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MARCH 2025

Netanyahu: Israel Will ‘Forever’ Control Golan Heights

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Netanyahu: Israel Will 'Forever' Control Golan Heights

photo credit: Israeli Defense Forces/Flash90/File

The occupied Syrian Golan Heights will “remain in Israel’s hands forever”, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has declared durin a meeting with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.

The meeting took place on the sidelines of a security conference in Munich on February 16. The Syrian Golan Heights has been controlled by Israeli forces since 1967.

Furthermore, the Israeli prime minister once again accused Iran of threatening Israel through the Syrian territory and said that Tel Aviv will not allow Iran to establish military bases in Syria.

Netanyahu said that Israel will prevent any establishment of Israeli military bases in the country. The only problem is that Iran already has a number of military facilities in Syria.

On February 10, an Israeli F-16I warplane was shot down during an encounter between Israeli and Syrian forces. The Israeli side described this as a “success”.

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Netanyaho is an idiot. He should be indicted for fraud.

John Mason

He should be carted off to the Hague and escorted to the gallows.


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You can call me Al

Piss off.


I flagged it as spam. Google Shonda is not as attractive as the one last week. :)

You can call me Al

Yeah, I liked the blonde a couple of weeks ago, this one was a right old skank.


Go Back to Your Khazarian Mastersssss Shonda Pope…… and don’t return!! Or I’ll post some fine articles about the Khazarian Mafia!!!!!!


I promised you Shonda……



Just shoot the pedo


Where are sanctions from OSN,for robbery Syrian land.This is fucking justice of the world!


It is the Justice of a corrupt ‘Jewdiciary’ :)

John Mason

Don’t think so, jews have given plenty of reasons for the Syrians to take back their property.


He should be in prison and not making war threats. Did he say the same to the police about his expensive gifts and money for favours that he ilegally received from his gangster friends,They are his forever.?Time will tell,

Ivan Freely

Forever? Even after the USD dies a horrible death? LOL


As the Romans have proven:

Nothing is forever…


I was just wondering: Will Israel remain in the hands of AngloZioNazis Forever?

Atif Ahmed

they only have time until Jesus arrive


Can someone tell him to hurry to pick’m up than?

Daniel Castro

No, earthly Israel is a secular entity, it has no divine nature whatsoever, there is no relation between earthly Jerusalem and heavenly Jerusalem.

Apocalipse profecies shouldn’t be taken at face value, and I think this is pretty obvious, or do you think there will be an actual monster with 666 eyes appeaing in front of us. It is all symbolic.


But pure Evil to be found in Human……

Daniel Castro

They won’t survive even if they dig to the center of earth, Israel would be pounded so hard with highly radioactive bombs that would contamine everything for thousands of years, even if they live inside the bunker they would never be able to get out, not even robots work more than a few minutes on an ambient dipped in radioactive uranium.

It’s a good thing Israel has a small territory.

John Brown

If you want some awareness I suggest you study the Jewish Press – the ones based in Israel – in order to get a full understanding of what they routinely plan in respect to the Stupid Goyim. Don’t take my word for it, see for yourself. Nothing beats the voluntary confession. It is where I get almost all my info. You’ll usually see them admitting things that would never make it into the American or Western media, and if you’re not up on the Zionist, Jewish, racist, supremacist, empire, their rantings of hatred and racism against all Goyim and bragging of their murdering millions and millions of Goyim and their total control of countries like the USA, Britain France, German etc. in their global empire it can be quite enlightening, indeed. Part 1 The Greatest Mass Murderers of all Time were Jews, says Jewish Columnist http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3342999,00.html Racist supremracist Jews killed 66 million Goyms in the Soviet Union “And us, the Jews? An Israeli student finishes high school without ever hearing the name Genrikh Yagoda, the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century, the GPU’s deputy commander and the founder and commander of the NKVD. “Yagoda diligently implemented Stalin’s collectivization orders and is responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of people. “His Jewish deputies established and managed the Gulag system Alexander Solzhenitsyn. Speaking from personal experience as a Gulag prisoner, Solzhenitsyn gave a candid account of Jews in charge of the Soviet prison camps in his book, Two Hundred Years Together. According to his observations, Jews made up a clear preponderance in the Gulag administration and in the early Bolshevist government, saying that of the 22 ministers in the first Soviet government three were Russian, one Georgian, one Armenian and 17 were Jews. In addition, he points out, from personal experience once again, that “two thirds of the Kiev Cheka” (secret police) were Jews. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/02a4d449d36fb99e125fb879317ec279f8e9f73b523535368b27f226dab9469f.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7120849308ae2298be81cbef4e25b90007dc3fdf5690a39286c4afa50e07f777.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3e11a5550681c285238f67a00a8a3731d95f23297cf61d52fcbce8dc566877d0.jpg

