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Netherlands Supports Use Of Its Nuclear-Capable F-16s For Strikes In Russia

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Netherlands Supports Use Of Its Nuclear-Capable F-16s For Strikes In Russia

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Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

On June 1, the Royal Dutch Air Force (KLu) fully switched to the atrocious F-35 “Lightning 2” as the carrier of American WMDs stationed in the country. Netherlands is part of the infamous NATO nuclear sharing agreement with the United States and its KLu previously operated American-made F-16 fighter jets for nuclear strikes as part of Squadrons No. 311 and 312. The former has now been replaced by F-35s in the new Squadron No. 313 which is stationed at the Volkel Air Base and is the first non-US NATO unit of stealth fighters capable of launching nuclear attacks. Troubled by delays and cost overruns, the F-35’s disastrous track record made it impossible to use the jet for this mission up until recently. After nearly a decade in service and over three decades since the JSF program was launched, the F-35 acquired this capability only in early March, when it was finally certified to carry B61-12 thermonuclear gravity bombs.

Apart from the Netherlands, several other NATO member states (specifically Belgium, Germany, Italy and Turkey) have American WMDs (weapons of mass destruction) on their territory, with Belgium also operating US-made F-16s for nuclear strikes. This has been the case for at least 50 years, so it’s not exactly a new concern for Russia. However, as several NATO countries have announced their intention to send the US-made fighter jets to the Neo-Nazi junta, this has become a particularly important issue for the Kremlin, as some of those countries operate nuclear-capable F-16s.

Worse yet, the Dutch government openly supports the usage of these jets for attacks on Moscow’s undisputed territory. Namely, on June 3, Dutch Defense Minister Kajsa Ollongren confirmed that her country fully supports the Kiev regime’s “right to use F-16s for airstrikes within Russia”, thus joining several others who support such escalation.

“We are applying the same principle that we have applied to every other delivery of capabilities, which is: once we hand it over to Ukraine, it’s theirs to use,” Ollongren said.

The statement follows Denmark’s support for such strikes, as Danish Foreign Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen previously confirmed that his country also endorses the usage of its F-16 fighter jets to strike targets within Russia’s undisputed territory. Copenhagen is supplying nearly 50% of all US-made fighter jets promised by NATO (19 of 40). Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen already stated that the first batch of F-16s is expected to be delivered this month. The US-made jet is quite old and the Neo-Nazi junta will get one of the earliest modernizations, specifically the F-16AM/BM Block 15 MLU (Mid-Life Upgrade), which is essentially a match for the Soviet-era MiG-29s that former Ukraine inherited from the USSR. This is precisely why the Kiev regime has been whining about modernization for well over a year before there were any definite announcements of the delivery of these jets.

However, while the US-made aircraft is old and heavily outclassed by Russia’s top-of-the-line interceptors and air superiority fighter jets, the F-16 is capable of carrying a plethora of munitions. As the older Su-24Ms, Su-27s and MiG-29s were adjusted to carry NATO-sourced weapons, including precision-guided munitions (PGMs) such as bombs and long-range cruise missiles, it can only be expected that this will be far easier to accomplish with F-16s sent by NATO members that already operate such or similar weapons. However, although the US-made jets, as lighter platforms, will not be able to carry more ordnance than the aforementioned Soviet-era aircraft which are much larger, the F-16s coming from nuclear-capable NATO member states are an entirely different story. The potential for escalation of the NATO-orchestrated Ukrainian conflict into a pan-European or even global war simply cannot be overstated.

According to military sources, a single thermonuclear bomb such as the previously mentioned B61-12 (variable yield weapon that can go up to 50 kt) could kill over 300,000 people if used against densely populated cities. Considering the fact that NATO and the Neo-Nazi junta have demonstrated readiness to engage in a game of “nuclear chicken” with Moscow, as well as commit heinous terrorist acts on Russian soil, brutally killing hundreds of civilians in the process, nothing should be excluded and anything can be expected. Top-ranking officials in the Kremlin, including President Vladimir Putin himself, have been warning about this for years. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov made a number of statements concerning the delivery of nuclear-capable F-16s, with Russia preemptively deploying its own tactical nuclear weapons (TNWs) in Belarus to deter further crawling NATO aggression.

