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MARCH 2025

New Day New Strikes: Russian Air Forces Pound Militants In Idlib (Video)

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New Day New Strikes: Russian Air Forces Pound Militants In Idlib (Video)

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On March 29th, Russian Air Forces launched an airstrike on militant headquarters in Greater Idlib. The attack reportedly took place near Martin town in Western Idlib countryside.

New Day New Strikes: Russian Air Forces Pound Militants In Idlib (Video)

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New Day New Strikes: Russian Air Forces Pound Militants In Idlib (Video)

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Previously, on March 21th, Russian forces carried out a set of airstrikes on militants in Greater Idlib in response to a large-scale attack in Aleppo that resulted in civilian losses.

Meanwhile, the fifth international conference “Supporting the future of Syria and the region” chaired by the European Union and the UN begins in Brussels and will last until March 30th. It unites 50 states and numerous non-governmental organizations, and it is held via video conferences.

The communiqué of the conference states that the EU is the main donor in overcoming the consequences of the Syrian crisis. Since 2011, it has mobilized about 25 billion euros. The conference is aimed to announce financial donations for Syria and the whole region in 2021. However, it seems that such a financial support has not yet had any significant result, as ISIS is still active in Syria and fightings between numerous militant fractions take place on a regular basis, inflicting more losses, including among civilians.


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I believe whats happening now is that these mongolian turks are on notice to GTFO plastered on their faces. They’ve been put on notice. So the best way out of this is to liquidate their jihadists in this way. They just die in Russian airstrikes, SyAA artillery fire and Iranian missile barrages. No other way out left. We’re talking a 50 mile x 50 mile ever shrinking pocket left, before attention is turned towards the NE. The NE will be dealt the same way as Iraq is being handled. Once the US is gone from Iraq, the NE of Syria becomes untenable overnight. Iran needs to take the gloves off and put to death all this human garbage.

klove and light

Once the US is gone from Iraq, ….

wtf are u smoking??????

Ricky Miller

The Iraqi government has sent three requests to the United States since last spring asking for their withdraw plan, required by the Iraqi Parliament. The U.S. keeps ducking the conversation. Now, militants are boldly attacking supply convoys and Iraq’s Prime Minister is threatening to intensify the requests, perhaps even at UN forums. Iraq says that they are asking for the United States to respect Iraqi territory and governmental authority.

Without transit and basing inside Iraq, the entire Syria operation, except for the Tanf region, falls apart. In short order.

Ricky Miller

On cue. An Article today at Sputnik International: “Iraqi Lawmakers plan to take ‘new position’ via-a-vis U.S. if troop withdrawal agreement not reached.”


ya had to school him?….lol

Raptar Driver

The US will never Leave Iraq or Afghanistan. Only if they are pushed out militarily. Doesn’t seem like anybody’s up for the job?






Ricky Miller

What’s really happening, the Ricky Miller interpretation. Russia doesn’t really care that much about the remaining Idlib pocket, and has given Turkey wide latitude there. The expectation was that the contact line would be kept quiet, which it was for the most part, an incident or two every week not outstanding.

But what did Turkey do with that latitude? Turkish drones and special forces ran up to the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict, with Jihadi gang members from Syria in tow. Russia, unhappy about this, forced Turkey to remove all it’s observation posts operating behind SAA lines, by informing the Turks that re-supply would no longer be permitted. Turkey, miffed, ran off and signed up to help Ukraine with special operations training, drone warfare and even production of guided missile corvettes. Russia has responded in a series of air and missile strikes targeting Turkish jihadi pets in Idlib, especially contact line troublemakers, and importantly also began targeting the illegal oil trade that helps fund Turkey’s entire Syria operation. Turkey and Russia seem to be fighting an odd low intensity proxy war, while at the same time pretending all is well and cooperating on any number of commercial and economic fronts. It’s bizzare, but that seems to be the entire pattern that’s emerging here in the 21st century: crap that makes no sense.

Kenny Jones ™



“Russia doesn’t really care that much about the remaining Idlib pocket”

What Russia really cares about is Russian security. Look at the spread of Islamic extremism since 2002. It was being used by the west to destabalize countries and drum up support for insane spending on military and security forces. Radical wahabism was spreading into Russia and central Asia so Russia decided to put a stop to it in Syria.

I don’t know for sure but I suspect Russia is satisfied with the situation as it stands. They have a forward base in the Mediterranian and Middle East, they are able to surveil the US forces from Syria and Syria doubles as a training ground and testbed for Russian weapons and they are doing this basically on their military training budget.

Diana Cornwell

So why did Putin transport Jihadi Muslim terrorists and their terrorist wives and children to Idlib in airconditioned buses and delivered them to their Turkish handlers?

You don’t make sense.

Ricky Miller

The Syrian government did that. That was their call, primarily it seemed at the time and still does in retrospect, to get jihadi street gangs away from Syrian population centers throughout most of the country. The Kremlin supported this policy but it was decided in Damascus.

Diana Cornwell

It was not decided by the Syrians. The Syrians were forced to do it, having been given no other option by their Russian (fake) allies.

cechas vodobenikov

fake anglo shriveled granny on LSD has no allies–now a US colony…LOL





As I recall the point of the operation was to liberate Syrian territory. The Russians managed to liberate Syrian territory without Russian or SAA casualties by negotiation and you see this as some kind of deception?