John Brown

part 2 In 1937, another book appeared in Germany called Jewish-Run Concentration Camps in the Soviet Union, which revealed that Communist Jews were the commandants of 11 out of the 12 main Gulags. 11 of the 12 Gulag extermination camp commanders were Jews. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6ffb20d9914b974fe8777b02fb1262ba11007ccad25a9fa376b9ded10f18c11f.jpg Jews made up a clear preponderance in the Gulag administration and in the early Bolshevist government, saying that of the 22 ministers in the first Soviet government three were Russian, one Georgian, one Armenian and 17 were Jews.. In addition, he points out, from personal experience once again, that “two thirds of the Kiev Cheka” (secret police) were Jews. Two thirds Jewish. Even if we deny it, we cannot escape the Jewishness of “our hangmen,” who served the Red Terror with loyalty and dedication from its establishment. Putins speech 80% of the first Soviet government members were Jews -Putin during a visit to Moscow’s Jewish Museum https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pDtgWUtdUM%5D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIeYoF1VhHc Looks like they are trying to erase the Putin video Putin: First Soviet Government Was Mostly Jewish https://www.haaretz.com/jewish/news/1.530857 Speaking at Moscow’s Jewish Museum, Russian president says politicians ‘were guided by false ideological considerations


The fact that I saw Jews everywhere on prominent positions and up to 80/85% in government or other control and their heavy involvement in Extermination Camps, Government control or the changing and shaping of Nations Worldwide made me suspicious from the very moment I started to dig deeper last years. And made me realise that these people are responsible for a lot of Grieve in this World. The plan they used was every time the same…Steal the Land (by Divide & Conquer) take over the business, Kill the Indiginous people & Keep in control from the Darkness of Shadows, That’s where they like to pull the strings because they Know! that things are going to happen, when their involvement becomes known, (this is probably the reason why they were kicked out of almost ALL countries all these centuries. After wars they had their slaughters in Deathcamps were they could fullfill their Demonic Fantasies (which very well could be their invention with their “scientific” approach) the abuse and dissapearence of kids (“we will rape your Sons & Daughters”). Everything I read kept on pointing in their direction. So an important question to answer: Why do people with jewish roots keep on popping up in every Major event in World History from The Roman Empire, Khazaria, Troubles in Europe, Troubles in Russia, the conquest of many Nations worldwide through Lies & Deceit (gaining Trust & then a knife in the Back) to install their Satanic System, The French Revolution, The founding of America and it’s first seven Presidents or so, the everlasting Slavetrade, WWI, Communism Stalin & Beria, Yagoda. They enjoyed chopping up christians & intellectuals in “their” Gulags & the Famine in the Ukraine, Weimar Republic (one of the reasons the Germans started disliking jews), WWII (and yes, even Hitler had jewish blood & got 40 million or so from jewish bankers to finance everything) Churchill & the English Royals (could they be 100% jewish by any chance after killing the “Original” English Royalty, just like they did with the French Royalty and later the Tsar? To rid themselves of Royals in Europe. Last & perhaps Least the creation of that Criminal Fascist Free State called Israel where they can do as they please….History obviously ain’t what they taught us…..it turned out to be an Evil Game…..This makes you wonder….. why are people always angry with’m jews? I don’t know, maybe ask them (still in my eyes there are Good Jews, Bad Jews & Very Evil Jews)…..the poor Jews can die as easily as the rest of the Goyim as far as these ZioNazi-Evilworshippers are concerned…for they see themselves as gods with their Divine Bloodlines. They decide who lives & who will Die. My vision in this: Eradicate Evil at the root, punish the Perpetrators severely and hunt down the Ringleaders without mercy: I think many are in agreement on that. I see BIG troubles for these people rising on the horizon…and believe me this time their Divide & Conquer will not work… don’t let them use that trick any longer. When they want trouble this time: On my left side will be an American & on my right side a Russian and I got me back covered by a Muslim…… all I can say is: let them come…..


