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Netanyahu Promises To Name Golan Heights Settlement After Trump

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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has promised to name a settlement in the Golan Heights after Donald Trump, in a show of gratitude for the US president’s decision to recognize the occupied Syrian region as Israeli territory.

“In honor of President Trump, who recognized Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan, [Israel] will soon call for a settlement in the Golan Heights in his name. Happy holiday!”, Netanyahu’s Twitter account said on April 23.

Israel occupied the Golan Heights in the 1967 Six Day War and later annexed it in 1981 in a move that was not recognized by the UN Security Council. There are about 40,000 people live in the region. About a half of them is Druze and Alawites and another half is Jewish settlers.

In March, US President Trump announced that the US was officially recognizing the Golan Heights as being part of Israel in March.


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The Palestinian’s ICJ case against the US on the Jerusalem embassy move is progressing. What is the US going to do to prevent losing, pull another ICC obstruction of justice stunt like it did on Afghanistan because it knows that it’s guilty and is going to lose? The Golan recognition is similar scofflaw behavior.

Pave Way IV

The ICC is only for prosecuting geriatric ex-Nazis for Israel and has-been dictators for the US. Israel and US are above the law.

…Trump however warned the court against trying to prosecute Israelis or Americans following a complaint by Palestinians, which have called for an ICC investigation of Israel.

“Any attempt to target American, Israeli, or allied personnel for prosecution will be met with a swift and vigorous response,” Trump said.


In the Ron Paul video posted on the Pompeo article today on this site, which I listed to. He says that the laws of economics are stronger than statutory laws, or something to that effect. There’s truth to that. And Russia and China are in a lot better economic shape than the US and Europe debt and growth wise.

Unlike the post WWll era. Where the US had 50% of global gdp and the only undamaged large industrial base. Today there’s no world war to stop fighting, and the US has enormous economic competition.



Gee, Trump almost sounds like a mobster. As if the toothless puppet ICC, which only jails innocent people or old Nazis as a rule, is going to do what against the US/Israel? Shine their shoes? They flew to their knees over the MH17 fairy tale and wanted to indict Assad for US/Israeli crimes. They’re a bigger joke than the UN.


Reading all these articles where it is portrayed as a done deal. Trump has given the Golan to Israel. As if the US rules the world and has the authority to do whatever it wants and it’s done.

It’s bad enough we all have to deal with the Fiat currency that the US dollar is. Now they seem to have assumed a Fiat Dominance of the whole world. They seem destined for an ugly wake up call in which they will have to face the fact that they brought it on to themselves.

They will be stuck fixing the mess alone, as they are surely alienating everyone. The weirdest part is their buddy Israel obviously could give a shit what happens to the US, and will dance and celebrate her fall in the same way they did on 9/11. Shamelessly!

Does it bother anyone else that all the Anglo-Zionists who ran for the Ukrainian election don’t seem at all perturbed with leading a neo-Nazi government? How is it they rampage against “anti-Semites” but are so cozy with ISIS and Nazis?

S Melanson

Reminds me of that Tears for Fears song, “Mad World”. Made me also think of another song:

Do not adjust your sets, you have now entered the twilight zone… in the background you hear music playing with Netanyahu singing the words:

[Sung to Strawberry Fields Forever by the Beatles (1967)]

Let me take you down, cause we are going to the Golan Fields Where nothing is real And no Arabs to get hung about Golan Fields to keep forever

Living is easy with eyes closed Misunderstanding all you see It’s getting hard to be Prime Minister But it all works out It helps that Arabs don’t matter much to me

Let me take you down, cause we are going to the Golan Fields, where nothing is real… And no Arabs to get hung about Golan Fields to keep forever


Questions, Moody Blues. From memory;

Why do we never get an answer, when we’re knocking at the door, with a hundred million questions, about hate and death and war? I’m looking for a miracle in my life, I’m looking for someone to save my life and if you could see what its done to me, to lose the love I knew…,

S Melanson

Moody Blues, Question from the album “A Question of Balance”. A great album by a great rock band that were pioneers of the concept album.

Below are some of my own thoughts on the lyrics:

The answers are not said in words, they are revealed to you through the experiences of your journey along the path you have chosen.

And if you are looking for someone to save your life, look into a mirror and there you will find what you are seeking…


Am familiar with that brand of psychology. To learn as we grow old the secrets of our souls. The answer to, why do we never get an answer? Psychopathy


“How is it they rampage against “anti-Semites” but are so cozy with ISIS and Nazis?”

Because ISIS America Zionists and Nazis all have the same beliefs. Hitler was very popular in the USA until financial interests realized that there was more money to be made fighting against the Nazis than an alliance with them. The Zionists will back stab the USA when the price is right. There is no honour amongst thieves, Trump is Mr Blonde, and Netanyahu is Mr Pink.