I suppose you would have preferred a bloody Rambo movie style fight or perhaps unloading a couple of $$ hundred million or so worth of ordinance the way the USA fight? It’s so easy to spend someone elses lives and money from behind a computer keyboard isn’t it?

As I recall at the time the SAA had no defined front lines, their forces were under equipped, exhausted and decimated with fighting throughout the country with their airports and highways under enemy control or cut off.

The situation you describe where jihadists were bussed to Idlib resulted in the SAA being able to establish a front line which reduced the forces necessary to defend the country.

You will notice today that the Idlib front line has been pushed back in a series of operation despite the jihadist being financed and supported by the Turks, Americans, British and gulf Arabs with the same SAA forces that in 2015 was in colappse with fighting all over the country.

Unfortunately that’s not enough for brave keyboard warriors like you …. you want spend spend Russian / SAA blood and money while you’re safe in your moms basement.


‘ you want spend spend Russian / SAA blood and money”

Some of them are “useful i d i o t s ” other are paid bots or simply people who (for their own reasons) pushing Zionist agenda; To have Russia stuck in new Afghanistan like quagmire and draining Russian strength till Russians are forced to leave Syria (like SSSR did Afghanistan)

Diana Cornwell

You are claiming that killing an enemy who is not dug in, is more difficult and expensive than killing an enemy 1) whom you’ve transported to a safe place 2)where he’s been being fed, supplied and armed, and 3)where he has been enabled to fortify his defenses and establish connections with friendly forces.

As our American friends like to say,

You are full of it.


Do you understand the difference between a battle and war?

You win battles by killing and blowing shit up … you win wars by achieving political objectives.

As our American friends like to say, ” we won every battle but we lost the war”

Fuck the battles … Syria wants to win the war.

Concerning your criticism of Russian / SAA strategy:

As it sits the Russian / SAA side have a decided advantage in air power, standoff weaponry and mobility … they aren’t fighting WW1 …. there will be no frontal assaults. As long as they can keep the Turks and NATO / USA off their backs they will always have that advantage.

Second if the Russians / SAA cause a humanitarian or migrant crisis by invading Idlib they risk escalating the conflict and getting NATO or the UN involved …. no one, except some christian fundamentalists, wants NATO fighting Russia.

Diana Cornwell

There would not have been the possibility of a humanitarian crisis if the Russians had killed the Muslim terrorists and their terrorist family members instead of transferring all of them to Idlib alive.

Stop acting so daft.


The original migrant crisis was in 2015, before Russia even entered the war.

Turkey has 3.5 million Syrian refugees that they threaten to unleash on the EU every time the SAA gain ground.

Stop taking acid with Jens … this is in the public record you can’t just make shit up.

Diana Cornwell

Stop lying.

The transportation of Islamist terrorists and their terrorist families to Idlib with Russia’s blessing and actual forcing; and the supposed “humanitarian crisis” which may ensue if the Syrians attempt to take back Idlib; this has NOTHING to do with the general flight of the population from Syria.



Diana Cornwell

Stop lying.

The transportation of Islamist terrorists and their terrorist families to Idlib with Russia’s blessing and actual forcing; and the supposed “humanitarian crisis” which may ensue if the Syrians attempt to take back Idlib now — this has NOTHING to do with the general flight of the population from Syria.




cechas vodobenikov

destitute failed empire, now US colony—insecure hypocritical granny suffering delusions of grandeur LOL




https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ea9acb21e1a25762ce30e43de9fc45ee3329fa593807696711b859f5804166ad.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/41ea082600c40beeb7062a943c498da1e89777d71752e41a07c71ae78936281c.jpg

You gutless wonders,burn in hell,but the truth is all thats required to fuk you petty insolent fascist little minds,no future in fascism nor the lgbtq LOSERS! Enjoy your rot,for you had you rewards,indeed unprepared+unforgiving:

Jim Allen

You don’t make sense, stupid old sow. Putin transported no one anywhere, you fool. Assad transported those that rejected his offer of reconciliation, something you’re very well aware of, but being the sloppy old slag you are, you think you can project blame onto a Syrian ally that did not sign on to fight the war for Syria. Syria is fighting this war, with the military assistance of it’s badass allies. Do stop attempting to project Western style foreign policy, and terrorist military practices onto the Middle Eastern, Asian, and Eurasian country’s the West invaded, occupy, practice genocide on civilian populations, and steal resources to hand over to their Zionist Khazar masters at The City of London.

Diana Cornwell

So why didn’t Assad’s “badass allies” just offer to kill the Muslim terrorists instead of moving them to Idlib, you disgustingly uncouth creature?

cechas vodobenikov

deplorable backward granny seeking attention—CIA LSD confuses corn hole


Actually, was genius strategic move – put the various terror factions all in one place – so that the SAA could re-consolidate and re-focus their manpower strength. Instead of previously SAA problem, of being over-stretched all over country, dealing with issue of small numbers of foreign backed terrorists, deeply entrenched, in various cities or towns, ranging across length and breadth of Syria. Guess you bitter, ’cause ‘ya didn’t see that strategic move coming from Russians, post-2015. Bad luck, chump.

Diana Cornwell

Such a stupid thing to claim.

