulge in, instead of acting like a complete fucken inbred retard on this forum ? so sad 😢


well said, thanks!


it time for jews to be displaced to jew york city, free the region from this cancer. its a great solution


they’ll be happier in florida, along with tramp and the khazar backed cuban mafia. florida went to shit completely in the last 20 years.


whereas florida was a real utopia until 2005. thanks for derping.


when is someone going to shoot that s.o.b.? i get soooo tired of even seeing that shit eating face. if israeli’s weren’t so f’ing gutless, they would have gotten rid of him years ago, even they can’t stand him.


hopefully in our lifetimes inshallah


and i demand to have sex with any woman i want, a million bucks, my own house

Last edited 1 month ago by Captain
Achmed Khammas

very good idea, bibi – but only if israel demilitarize its north also. my wish is to drive in my own car from damascus to haifa … without seeing one soldier


israel should be demilitarise real god chosen never kills and never wage wars for blood flow.


hitler and british bloodline son netanyahu is offspring killer.either you give him lnd,oil,gas,diamonds,gold,cattle for free or you die.


this always been a tactic of the zionist and amercan goverment . first support the rebels against strong goverment and army and once rebels take over destroy the strong military armaments so the rebel cant use and then invade some terrritory and occupy and warn the rebels not to come near to them. but this full rebels still believe that this zionist will leave the land and go. bcuz zionist cannot fight the strong militry or ressitance in anywhere.

the narrative

he loves his demands, even though he is a convicted war criminal. and a new icc case has been brought against biden, blinken and austin.

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