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Netanyahu Vows To Continue Airstrikes On Syria During Meeting With Senior Russian Official

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Netanyahu Vows To Continue Airstrikes On Syria During Meeting With Senior Russian Official

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On October 9, Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu revealed that he told Maxim Akimov Deputy Prime Minister of Russia during a recent meeting the Israel will continue to strike Iranian forces in Syria, despite of Moscow’s decision to supply the Syrian Air Defense Forces (SyAADF) with advanced S-300 long-range air defense systems.

Israel will continue its “legitimate activity in Syria against Iran and its proxies, which state their intention to destroy us,” Netanyahu told reporters during a press conference, according to the Times of Israel news outlet.

Furthermore, Netanyahu stated that he hopes that Israel and Russia will soon overcome the tension, which began last month when Israeli airstrikes on the Syrian city of Lattakia led to the shoot down of the Russian Il-20 intelligence plane. Russia supplied Syria with S-300 systems in repose to the incident and in order to secure its troops in the war torn country.

“I think that with common sense and goodwill we can come to a solution that will allow the continuation of the good coordination between the Russian and Israeli militaries,” Netanyahu said.

This was the first meeting between senior civilian officials of the two countries since the Il-20 incident. A more interesting meeting between Netanyahu and Russia’s President Vladimir Putin is expected to be held soon.

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“”..good coordination between the Russian and Israeli militaries,””

Zionists fly them, Russians and Syrians use them for target identification and shooting practice. I fully support such coordination.

Jim Bim

Lol….”Israel will continue its “legitimate activity in Syria”. Israel is above any international law.

Concrete Mike

When israel and legitimate are used.in the same sentence…red flags pop up all over….i wonder why?




“”” Israel will continue its legitimate activity in Syria””” LOL, the S300 system integrated with the S400 system beefed up by 55Zh6M Nebo-M multiband radar complex, will keep all Israeli planes on the ground. The F35’s will have no place to hide, the Nebo-M radar with its with its multiple radars including VHF and UHF frequencies, and sensor fusion will lock on the F35’s for a sure kill.

Jim Bim

Yes they will. The S-400 is an upgrade of the S-300P family tree, therefore the S-300PM can fully be integrated with the S-400 and use its better radar and warning system.


The Nebo-M radar system will light up any stealth aircraft.

Jim Bim

Super :-)


who are we to argue with Jesus..

Carol Davidek-Waller

What common sense could there be over war crimes?

Jim Bim

Warcrimes are warcrimes, no matter who tries to sugarcoat it and or how it is pronounced.

Emanual Macron

Russia has only one choice and it is to be embarrassed. Either be embarrassed by Israel continuing airstocks and defeating s-300 system to be embarrassed by working with Israel and allow them to bypass and not engage s-300 during bombing missions. Russian can only lose both ways.

Tudor Miron

You surely hope so :) I suspect that there are many other options on the table but you seem to be too smart to see them.

You can call me Al

1 other is to kick the F out of the Kikes, then drop the biggest bombs on all bases of the military and just for the hell of it, drop another biggy on Tel Aviv.

Emanual Macron

maybe when you go to sleep and dream this will be an option lol. but lets come back to reality

You can call me Al

I am good with my dreams as they often become a reality…….. well in my little brain anyway. LOL


What reality? The “reality” that the S-300s are there and Israel is still striking Syria?

Or the reality that since those S-300s were announced there have been NO ISRAELI STRIKES on Syria?

You can call me Al

No, that is not fair. I dreamt it and it will happen, it has to be 3rd time lucky after my lottery ticket and wife.

Emanual Macron

what are they since you are so smart? teach me daddy

Tudor Miron

I’m not your daddy and you’re not my son. But I will give you a hint – remember Israeli F-16 that was shot down by Syrian AD in 2017?

You can call me Al

Dont forget simultaneous bird attack and S-200 attack……those damn birds got there first !!!.


See TM’s comment and try to understand. You got a month.