ISIS are popping up everywhere in Syria. And you don’t destroy the enemy by succoring it.

cechas vodobenikov

cornhole confusing anglos w civilized peoples


The same reason you eu-epp/pomtards invested in them to and from britain! Except turkey is going places unlike your european union,reight sect losers!

Diana Cornwell


Putin and Erdogan are buddies intent on making life hell for everyone else.

Birds of a feather, two depraved psychopaths.

Problem is, Turks and Russians are in tow happy to oblige them.

Life is pretty bad in Turkey actually. Russia, not so good either. But as long as those hot Russians can put on that lipstick and pantyhose that were hard to get in Soviet times…

Russians are prostitutes in their soul.


Your comment = racist & vicious anti-Rus/Slav-o-phobe- seen it all before – troll it on.

Diana Cornwell

Russians are a perfidious people who have betrayed ALL their allies including the Armenians, the Serbs, the Syrians, and even the Russians of Ukraine.

Captain Freedom

We all know you are a closet russophile… its alright, you can come out we’ll accept you! The bloody wankers supressed your true feelings long enough!

WW Conkright

Not to make light but Russia has to conserve resources for the long haul , the big war they are ready… I felt bad for Serbia too I watched it all on cspan at 2 am daily. I was listening to shortwave from the broadcadt complex which included the TV station which was blown to bits by NATO Clinton forces Many died live on air while brcasting the truth which was the reason they were taken out Now its 2021 and same or worse crap going on 22 years later. Ww3 coming soon

Diana Cornwell

Not when NATO and Russia are stealth partners united against their own people.


spambot: you satanic piece o sht,begone you are only making things worse for yourself(ungodly insolent fascist troll)

Diana Cornwell

Not when NATO and Russia are acting like stealth partners united against their own populations at large, and carving up Syria between themselves and Turkey.

cechas vodobenikov

cornhole consusing anglos w civilized peoples


The opposite is true maggot head,if anything russia has never betrayed any ww2 allied but rather the other way aroiund you (fake brit/homosexual bot)

Raptar Driver

I wouldn’t go that far it is there leaders like most are prostitutes.

Diana Cornwell

Without their respective populations who are actually willing to fight for Putin and Erdogan, both Putin and Erdogan would amount to nothing more than two lonely clowns.

Turks enjoy killing, raping and looting. That’s their lifestyle. So I can’t say Turks are prostitutes like the Russians are.


rigged elections,clinton,bush,odummer,biden,yeah the worlds worse ever!

WW Conkright

Russia thinks for the long term and has a chess like strategy unlike the thinking which comes out of DC. They have plans for Turkey and will conquer them , they have not forgotten 1453

Diana Cornwell

Based on facts, you are lying.

You don’t build nuclear power plants for people you intend to conquer.

And you certainly don’t let your enemies conquer your de jure military ally’s lands by killing 5000 of them — especially when you could have stopped simply by saying “nyet” and deploying a few EW trucks without putting a single Russian soldier’s life in danger.

Like the rest of the posters on this website, you are lying.

Diana Cornwell

Based on facts, you are lying. You don’t build nuclear power plants for people you intend to conquer. And you certainly don’t let your enemies conquer your de jure Armenian ally’s lands by killing 5000 of them — especially when you could have stopped the Turks simply by saying “nyet” and deploying a few EW trucks without even putting a single Russian soldier’s life in danger.

Like the rest of the posters on this website, you are lying.


Your not orthodox for starters,yet cant tell the diff between incest and cccp!


Get Thee Behind Me Satan,Jesus is Lord: You poor pathedic self defeated zombie corpse of the fascist reicht sect(fake pom)


You mean Putin’s business and partnership with the US/EU terrorist Ziocorporate globalists benefits Turkey because of its strategic location in the map.

Kenny Jones ™

https://avia.pro/news/rossiya-gotovitsya-nanesti-moshchneyshiy-udar-po-sirii-za-poslednie-neskolko-let Translate, and read, the great bear might be waking up after its hibernation


That is text for huge number of Putin HaTERS: Google translate

Russia is preparing to strike Syria in most powerful blow in the last few years

Russia has issued an ultimatum to Erdogan in Syria – the blow will be devastating.

Simultaneous departure to the Black Sea at once of six Russian diesel-electric submarines of the Varshavyanka project, arrival of three Russian naval amphibious warships and transfer to Syria as a reinforcement of four bombers of 35 exterminators territory of Syria from the sea, the land of the air in the areas of the Turkish-backed jihadists, and is currently urgently withdrawing to the SAA-controlled areas of civilians.

According to analysts, the sending of three landing ships to Syria is directly related to the preparation of a special operation, and as soon as more submarines arrive in the Mediterranean, the last stronghold of terrorists in the northwestern part of the northwest. Moreover, given the previously cooled relations between Turkey and Russia in Syria, experts suggest that Russia has given Turkey a tough ultimatum with the need to withdraw from Idlib. which are located in the specified regions.

Judging by the military forces deployed in Syria, the strikes will be large-scale. More at: https://avia.pro/news/rossiya-gotovitsya-nanesti-moshchneyshiy-udar-po-sirii-za-poslednie-neskolko-let


Meanwhile the ever so brave US cops are videoed handcuffing and roughly handling, verbally and physically, a five year old white boy who had walked out of school in Amerika.

