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“Never Again”: Frustrated North Korea Says Trump-Kim Bromance Is Over

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Originally appeared at ZeroHedge

The Trump-Kim bromance which held the potential for a historic breakthrough toward lasting peace and denuclearization on the Korean peninsula may have run its course. A top Pyongyang official now says there’s “little reason” to maintain ties.

North Korea sees little use maintaining a personal relationship between leader Kim Jong Un and U.S. President Donald Trump if Washington sticks to hostile policies, state media reported on Friday – the two-year anniversary of the leaders’ first summit,” Reuters reports of the surprisingly frank remarks.

"Never Again": Frustrated North Korea Says Trump-Kim Bromance Is Over

The second U.S.-North Korea summit at the Metropole Hotel in Hanoi, Vietnam. Via Reuters

Foreign Minister Ri Son Gwon said in statements reported by state news agency KCNA that Pyongyang is growing tired of what it sees as mere political point scoring from the US administration, with nothing actually changing for North Korea.

“Never again will we provide the U.S. chief executive with another package to be used for achievements without receiving any returns,” Ri said. “Nothing is more hypocritical than an empty promise.”

He charged that the US continued to talk regime change and preemptive strike even as it touted its dialogue and ‘openings’ with Kim Jong-Un.

“The U.S. professes to be an advocate for improved relations with the DPRK, but in fact, it is hell-bent on only exacerbating the situation,” Ri continued.

The administration has yet to respond to these latest comments Friday, but it comes as the prospect for resumption of nuclear talks, which remain stalled since the end of last year, appear as bleak as ever.

On Thursday a State Dept. spokesperson only said it is open to a “flexible approach to reach a balanced agreement” with regard to North Korea.

But all this is alarming for the short term, also a moment the Pentagon is seeking to place missiles near China among US allies – though so far it’s not getting many takers. No doubt it means that after a series of short and medium range NK missile tests this year alone, North Korea is almost certain to restart its long range missile program, and likely nuclear testing as well.

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Well, don’t put your trust in a Hollywood showman like the Trumpet in the first place, it makes you look like a stupid cunt with no clue about the history of US Ziocorporate terrorism, especially if you’re from a country that was led to almost complete destruction by a US neocolonial war like the Korean war. But the same goes for the political leaderships in Beijing and Moscow, more worried about their “partnership” with and appeasing the the elite global Zioterrorists and slamming N. Korea in the media every time they tested a nuke than about kicking the Ziofilth out of their occupation zones in S. Korea and Japan.


Loser =)


Remember, without all the tech transfers and money stolen, Hezbollah kicked you out of Lebanon TWICE in the last 20 yrs. Ziojew rats are only invinvcible in Hollywood fiction precisely.


So it’s time to have a round 3 (final round). Let’s see Nasrallah do something after we annex the Jordan Valley next month, then we will see how brave they are. I only ask SF guys like you not to cry for what’s about to happen.


Israeli merkava destroyed in south lebanon by a Hezbollah ATGM. 2006.


And that’s 15 yrs ago without the overt/covert backing of the US/UK/France Zioterrorist regimes and the money stolen from their taxcattle.


Learn the difference between a hit and a destroyed tank. Sure, they hit about 60 tanks with ATGM’s but only 5 were completely destroyed and most tank crews were unharmed. Now look at Beirut post 2006, imagine it all over again only 100 times more. Also, don’t send othes to die and bark here like the rest of the clowns, you say Hezbollah are strong right? so you have nothing to be afraid from IDF troops like me. Who knows? maybe I’ll get lucky to call in an airstrike on you ass or meet you in person.


You will sure call in airstrikes, the Zioscum are nothing without their US taxcattled-sponsored air superiority and covert terrorist tactics. Rambos and wonderwomen only in Hollywood shit.


That’s the thing, we pretty much left them untouched in 2006 even though they shot rockets from those villages because of the civilians. Now, we will wipe out every village including civilians if they don’t leave, you will enjoy the show.


You gonna have to “Samson option” your own Zioterrorist invader asses in that case. And despite the nukes the West gave you, destroying the narrow beachhead the Rothschild neocolony in Palestine is won’t require too many rockets and missiles.


I love your imagination man, keep it up!


Nothing to imagine there, the Zioscum are daydreaming Syria can have the Rothschild neocolony invade Lebanon like that when ISIS/al-Qaeda Ziowahhabis are already after Syria’s statehood.

