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MARCH 2025

New Details On Brazen Assassination In Iran: Top Nuclear Scientist Was Killed By Remotely-Controlled Machine Gun

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On November 29, the Fars News Agency shared new details on the assassination of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, Iran’s top nuclear scientist.

The assassination, which took place on November 26, shocked Iran. The Islamic country’s senior officials believe that the Israeli intelligence was behind the well-planned attack.

According to the Fars News Agency, on the day of the attack Fakhrizadeh and his wife were on their way to spend the weekend at their house in a Tehran suburb. They were escorted by three security cars. Midway, the leading car left the motorcade to do a preliminary security check of the house.

Soon after the car left, shots were fired at Fakhrizadeh’s car, which stopped. The victim stepped out to checkout his car thinking that he hit an object or that there was a problem with the engine.

Once Fakhrizadeh was out of his car, he was targeted by a remotely-controlled machine gun that was installed in the trunk of a Nissan pickup 150 meters away. Fakhrizadeh, who was hit by three bullets, was transported to a hospital by helicopter. However, he surrendered to his wounds soon after.

New Details On Brazen Assassination In Iran: Top Nuclear Scientist Was Killed By Remotely-Controlled Machine Gun

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The scientist’s bodyguard was also injured by the remotely-controlled machine gun fire. Later, the Nissan pick up and the gun blew up in what appears to be a self-destruction.

The Fars News Agency said the entire attack lasted for three minutes only. No gunmen took part in the assassination, according to the agency’s report.

Iranian security forces identified the owner of the pickup that was used in the assassination. He left Iran on October 29, according to Fars News.

The assassination of Fakhrizadeh, who was closely guarded, was well thought out. The assailants implemented a set of advanced tactics and technologies to successfully defeat Iran’s strict security measures.

Iran’s top officials vowed to respond to the assassination of the nuclear scientist. Tehran always keeps its promises. However, the side responsible for the attack is yet to be named by the country’s authorities. The investigation is still ongoing.


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Servet Köseoğlu

Almost missile impossible mixed with Jackal..


Servet Köseoğlu

We can not say exact time..but considering 2010-2012 İsrael’s assasinations there are plenty of sleeping cells in İran which ı am sure appointed in state organs…Note that attack come right after pompeos visit to israel..

Servet Köseoğlu

3 months.. what do you mean after 3 months records has to be deleted?Afaık facial recognition ıdentification records has to be in kind of hard-disk archive…


Frankly, Iran is worse than Arab states as the regime is run by illiterate mullahs. I doubt it that they even know what facial recognition or AI is.

Ashok Varma

It is highly unlikely that the Zionists were involved, the mullah story keeps changing and sounds idiotic.

Servet Köseoğlu

ı dont know ..İsrael made tv presentation..Mark Fitzpatrick from bbc wrote that Two possible motives stand out: firstly, to jeopardise potential improvements in relations between Iran and the new Biden administration in the United States. And, secondly, to encourage Iran to engage in a retaliatory act.

Ashok Varma

That is a certainty that the Zionists want a regional war before Trump is booted out in January, but the methodology and Iranian changing official narrative about this sordid affair just don’t jive. How can such a large hit team simply disappear? this is worse than keystone cops.

Vox Populi

I don’t believe Iranians have very sophisticated border security apparatus. Mossad agents normally use Arab, Indian, EU, Australian, NZ, Canadian, US and now Azerbaijani and other ex-Soviet and Ukrainian passports, and many are women, so chances of passing undetected is very good.

Ashok Varma

I have passed through Iranian airport immigration controls, they are very lax and the people manning them are mostly illiterate villagers and no one speaks English. They have no database scanners and just give a cursory look at the passport photograph. They are more concerned about women having proper hijab than looking for terrorists. Iran’s almost complete isolation from the world has resulted in a nation in a cocoon, oblivious to the modern world. The mullahs are far worse than North Korea, where there is an educated communist cadre that is familiar with global technological trends and information gathering. Iranian mullahs are only pushing Islam and ignorance intended to keep the people scared and docile. Iran is an ideal candidate for regime change, but that would not suit the west and British imperialists who created the theocratic regime.

Fleecing Rabbi

We are thankful to India, Azerbayjan and Turkey for their staunch support for Zionism. Iranians are lower than Arabs in being schmucks.

Hind Abyad

Go back to the Balkan barns. Rabbid


Where are you from?

Hind Abyad

Where are you from?

Fog of War

” Iranian mullahs are only pushing Islam and ignorance intended to keep the people scared and docile ” Would that be the reason why the Ayatollah was installed in the first place ?



Ashok Varma

This whole sordid episode sounds incredulous, there are more plausible stories floating around on the internet and Indian media which claim that this was an inside job as the mullahs did not want this man around, just the Pakistanis have locked up the father of their nuclear program, the Indian born Dr. Abdul Qadir Khan. The whole Iranian version is insane, how could three cars drive themselves to the hit spot and no one in the security detail died and also the supposedly wounded one security agent miraculously was operated upon and recovered and now has been discharged from hospital. Also there was no state funeral for this poor man. Not even a cabinet member attended? there is something of a conspiracy to this whole thing.

Servet Köseoğlu

There is definitely something wrong but İsrael/Usa has already proved that they can touch İran’s asset many times but this last event drives me extremely frustrated..we have to wait until the dust settles..

Ashok Varma

NY Times is reporting that the Mossad assassination team came from Azerbaijan and was recruited there with the help of Azerbaijan authorities who are indebted to Israel for its support in their war against Armenia. Azeris speak Farsi and can easily blend into Iranian landscape. It is quite obvious that Azerbaijan will be the new staging post to destabilize Iran now.

Hind Abyad

NYT Zionist lies

”Mainstream press reports continue to be marred by inhumane language. The Washington Post used the Orwellian “take out” instead of “kill” to describe the assassination. The Financial Times, which should know better, called the Israeli attack a “hit,” as though this was a B-movie about the Mafia.

The New Yorker, which should also know better, said the killing “played out like a blockbuster thriller.”

