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New Corruption Scheme To Escape Recruitment Revealed In Ukraine

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New Corruption Scheme To Escape Recruitment Revealed In Ukraine

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According to sources on the ground, there is a practice of bribery and exploitation by officers to prevent young Ukrainians from being drafted into the army.

Written by Lucas Leiroz, researcher in Social Sciences at the Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; geopolitical consultant.

A new illegal arrangement has been revealed in the country. This time, the denounced plan involves an illicit system of evasion of Ukrainian recruits, allowing them to escape the compulsory military service and, consequently, the battlefield. Although the case shows the high levels of corruption in Ukrainian society, it is also an example of how the neo-Nazi army is discredited and the local population is unwilling to maintain the conflict.

The scheme was revealed by Ukrainian informants to the Russian military involved in the special operation. According to them, Kiev’s officials engaged in the recruitment campaign constantly accept bribes in order not to proceed with the enlistment of some people.

The process works as follows: enlistment candidates pay a sum of 10,000 dollars to join volunteer units. In these units, volunteers start working by trying to raise funds for the army on social networks, being saved from the front if they successfully manage to do so. The heads of units take for themselves between 5% and 10% of the amount collected by each volunteer. As a result, the poorest Ukrainians – unable to pay the tariff of 10,000 dollars or to run fundraising campaigns and the less popular on the internet – are the most vulnerable to forced mobilization.

“According to information received from sources in the Ukrainian Armed Forces, a corruption scheme of draft evasion has been established in Ukraine. The entrance tariff is $10,000. It is a one-time payment to a military commissar in order to enroll a potential recruit in a volunteer organization operating at each Recruitment and Social Support Center of the Ukrainian army. This is how the military enlistment offices are called there now (…) Depending on the amount collected, each volunteer is required to pay tribute personally to the military commissar through his intermediaries, the amount varies from 5% to 10% of the total sum collected”, sources say.

It is necessary to remember that this is not the first time that crimes in enlistment units have been exposed. In August 2022, Ukrainian media outlets reported the existence of a system in which the citizens of the country would be “buying” invitations to study abroad, mainly at universities in Poland and the Baltics, thus escaping mobilization. At the time, the news caused outrage among Ukrainians on the battlefield and, in the same vein, this recent case is expected to further increase the internal polarization among Kiev’s forces.

In fact, it is well known that Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world, with crimes in virtually all sectors of the state. However, as far as the military issue is concerned, the situation is much more complicated. Despite the wrong attitude of the Ukrainian high rank officials in accepting bribes and extorting their own population, the case shows that there is a deep dissatisfaction on the part of the Ukrainian people in relation to the conflict. Such schemes only continue to exist because many people are willing to pay not to go to the front and if this is happening it is because Kiev’s forces are discredited among Ukrainian people.

In the western media it is said that the Ukrainian people are organized and cohesive in search of victory against Russia, but, in reality, local citizens seem wanting to do anything to escape the conflict. Ukrainians visibly do not believe in their country’s victory and do not even think this is a conflict worth fighting. For them, what really interests is to stay alive, fleeing the battlefield in every possible way, even through the involvement in corruption schemes.

Recently, videos of the forced mobilization campaign launched by Kiev began to circulate on the internet. It is possible to see people being conducted to the front by force, with houses being invaded and teenagers taken from their families. Even physically disabled people have been mobilized, which shows the weakness and despair of the forces of the neo-Nazi regime, which seek every form of support possible in order to face Russia. On the other hand, some corrupt officials within the Ukrainian army take advantage of the situation by seeking to extort these young people to allow them to escape the front.

With so many military experts around the world saying that Russian victory is inevitable, there is no reason for Kiev to keep fighting. The best thing to do is to negotiate peace and thus freeing the Ukrainian people from the suffering that affects them.


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Last edited 2 years ago by anni44

Welcome to America and the EU. to the Ukros


It’s the same in every war in every country the poor fight and die the rich dodge the draft.

Max Schmidt

specially in Ukronazistan – the most corrupt country on the European continent.

Peter Jennings

A corruption scheme which actually helps Ukrainians stay alive. How novel.

If corruption didn’t exist in Ukraine, the country would cease to operate.


