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MARCH 2025

New Batch Of US Weapons Arrive To Support Syrian Democratic Forces’ Storm Of Raqqa

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New Batch Of US Weapons Arrive To Support Syrian Democratic Forces' Storm Of Raqqa

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According to Kurdish sources, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have received a new batch of American weapons. The weapons entered through a border crossing with Iraqi Kurdistan. The delivery was a move to support the ongoing SDF storm of Raqqa.

The batch included ammunition and M-ATV US armored vehicles, and D7R armored bulldozers, as well as tankers loaded with kerosene believed to be for US helicopters deployed in several bases inside Syria.

A Turkish map showing US military bases in Syria:

New Batch Of US Weapons Arrive To Support Syrian Democratic Forces' Storm Of Raqqa

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According to some Syrian sources, most of the vehicles of this batch will be used by US troops. 200 more US soldiers arrived last week to participate in the battle of Raqqa.

Earlier this year, Turkey claimed that the United States promised to Turkey to withdraw all weapons that were handed over to the SDF once the battle against ISIS would end. The US didn’t deny these claim. So, some sources argue that this may be true.

From its side, ISIS claimed that the US-led coalition carried out more than 70 air strikes on Raqqa city, and targeted the city with more than 800 artillery shells during the last 48 hours.

ISIS added that US warplanes bombed SDF fighters in the Panorama Roundabout in the southern part of Raqqa by mistake on Wednesday.

New Batch Of US Weapons Arrive To Support Syrian Democratic Forces' Storm Of Raqqa

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New Batch Of US Weapons Arrive To Support Syrian Democratic Forces' Storm Of Raqqa

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New Batch Of US Weapons Arrive To Support Syrian Democratic Forces' Storm Of Raqqa

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New Batch Of US Weapons Arrive To Support Syrian Democratic Forces' Storm Of Raqqa

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Colin Oskapy

The fake war between the Zionist SDF and Zionist ISIS the pretext for arming the Zionist YPG front against Syria.

Kim Jong

“SDF”=new Nusra/Isis. Kurds had very good options within the Syrian state, but they threw it all away for short-sighted interests. They are blind in their fanatic nationalism like the Albanians in Europe. Im sure, both, kurds and albanians, will be abandoned soon by the US who just uses them as pawn. They have no future.


Please, inform me. What were those very good options within the Syrian state and offered by whom?

I have been searching and could not find anything. So you must have more and more concrete info. Surprise me, please.

Kim Jong

Huge atonomy within the Syrian state with own kurdish administration and security apparatus (former ypg) in their majority regions and also political involvement&influence in Damascus. Now, after their turn to US and Saudi, i just see this options for the kurds: 1. getting dropped by US and zionists. 2. recapture of northern Syria by the SAA and cleaning it from zionist bases 3. extermination and/or assimilation.

Jonathan Cohen

Did Assad offer them abortion rights?


I only found a declaration by a Syrian minister saying kurds should expect nothing for their fight against IS as it was their duty.

The autonomy I could not find. Russians hinted at it, but Assad shot them down. So please, refer me to a site where I can find those concessions.

Kim Jong

Sure Assad dropped barrel bombs at them. I have a site for you: Mainstream media. Maybe this source here is not the right place for you.


So in fact, you have nothing at all and are just blabbing.

I am not surprised. This site is fine, the commenters though are largely disappointing, you included.

If you make statements of facts, better make them real facts, otherwise you are just a faker.

Solomon Krupacek

śo, the masturbation on quit of money for cia-supported jihadists lasted extra short :DDDD


It was for the FSA.

Solomon Krupacek

i know. they reduced the support by mliion and give to sdf 10 millions.


Wise of them. At last they get some results for their investments. Hope they will invest the whole 500 mln into the SDF. Might even see some FSA factions go to the SDF.


the UNITED STATES have no ally in Syria and lastest report say they will no longer support and give weapons to anti-assad forces in a deal with Russia. Their only chance is to splitt Syria the kurdish area from Syria and they will use anti-aircraft missle if Assad tries to bomb the kurds. The US have long term strategy in Syria and Iraq, and kurds just got lucky. kurds have a very long future, they are the perfect weapon against turkey and syria. I suggest to Syria to not enter their land or els they will fight you. Their loyality lies with nobody but Kurdish state.

George King

“they will use anti-aircraft missile if Assad tries to bomb the kurds”

If Kurds are supplied with anti aircraft missiles so will be Hezbollah, this will not happen as Israeli aircraft will start dropping like flies from the skies all across the ME not to mention civilian aircraft around the globe.