and the Bible said only 144K Christians Jews will be saved

Real Anti-Racist Action

It does not say that. It says in the chapter talking about ethnic-Hebrews that 12,000 of each tribe will be saved. This is only talking about what will become of ethnic-Hebrews. 12,000 from each tribe of Hebrews add’s up to 144,000. Many more from other ethnicities will be saved.

Real Anti-Racist Action

I think He means Israel can only survive as the evil state it is till Immanuel arrives and corrects Israel and crushes their satanic military and judges them. http://faithandheritage.com/

Daniel Castro

They won’t be the only ones judged…

Real Anti-Racist Action

Correct, no one said otherwise. However, the faults-christ does come next. And the bible say’s the faults christ will come from the land of Jew’s and not from the sea of gentiles. Also know that the Mark of the Beast is the star. It is in it’s infancy already manifesting all around the world. Note (the star of the UN, the star of the EU, the star of the CIA, the star of fake-Judaism, the star of Communism, the star of Kurd’s, the star of atheist-China, the star of) on and on every nation is being replaced by the Mark of the Beast.

Pave Way IV

“…they only have time until Jesus arrive…”

Might be soon, Atif. The Israeli F16-I was shot down near Ramat David Air Base, where it was stationed. That Israeli air base sits in the middle of the Jezreel Valley, a few miles north of Mount Megiddo. In the old days, the mount was called har megiddo. The air base and crash location are in the middle of the Valley of Armageddon.

Jaime Galarza

Very symbolic indeed.


We haven’t seen the dajjal yet. Issa comes after that.


It is clear: You have it backwards…


It is said that you always enjoy ‘backwards’ stimulation Mad Max that you can practice that in your bunker before you emerge into a world where gold and trinkets are worthless.

Real Anti-Racist Action

Well the Ashkenazi’s won the 2nd world war. And defeated the indigenous inhabitants. Ever since then the Ashkenazi’s have been conquering more people lands. If indigenous European tribes rose up and overthrew the Ashkenazi-Jews, then this would cause a domino effect liberating indigenous people across many countries ridding us all of the dreaded globalism. https://holodomorinfo.com/

John Brown

Part 1 the following video evidence in Britain again totally destroy the Anglo / Zionist empire world empire narrative. It’s just the global Zionist empire as it is official and the law Jews are legally superior with more rights than all others in Britain, including Anglos in what was once an Anglo country. The Anglo Zionist empire term is like calling apartheid South Africa the “Africans Boer / Zu Lu black / empire”. When one group totally dominates all others with superior legal rights to all the others enshrined under the law, such an argument is basically a joke.

See good video examples of proof. Shouldn’t it be The Guardian, the BBC or The Daily Telegraph that look into these matters? Why aren’t they? Stop Everything You Do and Watch This!!! January 11, 2017 / Gilad Atzmon Al Jazeera Investigations – The Lobby EP 1-4 http://www.gilad.co.uk/writ… So that you learn how Israel and its Lobby are plotting against Britain and the Brits. So you learn about our treacherous MPs who are shamelessly serving a foreign state and its foreign interests. Ask yourself, how is it that the most important news about the institutional betrayal of our political system is delivered to us by a Qatar TV network? Shouln’t it be The Guardian, the BBC or The Daily Telegraph that look into these matters? Is it a coincidence? The Israeli Embassy told us that Shai Masot was a junior employee. Watch this video and judge for yourself, he seems to run the entire Labour Party. Britain must probe the activity of the Jewish Lobby and the Israeli Embassy immediately !!! And if you want to understand why this plot is embedded in Jewish culture just read this Full video The Lobby P1: https://youtu.be/ceCOhdgRBoc The Lobby P2: https://youtu.be/Vuk1EhkEctE The Lobby P3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3dn-VV3czc The Lobby P4: The Takedown https://youtu.be/pddH2sfNKNY https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/65272ba33698043a57e8677e4dfb9b290550d79a0d39a7be6eeff14a12a9f86e.jpg