Yeah its been done 50 cent army. ALso about where you are posted. THey are the smart ones and might form the core of the new elensky intellegencia. You have to look at Rothschild backed devil Jew Basil ahraoff the arms merchant. He paid of the Sorbonne and Oxford literature department and made friends with famed actors and Casino bosses to raise funds on the war bond and war panics critical to insigating and proffiting from world war 1. We want 8 on the Dreadnought cruisers in Glasgow dockayrds then sold on and back tothe Hostile Turkish Navy before Gallapoli.

Paper back writer – the beatles Propoganda -dead prez


Problem is they have a glut of INdians and SOuth Korean artists. Russians need to think hard about how you wipe out a media grou. DIscrditing means nothing to those working there way towards early spooks. cyber attacks on bot nets. Russia needs to look at War DIarists and War photographers. Art Imitates life. Basil Zaharoff muse Sarah Bernhardt was put forward by Cech ALfonos Mucha. Psychologicla warfare will break or radicalie the Ukraininas. If they are ready to becomefoot soldiers, Gangstalkers, stool pidgeons like old school journalists they’llhit the gorund as less spooks like common criminals. Most revolutinaires live that way.British BCCI was the best rockefeller and the crown.

Sting – ENglish man in New York BIg Data -Dangerous


Zelensky can’t allow himself to be eclipsed but has the deep state connections and his own powerbase. The amateurs are expndable but issues around SIbeira, Japan and also Taiwan offer him reosurces. He’s been spolit he needs to do business especially in the Baltic and Scadanavian countires who will be hit hard if there is a global escalation. He doesn’t have the style of the old jews because sexual mores are so loose and conservatives too pliant. COmplex situation going to war with his skill set. Putin……tough on him because he can’t use that post Peter Thiel gay surveillance and the blackmail CUbe. I’d check Denmark for activity know some people there and wonder about the Morrocans.

Not your kind of people – Garbage Major Laer DJ SNake -Shine a Gun.


Most of the genral population on prison planet aren’t ready for Q levle warfare to go global. Years away. I laugh because I’m almost glad they sided with Thiel. He’ll kill them all or turn them in lbootmoied genderless robots. SCO Is the way to GO! Mumsnet the Ukraininas should think about offering protection to the communities the refugees are in.

APashe – Good News SWEET DREAMS WOnder women 1984

Hohol Cunt

Send bitches to the Front!!!! War will be over in 1 micro second 😆😆😆👭👭👭👭👭

Lesbians are power!!!

Last edited 2 years ago by Hohol Cunt
Max Schmidt

Thanks for the excellent article. Jeans and Sawyer will cry like bitches… but they will read until the end. As always. SF resident groupies.

Last edited 2 years ago by Max Schmidt
Florian Geyer

The medical cabal of ‘you know whose’ have a revealing company name. Pfizer spelt backwards is:- REZIFP. The name is of Hebrew origin and translates as ‘The Burner or The Ravager’ who is an ancient Semitic God of the plague and the underworld,the companion of Anath and the equivalent of the Babylonian God Nergal.

William White

Wow, big surprise! This has been going on since ALWAYS!


The rich never serve no matter what country besides some guard regiments who are just for show.

Psionists slaves of America

Ukraine will never join the EU or NATO. #1 They’re too corrupt and #2 Russia’s invasion will prevent them from joining like they did with Georgia.

Romanian whore

I lived in the so-called communist system and then undoubtedly was corruption. I live now for about 34 years under another system, called capitalism, aka west shithole, and the corruption rocketed, not x10 times more but x1.000, plus the cherry on top: TOTAL lost of SOVEREIGNTY. In the other words, now it’s 1 million times worse. But peoples are starting to open the eyes……recent official non-sorosist polls show over 80% of romanians are rejecting the ‘new system’. So, it’s not a novelty to live in a demo(no)cracy amerishit colony like Ukropizdan and see a tremendous corruption, because it’s an intrinsically factor of the imperialistic capitalistic hegemony.

Chris Gr

I see that you are starting to waking up.


How are you coming with that plethora of Holodomor evidence? Cannot wait!

Chris Gr

Obvious troll is obvious.

Paul Citro

People are so deceived in the US. If they only knew.

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