And who will supply Hezbollah with those arms?

Israel is bombing SAA and Iranians when they suspect transfer of sophisticated weapons tio Hezbollah. Israel has a silent agreement that Russia will not deal with Hezbollah and Israeli Russian relations are quite good.


Iran of course? Why do you think Israel, in like 2 weeks, lost almost 600 tanks against Hezbollah during the war between them?


Now I know you are lying. Israel might have lost some tanks against Hezbollah, I do not know as I have not researched it. I do know that they did not lose anything resembling what you said. They hardly have 600 tanks so cannot lose 600 tanks, otherwise they have none left. I know enlarging figures is a pastime in the near east, ok, but keep it believable, please.

Real Anti-Racist Action

They lost dozens of tanks and like 70 military transports. Anti-tank missiles are easy to build and supply. But Anti-air missiles are effective radars with anti-jammers are much more complex. So far I do not know of a single Iranian or Russian missile that threatens Israeli air-force at all.

Jonathan Cohen

Oh well. small price to pay for abortion rights in Raqqa.


Depressing but realistic assessment.

Jonathan Cohen

SDF should try to negotiate with Turkey and Russia on the basis of their common respect for abortion rights. But not with Syria, Iran, Iraq or Saudi Arabia, which ban abortion.


I think commenters with the name of Jonathan should only comment after having been aborted themselves.


How all the new equipment, fuel etc getting into Northern Iraq? There must ne an airlift of some magnitude flying into eastern Europe and from Eastern Europe into northern Iraq. Couldn’t imagine this deployment happening through Kuwait and the Gulf.

And yeah it will all be packed-up for return, refurb and redeployment.

Solomon Krupacek

through turkey

Jonathan Cohen

why wouldn’t turkey stop them? And if Turkey doesn’t stop them, then why bother going through Iraq when you can drive straight from Turkey to Rojava???? Kuwait/Basra seems most rational to me.


Over a dozen NATO airbases in Turkey. US has historically left much military material behind in various theatres of war – rather than pack and return it to point of origin. In past – 1940-70’s it often literally involved pushing hardware into the sea.


I read somewhere the Guardian cars are manufactured in the UAE.

Red Tick Alert

Yes it goes into Germany first I think as we are hearing them fly non-stop.


I smell defeat for Assad. This is terrible. Exactly what I feared when US bombed Assad and put troops on the ground. The full game plan is being revealed. SDF are the real useful idiots with whom the US will work with to take over Syrian land, not ISIS. ISIS were the distraction, the bad guys, the one everyone was supposed to hate. They were throw aways, meant to lose the land they captured to the Kurds. ISIS gets led around by the nose. They’re not too smart those people. They keep thinking they can win. Israel drags them around here and there, to strategic spots which they want SDF to capture. Then the US builds bases. When you think ISIS is defeated, a new crop pops up. More land needs to be captured. The Syrian Army will soon get exhausted chasing after ISIS. They have already lost the northern part. Good luck regaining it. Now the eastern part will be lost too. Next the central part. Maybe the part that borders Golan Heights. Israel has invasion goals to meet.


I predicted about April, before Trump bombed Syria that America wanted to partition Syria. I drew a small area surrounding Damascus and I said this part would be Assad’s part. The rest of the nation I assigned to the US/Zionists. Looks like my prediction is coming true. What a nutcase, Assad. Real fool and tool. Together with Russia, they have ruined Syria. And they have hurt their allies: Iran, Hezbollah, North Korea and Yemen. Instead of Russia, Syria should have let North Korean troops fight. North Korea helped Hezbollah defeat Israel in the summer war of 2006. North Koreans need Syria, Hezbollah and Iran to win all their wars because North Korea’s fate is tied to those countries. If Syria falls, that will be one-half of its major alliance that goes by the wayside.


Assad needs to go hard. He needs to stop being a milksop and stop being a hypocrite. What is the point in bending over backwards to avoid the impression he is abusing the Kurds, when because of his actions, or lack of actions, 400,000 Syrians have died, including a large number of soldiers. He needs to be more responsible. Not only Syrians lost their lives, but Iranians, Lebanese, Russians, Palestinians, and now Turkish.

So what he’s safe – if he is completely defeated, he can always live in Iran or Russia with his family – what about the Syrian people?