And the Washington Post, in an editorial, said, to its discredit: The operation that killed Mohsen Fakhrizadeh was a dazzling piece of covert work by the standards of that shadow world. . . Let’s pause for a second. This was not a film. Israel ordered the murder of a 60-year-old noncombatant inside a country it is not at war with.

John Brennan, the former CIA director, said, accurately, that the attack was “criminal” and “a flagrant violation of international law.”

At least the rest of that Post editorial did argue that: Killing scientists won’t stop Iran’s nuclear work. Diplomacy can. So far, the Financial Times and Haaretz have also both editorialized, also calling for restraint. But from the New York Times editorial board: not a word. What are they afraid of?” $$$


Gulags were Ashkenazi training camp to behead Russia to please UK/US insuring their Holocaustic Empire Future Robberies…. 65 Millions innocent Christians cut into pieces with metal saw without anaesthesia, hidden by a German artificial Gas chambers smoke screen !

Reinforced thanks a bogus “Nuremberg” based on confessions obtained with Tortures, supported by medias lies…. Truth tellers became an illegal conspirators !

Nobel prize Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s Critical History of Jews in Russia last book, is an inconvenient testimony and banned in the US…. !

“to govern is to make believe” (Machiavelli)

MSM is “factoring consent” with plain bogus reports records !

A Ashkenazi morbid cloudy stinky dark future on the way for the Planet





Bonjour Hind,

Quelques information toujours utiles a se rappeler, vous souhaite une bonne journée !

39 plantes médicinales passées au crible de la recherche scientifique

L’étude à laquelle je me réfère a été publiée fin septembre dans la revue scientifique Frontiers in Pharmacology, et répond à la question suivante :

« En l’absence de traitement validé contre le Covid-19, le recours à des plantes médicinales peut-il traiter les symptômes aussi bien, voire mieux, que les médicaments chimiques ? »

Pour y répondre, les dix chercheurs qui ont signé l’étude (issus de centres et d’universités de médecine d’Angleterre, d’Irlande, de Pologne et du Brésil) ont étudié 39 plantes officiellement reconnues comme médicinales par l’OMS et divers instituts internationaux comme l’Agence européenne des médicaments.

Ils ont évalué ces plantes selon les mêmes critères que les médicaments chimiques :

La preuve clinique de leur efficacité (haute/moyenne/basse) ;

La preuve de leur innocuité (haute/moyenne/basse) ;

Leur rapport bénéfice/risque (positif/prometteur/inconnu/négatif)

Toutes ces plantes ont été évaluées sur leurs effets thérapeutiques documentés contre le rhume, la grippe, la bronchite, l’asthme, la toux, la douleur et la fièvre.

Mieux que la codéine, l’ibuprofène et le paracétamol

Pour étudier l’efficacité de ces 39 plantes, les chercheurs les ont comparées aux 3 molécules chimiques les plus couramment utilisées actuellement contre les symptômes du Covid-19, à savoir :

– la codéine,

– l’ibuprofène,

– le paracétamol.

Aucun de ces 3 médicaments n’a atteint le stade dit « positif » déterminé par les chercheurs contre le Covid.

Le mieux noté est l’ibuprofène qui est jugé « prometteur ».

Les deux autres, la codéine (utilisée comme antitussif narcotique et analgésique) et le paracétamol, ont toutes deux une preuve d’efficacité « basse » et une preuve d’innocuité « basse » : autrement dit, leur rapport bénéfice/risque a été jugé négatif dans le cadre de la lutte contre le Covid.

Eh bien sachez, chers amis, que 5 plantes font mieux que ces médicaments dans cette étude. Elles ont reçu :

Une preuve clinique d’efficacité « haute »;

Une preuve d’innocuité « haute »;

Un rapport bénéfice/risque « positif ».

Cela ne s’arrête pas là :

Au-delà de ces 5 plantes aux bienfaits prouvés, 12 autres plantes sur les 39 du panel ont atteint le stade « prometteur », c’est-à-dire le même niveau que l’ibuprofène, la molécule chimique la mieux notée;

Toutes les autres plantes ont eu un rapport bénéfice/risque jugé « inconnu ». Mais pas « négatif » comme le paracétamol ou la codéine.

C’est important de le noter, ces plantes médicinales sont déclarées efficaces dans un contexte où les autorités de santé européennes et américaines essaient d’en décourager le recours contre le Covid.

Au prétexte qu’elles pourraient aggraver la fameuse « tempête de cytokines » inflammatoire observée dans les cas les plus graves du coronavirus.

« Jusqu’à aujourd’hui, il n’y a aucune raison clinique pour de telles mises en garde »[1], déclare l’étude.

Annonce spéciale

La vitamine surpuissante aux effets anti-Covid

L’Écosse et l’Angleterre vont distribuer en urgence plus de 2 millions de doses d’une vitamine naturelle aux personnes âgées et vulnérables. Pourquoi la France ne fait-elle pas comme ces pays ?

Les scientifiques sont pourtant unanimes, cette vitamine surpuissante a des effets anti-Covid.

La distribution aurait pu commencer dès la semaine prochaine en France ! Et coûterait bien moins cher que tous les vaccins annoncés !

Alors… pourquoi la France ne propose-t-elle pas cette solution ?

Découvrez comment l’utiliser MAINTENANT ici.

Suite de la lettre du jour :

Quelles sont ces plantes ?

Les 5 plantes vainqueurs de ce test de grande ampleur sont :

La guimauve officinale (Althaea officinalis)

Les racines et les feuilles de la guimauve officinale sont indiquées contre les symptômes des maladies respiratoires : toux irritables, irritation des muqueuses orales et du pharynx, sécheresse, etc.

Dans le cadre du Covid-19, les auteurs de l’étude la jugent « hautement efficace » contre les premiers symptômes.

Posologie : 0,5 à 5 g dans 150 ml d’eau, comme macérat, à prendre 3 fois par jour.

La myrrhe (Commiphora molmol)

La myrrhe est indiquée contre les maladies respiratoires, notamment l’inflammation de la muqueuse du pharynx, que l’on retrouve dans le Covid. C’est un antitussif et un anti-inflammatoire.

