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MARCH 2025

New Escalation: Gunmen Attacked 12 Checkpoints Of Government Forces In Daraa

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New Escalation: Gunmen Attacked 12 Checkpoints Of Government Forces In Daraa

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Late on January 28, gunmen attacked a number of checkpoints of Syrian government forces in different parts of the southern governorate of Daraa.

The attacks were allegedly carried out in support of former rebels in western Daraa, who may soon face a large military operation by government forces. Earlier this week, senior officers of the Syrian Arab Army asked the rebels to expel six infamous militants and hand over what’s left of their heavy weapons.

According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, twelve checkpoints in the western, northern and eastern parts of Daraa came under attack.

“The attacks didn’t result in any casualties,” the London-based monitoring group said in a report.

Pro-government sources didn’t report any attacks or losses in Daraa. Some even said that the reports of attacks were false and nothing more than a propaganda stunt by the opposition.

Former rebels in western Daraa are yet to fulfill all the demands of the government. A deadline set by the army ended on January 28 morning.

The situation in Daraa may quickly escalate in the upcoming few hours. An attack by the Syrian military will likely lead to a serious confrontation in the western countryside.


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Proud Hindu

Seems like shia assholes are getting bombed by israel lol.

Rhodium 10

Israeli airstrike are useless because most of the missile are intercepted and destroyed …of course they have caused some Syrian soldiers killed and some agriculture warehouse damage….but ISIS use to cause 10 times more casualties in each attack.


It’s only by air my dear friend, wait till we come from the ground.

Proud Hindu

I believe that you should completely destroy your enemy and show no mercy on him.Otherwise the enemy gathers strength and attacks you again.


True. Aviv Kochavi agenda is to go on the offensive. But it’s the political leadership that stops him, till we kick out Bibi nothing changes. India should also crush their Islamic enemies.

Proud Hindu

We are stuck in a different crisis now.Its all politics and i hate it. We are facing our worst crisis and things will only escalate from here on.


Till you all get vaccinated it can take some time, but you will get through it.

Proud Hindu

Its not covid.Its political instability thats happening currently combined with violent protests.


By Indian Muslims?

Proud Hindu

By rich farmers.Modi has passed sone farm laws and this has angered a few rich corrupt farmers.Tbese rich farmers are provoking other farmers and they have surrounded our capital delhi.I think the next 6 months will be crucial fir our national security.


Can he appease them and maybe give them subsidies so they stop the protests? I like Modi I’d hate to see him leaving his position.

Proud Hindu

Its very complicated. Modi wont be overthrown but we arr going to face a lot of internal and external challenges.


In the end it’s about money, it’s better to listen to the people and their demands. I hope he makes the right decision.


You bastards should concentrate on your rape problem,no woman or girl is safe on your streets.


You should concentrate on your rape problem,no woman or girl is safe on your streets.

Proud Hindu

Btw indian army received 6000 negev lmgs today.


Good :)

Proud Hindu

Muslim terrorist planted a low level ied near israeli embassy in delhi.Luckily noone was injured.

John Brown

Soon your Zio slave masters will be exterminating India’s entire population as Zio global corps take over all of India’s agriculture and starve the country to death.

I hope you die well for your slave masters in the racist supremacist global Jewish satanic slave empire dictatorship.

Hindus will only a memory, liek to Do Do bird.


The massive campaign organized by India’s farmers against laws to deregulate the agricultural sector has entered its ninth week. The government in New Delhi, led by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), has tried to negotiate a compromise. But its attempts to placate the farmers have thus far failed.

Proud Hindu

Our ancestors did the same mistake many times and we are till today suffering the consequences of not finishing off our enemies completely.


Exactly, I too believe in offensive operations and not being on the defensive side.

Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

Like this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGvKixJlATY&lc=UgxewTEvje7TYtPz5Q54AaABAg


Lyin’_Zion engaged in offensive poasting operations


Go for it you piece of trash.


I will, just as I was ready to hunt down your Hezbo rats. You have no idea what we can do.

klove and light

kill babies?+


I have seen what you can do,butcher women and kids,what you can’t do is fight Hezbollah and live.