You can call me Al

PS Tudor man is a good’un on the site. One of us

John Whitehot

bs. israel lost. and it’s signified by it’s continual need to bomb syria.

Carol Davidek-Waller

I think you’ll find it’s Israel that has one choice. Keeping their planes out of Syrian air space. Their usual response to that is to kick the h–l out of Gaza, the family dog.

Ricky Miller

Not so far. Let’s see, it’s now early morning October 11, in Syria. The Russian-Israeli incident was September 17 and the decision to supply S300 was taken and announced September 22. We are well more than three weeks out with no Israeli missile strikes on Syria. By my calculations that’s already the third longest period of calm over Syrian skies since the war began to turn around, holiday season 2015. Somethings changed.


Did you look at the maps just before Russia surprised the world and compare them to the maps now? Didn’t think so.


Let’s see….. 200 strikes in 18 months comes to 11 strikes a month or 1 every 3 days. It’s been 24 days since IL-20.

Q. How many of those 8 strikes have we seen? A. NONE. Just a lot of Yisraeli blah-blah.

Does blah-blan hide Israeli embarrassment and inability? Or are you just hoping so?

Carol Davidek-Waller

Bibi mistakenly thinks that the S 300 system Russia shipped to Syria can’t see his planes. He’s in for a big surprise.


Bibi just shoots his mouth off because he is a narcissist like Trump. Hopefully there are sane people within the Israeli Government.

Carol Davidek-Waller

There is nothing legitimate about attacking a country is no threat to oneself or attacking troops fighting terrorism.

Russia delivered the S-300PM, this is three steps down from the more advanced S-300PM2 S-300PM S-300PM1 S-300 Favorite S-300PM2 S-400


So? That’s like saying this is last years Ferrari, so obviously my new Chevy is better.




There could be a simpler solution to this: find something that Israel is willing to give up that Assad wants, and they can exchange that for evicting Iran.


Why would Assad want to evict their helpful ally? Their ally is there at his request to help him put zionist sponsored terrorists in the ground. If “Israel” gives back the Golan heights, and stops their meddling into Syrian affairs, and cut the terror groups program lose, I am sure Assad will have no further need of their allies’ help at this scale, and would simply resume regular, normal collaboration and coordination. And then, everybody can move forward to other projects, and see the zionists in the occupied Palestinian country back to their originating countries, unless they want to stay in Palestine and request a visa, go through residency paperwork, then stay when they have all the right papers.


This may be difficult for you to accept, but Assad will take any opportunity to make permanent peace with Israel. Iran is only there because Tehran wants a seat at diplomacy table and because Assad needs the extra bodies.


Perhaps you overrate the importance of that land-grabbing irritant to the south – Damascus and Tehran have a mutual defense agreement.

What permanent peace is possible with a neighbour that lies to violate your airspace and sovereignty and bomb your facilities? … Unless you want to tell me there really were Iranians hiding in that power plant they bombed the night they caused the downing of the IL-20? …. And they’re just too shy to put their proof in the public domain?

Concrete Mike

Surely Assad knows israel cant be trusted. How stupid do you think he is??

Israel can bark about iran being in syria, do mosquito bite airstrikes and thats it.

And how come Iran is negotiating, we dont see any israeli concessions on anything, israel doesnt want peace…simple as that.


Are you his special attaché? Did he whisper his inner thoughts in your attentive ear after a night spooning each other?


No, I just know what I’m talking about. Unlike the neo-Nazi circlejerk that clogs this forum.


And? Who, from outside the “neo-Nazi circlejerk”, can confirm that you do know what you are talking about? Yourself, perhaps? Where did you learn that Assad will take “any opportunity to make permanent peace with israel”? And why has he not yet done so, decades after his reaching the highest places of power in Syria?


I never felt a need to justify myself to randos, especially on this site where anyone who disagrees will accuse you of being a paid troll. But I am literally getting my master’s degree on this general subject.