Son efficacité en tant qu’antalgique et anti-inflammatoire serait comparable à l’indométacine, un AINS. Les preuves cliniques de son efficacité et de son innocuité sont « hautes ».

Posologie : les auteurs recommandent son emploi sous forme de teinture mère (préparée en pharmacie) pour effectuer des gargarismes, trois fois par jour.

La Réglisse (Glycyrrhiza glabra)

Indiquée par l’OMS contre les maladies respiratoires, la réglisse a également des bienfaits antiviraux et anti-asthme.

La seule mise en garde pour son emploi concerne les personnes atteintes d’hypertension, de maladies rénales, hépatiques ou cardiovasculaires. Pour le reste son efficacité et son innocuité sont toutes deux déclarées « hautes ».

Posologie : décoction de 1,5 g de racines de réglisse dans 150 ml d’eau, à prendre deux fois par jour.

Le lierre grimpant (Hedera helix)

Les feuilles du lierre grimpant sont un remède bien connu contre les toux expectorantes – celles qui vous font cracher des glaires. Elles sont également utilisées comme antispasmodiques et dans le traitement de la grippe et de la fièvre.

Plusieurs études montrent aussi son efficacité contre les bronchites, l’asthme et la pneumonie. Son efficacité et son innocuité sont avérées pour les adultes et les enfants. La seule prudence à observer concerne les patients atteints d’ulcère ou de gastrite.

Posologie : les auteurs de l’étude recommandent de s’en remettre à un pharmacien à même d’effectuer une préparation dosée en fonction de votre profil.

Le sureau noir (Sambucus nigra)

Les fleurs de sureau sont employées dans le traitement de la fièvre et de l’inflammation des voies respiratoires, pour soigner les symptômes de la grippe et du rhume, comme expectorant mais également pour soulager les maux de tête.

Le sureau est utilisé depuis très longtemps contre la grippe et le rhume et son efficacité ainsi que son innocuité sont « très hautes ».

Posologie : il y a deux façons de s’en servir :

3 à 5 g de feuilles séchées en infusion dans 25 ml d’eau, 3 fois par jour ;

3 à 6 g de feuilles séchées en décoction dans 150 ml d’eau, 2 à 3 fois par jour.

Les 12 autres plantes « prometteuses »

Je vous le disais, sur la deuxième marche du podium se trouvent 12 autres plantes médicinales jugées « prometteuses ».

Cela signifie que leur efficacité et/ou leur innocuité est simplement « moyenne ».

Ces plantes sont :

L’ail (Allium sativum) ; prendre 2 à 4 g par jour ; preuve clinique « haute » contre le rhume et les maladies respiratoires mais innocuité « moyenne » car il est susceptible d’allonger le temps de saignement. Déconseillé donc pour les patients sous anticoagulants.

La chirette verte (Andrographis paniculata) ; prendre 1 à 3g sous forme de décoction, trois fois par jour ; efficacité clinique « haute » contre le rhume et la toux, mais prudence à observer dans le cadre de ces fameuses « tempêtes de cytokines ».

L’Échinacée angustifolia et l’Échinacée pourpre, à prendre sous forme de préparation en pharmacie ; efficacité clinique « haute » contre le rhume et la toux… Mais l’ANSES l’accuse d’interférer dans la réponse immunitaire – cependant, notent les auteurs de l’étude, il n’y a « aucune preuve » aux propos de l’ANSES !…

L’huile essentielle d’eucalyptus globulus: efficacité clinique « moyenne » contre la bronchite et la toux, mais innocuité « haute ».

La Justicia pectoralis, un immunostimulant, anti-expectorant et antitussif à prendre en infusion (5g pour 150 ml d’eau ; son efficacité est jugée « haute », mais elle est déconseillée si l’on prend des AINS en plus des anticoagulants).

Le Magnolia officinalis, utilisée de longue date contre l’asthme, et à prendre sous forme de décoction. C’est l’ANSES, une fois encore, qui émet une suspicion concernant son interaction avec la réponse inflammatoire provoquée par le Covid-19 ;

Le guaco (Mikania glomerata) ; 3 g de feuilles séchées en infusion dans 150 ml d’eau, 2 fois par jour. Efficacité « haute » contre l’asthme, mais « basse » contre les autres types de toux.

Le géranium du Cap (Pelargonium sidoides), qui est employé sous forme de gouttes, de comprimé et de sirop contre le rhume, la toux et la bronchite, avec une efficacité clinique « haute » ; mais la plante est susceptible de provoquer des désordres intestinaux.

L’anis vert (Pimpinella anisum) ; prendre 1,5g de fruits séchés dans 150 ml d’eau, en infusion ; efficacité clinique « haute » contre l’asthme, mais « basse » contre les autres types de toux, et la fièvre. En revanche, innocuité « haute ».

Le saule (Salix sp), à prendre sous forme de décoction ; c’est un antipyrétique (anti-fièvre) puissant, également employé comme anti-inflammatoire. Il est déconseillé aux enfants et aux patients sous AINS.

Le gingembre (Zingiber officinale), à prendre en décoction. C’est un anti-inflammatoire, un anti-fièvre et un analgésique très bien documenté. Son usage est déconseillé aux personnes souffrant de calculs biliaires, d’irritations gastriques et d’hypertension artérielle.

Vous le voyez, l’essentiel de ces plantes sont, en fin de compte, assez faciles à trouver, et ne nécessitent de la prudence que si vous êtes concerné par l’une des contre-indication que j’ai mentionnée.

En prévention et en traitement des premiers symptômes éventuels du Covid, je vous encourage donc à solliciter l’herboriste ou le naturopathe le plus proche de chez vous, avec cette liste !

Portez-vous bien,

Hind Abyad

Merci. I will keep this to defend myself. Found video from Canada in old archives, suppressed since, i had kept in archives, hope it works. https://seed305.bitchute.com/FPuXuQf53s7M/3caYvUzQSTGk.mp4


Zionist scum have nukes, and they are afraid they will lose that power. Iran should go full speed on gaining nuclear weapons. That is the only real deterrent against globalist mandated policies of genocide, using American and Israeli aggression.