They will be at the mercy of the Zionists. 8,000 years of glorious civilization gone … for what? So the Zios can strut about as the new owners of Syria, and reduce the people to snivelling wrecks, stripped of all their dignity? Zios will bring in the migrants and genocide the Syrian Arab race forever, much the same as they are doing to Europe and other western ZOG nations. They will hand Syria over to the Kurdish to rule as puppets, in order to rub it in the Arabs’ faces, to teach the Arab goy what happens when you defy the Jews.


The turkey-neck chinless wonder saved his hide, especially his ass, from suffering Gaddafi’s fate, with his weak response to the invasion and secessionist insurrection. The Jews have duly noted Assad’s obedience and lack of defiance and will reward him by letting him and his family live in comfort and safety. They will give him the easy way out. The Al Assad dynasty ended with hardly a whimper. The dead soldiers of the SAA made a sacrifice for nothing. Disgusting. Not an inch should be handed over to the Zios. Assad should have used this war as an excuse to take back Golan Heights, not lose MORE land to the Zio criminal cabal.

Jonathan Cohen

When you ban abortion, sure.

Brad Isherwood

Syria East of the Euphrates has numerous oil/gas fields presently in ISUS hands. This area extends into western Iraq. Unless SAA,Hezbollah, IRGC and PMU/Iraqi army drive ISUS out,….a DeFacto Sunni Kookistan exists! Putin has dealed with US to give Israhell near 75% of Syrian Golan. When Putin and Lavrov mention Syria’s Sovereignty. ……their talk is disingenuous. The US and Israel have stolen Syrian land on the easy. The US would have to attack SAA and it’s allies south of Raqqa to partition towards Jordan. The East of Syria is still held by ISUS. Putin may have conceeded that to the Globalists. …giving them a Sunni statelet and Pipeline routes. The US Thinktank plan to break up the mid east may be what’s occuring. .. And not the Zionist greater Israel scheme. Which means that the show will break up Saudi Arabia and Iran down the road.

Jonathan Cohen

GOOD! the current borders were drawn by Versailles imperialists anyway and so are not real nations. Might as well redraw them.

Brad Isherwood

Sykes/Picot maybe has an expire date….hence the rush to Tumble the former Signatory. At the beginning of the Syrian conflict back in 2012…..France was going into hyper drive Over Assad must go. Voltaire News ran numerous articles on Frances Colonial history in Syria, Which extends to the French_Connection ** and Narcotics routes thru The Lebanon/Turkey and onto Europe …then into USA from Canada. Gulen organization(Turkey)…. ran Afghan Opium with CIA US/CIA could continue the market thru Kurd held Syria and Iraq. The Syrian war has been a goldmine for global MIC players.

Jonathan Cohen

How would they get the opium from afghanistan to Iraq passed Iran?

Brad Isherwood

The Taliban decimated the Afghan Opium poppy fields. After the 2001 fall attack of Afghanistan – post 911,….The US/CIA rebuilt the Afghan Opium poppy fields using Opium poppy seeds from Turkey. Flown in by NATO….product Flown out of A Stan by NATO.

Iran at present has an increasing population of Opium dependent addicts. Tehran has had this problem since US got into Afghanistan.

Kurds also traffic and grow Opium.


What do you think of Turkey grabbing Hatay in 1938 and Azaz enlcave in 2016?

Brad Isherwood

Looking into Hatay 1938,….French screwed Syria and Turks rigged the referendum. Devious wins… Turks grab Azaz…..Devious wins.

Erdogan may have grabbed this section of Syria believing the Qatar pipeline route and Syria partition was a done deal. It also cuts the Kurds off from continuous arc from Syria coast . And yes. …it could have been a connector to Aleppo …..had Takfiri succeeded. Too much Captigon and broken dreams : )

Jonathan Cohen

North Korea has abortion rights which will be defended by the US left like Vietnam and Cuba, but unlike Syria and Iran. The bombs dropped on Syria cannot then be dropped again on N Korea.

Jonathan Cohen



The ending of funding coincides with the FSA attacking SDF. There are many Turks in the FSA and under Turkey’s influence, they are changing sides. Arabs too that are under Qatar’s influence are also becoming SDF’s enemy, and starting to fight these US-backed secessionists. It’s starting to turn into an ethnic war – the battle is being drawn along ethnic lines – and becoming less a religious war.

The sides are being more firmly drawn. GCC have also ousted Qatar, the timing there too coincides with Qatar’s turn toward the Iran-Syrian side.

So Congress’s actions make perfect sense in view of these new alignments. They are expected actually. Why would they fund FSA if they are going to fight their puppets, SDF and YPG?


if only the SAA had the same amount of help in equipment

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