You mean – swap Iranian support for the Golan Heights?


That won’t happen because it is of to much military strategic value and because there are many Israel citizens there. Clinton’s land for peace idea never held weight, that won’t either.


Hmm… and why should Syria infringe their own sovereignty to reclaim their own land?

So…. what did you gave in mind?



Concrete Mike

Who in their right.mind would make a deal with israel? When have israel held up any deals?

Deal that they get stuff for free from american taxpayers do not count.

If israel would sign onto CWC and Nuclear non proliferation treaty and inspections, then we could talk. Until then, cant trust these backstabbers.


You do realize Israel has captured the Sinai 2-3 times (depending if you count 1948) and let it go in exchange for something. Also they haven’t fought Jordan since 1967 and haven’t fought Egypt since 1973 and has a permanent peace treaty with both. Your comment is further invalid by the fact that all of the nations Israel has ever been at war with has yielded to some aspect of the Three Nos doctrine (no negotiation, no recognition, no peace). You’re using circular reasoning where other people should fight them because there’s no treaty that means anything and there’s no treaty that means anything because people should always fight.

And to your other comment while lots of Arabs vilify the Israelis in public there are actually very few that won’t negotiate in private. After his death it was revealed that King Hussein of Jordan informed Israel about Fatah activity for decades because he considered them a threat to his rule. Assad launched the Daraa Offensive and complacently watched his own men proclaim how the Golan was next knowing full well he had already worked things out with Tel Aviv and had no intention of crossing the DMZ. El-Sisi’s government denounces Israel even as they work out lucrative natural gas deals and use Israeli warplanes to fight ISIS. Abbas rides the fence by lobbying the UN against Israel while cooperating with them for administrative issues (in theory selling property to Israelis is subject to capital punishment but no one enforces this). Russia and Assad sacked Iran so that they wouldn’t have to worry about Israel and Iran fighting in the middle of the Daraa Offensive. During the Lebanese Civil War Israel had just as many allies as they did enemies in that country.

The list goes on, but your effort to dehumanize the Jews says more about you than anything else.

Concrete Mike

Hey calling me a jew hater good one.

You raised some good points while ignoring my good points? How come. Why no chemical weapons convention, why no nuclear weapons inspections?

These international agreements that everyone is supposed to follow yet the israeli leadership feels they dont have to follow that, or multitude of un and unsc resolutions??

And stop denying israel’s current intransigence at this point in history. Contemporary israel does not need to treat the rest of thebworld with such contempt.

So keep playing your religious card, because its the leaders that are the problem. If there jews…well that too bad if the leader was buddah i would still call his hypocritical ass…just like im doing now.


I really hope Putin gets him into a judo hold and beats the crap out of him… you know, do justice for the killed Russian crew.. and the rest of the Middle East.

Concrete Mike

Better yet, put bibi in the ring whit Khabib :D

northerntruthseeker .

I will be applauding for every report that comes out where some of these Jew freaks get blown out of the sky by the S300’s!


It’s been 3 weeks since the baby rapers got those Russian airmen killed, and there hasn’t been a single attack by the IAF on Syria since then that I’m aware of. The new Syrian air defense upgrades significantly close the capability gap between attacking Syria and attacking Russia. And if Syria’s Mig-29 fleet is upgraded as well. That will close the gap further. Which will probably make IAF violations of Syrian airspace a thing of the past.

Though I wouldn’t be surprised if the Jews try to find some weak spots in an effort to claim superiority that they no longer have. They’ve really painted themselves into a corner this time. They’re dammed if they do, and their dammed if they don’t.


Well, I hope Israel do not disappoint us and allows us to see how good the S-300 system works.


http://www.unz.com/tsaker/s-300s-and-other-military-hardware-for-syria/#comment-2558132 Post #43 by FB. A superb description of the S300 capabilities and the S200 hybrid, which is an S200 on which advanced S300 radar is mounted. Syria has become no-go for Israel.

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