Hind Abyad

‘Israel jails Palestinian boy over stabbing attack’ with fabricated evidence


?? Ahed Tamimi: One story, multiple narratives | The Listening Post (Feature)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPTC4nJzFWY

Gaza, Hamas and the New Middle East | Al Jazeera World https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0bNVGI1yd0



Hind Abyad

Zionists Industry of lies since WW1.. worst, since Israel was born, more blood..

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e510ecffa9e5b42a7e1178bad01aeec11931703a18af1fe7188a8ef71d93af85.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b64dd08cbfb5185b88bb603a8a9dd7ec7654f73add429bacb98c03480f380598.png


Franky, even Bollywood has better screen play writers than the Iranian mullahs.

Hind Abyad

Frankly you’re right.


Vox Populi

Something stinks. this whole story does not add up. The muted public reaction in Iran is also puzzling.


Iran is throwing red herrings in this bizarre issue to confuse their people who are isolated anyway and to move on from this issue. Not even national mourning for this sacrificial lamb. They killed a 70 year old retired scientist for domestic agenda as the regime is divided and its only focus is to maintain power. All this smokesscren about robotic machine guns and non-existent Zionist hit teams is too far fetched, even for Bollywood script writers.

Ashok Varma

Bollywood is not as imaginative as the mullahs :)


Nothing adds up. Even the jackal would be flabbergasted.

Hind Abyad


Lone Ranger

Mossad is going full retard…

Free man

Objectively, this is an amazing operation (Regardless of this scenario or another). It means that no one is safe in Iran. Whoever did this can kill anyone in Iran, without the IRGC knowing who did it. It is like fighting a blind man.

Servet Köseoğlu

especially when you think that the man they are supposed to protect is Mossad’s number 1 target..rumours electric was cut off before-during-after assasination for a while to disable cctvs (if there are any)..

Free man

Apparently they didn’t receive the Persian translation of Netanyahu’s PowerPoint presentation (-; And seriously, it happens after the explosion at the nuclear facility in Natanz, killing No. 2 in Al-Qaeda / his daughter and who knows how many more operations.

Lone Ranger

You are aware that you cheering for a vile terror act…? Nobody is safe anywhere…yaaaay…

Free man

The guy developed an atomic bomb for a fanatical religious regime that threatens to destroy another country.These are the facts. He was not cute grandpa.

Black Waters

Wait… are you talking about Israhell right? they have undeclared war heads, so i assume you’re talking about them, right?

Free man

Did they threaten to destroy another country?

Ashok Varma

Zionists have been threatening to destroy Lebanon, Syria and Iran for over 40 years now. You Jews can’t even tell lies properly, and then you wonder why you are hated by all.


That must be so hard for you. How do you even cope with it?

Vox Populi

Idiot, the Zionists have been threatening to destroy the whole region with nukes.


That must be so hard for you, does that make you sad?


Frankly, you are an idiot, the Zionists have been threatening to destroy humanity, let alone Iran.


How does that make you feel?


How often do you talk with yourself?


Yes just ask palestine for start


I doubt you even believe there ever was a “palestine”, and even if you actually do believe that, I doubt you even care for these terrorists occupying Israel. Correct me if I am wrong, I think you pretend to care for them cause you hate the Jews but you are afraid to admit that, therefor, you use the so called “palestinians” to justify your Jew hatred. I also think, that you hate the Muslims just about as much as you hate the Jews. How am I doing so far?


Jew sucks happy now?


Thank you for your candor.

Hind Abyad

And yours


Hind Abyad

Do not doubt you Zionists wanted to be Palestinians..before Israel was born in 1948.



For what?

Lone Ranger

U.S. is destroying countries all the time. In fact they are tge only country to drop nukes in a real war, on civs…, Twice… Doesnt matter what Iran says it matters what it does, and sofar they played more by the rules than the U.S. or Israel. NK has nukes and they threat all the time yet no assassinations… Hm…. interesting… You know leave aside the moral highground aspect, once anybody is a legitim target and there is no diplomacy and rules you are shooting yourself in the foot. These people are willing to die to protect their country, are you? I doubt. You would say yes, but I know your sort, you would be the first to run away, I guess it stays in the family…

Free man

1. How is the US relevant here? 2. It matters a lot what Iran says and how it supports terrorist organizations operating all over the world. 3. You again make assumptions about things you don’t know and do not understand. As you wrote that Iran defeated ISIS east of the Euphrates River in Syria. 4. No I have no intention of dying. I finished my time in the army. Only people who have not fought one day in their lives can easily talk about killing and wars. 5. It’s true that my parents left Iran, but you’re the one running away from himself. You are the Jew who hates Jews.

Lone Ranger

Its relevant because they have done a lot worse multiple times, yet you are picking only on Iran…

The cia/mossad does, 90% of so called muslim terrorists (CIAisis/mossadisis/saudisis) are run by the west and Saudis, the 10% left is Hezbollah whom are either fighting western terrorists.

Nope that would be you. SAA+Russia+Iran did.

And yet you are the one cheering for terrorist attacks and the destruction of Iran…

Nah, I only hate ziorats like you and other fellow hasbarats. It seems to me you are the ine projecting. Look up what projection means in psychology, you are a clear case of it…


Bro dont bother, he’s clearly hasbara.The volcabulary he uses gives it away immediately, talking about “Jews” defending their country instead of “Israelis”.

The conflation of world Jewry with zionism is one of the main tenets they are told to push, otherwise a lot of their argumentation breaks down (like the whole “criticism of Israel is antisemitism” garbage for example).


He also a liar and an idiot, who is selling kosher baloney and thinks people are stupid Frankly.


Would you mind documenting those claims with peer reviewed research papers?

Lone Ranger

U.S. warcrimes you mean? How is the climate on your planet…??


Are you in agony?

Lone Ranger

Tell me David, are you…?


Why would you ask that?

Lone Ranger

Do you know what projection is in psychology…? If yes thats your answer if no look it up.


What are you afraid of? Why don’t you answer my question?

Lone Ranger

Clowns, pizzas with ananas topping, and hasbarats looking like Santa… I did.