A rhetorical question. Was looking for a succinct essay on how they all share the same roots. The Galicia region of Ukraine perhaps. But points well taken. Missed the pink blonde reference, not MSM or video consuming. Can’t be bothered sorting out what is real. Like alternate media where occasionally the truth literally jumps out at me.

Saddam Hussein

It will get liberated by the Syrian Arab Army and their allies in the coming years. Mark my words.


Can the settlement then be re-named after Maduro?

Fleecing Rabbi

Must honor Dr. Castro, Che and Ho Chi Minh..


Assad himself does think and regocnize that those are dreams, and that he leaves this to the coming generations.

And dreaming while in reality all goes to shit only helps those forces of the status quo. Even though dreaming feels surely better than the fucked up reality. Sad fucking reality.

Lena Jones

Actually it was Assad the FATHER who said he would leave the Golan liberation to coming generations, but Assad the Son said that he will “liberate every inch of Syria including the Golan”.

Fleecing Rabbi

Assad junior must light a fuse soon so that the Khazarian land rustlers don’t steal more Arab lands.

Lena Jones

Hezbollah has been training the Syrian-Golan Brigade since 2007 – and just like hezbollah bled and killed off the israeli invader swith a ‘thousand pin pricks’, so will the Golan resistors unleash an asymmetrical war against the jewish invader: using the successful Hezbollah model. And if the big war breaks out beforehand, then it will the Golan resistors, hezbollah and the Syrian army who will step in together to cleanse the Golan from the jewish cancer. Either way, israel is in for a surprise in the Golan.


Assad junior is a bit of a pussy, his daddy would have had public executions of ISIS and their families.

When you’re dealing with the Americans, you have to fight on their terms, and kill everybody.


axis of resistance, turkey, iran, syria, iraq, hebollah and a few other groups will clean palestine from the squatters. it will be some time but rest assured it will come so the squatters better have their green cards ready and their stolen possession packed in their bags on the way to the next diaspora. in fact the axis of resistance will entirely de-squattify palestine in due course!

make donations to hezbollah if possible (in view of the awards the morons has placed on some of the hezbollah’s financiers – in fact there ought to be some anonymous financier(s) in the arab world that can put up some hefty rewards on guys like adelson, kushner and leading aipac members). tit for tat sort of!


Iran has now designated the US military as a terrorist organization…so your suggestion is right on. Of course, should ‘accidents’ happen to any of those listed it would be just terrible. As Israel has stated many times, it is in their national security self-interests to eliminate those that (they claim) would threaten them…and the west apparently agrees. The PLO did a few assassinations long ago, but there needs to be a revival of this tactic. Ala Israel, no out and out confrontations…just start with the big dogs. I don’t think there is a way to get across to them that they need to stop their crap…but if a few of them, say Pompass, or Kushner or Bolton (my favorite) were to be ‘retired’, they might get their attention.


Not sure about Turkey (Muslim brotherhood) and Iraq (Kurds and Suni favor US)

Pave Way IV

In early 2012, Netanyahu illegally gave Golan oil ‘drilling rights’ to his racist pal and illegal Golan settler Efraim “Effie” Eitam, who ran Afek Oil and Gas. Afek operated in Israel, but is a subsidiary of Genie Oil and Gas, a New Jersey stock printing scam.

Ira Greenstein was Genie’s president. Same Ira Greenstein that weaseled his way onto Trump’s transition team in 2016. Same Ira Greenstein that donated $100K to Trump’s campaign. Same Ira Greenstein that Trump appointed as his Deputy Assistant in 2016 in the White House. Same Ira Greenstein acting as attorney to the creepy Kushner mafia, who are eyeing the fortune in illegal Golan real estate sales.

Genie Oil is illegally drilling for oil in the Golan, yet it’s president – Ira Greenstein – was working in the White House for Trump. Kushners want to sell Golan land to Israeli settlers. Trump now recognizes the Golan as Israeli territory. FFS. what is wrong with the US?

Effie: Let the ethnic cleansing (and oil/water theft) BEGIN!


Icarus Tanović

Whats wrong with US? It’s isn’t no more USA, it is ZIONISTIC PUPPET STATES OF AMERICA, so ZPSA, or ZSA.

Fleecing Rabbi

What is wrong with US can be summed up in one four letter word : JEWS


Adolf Hitler was right because he had known these evils antihumans Jews that is why he wanted to eliminate them all but then decided to leave few as a sample to this world.

Let see what’s pompeo says about Jews. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tsnAR3yqfQ0

Pompeo finally admitted In a recent speech at Texas University about the CIA and the neocons that they lie, cheat and steal.


A&M, Aggies, not Longhorns!


nothing about the Israeli airstrikes from today?


I don’t know about israheli’s airstrikes but the Russians did a great job. I “wonder” why SF is quiet about it.

Promitheas Apollonious

change of policies…………?


May be….:)


What great job did Russia yesterday? not using S-300 and letting Israel bomb Syria?