Oh, and the sanctimonious Brits are being investigated by WADA for yet another cycling sports doping incident. :)


Eventful, in the most advanced 1st world. Lucky bugger didn’t get shot. Kudos to brave multi gender policeman-policewoman. …after spoofing GPS of the UK aircraft’s, cycling sports are under Russian attack. Yet another victim of Putin’s failed poisoning attempt!




Surely they were trained by the brave zio terrorist jew scumm police.


Yes, the Zio trainers of Western police forces all have two particular similarity’s.

Zio trained cops these days ALL shout a lot and ALL of them hunt in packs to bring their victims to the ground.

Western cops these days are mostly recruited from the Woke and are the De Facto ,Hyenas of Lawfare.

All in my, as always, in my humble opinion of course :)

Kenny Jones ™

I wonder how many missiles fit on a submarine


Not so many. If launching Kalibr missiles, “Kilo’s” use 6 torpedo tubes for “cold launch” (ejecting from tube above the water surface and ignition)… I do not know if they can recharge (if they carry another 6 missiles on top of those lunched ) If 6 Kilo subs there, that makes 36 Kalibr missiles volley + few corvettes…it can go up to 70 missiles. If I remember right… 1st launch was only about 40 Kalibr missiles from Caspian sea (guided cruise missiles…they don’t come cheap)

Frank G

russia would never deploy all subs in black sea to the med since they need to keep them in rotation, 3 deployed 3 in reserve. they also need 2-3 for black sea patrols especially with all the nato activity there, so if they have more than the usual 2 kilo’s in the med they could be from other fleets but i doubt they would have 6 diesel subs in the med as they cannot stay submerged for more than 15-30 days also needing refueling and restocking, plus they have the caspian fleet if needed for additional strikes

Ricky Miller

Plus, by treaty Russian submarines can only pass through the Turkish straits from the Black Sea in order for maintainance that can’t be done at Black Sea facilities. If Russian diesel-electric submarines are coming to reinforce their Syria squadron it’s quite likely that two submarines soon to be in transit to the Pacific Fleet will stop at Syria for a few months, namely the “Petropavlosk-Kamchatsky” and the “Volkov.”

Ricky Miller

No. The 636.3 submarines can use all six tubes to launch missiles in theory but by operating procedures they wouldn’t. Russian doctrine and ship handling principles for 636 operation is to maintain two torpodeo tubes at all times for ship self defense. This means, probably, that two wire-guided torpodeos are loaded along with a four missile Salvo. After a torpedo tube is used for a missile launch that tube is unusable for between 8-15 minutes for recharge. The wide range is due to uncertainty about the progress in technology since early prototype tubes on an 877. Point being, that sacrificing torpedo armament to carry additional missiles can happen, but probably doesn’t unless a submarine is specifically tasked for land attack duties and has other ships along nearby for defense while they launch. Anti-ship missiles, especially the smaller but high value salvoes fired by Russian small ships and submarines, need to be fired in short sequence together to overcome defenses. Having to wait some ten minutes to reclaim a tube and load a missile would be of limited military usefulness and might be a downright waste of ordinance.


I agree with your 1st point…the rest not so much. Russia can always use Yassen attack sub if they need plenty of Kalibr’s launched from the proximity in big volley. If they still use Kilo’s it might be for practical (testing) reasons. Most of the 636.3 are new and have never did missile launches

Ricky Miller

All of them are new! There are eight in commission, with a ninth just launched. Earlier types are a different designation, 877. All of them launched one missile in state trials and five have launched land attack cruise missiles at targets in Syria. Two have commissioned for the Pacific Fleet but haven’t yet left the Baltic region to go there, but will soon along with the first 20385. All three will stop at Syria, and I bet all three fire at least one, maybe two land attack Kalibrs at targets inside Syria.

Yasen submarines are so far rare in Russia’s fleet. There is one Yasen and no Yasen-M’s, not commissioned anyway. For now, submarine launched cruise missiles of the post Soviet era missiles are mostly tied up in the 636.3’s. They will carry in peacetime no more than four missiles most of the time, and always have two tubes dedicated to torpedo launch in order to defend the ship from torpedo attack.


You like to lecture but there are holes in your knowledge. Everybody can use Google and write similar comments…with errors

“There is one Yasen and no Yasen-M’s, not commissioned anyway”

You are wrong!

18 JUNE 2020 “According to information released by the Russian Press Agency TASS on June 18, 2020, the Kazan Yasen-M-class SSGN (Ship, Submersible, Guided Missile, Nuclear) of project 885M is preparing for acceptance trials by Russian Navy in autumn of this year. It is the first serial fourth-generation submarine of upgraded project 885M. https://www.navyrecognition.com/index.php/news/defence-news/2020/june/8615-kazan-yasen-m-class-ssgn-project-885m-ready-for-acceptance-trials-by-russian-navy.html

“Severodvinsk” and “Kazan” is plenty…

Good bye !

Ricky Miller

Kazan didn’t commission. EAD and other Russian military related websites reported last month that “Kazan” needs yet another sea trial after yet more modifications, and is now expected to commission in May. Google that.