It’s good because Russia will either have to shut up, pack and go, or have its bases destroyed by Putin’s “partners” from Zioscumland and then pack and go after Syria defends itself.

Trap Is Not Gay

Kike, I told you already to shut up


I’ve decided to ignore your advice, and also block you since I feel like it. Ciao.


First let’s see if the Zionist regime is stupid enough to steal more land to add a few kilometer to its strategic depth or not, then we’ll talk about the charm of a third time butt kicking.

IMO, doing it is an indicator that they really expect a hot and major war with resistance very soon and is inevitable. A war that any past one looks like a walk in the park in comparison, this time they need every inch of soil they can get. But this few extra kilometers come with a heavy price, it’s not free.

Or maybe I’m giving too much credit and it’s just Netanyabu thinking it’s the best way he can run away from jail, throwing his own regime in fire for his own gain.


Truth is Garga I hate Bibi, I think he is bad for us. But can we really give up on our border with Jordan and give it to the Palestinians and trust them to keep it safe for us? no way. In any peace deal it will be under our control anyway, so I don’t see any difference annexing it now or later.


This is some world-class drivel which they fed you with. Did they explain how safe it is going to be after more than a million angry Palestinians find themselves inside your borders (that is a very loose term to describe your state’s boundaries, given your leaders do their best to avoid defining them) If the security was the goal (which is not), it is better gained by defining one border and securing it. The border between Palestine and Jordan would not be the concern, no matter how insecure it may perceived to be; the focus point would be the border between you and Palestine that can be secured much better when there is no threat inside it.

Now why they want to do it? Only 2 possible reasons:

A- If we assume the national interests are the one only reason to do this, the only objective and relatively positive outcome to counter its many, many risks and negative points is adding a little bit to strategic depth and reducing the risk of a possible split between north and south just in case of a major war. It means current leaders are sure a war is going to happen very shortly and there’s no time to waste as the short term survival of the state depends on it. On our side, we are sure such war is not imminent based on numerous reasons.

B- The decision is not based on the national interests and is aimed to save the hide of a few. This explains the hurry to finish the job while Trump is still at the WH. Another indicator is the damage this move lands on the normalization with Arab dictators. They have to be mindful of their own population’s opinion and they know this move postpones the official normalization, hence their panic and loud requests to abort it. When the land theft is official and the backlash starts, everything else will be forgotten and everybody is forced to forget the petty issues and unite to survive under one leadership and who’s that leadership but Bibi?

You are right to hate him for the same reasons I want him to stay. He is doing a fantastic job. What else can we expect, Likud was created by the mob migrated from the USSR.


Actually, Likud was made from the Mizarahi Jews that is why they are so “patriotic” if you can call them like that. I am also a Mizrahi Jew from Iraq, but I vote center-right parties which care for the security and also want a peace deal for both sides. You ask me should we do it now? well I’d rather not. I’d rather us to sign a peace deal and end it, annexing the Jordan Valley but give them other land inside Israel as a compensation. If we do annex them, we must give them basic rights atleast to 20K-60K of them. I agree it seems more likely Bibi is doing it for his own interests, I wouldn’t want to risk our peace deal with Jordan either. But when the PLO keeps refusing any deal they don’t really give us any choice, do they?


Then I hope nobody over there ever called you Schwarze. Mizrakhi word was invented to put people from different cultures and histories, from Persians to Moroccans into a category to differentiate them from the good ones and semi-good ones.

You vote center-right? Oooh! That’s equivalent of far-far-left in Israeli politics.

They keep refusing, eh? Perhaps what Israel offers (what does really Israel offer them?) is not good enough? Those illogical people! There are voices in Jordan that suggest they should get closer to Iran and Turkey against this last Israeli move. Of course the peace with Jordan is in danger. As difficult as it may be, for a moment think you are a Palestinian and think if what Israel is offering you is good enough. Remember that your acceptance/rejection goes down in your people’s (and the world’s) history. Would you accept the deal and why?


Well, depends who you ask. Palestinian youths are ready to compromise but their old leadership is still stucked in the past. We offer them at the moment 70% of the West Bank (30% will go to us in the Jordan Valley), Gaza (including a tunnel to connect them to the West Bank, and an airport), some enclaves near Egypt as a compensation and ofcourse Eastern Jerusalem (minus the old city that will still be under Israeli security control). Would you take it?