“… letting Israel bomb Syria?” Proof?


The Israelis are leaches. Over 80% of Americans oppose the absurd foreign aid to Israel. The internet is exposing Judaism, Jews and Israel as the criminal organization and societal cancer that it is. The non Christian world has been almost completely dejudified. The same thing needs to be done in Christendom.

Xoli Xoli

Satanyahu is not a Jew but Jews destructor he bombs the whole woglc but never got bomb.

S Melanson

Do not adjust your sets, you have now entered the twilight zone… in the background you hear music playing with Netanyahu singing the words:

[Sung to Strawberry Fields Forever by the Beatles (1967)]

Let me take you down, cause we are going to the Golan Fields Where nothing is real And no Arabs to get hung about Golan Fields to keep forever

Living is easy with eyes closed Misunderstanding all you see It’s getting hard to be Prime Minister But it all works out It helps that Arabs don’t matter much to me

Let me take you down, cause we are going to the Golan Fields, where nothing is real… And no Arabs to get hung about Golan Fields to keep forever


I wonder if the settlement will be within range of light arty and mortars. So if Trump clown launches another tomahawk strike a reply message can be sent. :D

S Melanson

It is indeed in range and the Arab forces arrayed have more than just light weaponry – the collision in the Golan is coming…


If there is any justice in the world, this village (Trampland?) should be the first to burn.

S Melanson

It will absolutely be at the top of the list and no, not burn, more like vaporized


You’re just trying to brighten my day! Thanks!

Fleecing Rabbi

It is amazing watching an ugly family portrait of land thieves on the Golan. It is like bank robbers posing in front of the bank they just looted!

Promitheas Apollonious

the whole of israel is within range so why settle with an empty space?

Joe Kerr

An “eternal” settlement that’ll be erased when Iran sends Hezbollah across the border.

Fleecing Rabbi

At the end of day Golan and Palestine remain stolen Arab lands and will revert back to their owners. Zionism is a stain on humanity and must be eradicated.


yep and anti-zionism should be worn as a badge of honour, nothing else. and the futile attempt by the squatters to make anti-zionism the same as anti-semitism is laughable at any one time even though they to some extent have been successful in moronistan (aka usa – home of morons).


anyone who says happy holiday (to the pagan christian holidays) is straight up pagan.

Thats why theres really no difference between jews and christians (westerners), they are all pagan whether they like netanyahu or not trump or not obama or not.

westerners not only have no clue about whats going on, but westerners have no will or ability to fight (they are cucked just like the jews).


And you speak from NATO Canada ? Indeed you are an ignorant hypocrite :)))


No not from nato canada, so I cant be hypocritical on that. In fact I was born there, witnessed all its degeneracy, migrated to Iran, and vowed never to return to canada (or nato) until its been powned.

Promitheas Apollonious

A complete mispelling of an already mispelled word….pwned. People only use this spelling of the word when they are trying to be extra-retarded.


AlQuran says if someone accuses another of hypocrisy, one of them is correct. So I dont mind powning that.

I dont use pwn because its sounds western surfer which is ghey, so I use pown.

Promitheas Apollonious

I am not accusing you of anything, I did not know the word you use what means, so I google it what I posted was the result of the search as to what it means. If I accuse you of something that be you are a liar, but have yet to decide that.


AlQuran even says to never be friends with Christians because they are with the jews, and befriending them becomes like them.

So by this reality of Principle, I cant have nothing to do with pagans, the most hated to all three Abrahmic(as) Religions.

Promitheas Apollonious

that classify you as a brainless person, who believe in man made gods what ever your religion is kid, so to me, you dont sound very bright and your post tell me exactly the same.


Assad Nasrullah khamenei Muslim Brotherhood Turkey all Believe the exact same.

So you arent Axis, and can go cuck off in europe or america with the zionists.


Dump Camp?

Lena Jones



Thats cool, I have named my toilet ‘Netanyahu’ and my toilet paper ‘Trump’.

And what falls out my ‘a’ and down my ‘Netanyahu’ when I flash I named Saudis.


I think it’s a case of “recognise the legitimacy of Israel’s claim – or else”. I recall that NZ – recently the victim of a “terrorist” attack – voted against recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel in 2017. Seems if you act against Israel you get punished. Jacinda Ardern came out in support of the two-state policy, and look what happened.


https://worldpeace365.files.wordpress.com/2019/03/european-jews-ashkenazi-jews-khazars-8.png?w=639&zoom=2 The Ashkenazi feels no shame when he’s walking around as a white man and then claims to be returning to Palestine, a land inhabited by dark-skinned indigenous people. Only a people without shame would engage in this kind of deception.



Mileikowsky the father of “Netanyahu”. Yeah, look at him, he was returning home to Palestine.


and once netayahu iskicked out of palestine, the golan heigths villages und zu weiter will get their proper names back as if the squatters never were there – total oblivion where those are concerned.

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