Did you shag your mom with that mouth?

Lone Ranger

Im not into that, sorry to dissapoint you. I heard most hasbarats are tho…


All Hungarians shag their mom, that’s why all of you are so stupid, greedy, genocidal and ugly.

Lone Ranger

You are mixing us up with your inbred Hasbarat buddies ? Need a Tampax…? You are bleeding all over the place…


What country are you from originally?

Lone Ranger

What do you mean originally, born and raised in Hungary, still living here.


I see, well that explains it.

Lone Ranger

Oy Gevalt, thats wacist…


So you are Jewish.

Lone Ranger

Depends how you define it. But yes, Im part jewish.?

Ashok Varma

You are a Jew who hides and spews nonsense and is triggered by anything to do with Iran. You don’t fool anyone.


How does that make you feel?

Ashok Varma

So you are a JEW, finally admitted.


Frankly, was there ever any doubt?


How does that make you feel?

Free man

Poor soul, you don’t stop responding to my posts. Why do you think I’ll waste time on you and your twisted logic? Ashok the Jew hunter. LOL.


1. How is the US relevant here? 2. You cannot blame Israel for that the US does. Israel never attacked anyone, ever. 3. NK never threatened to annihilate another nation from the face of the earth. 4. Every sane Jew is willing to fight and if needed willing to die for his country. It is after all better to die fighting then in the gas chambers. 5. You are? Hmm, have you ever seen battle?

Hope that helps to get your head straight.

Lone Ranger

Your alt account hasbarat…? At least change your style a bit…do it eont be thst obvious…

Why wouldnt it be relevant…,,?

Except USS Liberty, Palestinians, U.S.(9/11), Syria, Iran…yeah…

How do you know it was the U.S.? They are too dumb to pull something like that off. Contrary to the Mossad…

Yes they did, South Korea, Japan and the U.S. multiple times. On record…

Currently mossad is the one pushing jews into harms way.

I have seen plenty of death.

Mine was straight from the start, contrary to yours…


How does that make you feel?

Lone Ranger

I have an urge to give you 25Shekels… .


Hold on to that feeling and let it grow.

Lone Ranger

We are lil bit greedy tonight arent we…?


Let me bestow a little Kabbalah wisdom on you. Greed, envy and dishonesty all cause poverty, I am not poor.

Lone Ranger

Depends what you call wealth…


True wealth is spiritual wealth, kindness, charity, righteousness, honesty, cleanliness to mention some of the highest valuables we can beautify and enrich ourselves with. Material wealth is the inevitable consequence of spiritual wealth. Unless of course you fake the former to acquire the latter, in that case, you will really know poverty.

Lone Ranger

Material wealth while comfortable is worthless. You know what Jesus said…Its easier for a camel to go through the eye of an needle than for a rich man to get into Heaven.


Please don’t be angry when I tell you this, instead try thinking about what I am going to say to you rationally and without investing to much emotions, otherwise my words may induce what is called cognitive dissonance in you. So just try to think about what I am about to say calmly and rationally.

See, I know you have be indoctrinated by that socioeconomic, psychological and spiritual weapon of mass destruction. It also causes its victims to pay their taxes to the very people that enslave them and believe they are doing it as a service to G-d. Also, by indoctrinating you into believing that money is practically evil, it becomes very easy for them to take your money away from you, keep you poor so that they can enslave and control you.

Yet the truth is, material wealth is a great tool that you can utilize to make the world a better place, the help the poor to become self sufficient, to provide people with work, to provide for your family, to do charity to mention a few.

Lone Ranger

Well I think tax should be abolished everywhere. If a country can print its own money they dont need to collect tax. Partially you are right and on low level it might even work but a handful of people like Bezos, the Queen of England, Dutch Royal family, Rockefellers so on… Sit on $trillions. Jeff Bezos could buy a house for every homeless in the U.S… These people do only fake charity most of it is actually Eugenics disguised as charity and they work together to endlave and wipe as out only leaving a handful of useful idiots for maintenance, BDSM and service. Like planned parenthood is a fancy name for industrialised infaticide and tissue and organ harvesting for profit of course.


I do agree with most of what you say. For instance, about Planned Parenthood and such. Otherwise as I mentioned before, do not envy the rich, if you do, I can guarantee you will remain poor. See envy triggers a blockage which will prevent you from getting whatever you envy other for. It is a spiritual law that is in place, whatever you envy, you cannot have yourself.

Now I am not saying any of these people are good people, I am not saying they are bad people either, I don’t know them so I am not in the position to judge them either way. Rockefeller is dead by the way, he died quite some time ago. I do know enough about two of these people though, Bill Gates and George Soros, these are very very bad people and they should both be arrested and executed for their many crimes against humanity.

Bill Gates is currently planning to vaxx 7 billion people by force, injecting us all with a genetic bioweapon camouflaged as a vaxx. He most certainly should be arrested and tortured severely until we can be 100 % certain he has given up all and any of his co-conspirators. The same of course goes for all and any Poly Tick, Media Mogul, social or otherwise involved in pushing the alleged Pandemic and vaxx.

Most people don’t know it but we are in the midst of Word War 3, the elites war against all people on this earth. Therefor we all need to unite and also to put our differences aside, at least till the war is over, preferably forever.

We can no longer afford to let them divide us into, Jews, Christians, Muslims, other religions or Left and Right, black or white, yellow or whatever. These globalist elitist genocidal monsters, they want to kill us all, 7 billion of us to be precise.They don’t discriminate anyone, they just want us all dead. But they do want us to discriminate each other. they know, United we stand, decided we fall. So we need to stop discriminating each other so that they can’t play us like fiddles against each other.See that is how they operate, that is how they stay in power.

We need to wake up, otherwise most of us are going to be turned into GMO’s and then die a horrible death, just as soon as the bioweapon has destroyed our immune system. (that will take between 1 and 4 years after being shot up with it, depending on your age and health.)

Hind Abyad

The Samson Delilah blackmail


Seriously, seek help.

