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MARCH 2025

New Escalation Coming: Ukrainian Unmanned Boats Explode Off Crimean Coast Non-Stop

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New Escalation Coming: Ukrainian Unmanned Boats Explode Off Crimean Coast Non-Stop

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Suffering defeats in all directions on the frontlines, including in the Kursk region, the Armed Forces of Ukraine resumed daily attacks on the Crimean peninsula. On August 17, Russian forces repelled several attacks on the western coast of the peninsula.

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reported that on the night of August 17, forces of the Russian Black Sea Fleet destroyed two unmanned boats of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Local sources shared the footage of the destruction of Ukrainian naval drones by Russian military helicopters in the Black Sea.



In the afternoon of August 17, the AFU attempted another attack on the peninsula. The footage showed that at least one more Ukrainian unmanned boat was destroyed near the shore.



Ukrainian attacks on the Crimean peninsula continue on a daily basis. On August 16, Ukrainian forces launched a combined attack on the peninsula. The Ukrainian military launched UAVs, unmanned boats and missiles in different regions of the peninsula. 12 missiles were destroyed on their way to the Crimean  Bridge in the east of the peninsula. Another wave of strikes targeted the eastern shore. Helicopters of the Russian Black Sea Fleet and air defense forces destroyed five unmanned boats and one UAV in the  Yarylchag bay. Three more unmanned boats and four UAVs were destroyed near the city of Sevastopol. Three more Ukrainian boats reportedly retreated.



Teh recent resumption of massive attacks of the Crimean peninsula, as well as several failed attempts to launch landing operations on the Kinburn and Tendrov Spits in the Kherson region may signal the upcoming Ukrainian offensive operations on  the southern frontlines. After the massive attack in the Kursk region turned into bloodshed and brought no strategic results to the Ukrainian military, the Kyiv regime is expected to launch new large scale provocations, including threatening Europe with nuclear disaster. LINK The long awaited F-16 fighters from NATO are yet to officially enter the battles. They are expected to begin their operation in September, when Kyiv may attempt another offensive in the southern Kherson and Zaporozhie region together with some large landing operations on the small coastal spits, trying to cut the communication between the Russian grouping on the mainland and Crimea.


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Skip 59

hello putin, is anyone home.. you do know if you take out kiev the war will end .. !


you mispelled washington. the usa has a full planet of kiews who will do their bidding if they are ordered cause most polititians in the western and pro western world got everything they have thanks to us support. there is a reason most countries hesitate to fight the us cause they know how many vasalls they can pull into a conflict.

Last edited 6 months ago by kotromanic

the us will have those vassals as long as r.f, prc and irn don’t stand and confront the west (while complaining to the un). it’s the law of state politics here, the strongest will survive (not the history lecturers) and small states will in turn side with them.


one uncompromising ass*ult on ukr aimed at occupati*n plus p*ssession of the blck-sea. the w*st would have backed off. whereas the ineffective s pm o achieved little over a long time.

remember ukr already occ*pied r f territory from the moment d p r, l p r and zaprzhye voted to become part of r-f in sept.2022!

so now what will work to frighten n*to?? indeed what works to prevent continuous s-f senzachip,?

Paul Scesniak

skip 59, you may be right. now please however recall the stated aims of the smo.


now that ukraine is invading russian terrain; i believe that program has been subject to change.


after 1945 fashington helped nazis to escape, covered banderites and supplied for terror attacks in border regions of ussr. same was done to pribaltian nazis. need to control all till the border with poland + several years of counter-terror. there is additional problem of brainwashed ex-russian people who’s living in malorossia. many of them will become russians again, just turn of “zombie rays”. but 10-15% are zombies forever. smo helps to get rid of such zombies, 2000 a day.


at the start of the smo putin had to prioritise safeguarding the economy, which the west was trying to destroy (16,000 sanctions) and gain the support of china, india and the global south. he was very successful on an economic, political, and diplomatic level. western countries have failed signally in these areas.


you’re correct.

don’t know why the hell putin is holding back and not turning entire cities to ash with glide bombs.

Joseph Day

because there’s alot of russian friendly civs in ukraine. especially eastern ukraine

kill zelensky

why cant they just kill zelensky

Crocus Shooting Gallery

the attacks will never stop until crimea and all occupied territories are liberated…heheheh

Crocus Shooting Gallery

sorry, crimea is already liberated, i meant kiev …heheheh


the attacks will stop when all of the paid soldiers are killed. russia will have it’s way. nothing rothschild’s cabal can do about it. putin is the man!

Conan M

from the zh comment section of “ukraine destroys key bridge in kursk region using us-supplied himars” read – “red lines my a** keep playing softball vlad, haag is waiting russian elite doesn’t understand, that there is no exit in this war besides full and unconditional defeat of nato/ukraine alliance, or of russia.