John Brown

Part 2 See good video examples of proof. Shouldn’t it be The Guardian, the BBC or The Daily Telegraph that look into these matters? Why aren’t they? Stop Everything You Do and Watch This!!! January 11, 2017 / Gilad Atzmon Al Jazeera Investigations – The Lobby EP 1-4 http://www.gilad.co.uk/writings/2017/1/11/stop-everything-you-do-and-watch-this So that you learn how Israel and its Lobby are plotting against Britain and the Brits. So you learn about our treacherous MPs who are shamelessly serving a foreign state and its foreign interests. Ask yourself, how is it that the most important news about the institutional betrayal of our political system is delivered to us by a Qatar TV network? Shouln’t it be The Guardian, the BBC or The Daily Telegraph that look into these matters? Is it a coincidence? The Israeli Embassy told us that Shai Masot was a junior employee. Watch this video and judge for yourself, he seems to run the entire Labour Party. Britain must probe the activity of the Jewish Lobby and the Israeli Embassy immediately !!! And if you want to understand why this plot is embedded in Jewish culture just read this. http://www.gilad.co.uk/writings/2017/1/11/the-plot-against-britain The Lobby P1: https://youtu.be/ceCOhdgRBoc The Lobby P2: https://youtu.be/Vuk1EhkEctE The Lobby P3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3dn-VV3czc The Lobby P4: The Takedown https://youtu.be/pddH2sfNKNY https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9f0fb6ae3ab8cf99bc7e11b4e52f821478c1219e3c7ad20eda4ce058baf6fdef.jpg

John Brown

Part 3 This Al Jazeria investigation has dealt a massive blow to the racist supremacist Zionist global empire and its propaganda by exposing it for what it is. Evil needs darkness and dies under the light of day and transparency. While watching part 2 you may want to ask yourself why the Jewish lobby and Israel are so influential within the Left and the Labour movement, is it really a coincidence? The Lobby P3: An Anti-Semitic Trope https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3dn-VV3czc Then you watch Part 3 you may want to ask yourself what is it that drives the Shabbos Goy within the labour party and beyond? Is it greed? Is it power seeking? What is it that pushes Brits to become servants of a foreign despotic state? Al Jazeera Investigations: The Lobby P4: The Takedown https://youtu.be/pddH2sfNKNY When you watch this final episode you must ask yourself how is it possible that British media has remained silent? Would it also stay silent if Shai Masot was a Russian or an Iranian’s agent? Asking the above questions may suggest that you are at the footstep of the understanding of Jewish Power and its negative impact on our society. The Lobby P1: https://youtu.be/ceCOhdgRBoc The Lobby P2: https://youtu.be/Vuk1EhkEctE The Lobby P3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3dn-VV3czc The Lobby P4: The Takedown https://youtu.be/pddH2sfNKNY What drives is it that drives the Shabbos Goy? if they are not a racist supremacist Jews? Is it greed? Is it power seeking? What is it that pushes people like to become servants of a foreign despotic state? Nothing beats the voluntary confession from Jewish sources . Even the most brainwashed Goyim will get it. Here is one for you. Racist supremacist Jews confess to running African and the Americas slave trade enslaving Goyims. This link Jews enslaving blacks the video with the 6 pointed star of Satan in it.https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=163&v=hyTmEdWZlqA https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ad5ee0d0d5febec51af46f04527884ae1c81f7e20aab7b3cd93269ebf07c575a.jpg

