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Netanyahu’s Fight For Parliamentary Immunity: Loses 31 to 33 Seats Against Rival Benny Gantz In Elections

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Netanyahu's Fight For Parliamentary Immunity: Loses 31 to 33 Seats Against Rival Benny Gantz In Elections

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The final results of the snap general elections in Israel came in on September 20th.

Outgoing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his right-wing party the Likud lost to rival Benny Gantz’ Kahol Valan party with 31 seats to 33.

Netanyahu’s bloc, comprised of right-wing and ultra-Orthodox parties that have agreed to negotiate together, currently stands at 55 seats.

The center-left bloc has 57 seats, Benny Gantz’ party is part of it.

The total number of seats in the Israeli Parliament – the Knesset is 120.

Netanyahu's Fight For Parliamentary Immunity: Loses 31 to 33 Seats Against Rival Benny Gantz In Elections

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Avigdor Lieberman’s Yisrael Beiteinu won 8 seats and is confirmed as the election’s kingmaker, reiterated his support for a “broad liberal unity government,” which would include his own party, Likud and Kahol Lavan.

Lieberman was the country’s defense minister, prior to turning in his resignation, after which Netanyahu himself became Defense Minister, which he still is.

Despite that, Lieberman is ready to support both Netanyahu and Gantz in a possible government.

These results are final, but not official – not until they are presented to President Rivlin on September 25th.

President Reuven Rivlin is set to start consultations with party leaders on September 22nd, as he wishes for a “stable government.”

Benjamin Netanyahu called on Benny Gantz, saying that he would sit with him “at any hour,” and negotiate.

“There’s no reason for us to go for further elections. I’m against it. A broad unity government is the order of the day,” Netanyahu said.

Kahol Lavan, Gantz’ party indicated that it was ready to form a broad coalition with Netanyahu’s Likud, but only if Gantz was Prime Minister. And only if Netanyahu wasn’t part of the government, according to Yair Lapid, the leader of the Kahol Lavan (Blue and White).

MK Yair Lapid accused Netanyahu of “trying to drag the country into a third election.”

At a Blue and White faction meeting, Lapid said: “One person is preventing the formation of a liberal unity government. One person. When faced with the choice between what’s important for the country and what’s important for one person, the country comes first.”

He accused the Netanyahu bloc of extortionist actions and that he simply refuses to give up power.

“That’s the aim of the bloc of extortionists and extremists he created yesterday. That’s the aim of all the spin he’s throwing around in the past few hours. The public didn’t give him their confidence – he’s trying to replace the public. Like the Labor party in the 1970s. The public doesn’t want him anymore so he wants to replace the public. We can’t allow him to drag us to another election.

Our aim is to create a national liberal government. It’s not Liberman’s condition. It’s our aim. That’s why we went to elections, to create a liberal national unity government. With Liberman. With the Likud without Netanyahu. With other partners. One person stands between us and that government. If Netanyahu moves aside, we’ll have a unity government.

A government of all those who believe we need civil marriage, cancelling the mini-market law, public transport on Shabbat. Without indictments and without corruption. And in light of what happened now, a government that will amend the election law so that it won’t be possible to drag us into elections every three months. That’s what the majority of the public wants. That’s what they voted for. That’s why we’re the biggest party in Israel,” claimed Lapid.

Now, President Rivlin is to talk with party leaders for two days, to negotiate a government.

If agreement is not reached in 6 weeks, a third round of elections need to take place.

Warning of that possibility Rivlin said he “will do everything I can to prevent another general election.”

“But the responsibility for this, as well as the responsibility for forming a government that serves all the citizens of Israel with the dedication it deserves, is yours,” he said.

“Our current situation, which has gone on for a long time, with a transition government, grievously limits the ability of the government to act and to serve the citizens of Israel, and our ability to face the political, security and economic challenges we face,” warned Rivlin.

Significantly, Netanyahu not winning the majority in parliament puts him in jeopardy of actually being sent to prison, as he has several indictments for bribery against him.

“The real story, the other story, which is the most important story for Bibi, is his attempt to stop the criminal investigation against him by using parliamentary immunity,” former deputy prime minister Dan Meridor told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour. “He needed a majority in parliament to give him immunity so that the charges against him — which are quite heavy, of [bribery], of corruption — will not be pursued.”

US President Donald Trump who was very vocal about wishing for Netanyahu to be the prime minister has yet to provide a comment on the election results.

The Israeli election drama provides an opportunity for the Palestinians.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas used the chance to announce West Bank election plans. Abbas told reporters outside Norway’s parliament that he would issue a decree for elections across the West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem when he returns to the Palestinian Territories following the U.N. General Assembly in New York.

There have not been any national Palestinian elections for 13 years. Abbas was elected president in 2005 and Hamas won a 2006 parliamentary election.

But how likely that is to happen remains questionable.