Last edited 6 months ago by Conan M
Conan M

… either russia goes berserk and full ww2 mode, till west will gets tired and gets rid of ukraine as they did in afghanistan, or there will be very heavy strategic defeat for russia.”… ukraine/nato are absolutely going to try to destroy crimean bridge, get back all lost lands, destroy russian oil/gas infrastructure, bombard key strategic electricity facilities, strike deep into russian territory.

Last edited 6 months ago by Conan M
Conan M

… ultimate goal: 1. full control of russian ressources 2. western-puppet regime 3. de-nuclearization of russia. globalists need no dissidents like russia, china, iran etc. they will try take them out one by one.”…

Last edited 6 months ago by Conan M

thats why if it ever should have happened the attacks russia on ukraine, china on taiwan, iran on isreal and north korea on south korea should have been sumultaniously. force the us to choose who to support and who to give up.


the weakness of r.f, prc and iran is the problem, not the power of ‘the west’. for a raft of economic, geopolitical, banking, financial and corporate reasons the leaders of these ‘powers’ don’t want to strike any real blows against usa etc – and the west knows this.

r.f has sat like a rabbit in headlights for 10 years as nato builds more bases around it.

“nu pagadi” doesn’t cut it!!

Conan M

as well as retaining it’s seat at the un whoreh0$e, that will continue to manufacture available hostages inside western countries of their russian foreign service. and by all means make the counter argument that the same is reciprocal for western foreign service in russia…

Last edited 6 months ago by Conan M
Conan M

but we still haven’t seen random acts of destruction of property, ie. nordstream 2, destruction of military and government facilities and commercial infrastructure, or mass murders like beslan and crocus hall the last 25 years inside the u.$. by russia… so the question remains.

Last edited 6 months ago by Conan M
Conan M

why does russia not make an official announcement of why it must leave the “un” in it’s current condition, with the evidence of the past 30 years that will back it up and tell the world it will be organizing a new more equitable “house” on it’s turf???

Last edited 6 months ago by Conan M

i suspect because r f leaders are.very happy to be part of the western club (just listen to lavrov wax lyrical about the un!).

as naive as it sounds, r f seems to believe this is all a huge misunderstanding and soon everyone will be friends! the potus, uvdl, mcrn and ptn will then cosily sit together in the royal box of the ‘paris opera ballet’ watching a night of rssn music and dance. as if…

Last edited 6 months ago by B.F.Finlayson

they tried that once. it didn’t work.

when mao won tge revokutionary war against chiang kai shek, the un decided it was no longer worthy of its seat on the security council, so it gave china’s seat to tiny occupied taiwan.

russia boycotted the un as a protest.

the us suddenly had all four remaining seats in the security council — its own plus taiwan and uk and frances seats.

the result was the un sanctions on n korea that have kept it in poverty ever since.


do the russians not understand that the longer this drags on, the more successful drone attacks ukraine performs and territory the ukranians take…the weaker it makes russia look?

when they look weak, that inly encourages western nations to give more cash and weapons to zelensky.

putin needs to pick a town a d make an example out of it.


since the war began russia has lost over half of the black sea fleet, yet nothing changes. putin refuses to shut down ukrop access to the black sea.


dumb amerikan believes your fake news


never in history have there been so many empty threats, so much charlatanry, as the one practiced by the kremlin in this war. so it’s normal for enemies to laugh at you.


they do not, in any way appear to be laughing.. to me, they look to be dying.


i don’t understand why the russians haven’t turned western ukraine into a desert yet


immoral amerikan perspectiva💩


so its better to fight in the eastern ukrainian reagion and destroy it in the process. the one region besides odessa where pro russian people in ukraine lived before the war. ukraine bombed the region before the war so every city in donbas destroyed is a city of pro moskau people not pro western ones. kiev and lwow dont see people in donbas as ukrainians. many conscrips who are dying on the frontlines are from those regions as well. while the banderists stay in the back and avoid to die.

Last edited 6 months ago by kotromanic

putin’s idea is to letbthe war come to russia! ukraine is an itch without a snowballs chance in hell to win. a quick end of zelensky will fix the situation but the iran issue is of paramount interest since an attack by the criminal jews will triple or quadruple the price of oil and destroy the wests financial system but russia’s oil will continue to be transported to the row. and the disunited states of a will be toast with crude at $300 per friggin barrel and the jews gone forever!

Dick Von D'Astard

er, why aren’t russia usv’s and uav’s constantly harassing remaining ukrainian ports?


exactly. it is unbelievable that any army would allow its enemies to have functioning ports years into a war.

hell, all.of ukraine’s bridges, dams, power plants, infrastructure, water treatment and sewage facilities should’ve been rubble by now and sumi should be smoldering.


rusko ak chce pokračovať v oslabovaní (zto) nato bude musieť pristúpiť k oslobodeniu odesy!!! tým eliminuje hrozbu útokov z mora na územie rf a hlavne na krym!!! potom sa bude môcť viac sústrediť na ničenie banderovských fašistických svíň a vojsk nato, ktoré bojujú na ukrajine v uniformách ukrajinských vojsk. svetu mier!!!


about time to start striking deep into western ukraine

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