I think you meant %70 of what remains of the west bank after deduction of illegal settlements, minus the Jordan valley. And Gaza minus what Israel took so far.

There’s a special status for Quds/Jerusalem under internation/Jordanian guardianship. And old city is inside the eastern part.

You see? this minus that is not going to cut it. I know would not if it was up to me. Didn’t you forget something about their armed forces, their border control, police force, oil and gas reserves, water, etc? Let me ask more clear: Imagine someone gives you the same deal: %70 of your land, minus a few important parts here and there, no permission to have armed forces, no control over your own sky, no control over your resources, no control over water source… … and tells you at gun point to be happy about it or else!


That’s the best we can offer them Garga, the water can be split between us but the border with Jordan will stay at our hands. They have no oil or gas reserves to begin with, so why should we give them ours? the Arab states can give them enough of it. Also, they already have police force and an army just not big enough to confront Israel, but enough to capture Hamas militants. Anyway, neither of us decide what’s going to happen in Israel or Iran since we are not the leaders, we would just have to wait and see how it develops.


Well, if that’s your best I don’t want to know your worst. It’s not hard enough to understand why Palestinians cannot accept what Israel offers them, it offers too little against asking too much. Yes water can be split “as Israel says” and they won’t have any control over it, the same goes for air and border control At least have the courtesy of reading your own state’s proposal.

Just so you know, Palestine has gas fields. Just search for “Gaza Marine” and you shall find out.

It’s cute that you thought I meant Israel gives them its own gas. All anybody ever asks from Israel is not to steal from others, nobody is after your things!

I agree on the last part. We have to wait and see how close and dangerous Bibi feels the heat.

Lazy Gamer

Perhaps they also want living space. Their settlers seems to be already there. You also have it backwards. They are not anticipating for a war where they are sucked in and thus can use the land as depth, rather they are anticipating the blowback from their move to annex. July seems to be a good month for war with an anticipated ceasefire at the end of the year. Bibi seems to rush this because a democrat president wouldnt green light this. Couple that with the American withdrawal from Iraq. With the annexation, they are just making MORE enemies making Israel unsafe. There is no depth possible for biological, and nuclear weapons.


Oh they want liebensraum and they already have it. It’s just not official and they couldn’t care less about that.

What I meant (as giving too much credit to their strategic thinking) was they do it in anticipation of a war -for whatever reason- and do it despite the huge backlash from this action. In other words, their need of another line of defence outweighs the backlash of making more enemies and etc. But as I explained in the following comment Israel’s adversaries won’t start a war and it’s not imminent. It’s just Bibi wanting to deflect attentions and he is in a hurry to do it while Trump is in the WH.

One more thing: Israel’s adversaries don’t possess and won’t use chemical, biological or nuclear weapons and Israelis know it. The strategic depth part stands. Look at the map, the adjacent part is the thinnest part of Israel.

Free man

You are slipping, once your mumble could be understood.


You’re just too stupid to read. Go back to school.

Free man

It will be better if you take your pills on time and try to organize your thoughts before you start writing.


So you’re just some cretinous cunt that wants everyone hooked up on big pharma business like himself. Keep spending your shekels on pills.

Free man

As I suspected. Take the pills on time. Your mother will thank you.


You Ziofilth nutters can’t be enlightened with a little history cause you go ballistic with you conspiracies and crazy accusations. Keep taking your hooknose doctor’s pills.

Free man

Don’t say I didn’t warn you. Poor shyloony mom.


nk was to implement these new policies at the beginning of this year but delayed due to coronavirus. this is how things will go, imo. nk will launch a long anticipated stationary satellite to monitor us 24 hours a day 7 days a week 365 days a year. then they will launch icbms, slbms, etc. who knows they might conduct hydrogen bomb tests in the middle of the pacific as it said it would do depending how things go effectively dismantling what is left of us hegemony. there isn’t a thing us can do about it knowing that nk can turn us into uninhabitable waste land.

Tommy Jensen

We could have told it would end up that way, as always. But Kim and North Korea showed much dignity by their approach, and showed the world again how real leadership is to be done, and have got, what Washington never can get, true respect!

Trap Is Not Gay

North Korea should stick to China/Russia/Iran/Venezuela and leave the JewSA in the dust – everybody should do this is.

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