Ricky Miller

Barent’s Observer, March 3 2022: “Russia’s Most Powerful Multipurpose Nuclear Submarine Delayed Further.” It was reported in TASS on February 27th, as well. Proclamations of dates in the future where warships will commission shouldn’t be taken as fact until they say past tense that a flag was raised and the ship turned over to the Navy. That has not occurred.

Ricky Miller

TASS reports on March 19th that “Russia is to receive three nuclear submarines by years end.” The article names “Kazan” as one of the three. So, a ship I said hasn’t commissioned still hasn’t commissioned but is expected to this year. That might mean a hedge on the May commission date, but hopefully not. What gap in my knowledge were you referring to exactly?

Ricky Miller

Perhaps these sources (TASS, EAD, Defense News, Barent’s) are all wrong. Can you report an actual commissioning date/ source?


OK I take it back, I have fallen for that info since announcement of commission was from last year.

Ricky Miller

OK. Water under the bridge. Hopefully “Kazan” does commission in May. It’ll be a huge deal when she does. It’ll be a big ceremony and may even draw in the likes of Sergei Shogui and Vladimir Putin. I look forward to it.

Ricky Miller

Well, fears realized. Sudostroenie.info has an article out today saying:The Lead Submarine of Project 885M will be handed over to the Navy by the Day of the Navy.” The day of the Navy in Russia is July 25th, this year. Sudostroenie cited a TASS article from March 31st, which itself cited the MOD press office. The TASS article included the subtitle “Previously it was assumed that this (Kazan commission) would happen in May-June.” So now, it’s July. This is the fifth “Kazan” commissioning postponement since the end of 2018.

Ricky Miller

What point do you disagree with? These missiles are launched with three times the compressed air volume of torpedo launches. A torpedo merely needs to clear the ship and then it’s own propulsion takes over. A submarine launched missile has to not only clear the ship but has to travel in a pocket of air to the surface, pop up clear of the water while igniting. Instead of two and a half minutes to pump water out of the flooded tube and build up air pressure a next missile launch requires at least twice that time and once the missile is in the tube and the tube made secure a cruise missile must be programed. Some Kalibr launch programs in the surface fleet approached twelve minutes! You can cut that down by having missiles on pre-programmed status awaiting the final inputs, namely both targeting information and navigational aids provided en route, but you can’t do that on a submarine launched missile before the missile is loaded into the tube and the plug attached. Like I said, between 8 and fifteen minutes, more likely 12. For anti-ship missile salvoes adding two more missiles long after the swarm is already way downrange is of limited use. What targets are still going to be there? Two missiles against the remaining defenses have a far lower statistical chance of breaking through a technically competent SAM defense, especially one aided by radar equipped aircraft, be they helicopter, fixed wing or drone. Two additional asm or asw missile torpedoes, separated from a larger set= waste of ordinance 90% of the time. Or more.

Kenny Jones ™

Turkey closing the Bosporus street is a causes belli for Russia right, so they can always be recharged if needed


Listen, I don’t want to claim something I am not sure and I didn’t have opportunity to read about. Common sense tells us that they can recharge them just like they do with torpedoes. Turkey closing the Bosporus is acceptable and can happen only in the case of war or immanent danger of war. It must be justified by “Montreux Convention”. If not it would be considered as naval blockade of Russian ships and as such act of war in itself. There is alternative to those conventional Kilo subs with Kalibr. Russia can use also Yassen class attack sub.

Kenny Jones ™

https://avia.pro/news/turciya-namerena-zapretit-rossiyskim-korablyam-prohodit-cherez-bosfor I think it is time for Russia to drag Greece out of NATO and start an alliance to liberate Constantinople


Greek ancestry? Russia is not interested in starting a war against any country let alone NATO Turkey. Greeks have betrayed Russia even in religion , by recognizing Ukrainian Orthodox church. They have gained NOTHING (by doing that) and did great harm to Orthodoxy in general and to Russia in particular! They did that only to please CIA and State Department ! Russia has no obligations to Greece ( it might be only opposite )

Kenny Jones ™

Russia must and will control the Bosporus street, whether Greece is in or out But in such an offensive, Greek land would be the best launchpad, a naval offensive is more difficult


Naahh Russia is OK (ask better your French NATO friends for help). Turks are not insane, they would never challenge Russia…. Greek interests can’t be Russian.. Tail will not wag the dog… Same goes for Iran. Russia is not your private army in service of your ambitions. It is better that Russia waits for Greek-Turk war to obtain needed advantages.

Ricky Miller

Turkey can close the straits from Southbound submarine traffic all the time. Submarines are prohibited in the Black Sea unless flying the flag of a Black Sea bordering state. The trade off is that submarines of those states cannot deploy operationally outside of the Black Sea, and can only transit South for reasons of maintainance and service that cannot be provided in Black Sea ports. It’s all in black and white language in the Treaty.


” cannot deploy operationally outside of the Black Sea, and can only transit South for reasons of maintainance and service that cannot be provided in Black Sea ports”

I know аll that on top you have already sаid that… So lighten up, don’t be boring.. Russia has plenty of subs (outside Black sea) capable to launch cruise missiles (including other 636.3)

Ricky Miller

Not really, just a few. Six submarines went out on Black Sea operations last week. This included one 877. This means that five of six 636.3’s home based in the Black Sea are home, leaving one (Rostov on Don) in the Mediterranean. There are only two 636.3’s commissioned other than the BSF squadron, the “Volkov” and the “Petropavlosk-Kamchatsky.” Both are in the Baltic waiting to convoy to the Pacific. There are three cruise missile capable Lada’s but only one is commissioned, and that one is back in the barn.