John Brown

Part 4 Below great video confession explained in great detail by a racist supremacist Jew; of the racist, supremacist, Jewish, dictatorship;,global, slave, empire of the chosen, racially superior, master, Jewish race and why Jews are the chosen, racially superior, master, Jewish race to rule the world in a global, dictatorship, slave, empire. The following is a lecture by Rabbi David Bar-Hayim whose biography, and gently smiling face, you can find on Wikipedia. For our purposes, just the first paragraph will be enough. It says that Bar-Hayim is an “Israeli Orthodox rabbi who heads the Shilo Institute (Machon Shilo), a Jerusalem-based rabbinical court and institute of Jewish education dedicated to the Torah of Israel”. Not a lightweight by any means, and a man with established credentials.I strongly encourage you to take the time to carefully listen to his entire lecture (1h47m) to not only convince yourself that my chosen excerpts are not partial or taken out of context, but also to get an emotional “feel” for the man who not only is an articulate speaker who is clearly used to teaching, but who also conveys a coherent picture of a man who gave these topics a great deal of thought and who has to courage to call things by their names rather than to “remain silent” like so many of his “politically correct” colleges. See this link for the confession http://www.myvi.ru/watch/Why-are-the-Rabbis-Silent-about-Gaza_RMl1JJ_ftUy7fjzY7Ehgug2 Nothing beats the voluntary confession from Jewish sources . Even the most brainwashed Goyim will get it. Here is one for you. Racist supremacist Jews confess to running African and the Americas slave trade enslaving Goyims. This link Jews enslaving blacks the video with the 6 pointed star of Satan in it.https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=163&v=hyTmEdWZlqA The Lobby P1: https://youtu.be/ceCOhdgRBoc The Lobby P2: https://youtu.be/Vuk1EhkEctE The Lobby P3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3dn-VV3czc The Lobby P4: The Takedown https://youtu.be/pddH2sfNKNY 7892fe78cad2c.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8c6bb81f8503e32d45effa246dbfedeb7dc94b83dc1f1dbc169691936f8b345b.jpg

John Brown

Part 5 Jewish Power is now British Law – It’s Official! The following laws recently passed in Britain again totally destroy the Anglo / Zionist empire world empire narrative. It’s just the global Zionist empire as it is official and the law, Jews are legally superior with more rights than all others in Britain, including Anglos in what was once an Anglo country. The Anglo Zionist empire term is like calling apartheid South Africa the “Africans Boer / Zu Lu black / empire”. When one group totally dominates all others with superior legal rights to all the others enshrined under the law, such an argument is basically a joke. http://www.gilad.co.uk/writings/2016/12/13/jewish-power-is-now-british-law-its-official By Gilad Atzmon For years I have argued that Jewish power is the power to silence criticism of Jewish Power. Now, UK Prime Minister Theresa May has confirmed that my observation is spot on. PM May has decided to accept the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of antisemitism and to integrate it into British law. According to the IHRA, “antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.” http://www.gilad.co.uk/writings/2016/12/13/jewish-power-is-now-british-law-its-official https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2ba743d3099a50a48552252e6612f90f6010badbb32239d63c34e24fa6f013ba.jpg


For me the Anglo added to the word Zionazi derived from the fact that many of our “Leaders” worldwide have sold themselves to these Zionists…. Anyone that is bribed to act against the best interest of their own people, can be considered a Traitor…..and should be treated accordingly. It would be nice if they have to appear in court in a couple of years. For crimes against Humanity…. the World has become small, better shake hands…. and rid ourselves from Evildoers..


95% of the planet’s Jews live in the US, Israel, France, Canada and the UK. They’ve used their control of these governments to wage hegemony war against humanity to enslave it. They tried to do it in Russia, and over 100 years the Russians dejudified their nation to get rid of 95% of them. From 5,000,000 to 200,000.

John Brown

Part6a See former congress woman says USSA Congress forced to sign loyalty oath to Racist supremacist global Jewish confederate slave empire Israel above their oaths to America, its Israel not America first. Its not an oath of loyalty to Britain above America. So its the Zionist empire not the Anglo Zionist empire. Congress forced to sign loyalty oath to Racist supremacist global Jewish confederate slave empire Israel part 1 https://www.veteranstoday.com/2015/10/29/how-soon-can-we-get-aipac-owned-traitors-out-of-congress/ The only Member of the sitting US Congress we can document so far that has refused to sign the AIPAC Loyalty Oath to put Israel first even before America is Representative Walter Jones. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImFMcbF2MYY

