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MARCH 2025

New Batch Of Syrian Refugees Returns From Lebanon (Photos)

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New Batch Of Syrian Refugees Returns From Lebanon (Photos)

Click to see full-size image, By SANA

Hundreds of Syrian refugees returned from a camp near the Lebanese town of Arsal to their homes in the Syrian areas in western and eastern Qalamun, the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) reported on July 7. According to Lebanese sources, the number of the refugees who returned is 448.

“I assure you, as always, that this is the desire of our Syrian brothers, and we offer them assistance at their request and wish them security, safety and peace, whether they are in Syria or here,” said Arsal Mayor Bassil al-Hujeiri commenting on the development, according to the Lebanese news outlet al-Modon.

This is the second batch of Syrian refuges to return from Lebanon to Syria recently. Last week, more than 450 Syrian refugees returned from the same camp in Arsal to Qalamun.

The return of these refugees is coordinated with the Damascus government and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). According to Chief of the Lebanese General Directorate of General Security, more refugees will return to Syria through the same process soon.

Most of the Syrian refugees in Lebanon are from the governorates of Homs and Damascus, which were secured by the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) earlier. This explains why many of these refugees are currently planning to return to their country.

Syrian refugees on their way to their homes:

New Batch Of Syrian Refugees Returns From Lebanon (Photos)

Click to see full-size image, By SANA

New Batch Of Syrian Refugees Returns From Lebanon (Photos)

Click to see full-size image, By SANA

New Batch Of Syrian Refugees Returns From Lebanon (Photos)

Click to see full-size image, By SANA

New Batch Of Syrian Refugees Returns From Lebanon (Photos)

Click to see full-size image, By SANA

New Batch Of Syrian Refugees Returns From Lebanon (Photos)

Click to see full-size image, By SANA

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Lena Jones

It must feel so wonderful to finally return home. Congratulations to the people of Syria.

I hope europe has learned its lesson here: IF YOU DON’T WANT WAR REFUGEES AT YOUR DOORSTEP, simply don’t pal-up with terrorist, warmongering nations like the US, israel, Saudi Arabia and UAE and get dragged into illegal, immoral wars with them.


Oh, Europe will still get them, regardless if they were stupid enough to sign up with those countries. If only because Europe is perceived as the land of milk and honey, and its adjacent to both the Middle East and Africa.

Lena Jones

Well europe’s ‘grandness’ of “milk and honey” was built off the brown backs and rich resources of its continental colonies. This exploitative practice continues today, albeit under more covert guises. The sooner the freaking ‘civilized’ Western nations STOP stealing from third world nations to provide for their own ‘western lifestyle’ on the cheap, the sooner these ‘refugee-able’ nations will prosper and there will be no need for their populations to migrate elsewhere in search of the ‘land of milk and honey’.

Simply: the solution to the refugee problem is for the West to halt ALL wars and to cease and desist from stealing other nations’ resources.

The astronomical war-monies the West will save if wars on the ‘other’ were to be halted can then be used on furnishing the needs of their Western nations’ ‘lifestyle’. Everybody wins this way.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They are from the Arsal region in Lebanon , from the Jordan border more than 20k returned some say 40k but all returned to their homes. So we will never stop hearing UN,UNHRC,OCHA and the media inflating the numbers on refugees.


Great news for Syria and it’s people.They will be stronger and more determined in the future to protect their homeland from zionist terrorists.

Pave Way IV

Syrians needs to do something big – really big – in the way of thanking the people of Lebanon. Not financially, but symbolically. Gratitude is more characteristic of Levantine people than war, suffering and head-choppers – time to start rebuilding their soul. It would also go far to heal some of the bad blood between the two countries from decades past.


The Syrians could put Lebanon under their AA missile umbrella to keep the zionist filth out.

Pave Way IV

Zionist filth? That sounds anti-Semitic! The Syrians need the Lebanese to have their own air defenses in an integrated Lebanese-Syrian system. Syria can’t see much towards the west over the inconveniently placed Lebanon Mountains, and Lebanon is blind to everything to the east beyond the Anti-Lebanon Mountains. The Russian’s S-300/S-400 system would be ideal, but I am compelled by my government to shill the Patriot instead (or they’ll kill my dog). https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d0ca9fb544e589eaf37d2c0248e278745f9cb5eb517826aba48f36efa010a997.png


‘Ow dare you! Zionists can’t be Jews, their religion doesn’t allow racist, fascist shite-baggery.


Good, well done the Syrians and their Allies.

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