I hope so,i can feel a Kalibr attack coming on. https://youtu.be/31FUi0va2fU?t=4


we all do ! we all have been waiting for that to happen way, way too long !

Blas de Lezo

I remember those strikes. The Zio-Wahhabi-ISIS allies were having a nervous breakdown about that. It completely ruined their plans.They were even talking about sinking Russian vessels.

WW Conkright

And send one in to liberate communist nazi occupied DC




Better late than never… Looonnggg overdue

Diana Cornwell

Lying Russians strike again (pun intended).

Hey Putin,

Why did you transfer the head-chopping Muslim terrorists to Idlib in air-conditioned buses instead of killing them in the first place?

Now you’re just pretending.

You Russians are the biggest hypocrites and liars.

Keep up the circus.

Putin ain’t no human being. He’s a cipher (a nothing, a zero) according to his former boss Yeltsin.

The new boss, same as the old boss…

Ricky Miller

These unhinged and personalized taunting attacks of yours are not helpful in understanding what’s going on, nor are they accurate. Constructive criticism I understand, even frustrated examples of self-expression, as many of these world events and trends are deeply frustrating. But your drip, drip daily dosage of hatred for Russia’s long-time President comes from something inside you, angry maybe, for being unable to control your own governments violent participation in a psychotic world order? I know I feel that way often, yet Mr. Putin wasn’t put on Earth to clean up our mess for us. He’s sitting where he is to do his best for Russia and Russians, as disappointing as that may be for those of us who’d like to see Russia do for us what we cannot yet do for ourselves, namely: Put our governments in restraint.

Perhaps more of your anger should be directed toward your MP?

Diana Cornwell

You are trying to deflect from the very real perfidy evinced by Putin and the Russians.

What mistakes others do, do not justify the very real treachery displayed by Putin and the Russians.


oh you just say things for the heck of saying them. Let Iran use him to kill the jihadists. He loves killing them for target practice, so it works out for us no?…..lol….fool. He’s totally pro the kurdish marxists too no? I don’t see a problem here. You’re just being bitter.

cechas vodobenikov

writes cornhole–treacherous broken record liar from US colony…shrivelled granny dosage of seroquel insufficient

cechas vodobenikov

shriveled mentally ill granny desperate for attention seeking ISIS boyfriend…the famously hypocritical anglo cornhile projecting her backwardness again

johnny rotten

25 billion delivered to terrorists, plus weapons and support of NATO, all this according to the EU should serve to pacify the syria, while sanctions prevent syrians even buy drugs for tumors and other fatal diseases, and On the contrary, Kurdish terrorists burning the crops and steal the wheat are richly payed, the EU is really the continuation of Nazism just with a different name.


Zio-Nazism is a scourge.


$125 billion were pumped in by the GCC to destabilize Syria back in 2012. Algerian FM blew the lid on that a while ago on Press TV. The Arabs love killing their own for some reason. What a disgrace no?


The problem with Idlib is that Putin is more concerned in making Russia interdependent with terrorist Ziocorporate globalists in US//EU/ISISrael than in the actual destruction of terrorist Ziowahhabi jihad expansionism. Syria doesn’t stand any chance by herself against the Wahhabi-NATO-Ziojew terrorist coalition.

On contrary, Putin can’t wait to sell military tech to Ziodi Wahhabia, Qatar, UAE, etc.


Putin can’t wait to sell military tech to Ziodi Wahhabia, Qatar, UAE

GO FOR IT Putin! Screw Iran little bit ….. Because they looove that feeling receiving from behind !


Is the Iranian-Russian alliance in Syria waning? …………….. Russia’s role in reviving Assad’s authority within Syria’s official institutions, including its military, is complicated by Hezbollah’s presence.

Hezbollah initially entered the Syrian conflict with a duel agenda. Iran needed to support its ally, the Assad regime, in order to gain a stronger foothold in the region. While Hezbollah helped cultivate and organize local fighters within the Syrian military to aid Assad’s regime, it simultaneously built up an autonomous armed force. This strategy has been employed by Tehran across the Middle East. Iranian-backed militias function independently of state institutions in Iraq, Yemen and Lebanon – causing domestic strife and political turmoil.

While Iran strides to preserve an independent militia on the ground in Syria to more easily confront Saudi Arabia, Israel and US interests in the region, Russia has a separate agenda. It is in Moscow’s best interest to secure an ally in the Middle East to assert its status as a global superpower. Since Hezbollah’s rogue actions on the ground in Syria prevent the government from stabilizing, Russia will likely aim to reduce Iran’s influence in the country. https://www.centerforsecuritypolicy.org/2021/03/25/is-the-iranian-russian-alliance-in-syria-waning/

