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MARCH 2025

Netanyahu’s Son Finds Himself In Center Of Another Scandal After His Calls For All Muslims To Leave Israel

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Netanyahu's Son Finds Himself In Center Of Another Scandal After His Calls For All Muslims To Leave Israel

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On December 14th, Yair Netanyahu, son of the Israeli Prime Minister, said that there would be no peace in the land of Israel until either all Jews or all Muslims leave, and that he preferred the latter, in a post on Facebook.

“There will not be peace here until:

All the Jews leave the land of Israel.

All the Muslims leave the land of Israel.

I prefer the second option,” he posted.

Netanyahu's Son Finds Himself In Center Of Another Scandal After His Calls For All Muslims To Leave Israel

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He also said that Iceland and Japan don’t suffer terror attacks because “there is no Muslim population there.”

He also attempted to defend his actions on December 16th by asking why the people who are calling to “evacuate the settlers and establish a Palestinian state free of Jews” were angered by his words.

Facebook temporarily banned Yair for 24 hours, after he called the social media platform “thought police” and shared previously banned content.

He blasted Facebook for removing an earlier post of his, which called for “avenging the deaths” of two Israeli soldiers killed last week by Palestinian gunmen and calling for the expulsion of Palestinians. He shared a screenshot of the deleted post.

Facebook also deleted the post that called for the Muslims to leave Israel.

Yair Netanyahu has a record of causing public outrage with his social media shenanigans.

On December 10th, he once more caused a stir, when he called left-wing organizations and politicians “traitors” in a Facebook post.

“Now finally this word is allowed, I’ll say what everyone in the country knows. Left-wing NGOs funded by foreign and hostile governments, the politicians on the left and media people who always side with the enemy and always against Jewish interests, whose hearts are hardened against victims of terror, settlers or victims of infiltrators, and on the other hand whose hearts are full of compassion for every Arab rioter wounded on the Gaza border – they are the traitors!”

Benjamin Netanyahu distanced himself from his son’s post and claimed that he disproved of the use of the term “traitor” in a political discourse. He however, complained that his critics, including “left-wing protesters and others,” described him in t he same way.

“The media didn’t say a word about that,” he wrote. “It appears that in their opinion, it’s okay to use the term ‘traitor’ as long as it’s directed at Prime Minister Netanyahu. What the right-wing is not allowed to do, the left-wing should not be allowed to do either. Enough with the double standards.”

Netanyahu's Son Finds Himself In Center Of Another Scandal After His Calls For All Muslims To Leave Israel

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In May 2018, Yair made a controversial Instagram post which read “F*ck Turkey,” amid a diplomatic row between the two countries over Israel’s killing of 60 Palestinians at the Great Return March protests in Gaza. In response, Turkey expelled Israel’s ambassador, Eitan Naeh, from Ankara.

Even earlier, in September 2017, he posted a meme on Facebook, which he subsequently deleted. It was an Israeli take on a classic anti-Semitic cartoon which featured George Soros, former Prime Minister Ehud Barak and the Netanyahus’ former housekeeper, who sued the family. Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke tweeted his approval, writing, “Welcome to the club, Yair – absolutely amazing, wow, just wow.”

Even without posting on social media himself, he earns people’s discontent due to his lavish lifestyle at taxpayers’ expense. In January 2018 recordings were released which included Netanyahu, then 25, and his friends talking about spending thousands of shekels for private dances from strippers. He also offered to treat his friends to sexual favors from his girlfriend in exchange for payment. Israeli media defending him, saying that the comments were made as a joke while he was drunk.

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Well, nothing new. That is real Israel policy but very slowly. This son wants it fast.


Only in Israel can Jews express any genocidal impulses they might have. I truly hope that this miscreant is utterly repulsive to every Jew on the planet.

José Filho

I support you.

Syria insider

Maybe some Hezbollah forces should go on a crusade to capture the holy Land from jewziofuckershits.


The joke’s on him, he came out of a pig’s ass.


There will not be peace here until:

All the Jews leave the land of Israel.


This is why monarchies always fail, dynasties fall and often their countries with them. Just because king A was a good and capable monarch doesn’t mean his heirs will be. Often its not because children who grow up without want, get spoiled, enjoy protection from the things they do are generally less well prepared in life then those who have to struggle for it.

For the sake of Israel and the world I hope this spoiled moron never manages to get into political office. Now you might say what’s bad for Israel is good for the rest of the world, in which case, three words, Mohammed Bin Salman. The sheer shenanigans and latitude this cretin has been able to get away with from his Western protectors boggles the mind what this moron could get away with if he were to come to power in Israel. Because shit would have to hit the fan a lot harder if it came from Israel then if it did from Saudi Arabia for the US to actually do something about it.


It’s news when this guy says this stuff when rabbis, settlers and a host of other wack jobs spew this venom every day. The King Crane Commission laid it out in spades at the end of WW1 just so governments had no excuse for what they were getting when they made the biggest mistake in the UN’s history after WW2 by admitting Israel when they never should of.

Carol Davidek-Waller

Am sure there are many Muslims that feel the same way about the people that invaded their country and stole their land like the Netanyahoo family.

Zionism = EVIL

Well, this corrupt vermin is as ugly as his repulsive father, so what did you expect?

Empire's Frontiers

In defense of the idea, no one has ever been worse off after giving Muslims the boot.

Religious and cultural alignment is in the interest of any nation or region.

Then again, for the Arab’s consideration, no one has ever been worse off after giving Jews the boot.


Yeah, how eh… semitic they indeed look like, dont they, the eh….. semits, since I am an pro-anti-semit, or was it ugh….. forget it.

Never the less, an nice and humoristic video. Let us meet in Haifa, sung by Muhammad Shamas, aka “operation northen shield”. Where have I heard this one before, hehe. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6z422l

have an nice day blessed be the peacemakers.


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