John Brown

part7b Despite AIPAC’s efforts to get him un-elected he was re-elected Congress anyhow, unlike the great and fearless American Hero former US Representative Cynthia McKinney, a true American Patriot who tells the truth, the whole truth. Representative McKinney refused to sign this AIPAC Loyalty Oath to put Israel first even over America, which of course would be a direct violation of the Oath of Office any Member of Congress takes upon being seated. Why is it such a serious matter to get these signers of the AIPAC Loyalty Oath out of Congress? The reason is obvious, without these Traitors who are sellouts to AIPAC and Israel, America could not have been transformed into a virtual province of Israel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImFMcbF2MYY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImFMcbF2MYY

John Brown

Part 8 Nor could America have been transformed into an Israeli slave-state, provider and war-fighter for Israel with an endless supply of American Soldiers to use as Israeli cannon-fodder in their quest to expand and create “greater Israel”. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImFMcbF2MYY https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2ba743d3099a50a48552252e6612f90f6010badbb32239d63c34e24fa6f013ba.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/942928e4a2d7f53201f69fd469a245125e1da4dd5e27cae3a20a128041ee71d4.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f1524003ca53343e9fe2a1bebaa2d60329325dc88d3d29bc551dbc771fc32958.jpg Very few Americans know of this treasonous betrayal by all but one Member of Congress. This betrayal is a very serious, grievous violation of their Oath of Office and also American espionage laws and it constitutes Treason. Why do we know for certain this signing the AIPAC Loyalty Oath is Treason? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImFMcbF2MYY We know this for certain because Treason is the capital offense of betraying one’s country and aiding or abetting an enemy of one’s own country, people and one’s government. Yes, but isn’t Israel an important ally of America?

John Brown

part 9 No, quite the contrary. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b3388358879d49f26c655ba0eef38cb4b339280231c5d873b1f1c6eeff8d904b.jpg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2fyROhUxcI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImFMcbF2MYY The only reason the average American does not yet know this is because the Major Mass Media is controlled by six media moguls who answer to run Israeli linked large American investment house that works through Switzerland. Together these six media mogul who are all traitors have essentially created an illegal New Monopoly, a true News Cartel that does little more than feed the American public a continuing stream of USG propaganda, USG big lies and USG false-narratives.

John Brown

part 10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImFMcbF2MYY

It is our job at Veterans Today and the rest of the Alternative media of the Internet to get the truth out to everyone and expose this USG propaganda, these big USG lies and USG false-narratives. Soon unless stopped the Internet, which is the World’s New Gutenberg Press, will bust the Controlled Major Mass media (CMMM) and this truth will dissipate to every America. This will bring an end to the espionage done against America in America by AIPAC, the ADL, the SPLC and other Israeli-linked foreign espionage fronts. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImFMcbF2MYY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqzDSrR4L4w


Thanks for all your information. Let’s hope we all can change things for the better & reach the tipping point of awareness soon, that would be nice!

John Brown

Part 11 Right now the traitors inside the beltway are meeting frequently and desperately trying to come up with a sneaky way to censor and restrict the Alternative media of the Internet. It is unlikely that the American people will allow this and such a move could result in a new American revolution fought in the street of America by millions or armed Americans against the USG and its stooges and Traitors. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImFMcbF2MYY But there is another good reason to immediately suspend all aid, monetary and military to Israel. That is the fact that we know with 100% certainty the Israel has a large nuclear bomb arsenal and that such is a violation of American law and international agreements to support any nation that HAS NOT signed the nuclear Non-Proliferation Agreement, which Israel HAS NOT signed. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/65272ba33698043a57e8677e4dfb9b290550d79a0d39a7be6eeff14a12a9f86e.jpg jews selling blacks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImFMcbF2MYY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqzDSrR4L4w


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PO-ndnA3s1c https://vimeo.com/44182212

You can call me Al

Oh Nutty, you really are a total delusional w*nker. You and your masters are going down very, very shortly and very, very badly and then it will be an open house for the Middle East and much of the World for vengeance. Tick Tock.