Jim Allen

Hezbollah is not rogue, it works with Iran, and fight’s beside SAA in Syria, and has every step of the way. Hezbollah is also a growing political power in Lebanon, and this division of the militia has just recently visited Moscow for the first time. I see no issues between Russia, and Hezbollah. Iran is a very long time ally with Russia, the two don’t always see eye to eye, but neither is going to undermine the other. Russia has allies secured in the Middle East. Syria, Iran, recently Iraq, the Iranian, Iraqi, Palestinian, Syrian, and Lebanese militia’s that work with IRGC. Russia is not some Absolute ruler, like US Government is to NATO. Russia doesn’t withhold arms, aid, whatever when an ally has a difference of view, or is not instantly compliant with Russia’s desires. A compromise, they’re winning at the Geopolitical level, and all have the same objective. All understand this must be dealt with Globally, and until that is done Syria, the Middle East, Africa, South America, Europe, and Asia are inextricably linked against the Globalist One World Government. Were Russia not confident in it’s allies, it’s unlikely it would’ve constructed an entire system to by-pass Western sanctions on Iran, Venezuela, Iraq, China, and others to pay, and be paid for the trading of commerce, and with Iran, the sales of it’s military hardware. Which is world class, advanced state of the art technology. Yeah, Iran is behind, after 42 years of US sanctions designed specifically to strangle the country to death. US Government has failed to reach that objective, Iran has advanced steel manufacturing, aluminium production, large deposits of iron ore, bauxite, cement, copper, gold, lithium, making it self sufficient. Advanced metallurgy, machining, capable of producing it’s own parts for it’s US made aircraft fleets. Commercial, and military. A leader in electronics, drone, and missile technology, Russia share’s technology, and vice-versa. Iran’s medical science, R&D is also world class. Despite the increasing sanctions. Trade between Iran, and Iraq is booming, since Iraq joined the alliance, Iran, and Venezuela also. China too. Neither Iran, or Hezbollah are the cause of strife in Yemen, or anywhere else in the world. Particularly in Lebanon. Who do you think keeps the pretenders from attacking Lebanon ? Israel became so anxious about Hezbollah winning more seats in the Lebanese Government, it staged a false flag attack on the port in Beirut. With a 6kt tactical nuke ! To attempt to blame Hezbollah for the explosion of the ammonium nitrate fertilizer stored at the port for years. Israel wished to turn the people away from Hezbollah claiming the fertilizer belonged to the militia, and stockpiled irresponsibly, unfortunately for the pretenders the attack backfired. Ammonium Nitrate won’t explode by itself. An equal amount of Kerosene, Diesel, Molasses must be mixed with it, and about 250 pounds of TNT, or equivalent is required to detonate the slurry. None of this was present in the warehouse, the fertilizer wasn’t owned by the militia, which was in bags, not bulk, so impossible to mix with an estimated 8 to 10,000 gallons of diesel in the first place. Someone might have noticed that mess. This caused the Western puppet Government to resign, leaving Hezbollah with it’s 12 seats. Macron hurried to Lebanon to “save” Lebanese, offer money (at a price) aid, anything to hold on to the CIA infested puppet Government. The Lebanese people rejected the frog’s offer immediately. US Government gave Lebanon sanctions for their impudence, while CIA, MI6, Frog Intelligence, and Mossad, continue to do what they can to destabilize the country. Iran, and Syria sent all they can, China, Russia, too. Seeing Hezbollah (political arm) meeting with Russia’s Foreign Ministry is a very positive sign for Lebanon.


“but neither is going to undermine the other” I sincerely hope so… OK , I do hope that everything you say here is true. Hezbollah is in Moscow and I do hope that this complicated situation is finally starting to find its solution. Thanks for long and detailed explanation.

Liberal guy

One of the best true logical comment ever in my life thanks

Liberal guy

The empire has already lost the war more worse days coming for the zios and there slaves


If not for Hezbollah the Israelis would be in Beirut drinking beer right now,the Lebanese army are a joke,where were they in 2006 when those Zionist gangsters invaded Lebanon..


This is about Syria. So don’t bring Lebanon in, on something that is already complex, as it is… Syria as country also deserves peace and freedom.


Yup……Mr putin has a few hundred troops and a couple of dozen planes. Iran runs 10’s of thousands of troops on the ground. Why Moscow was brought into the field is to prevent the mongol, shyster and wahabbi from overtly getting further involved in Syria…..lol…..it was a master stroke no?……lol. Iran’s got a fairly large AF too, and the largest rotary winged helio force in the region. However the strategy has totally paid off so far. No need for the IRIAF to get involved. Not yet at least.


Russian jets hit rebel training camps Sunday in northwestern Syria near the Turkish border as Syrian artillery killed seven civilians and injured 14 medics in an attack on a hospital in the area. The sources said a Russian surface-to-surface missile also hit the town of Qah while Russian airstrikes came close to densely populated refugee camps….. https://www.enfamily.cn/thread-991733-1-1.html

A gas facility was hit near Sarmada city in Idlib province, but there were no immediate reports of casualties

Russian jets hit rebel training camps in northwestern Syria near the Turkish border on Sunday, hours after Syrian artillery killed seven civilians and injured 14 doctors in an attack on a hospital in the area, witnesses and rebel sources said. The sources said a Russian surface-to-surface missile also hit the town of Qah while Russian air strikes came close to densely populated refugee camps along the border with Turkey. A gas facility was hit near Sarmada city in Idlib province, but there were no immediate reports of casualties. https://www.scmp.com/news/world/middle-east/article/3126366/seven-killed-after-russian-jets-hit-syria-hospital-near


“seven civilians and injured 14 doctors” http://www.scmp.com

I see that Orwellian ‘double speak’ is the order of the day in NATO.