Unfortunately, the political West keeps escalating and pushing for a tighter siege of Russia, particularly by surrounding the Eurasian giant with its vassals and satellite states, as well as trying to make sure others who seek peaceful coexistence and decent neighborly relations cannot accomplish this. It’s imperative for Washington DC and Brussels to make sure Moscow is faced with enemies from the Arctic to the Caucasus Mountains. NATO believes that this would not only overstretch Russian defenses, but also force it to spend more resources on the military, thus giving the belligerent alliance its raison d’etre.

 The Kremlin will have no choice but to reconstitute a number of its Soviet-era units and even form new ones to match the increasingly aggressive NATO plans in the region. This will surely make Europe and the world a more dangerous place, but when dealing with the heirs of the Third Reich, what else is one to do?


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Ernst Zündel

give some zircons to houthis because “once we hand it over to yemen, it’s theirs to use.”

Captain Crunch

reading your comment, an image of the rules-based order as an ouroboros eating its own tail popped into my head. funny how the mind works.


stupid dutchman. with a direct hit on the afsluitdijk dam you will be buried under the water😁

Captain Crunch

biden will send them snorkels.

red lines crossed now act

red lines crossed now act, dont be a coward. so there will be a poseidon induced tsunami on the uk coast, the nl will also have their share of radioactivity. and bye bye dams. after that play dumb: “-it was not russia.” like they played dumb with ns1 and ns2.


what can you expect with a female minister of defence more interested in her own gender than the opposite. attack!!!!!!


notice how we americans successfully steered the eurotards to now play the leading role in their own destruction?

we can once again wash pur hands clean, while the eurotard flathead nazis, all of them, will take the blame! hillarious!

guillable clowns 🐖🐖🐖🎪


pity of this slave russia parrot , the guy work 16 hours a day with different alias and that for cents eating ice with is forehead


hello eurotard flathead nazi #29, hows the weather in berlin? or do you work in london? why arent you at the front helping your ukrainian azov comrades?

chicken :)

Captain Crunch

are you jens trying on another clown suit?


they need to be denazified

Shoigu's Clown Army

drone strike russia’s novoshakhtinsk oil refinery twice :

drones of ukraine’s defence intelligence attacked the novoshakhtinsk oil refinery in russia’s rostov oblast on the night of 5-6 june at 03 : 00 , causing large fire had been contained within an area of 100 square metres.

Genaus stapo

sure dawaris, sory for my bad writing skils. we germans mutated from cauntry of thinkers and composers to dumb slaves and cuксs that we are now


forte 14 in m neagra si bombardier cl600 acum in dobrogea. ora 2 pm. pazea!


this sort of rhetoric must be a cover for deeper internal problems in western europe when each day allows russia to build more weapons to counter this sort of threat making war more even more unsurvivable for western europeans.


use everythibg capable of kill the neo nazis russians invaders of vladolf


you flathead eurotard nazis really love to deflect, dont ya?

the whole world knows that the eu and friends in eurotardland are nothing more but the continuation of the third reich. you have nazis in parliaments, the balts hold yearly nazi marshes to honor some ss blokes, you censor just like goebbels, and just like the german people, you flathead eurotards let it happen.

Captain Crunch

‘capable’ is the inoperative word.

Bandeiras wasted fags

dude first identify proper which gender you are before posting utter bullsht about others,shame on you!

Milei Vanillei

i wouldn’t throw stones if i sit beneath the sea level.

Pepe el Empresario

they have many dutch boys and dykes to hold the sea at bay.

Captain Crunch

the latter have those strap-ons that work better than thumbs.


hahaha these jets were scrapped many years ago, are they still flying? really?

Conan M

well if the netherlands wants it’s existence permanently shortened they are making excellent progress each and every day with announcements like this.

i always wanted to see what the sr-28 and rsm-56 will do if just one of them hits brussels, amsterdam, paris and london

Last edited 9 months ago by Conan M

therefore holland is added to the list. simple.

Pepe el Empresario

why is it that the pipsqueak countries are always the first that want to attack russia?

penis envy at work?


when the west is escalating, it’s about the time that their legs are about to turn to jelly and they will surrender. in all the experience of recent wars, there is nothing there to convince anyone the west is serious or has any will to win. the west can be bent into any shape putin or xi jinping desire, because it has no spine


then you burn the birds before they get off the ground

Bandeiras wasted fags

false flag mh17 incident absolutely backfired on all the kweers heads,too bad the truth smashed them, oh well,these prudent imbeciles imply the first casualy of wars is the truth yet little do these no good loser ever admit that the last casualties of all wars just so happen to be the lie!bet their lifes on that too!

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