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FUCK you respectively Netanyahu, you must go. Netanyahu must get the fuck out and of course go to prison. We had enough from his bullshit, its time new man to seat at the Prime Ministers Chair.

Zionism = EVIL

This perverted corrupt Nutter Yahoo is the self anointed “king Bibi” of Pisrael, sorry Eretz Pisrael on stolen land and borrowed time. I see a massive swarm of drones coming soon. There are no men in the Zionist LGBTI child killers stolen land cesspool. A corrupt sick fucks that need to be fumigated.

Zionism = EVIL

This ugly fuckwit corrupt Zionist child killer will hopefully be in jail soon.

Tiresia Branding

which of the two!?

Zionism = EVIL

Both are ashkeNAZI scum from Poland and Hungary, nothing to do with Palestine.


So, The almighty King Bibi is what, doomed, and if so, what will then happen, I already know the answer, nothing. When they have an unlimited number of scumbags and perverted rats, like this IDFs Gantz (another semitic name, yes?) and then the Russian ex-pat Lieberman (yet another semitic name, yes?), or maybe an Zapped Livni, huh, raving loonies, what would change, nothing, but I know also another thing already, for the Arabs in Palestina, everything will change. Aka: be much worse. Its just an freak show. Yeah, oh…. hey, loook an sqirel singing Nagila haba, sweeeet and dancing.

Just an side kick this days of uh…. islamaphobia.(the belove rant could also be about Russians, to Chines, and so on, but focuses on Islam and Muslims)

Its eh….. fasinating to watch an circle jerk be preformed in our eh…. eminent MSM this days, about whom and what creates Islamaphobia, lets call it IP, when we all know, in Norway, the so called rightwinged ones, the so called nazis, the white trash nationalists, witch they claim they are, howls about Islam, islam, islam all the time, and all of them have no problems with ISISrael killing Palestinians because Palestinians are Muslim terrorists, we all know that dont we, Not all terrorists are Muslims, but all Muslims are terrorists. And this plays straight into our own JudenPress contant hammering on nationalists been nazis etc, etc, and of course racists, and the left scums points their finger on the same Friends of ISISrael and whines about them been nazis, etc to racists, while non of the wants to debate why are the Only demonCrautic nation in the Levante wacking palestinians, because of the same reason as the eh….. racists in the rightwinged compartment of the asylum, the Palestinians are terrorists, shooting inocent Joohos. All this nonsense is covered by an MSM that do the same, and howls on the Islmaphobes and all racism, of course. The funny thing is, while the Rightwinged aka those that claim they are nationalists, whines about Islam been evil, Muslims terrorists, stil and this goes to the MSM as well in this they are in synck, dont talk about what Muslims are doing this, and attacks Hezb, Hamas, Iran, Syrians, Libyans, etc for been Islamic fundamentalists and terrorists, they never debate whom, and we know where from, Saudi-Barbaria, whom is behind and recruits scums from all over the so called Muslim spheres, from Pakistan to Uzbecs, Sudan to Marroco, and uses this as forces and use the Saudi-states whabism as their cover, so that they can claim they fight for an Islamic Ummah against the apostates of Islam. While our MSM attacks those that have protected everybody incl Christians to Zorostrians, while slaughtering everybody from Sufis to ShiaSunni their own people, and the same MSM uses this as an ex. on how evil islam is, while they never show what Wahabists are doing and why. The same MSM and west whom have harbored Whabis for decades, build up mosks and so on to sharia police everywhere in the west, and the same MSM never debates that, instead attacks anyone whom is against that for been Islamaphobic.

DO YOU understand this, its an propaganda war, if you whom calls them self nationalsts, dont get it, I will not even debate them because they are false prophets, since they are Friends of the enemy of man, the ZioNazis, the same insane evil cult that goes under the name Wahabism. They are the enemy of any true nationalists, the well pissers of our rightfull fight against the scums of this earth destroying out nations and our people, they are behind the NGOs, the human trafficing, etc, the AGW cult to make us equally poor, they hide the facts about Africa, why do this people come, becuase of imperialism and corruption.. I am an eock hard nationalists but I have never agitated wars against others in my entire life, thats why I am fully behind the Palestinians and in Yemen, among others to Mali where I back the Africans with my hart and soul, but that dont incl them to over run my home and treat me like an slave, since I would never dream about doing that to you. Either are you with us, or against us, no compormise what so ever.

But above all, wars, decades of wars, witch we all know they lied us into, and stil do, the same force behind our MSM. I want them burned down, impale the scums, hunt them down and hang em all, then we can give the so called refugees an offer they cant refuse, I dont fear them at all, but cowardness among our own, is and will be our doom, why do people even care about the MSM, they will never change, havent and will not, so we have to do that. Wake up and start the war.


Jozef Mak

Get out of Europe, moslems. this is not your continent. Get lost, dirty islam vermin.

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