Hind Abyad

Haaretz Josh Breiner, Nir Hasson | 03.12.2020


Fog of War

” Israel never attacked anyone, ever. ”

1967 Six day war ?? They even used the BS excuse of a preemptive strike ? Nice attempt, but some of us do know history.

Ashok Varma

Zionists attacked Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Tunisia and this idiot is smoking crack.


Lebanon has been invaded 3 times and thousands killed by Zionists, mostly civilian victims. Gaza is bombed daily.


I thought the same. Should we mention taking over Palestine?


What country do you come from?


Shave your beard you stupid hasbara shill. Your lies are repugnant.


What country are you from, Frank?


Definitely not one living off western taxpayers on stolen Palestinian lands and creating chaos in the region and the world.


Does that upset you?


Are you ashamed of your country of origin Frank?


What country are you from, Foggy?

Fog of War

Seriously ? Nice attempt. Was that a threat also ?


Are you ashamed of your country of origin?

Fog of War

Yo’re right I shouldn’t be, after all, its the place of the chosen . Mazel Tov my fellow brethren .

Hind Abyad


Ashok Varma

Which alternate universe are you from? the Zionists have attacked every Arab state, stolen Palestinian lands and are even occupying parts of Lebanon and Syria and killing Arabs every day with aggression. You hasbara liars are too much, even for a neutral person.


In what universe are you currently residing?


Not living off western taxpayers for sure.


What country are you from?


Where are you from Ashok.

Vox Populi

Holohoax does not work anymore, stop stealing other peoples lands.


What is that? Do you speak English?


What country are you from?


Memory lapse? Zionists have threatened the Sampson Option of nuking everyone in the region. Also they have invaded all their neighbours and are stealing Palestinian lands every day. Which planet are you from?


Why are you afraid of the Samson option? Are you planning to attack Israel?


There is no Israel or ever was, it is PALESTINE, Frankly get with the program.


Have you ever received treatment for your illness?


I very much doubt you even believe there ever was a “palestine”, and even if you actually do believe that, I doubt you even care for those terrorists occupying Israel.

Correct me if I am wrong, but I think, you pretend to care for them cause you hate the Jews but you are afraid to admit that, therefor, you use the so called “palestinians” to justify your Jew hatred. I also think, that you hate the Muslims just about as much as you hate the Jews. How am I doing so far?


Israel is the vicious mutt that wags the US crazy dogs tail.


Frank, what country are you from?

Alekai Mordechai

David, which country are you from?


I am from Germany, and you?

Alekai Mordechai

Why would a german be so interested in middle east?


I am a Noahide. For some reason I always loved the Jewish people, ever since my dad read me the story of David and Goliath at age 3. What about you Alekai, what makes you so interested in the Middle East?

Alekai Mordechai

What can I say. I consider myself to be a reincarnated version Hitler.

For some reason, I always found that people who claims to be victim, tends to commit lot more crime when given the chance. Given how people around the world tends to be sensitive to killings. Not so much for your supposed “David”.

Anyways joking aside . My grand father was a Palestinian. Resided in France, later married a French lady. At some point moved to Northern europe.


Dude, if your grandfather was a “palestinian” as you claim, he was a Jew. Back when he lived, there were no Arab “palestinians”, only Jewish ones. As to you being Hitler incarnated? That’s pretty ambitious, yet I am pretty sure that spot is taken by this Bill Gates individual. After all, that monster is planning to murder 7 billion this time around. Now I don’t doubt you are as evil as they come, yet for obvious reasons, no one can compete with Gates. Me, I am King David incarnated, here to slaughter the Hitlers of this world and bring Justice. Oh and by the way, Hitler thought himself to be a great victim, that at least, I am pretty sure, you and him do have in common. ;)

Alekai Mordechai

He was a Christian. Also he was proud of his Palestinian heritage. His forefather chose to let go of his “jewness” for good reason. Lets respect others choice, got that?

Bill gates is a man who built the world and revolutionized tech industry. What did you do? other than

You are nothing more than useless chap who doesn’t even live in the land he claims to love. Always on the run. Beit is an Arabic word, stop borrowing things from Eastern Europe and Arabs.

I am far from a victim. Whereas few Jews I know in Tartu are some of the biggest chicken shit I know.

I find lot more in common with the failed artists and you.


So he was a pagan on top of a liar, well, no wonder you turned out like you did. In your case, go ahead and get vaxxed pal, it will be good for you.

Alekai Mordechai

You lost all your marbles pal.

Like most of your hairline you lost all your marble.


As I said, go ahead and line up to get vaxxed, you’ll find out soon enough which one of us has lost his marbles.


Another thing, Hitler would have gassed both you and you grandfather, just so you know.

Alekai Mordechai

Why I’m gonna gas myself and my dead gran pa?

Alekai Mordechai

And to answer your question: Estonia


That figures, you people have a history to be real nazipigs, just like the German people.

Alekai Mordechai

Repetition much??

Estonia is faaaaarrrr from Nazi.

Unlike germany, has head and heart in right place.


That figures, you, hmm “people”, have a history of being nazipigs, much like the Germans.

Alekai Mordechai

Then why are you in Germany??

Zio piglet!


Put the crack pipe down asshole.

Ashok Varma

He is a JEW, just acknowledged that. He also has an Iran fixation.


halfwit. Iran attacks no one. The west are murdering genocidal scum.

Nuclear weapons are a certain deterrent to aggression, which is why Iran is not allowed to have one.

“That is the phenomenon of the US. Since 1945 they’ve destroyed 73 countries and were directly involved in the deaths of 26 million people. It is a horror show. It just must stop!” John Shipton, journalist and executive officer of Wiki Leaks.

““The U.S. has more than 12,000 nuclear weapons, the Soviet Union (Russia) has about the same, Great Britain and France have several hundred, and Israel has 150 or more. We have a phalanx of enormous weaponry … not only of enormous weaponry but of rockets to deliver those missiles on a pinpoint accuracy target.”” U.S. President and Nobel Laureate Jimmy Carter

Whats good for the goose is good for the gander huh halfwit ?