Civilians = Jewhady’s and Doctor’s = NATO Commissioned Officer’s :)


Yes of course ! I deliberately Western ( Reuters ) MSM sources as confirmation of those attacks ( that those attacks did really happen ). Of course one is to ignore propaganda part or use it as personal amusement :). If I use “Sputnik” all the time or some other Russian source …Some might say ; “Naaahh, Russian propaganda !”


Nah … pro-Russian propaganda … eh?

Russians NEVER kill civilians or women or children … LMAO


Not that I know of, not deliberately …while Israel does kill women and children deliberately, destroy their houses and brags about it… stop supporting terrorists in Syria you rats!


Not deliberately?

Are they using bombs they avoid civilians ?

Not deliberately?

Are they using bombs they avoid women and children?

Not deliberately?

Are they using bombs they avoid hospitals ?

Deluded Russian propagandist … lol


They use high precision ordnance when Zionist-terrorists are hiding behind civilians. Russia did many bombings with no collateral victims at all in last year or so.

While terrorist IsraHell is targeting civilians !!!


Don’t forget the puppy farms.


Bloody hell, I forgot.

Puppy Farm = ISIS/ Al Nusra training camp.


Yes, 3 puppy farms where also hit. So sad :(

Simon Ndiritu

Where on earth do 14 doctors meet to treat 7 patients. And why the rush to distinguish doctors and Civilians? or the doctor were not civilians??

Then it means, 14 militants “doctors” and 7 apprentices (Civilians) got killed.


If any NATO advisers are operating in Idlib as they have in the past, it would be advisable for them to bugger off back home.

If they stay, we can expect a plethora of NATO ‘training accident fatalities :)

WW Conkright

They will get a visit by Pres Assad for Christmas time, in pow camp after they. are captured


Yes, a few were captured in Douma during it’s liberation from NATO backed terrorism.

I would guess that they were sold back to NATO, although it would be karma if they were still in a Syrian jail.

Simon Ndiritu

Another step in the right direction… “Meanwhile, the fifth international conference “Supporting the future of Syria and the region” chaired by the European Union and the UN begins in Brussels and will last until March 30th”.

But We already know the outcome of this Hypocritical EU meeting will be. I will have statements like

… Assad Indiscriminately Bombs Civilians … Assad Must Go … There is a need to return Democracy in Syria … More Sanctions for Assad … Russia is propping up the bad Assad Regime … Iran Must “unconditionally” withdraw from Syria

and such Nonsense Allies of Syria Led by Russia and Iran need to continue strategizing on how to exterminate terrorists and give themselves a strong prosperous ally in Syria


Well said.


Strong / prosperous ally ?

The Assad Crime Family is yesterday’s trash

Their days are numbered … lol

Asma and the kids too …



Simon Ndiritu

I wanted to Ignore you because I didn’t want to legitimize your ignorance with a reply but let me educate you bro. 1. Nomatter how bad you paint Assad as being, He can never outdo the Saudi terror-state which the US worship to prop-up paper-backed petrodollars. 2. Syria was a functioning secular state with all religions coexisting before the Banksters wanted another client centrabank to prop-up their Fiat 3. The role of deciding how/who governs Syria must be left to Syria 4. The west may Collapse sooner that Syria does


I wanted to ignore you but …

1. DEFLECTION … Assad’s Crime Family is an abomination

2. Syria was a Criminal Mafia Family enterprise

3. Syrians have NEVER had a say in who governs Syria …. it’s a Crime Family that’s run it since the late ‘60’s – early 70’s

4. Assad may collapse at any moment …. it depends on Putin’s mood or Israel’s mood


Simon Ndiritu

It sounds like you are describing Saudi Arabia, UAE or Bahrain, better yet the US, where an election is rigged to become a selection between two old, rich, arrogant,demented bigots. But that’s story for another day

Peter Jennings

Maybe get the UN to do what they were supposed to do? Switching the focus from US/UK/isreal/EU funded terrorism to peaceful trade and dialogue might help.

Just a thought. Thinking isn’t something they go in for at the UN so it could be a while.

Lone Ranger

Condolences to the fallen wahabimossad and CIAisis operators. May they rest in pieces…


No Mossad … no zios involved

Ya f/kn anti-Judaism Hater …


Lone Ranger

Of course you are. Truth hurts try to handle it. Being anti zionist is actually pro judaism. Zionists are nothing more than jewish nazis.


Jews are Zionists …

YOU as an anti-Zionist is pro-Jewish?

Yer full of sh Xt … stick to yer bs

Lone Ranger

Wrong as usual. Zionists are the enemy of jews. Same as nazis are the enemies of Europeans. Of course they both will tell you that they are Patriots, but they are fake.


I’m a Jew and a Zionist … lol

What a f/kn juvenile fool you are …


Lone Ranger

Trust hurts, try to handle it…

Porc Halal

the turks will cry and rage…


More dead Jihadis / Islamists?

Women and children too … eh?

Russians are dropping bombs not candy … eh?

I could give a sh Xt …


Cheryl Brandon

Well done Russian fighter pilots, keep bombing those headchopping scum and criminals..We support all your efforts

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