Joe Dirt



Well 3rd Reich was supposed to last a thousand years and lasted mere 12. Using that equation, 50 years of Israel occupying other people’s real estate is nearing it’s end…

Pave Way IV

You’re forgetting the first time the Israelites occupied the Levant. That was after the ethnic cleansing/genocide of the various Canannite peoples that lived there 3700 years ago and the Israelites’ subsequent theft of their silver and land. Some Canannites managed to escape – their descendants live in Lebanon and Syria today.

“…For God had ordered the Israelites to slaughter the apparently sinful Canaanites, saying: “You shall not leave alive anything that breathes. But you shall utterly destroy them.” And, according to a passage in the Old Testament’s Book of Joshua, they did just that:

“Thus Joshua struck all the land, the hill country and the Negev and the lowland and the slopes and all their kings. He left no survivor, but he utterly destroyed all who breathed, just as the Lord, the God of Israel, had commanded…. He left nothing undone of all that the Lord had commanded Moses.”…

That’s kind of white-washed out of western history. Joshua’s Israelite ISIS army and their genocidal jihad ordered by God, himself? Well, they would just as soon you forget that part.

Steve Bell

Given that Israeli police have advised on an indictment, and that the IAF lost an F-16 that nearly crashed into an Israeli village, Netanyahu is desperate for some good news, even if its make-believe.


Israel has no say as to dictate any condition as pertains to Syria’s security and sovereignty. Syria will always claim its sovereignty over the Syrian Golan Heights. It will take it back by the same force that it was stolen.

paul ( original )

I don’t know about lasting forever, but it looks like they are in for the long run and will not be displaced easily. As long as Israel has military dominance it is hard to see them giving up anything. It could be that some sort of agreement might be made which sees Golan given back. But this is just the ‘ land for peace’ mantra which is about as empty as the ‘two state solution’ mantra.


Israeli soldiers do not want to go to Arab lands and die as invaders. Islam’s only opportunity to venge the Zionist scourge is for an Israeli invasion. In Lebanon, Hezbollah is waiting for the opportunity. Hezbollah is are saying ‘pleeeeeze come. We are dying to see you’, and they mean it.

Mohammed Asim

First of all tell aviv and Israel will not remain in dis world forever


When the Sun becames red giants, the Earth will burn.


This is you. http://axisoflogic.com/artman/uploads/1/trollingspamdb0_copy.gif


Yeah I think soon we will be attacked by Aliens….. with all these weird Lights & Trumpetsss……. Bwahahahahaaaaa…. morons


Are you sioux?


I think it’s fair to say my Brothers & Sisters were exterminated by them AngloZioNazis……Lies & Broken Treaties… History keeps on repeating itself….


I am not wiser. :) You can be part of many nations.


I am part of many Nations…. for I am Human….


Nice! :)


How about the non Jews, are they human in the Talmud rabbinical cult manual?


White dwarf will make the Earth a cool place to be. OH CRAP!


The Jews have been expelled from Palestine many times for their bad behavior. Why would you think now would be any different after 70 years of the world watching the crime and evil of Talmud rabbinical Judaism in action and passing resolutions against the baby rapers every year at the UN and elsewhere for that entire time?

Israel should have never been admitted in the first place, and should be delisted as part of dejudifying the planet.

The Zionists blocked mitigation of the holocaust contineously to get the body count up so that they could get their crime state admitted to the UN:

– The Zionist-Nazi Collaboration –


“this role of the Jewish leaders in the destruction of their own people is undoubtedly the darkest chapter of the whole dark story.””

– Nazi-Zionist Collusion –


Daniel Castro

“The Jews have been expelled from Palestine many times for their bad behavior.”

Palestine and everywhere they went…

The world should make an agreement and find a new place for ISrael, the best way to solve this issue would be take a small piece of antarctica and give it to them, certainly there they won’t create many problems with the neighbors.

I would only few bad about the penguins…


20 million former Jews and closing the synagogues and other Jew facilities works for me.


The baby rapers occupied the Sinai and Gaza, and they’re not there anymore. Jerusalem and Israel need to be dejudified as part of getting rid of their evil pedophile rape cult and creating a Jew free planet that will be much better for humanity. Jews are the source of a lot of humanity’s problems.