“Our armed forces are not the thirtieth strongest in the world, but rather the second or third. We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that this will happen before Israel goes under.” Martin Van Creveld

Vox Populi

He is very disgusting creep and obsessed with Iran. Very limited intelligence to have a one dimensional fixation and blood lust.


How does that make you feel, VoxiPoop?

Ashok Varma

The mullahs did this as the old man was becoming a liability. He was buried so fast without any state funeral or crowds. They also had the too popular Soleimani killed as he was becoming a national symbol. The Iranian mullahs are as big a cancer like Zionism, both are the creation of British imperialists, like the other toxic regime in failed state Pakistan.

Free man

I heard that the Mullahs regime is currently implementing the Nasrallah protocol. They are hiding in Tehran’s sewer system. They will only go out on Saturdays when Mossad agents are not working.

Rhodium 10

But meanwhile all Israeli embassy are in high alert…service staff are hided inside and they are going to look like Assange….

Free man

I also heard that restaurant owners in Tehran accept shekels. Since 20% of Tehran residents receive their salary from the Mosad in shekels.

Rhodium 10

Iran just pay in dollars…as it is the global currency use in Buenos aires you can ask to MIA Israeli building… or in Burgas(Bulgaria) can ask to Israeli tourist bus…

Free man

True. this is what they know to do – explode with the bomb inside a tourist bus and kill themselves, a Muslim driver and tourists. Or blow up a community center. But never in Israel.

Rhodium 10

“Never in Israel”..so tell me what are being doing Hamas and other groups during last 20 years?….

Free man

Lame argument.

Alekai Mordechai

Yes lame.

How much lame would you like it to be free man?



Have they ever penetrated Israel with their marches?

Have their missiles been successful?

I’m keeping score … eh?

Whose winning so far?

Rhodium 10

Have Israel expel Hamas?..answer= NO…therefore from time to time they send a barrage of rockets….Imagine if your neighborn use to throw stones to your house since many years and never ending…thats the fate of Israel!


Running on empty …. looking at Hamas for a ‘victory lap’ ?

• Iran is shown to be a paper tiger • IRGC is shown to be a paper tiger • Iranian anti-missile system penetrated/destroyed

Get on your knees and beg …. it won’t do any good

Like in the film Mosul … a dead slug is a slug that’s dead …. lol

Alekai Mordechai

And the train keeps moving and keep getting entrenched.


Huh? Is that Klingon? pmsl


The Iranian pussies … are known to do these kinds of things OR they try to …


South front comments have been pro Eastern, pro Russian, pro Iranian since I can remember it’s finally nice to see people speaking up for pro Western values. All these Communist comments that call people trolls for not agreeing with their comments is laughable. It’s absolutely disgraceful to see so much divisions in every corner of the world, I really don’t like how it’s all going to end. Jesus Christ is King!

Rhodium 10

A Failure of the security!…he doesnt have an armored car…and drones should be flying watching the road and movements…also they have to close an area around after the attack….it is call in antiterrorist fight = operation Cage!…


That sounds like a BS story. Initial reports I read, two suspects dead and one arrested. And why would he leave the safety of his vehicle. Has opposed to one of his security staff.

Free man

It’s a cover story. None of the assassins were captured or killed and IRGC has no idea who did it.


Like I said the article doesn’t make any sense at all. And Freeman, my gut feeling is your a disinformation junkie.

Free man

“disinformation junkie.” – I have a feeling you don’t like what I write (-;


What you write is totally biased and pro Israel.

Free man

Like what ? Do you mean the IRGC actually knows who killed the scientist but is embarrassed to tell ? Or maybe they caught some of the assassins and too shy to speak about it?


Go ahead and read your words Freemason. Or are you just to blind to see!

Free man

So you have no facts to share.


Lol. I’ll let others decide Freemason.


You know you lost the debate when you have no other arguments left than throwing insults at your opponent. Lame.


And what insults are you talking about David?


The sky is blue.


Hahaha your funny David. To bad you’re not able to answer my question.


What question?


You wouldn’t understand you bagel brain.


You can’t even formulate a question so now its back to insult, bravo.

Hind Abyad

Go home an d rest this in boring.


You know you won the debate when your opponents have no other arguments left than throwing insults at you.At this point, take the victory and leave that butt-hurt clown to whine and yammer about it. ;)

Ashok Varma

He is a JEW.




He is paid hasbara, so what did you expect?


Are you sure you’re not the one being payed by some Nazi troll farm?


How does that make you feel?


And what you write is total Jew Hatred. Tell me Ron, why do you hate the Jewish people?

Hind Abyad

Because they ask for it https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f2ca1add7206a34d75741febf36a1c3c698ecbb2936253466847d71660ee4893.jpg


Have you forgotten to take your meds today?

Fog of War

Seriously folks ? This doesnt sound any alarms ?

” Midway, the leading car left the motorcade to do a preliminary security check of the house.

Soon after the car left, shots were fired at Fakhrizadeh’s car, which stopped. “

Free man

I don’t believe this story. They just want to present a narrative as if there weren’t so many people who were involved in the action. It is a very big embarrassment for the regime, to admit that an action of this magnitude can take place near Tehran without the authorities knowing who is responsible for it.

Fog of War

The story sounds weird to me also. However, if the Iranians think this explanation is plausible and has no ” holes ” they are both clowns and foolish. Dont they make movies in Iran ? Get a better script writer, what a joke.

Ashok Varma

Indian media sometimes has a knack for sensationalism, but is sounding more plausible as this looks like a inside job by the mullahs to knock off a liability, just like the Pakistanis did with Dr. Abdul Qadir Khan.

Fog of War

Why would the Israhelli’s be in panic mode then ?


Because there obviously will be repercussions for Israel regardless who actually did it. The blame the Jew game is the most popular game of all times. You can do whatever evil you want and get away with it, even if you get caught red handed doing it, all you need to do is to blame the Jews and everyone will immediately believe you. The elites know this, heck, they invented it in the first place.

Free man


Lazy Gamer

It is a deception based attack. Think more about it.

Fog of War

Your comment is too open ended as there are to many variables. So come out and just say what you think.

