A new combat outfit for helicopter pilots, which takes into account the rich experience of the Russian Aerospace Forces in the Syrian campaign, has been represented in Moscow.

New combat outfit for helicopter pilots by Armokom (Photo: Vestnik Mordovii)
The Russian Armokom company represented a new combat outfit for helicopter pilots at the Interpolitex-2016 exhibition, held in Moscow last month, the Vestnik Mordovii information website reported. According to developers, the new outfit takes into account the rich experience of the Russian Aerospace Forces’ actions during recent decades, including the Syrian campaign.
According to representatives of the company, the new outfit is capable to protect crew members of Russian helicopters against various threats. Due to modularity of a body armor, made of organoceramic material, its level of protection can be extended from the first splinterproof class up to the fifth bulletproof class. The weight of the body armor varies from 2.6 to 9.6 kilograms.

New combat outfit for helicopter pilots by Armokom (Photo: Vestnik Mordovii)
The body armor and a jumpsuit have fireproof cover material. It provides protection against open flame during 30 seconds, giving a pilot time to leave the aircraft. The jumpsuit, which weight is 1.5 kilograms, also protects knees and elbows against mechanical damages.
The ZSH-10 brain bucket, which weight is 1.9 kilograms, is capable to stop shatters, flying at speeds up to 300 meters per second.

New combat outfit for helicopter pilots by Armokom (Photo: Vestnik Mordovii)
The outfit also includes a special waistcoat, which can provide survival after evacuation from a helicopter.
The new combat outfit for helicopter pilots caused a positive reaction of combat pilots, who said that they would like to test it in the real world.