Imagine if sentient beings from another world arrive ( I have no idea if other civilizations exist on other worlds but, it would be supreme arrogance/absurdity to think it is not at least possible ) and BiBi is hitting them with that drivel. He is so corny. They must have really gotten their butts handed to them on 10 February. He is on non-stop foaming at the mouth and Israel deserves better. I don’t think anybody in the international circuit is listening to him.


Cockroaches have been on earth for 200 million years. Is that close to forever?


‘Netanyahu said that Israel will prevent any establishment of Israeli military bases in the country.’ You mean ‘Iranian military basees.’


So his grandfather told him he can keep it forever. Just like US said they will remain in Syria forever.

Why these guys talk like that ? They really have something in common…… arrogance

leon mc pilibin

What this psychopath realyl means is that they will control the oil fields and water resources in the Golan Heights.Thats why they started the 6 day war,,precisely for these reasons.But the day will come when the Syrians will be kicking down their squatters fences and hovels.


World governments have known for the past 100 years the crimes that the Jews planned to commit against the Palestinians:

“The Commission Report was skeptical of the viability of a Jewish state in “Syria”. The logic of the Commission went along the lines that the first principle to be respected must be self-determination. It pointed out that a majority of “Syrians” were against the formation of a Jewish state. It concluded that the only way to establish a viable Jewish state would be with armed force to enforce it. This was precisely what the Commission wanted to avoid, so they dismissed the idea, saying that Zionists anticipated “a practically complete dispossession of the present non-Jewish inhabitants to Palestine, by various forms of purchase”. That said, there would be nothing wrong with Jews coming to “Israel” and simply living as Jewish Syrian citizens, but noted “nor can the erection of such a Jewish State be accomplished without the gravest trespass upon the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine”. The latter statement was based on the assumption that an army of at least 50,000 would be required to establish Jewish ownership by force.[16] In respect to the creation of a Jewish state in the Middle East, the report cautioned “Not only you as president but the American people as a whole should realize that if the American government decided to support the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine, they are committing the American people to the use of force in that area, since only by force can a Jewish state in Palestine be established or maintained.””

– King–Crane Commission –



If anyone questions Jew finance and media control in the US, they ought to face the facts:

“Gary David Cohn (born August 27, 1960) is an American investment banker who is serving as the Director of the National Economic Council and chief economic advisor to President Donald Trump.[1][2] He was formerly the president and chief operating officer of Goldman Sachs from 2006 to 2017.”


“Goldman and Sachs, who founded the firm in the nineteenth century, were Jewish, as have been most of its partners since then, almost all of its leaders, and its current CEO (Lloyd Blankfein).”

https://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2010/01/how-to-think-about-jewish-bankers/346827/ https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/aef0e24033c37c234336e2bcb27d63c20c976c4e5b2a593c4cd628ef71500900.png https://ig.ft.com/wall-street-fees/


Jew pedophile rape cultist’s control of the main stream media: https://kek.gg/i/52SMbt.jpg


The Jews did this: https://wikispooks.com/w/images/3/3d/Israeldidit.jpg


And this: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-7v8ezuhjLQs/Tk6mC0uS5mI/AAAAAAAADus/GJ65MoBoEBs/s1600/Pentagon911Attack.jpg


And this: https://cdn.ipetitions.com/user-images/petitions/end-usa-govt-coverup-honor-uss-liberty/pEiJbeDkRs60lrU40ETV_libad3.png

Jamil Abdin

Like Hitler built his Reich for 1000 years, Sieg Heil!


Russia declares the Crimea to be part of Russia forever -> Western sanctions. Israel declares the Golan to be part of Israel forever -> deafening Western silence.


There are no UN resolutions against Russia, there are against Israel.


Western Sanctions….. how much are they worth these days? Europe is losing more money with these sanctions on Russia than the other way around……. very counterproductive…. who is sanctioning who you can ask……keep up your sanctions Europe…. way to go….


Hezbollah!!! the best freedom fighters ever. Keep strong

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