Vox Populi

I would tend to agree, this whole story simply does not add up or has even any coherent elements in it. How can a 10 member Mossad hit team simply disappear into thin air? how come the Dr. Fakhrizadeh’s security detail did not engage the assailants? and only he was fatally shot? how could such a large hit team operate so openly in Iran, buying cars, pickups and then assembling the remote machine gun apparatus? if Iranian security forces are no incompetent then the country faces fatal issues.


Bases on the facts you mention, it does indeed look like an inside job, like the security guards themselves did it. On the other hand, Nothingyahoo practically admitted Israel was behind it, well he hinted it. Yet that does not mean it is true, he might found it to be an advantage for him that his voters believe it. One thing is for sure, his popularity was on an all time low, now it has improved a bit.

Potato Man

They were escorted by three security cars

Soon after the car left, shots were fired at Fakhrizadeh’s car, which stopped. The victim stepped out to checkout his car thinking that he hit an object or that there was a problem with the engine.

Oh STFU, oh something hit my car better get out and see it myself…what, fuk the bodyguards.

This doesn’t fuking add up, what happened to that car explosion?

he was targeted by a remotely-controlled machine gun that was installed in the trunk of a Nissan pickup 150 meters away.

What….come again…

He left Iran on October 29, according to Fars News.

Name the person and to where????

Vox Populi

Iranians have incredible imagination, even Hollywood would blush.

Ashok Varma

Iranian scientist’s bodyguard survives bullet wounds after successful surgery and expected to make full recovery

Hamed Asghari was reported to have been one of the bodyguards that confronted the armed assailants that opened fire on the vehicle carrying the late Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh on November 27.

According to eye witnesses Dr. Fakhrizadeh was still alive and walking with superficial wounds following the attack on his vehicle; however, the Iranian Ministry of Defense later announced that he succumbed to his wounds, despite the efforts to revive him at a local hospital in Tehran.


Frankly, there are too many holes in the Iranian story.

Fleecing Rabbi

dank ir Azerbeyjan, thank you for killing our enemies. The Khazarian brotherhood will prevail. Mazal Tov!

viktor ziv

He walked away with new identity into new lab to work old job.

Potato Man

I don’t want to hear you fuking wet dreams bud. Zion shithead and their dogs down to hell.

Ashok Varma

Azerbaijan was the staging and recruitment area and the hit team went back to Baku and then Tel Aviv. Iran once again was caught with its robes down.

Potato Man

Azer have been the staging point for Zion/US to attack Russia and Iran long ago. It was reported before Azer give Zion the right to use their airspace to attack Iran.

Remember that picture where Iranian sniper could have shoot Aliyev right in head? If what you said is true that Azer was part of this they gonna get fuked with MEK/Zion around the world…but I hope this time the Iranian don’t fail and stand to their name…that is if Fakhrizadeh is really dead.

Hind Abyad

Only on the Western stream media !!

Who reads/watches RT in Iran? Why would they publish psychological warfare against Iran???? And- ”According to Al-Arabiya and Al-Hadath, the Israeli airstrike on Tuesday night in Syria targeted an Iranian shipment of money that was being delivered to Hezbollah of Lebanon.

According to the sources of these two Arabic channels, a money shipment from Iran to Hezbollah, sent from Tehran to Damascus using Fars Airline, was destroyed by the Israeli airstrike while being loaded from the plane onto the truck.” Al-Arabia is Saudi Arabia, Israeli allies. https://iranintl.com/en/world/iranian-irgc-commander-killed-drone-attack-syria

Potato Man

BTW don’t use or read Iran International: Iran International is a British-based Persian television station funded by Saudi investors. It is aimed at Iranian viewers and broadcasts free-to-air by satellite. Don’t use them as a source, I don’t care what British MEK and Wahhabi Sunnis fuking thinks.

Why do you even care what Al-Arabiya, Al-Hadath, Iran inter or Al-Jazeera write tho? Those are fail news outlets and you know they are fake because they are in KSA (not Al-Jazeera but it is the same, own by Qatar Wahhabi State)…if someone write something that MBS or the King don’t like that person gonna lose their head.

I haven’t heard about money shipment but I remember reading about weapon shipment which Iran send to Syria, “Senior Iranian commander killed in drone strike on his car near Iraqi-Syrian border” which was fake. RT btw https://www.rt.com/news/508276-iran-irgc-commander-killed-strike/ ‘Seems to be fake news’: Iran’s foreign ministry denies that senior IRGC commander was killed in drone strike on Iraq-Syria border. https://www.rt.com/news/508391-iran-denies-irgc-commander-killed/

I don’t think Iranian would read RT or Wahhabi News but they do read MSM alike of BBC farsi believe it or not they do. They write in Faris and most of the time they read news from FB/Instagram/YouTube BTW Instagram in Iran is stupidly big.

Why would they publish psychological warfare against Iran? Who RT? They didn’t…they some time get it wrong sure…but again not many Iranian read RT.

Young Iranian don’t read their own (Iranian news) or MSM most of the time, they get news from their friends and such.

Hind Abyad

Exactly.. i get news from Middle East



USA is a tool, like a hammer. Israel is like a knife. While the hand on the tools is a globalist. Yes, balkanization, or total conquest, or decimation for Syria.

Americans drink fluoride. So they are a dumbed down and apathetic population. Zionists have fervor and self righteousness.. I do not expect much to change in geo politics other than the totalitarianism will get tighter for the western sheep.. And the blood will flow more freely in places our globalist masters covet.


Not a good story.


Story sounds bogus and contradicts 100% of the reports I’ve read from the day of the assassination.

Also this article has the most intense hasbara activity I’ve seen on southfront in months. Coincidence?

Alejandro Bonifacio

https://alejandro-8.blogspot.com/2020/11/asesinado-en-iran-uno-de-los.html?showComment=1606698347112#c4858119833958944208 another version of this vile crime, the original sourde is @MohamadAhwaze

Assad must stay

yea right i dont buy it, i will stick with official iranian story





Hind Abyad

Questions for BBC on new White Helmets podcast series attacking OPCW whistleblowers Aaron Maté· OPCW DoumaSyria·November 30, 2020


Hind Abyad



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