I didn’t kill any women or children like your twisted mind thinks, it’s not my fault your head is filled with lies. They die because they are being used as human shields by the terror groups, nothing I can do about it. I won’t risk myself or my unit to enter a booby trapped hosue again, I’d call in an airstrike to blow up that house or shoot a spike missile.

Icarus Tanović

You serious? Lmfaoooo.


I am dead serious, Icarus. Don’t talk about things you have no clue about. You haven’t seen our true capabilities yet.

Icarus Tanović

Are you? What your “capabilities” you mean disabilities, dickstar?


Come and find out.

Icarus Tanović

Choose neutral ground. And show of your disabilities. Just fist to fist, no bullshiting like you do “we” and “bomb you” and bs like that no we, but you vs me, okay? That’s as fair as it gets.


I accept the challenge, but I have no intention to fly over to your country. So, how do we solve it?

Icarus Tanović

Read my comment from above, if you don’t get it.

Jens Holm

I would like to have much more verification then this.


The rebels are attacking the 4th division which is Iran-led, made up of Afghans, Iraqis, Pakis and Hezbollahs. Israel’s mistake was that we neglected them and let the SAA take over Daraa, under the agreement that Russia would keep the Iranian proxies away. I don’t blame Russia, they don’t have the resources to kick out Iran even if they want to. So that means Israel will now actively support the rebles against the SAA this time, and we will bomb any Syrian forces that tries to advance in the coming operation. We will not repeat the same mistake twice. Prepare to count down your bodies.

Free man

I think Israel wasn’t wrong. The agreement with Russia regarding southern Syria is part of the cooperation of the two countries in Syria. This cooperation is overall good for both parties. Israel needs to strengthen the parts of the SAA that support Russia and weaken the parts that support Iran.


The only way to do it is by killing the Iranian proxy members closer the our border, whatever nationality they may be. The SAA got enough warnings from us, their officers too. We can cross the border whenever we decide to when it meets our redlines, they would be wise never to forget it.

Free man

As I have always written, Israel’s enemies are the mullahs’ regime and their militias / terrorists. I think Israel should make every effort it can not to harm Syrians.


It’s up to Assad to decide, he knows we are after Iran and not after him.

Arlene Dehmer


Emad Irani

too bad that the part of SAA supporting Iran (4th Division) is led by Mahir Assad hahaha idiot

Proud Hindu

It would be better for israel to not trust the ruusian traitors.


It’s a cooperation of two countries with similar objectives, so i don’t see Russia as the problem here. The SAA part which is under Iran will be crushed under our tanks and jets when the order is given.


The SAA 4th Division is controlled or led by Maher Assad… And that is Assad’s real Army the Republican Guards. Now go back sleep in your illegal settlement


It used to be, not anymore. When the order is given, they will feel us good along with their hezbo rats, don’t worry.

Emad Irani

There is nothing SAA part, it is all SAA with Bashar Assad as the highest commander. Beside that 4th Division has Mahir Assad (Bashar Assads brother) as commander


It doesn’t matter it’s Assad’s brother, you use them as a proxy force against Israel and we will wipe them out when the order is given. For now, enjoy the airstrikes.

Proud Hindu

The russians are helping iranians with weaplns.


Ah! Thought you’ve kicked Iranians out if Syria? ??


We can do it, same as we can push into Lebanon again to clean the southern area from Hezbollah. It is always a question of cost, and how far we are willing to go in order to protect our vital interests.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Is this the beginning of the end? I’m not sure about 12 Iranian checkpoints being attacked but there were at least 6 confirmed attacks against Iranian checkpoints during the space of just 2 hours,

A checkpoint of the 4th Division in Western Daraa countryside A checkpoint between eastern Al-Ghariya and western al-Ghariya, east of Daraa A checkpoint between Sayda and western Al-Gharia A checkpoint in al-Karak al-Sharqi in the same countryside Two checkpoints in Jassim city, north of Daraa.

These must’ve been coordinated attacks since they were carried out over a wide area during a short space of time, but there were no attacks in the hotspot they were fighting recently, so the insurgents have a lot of support all over southern Syria, it isn’t just a localized and isolated insurgency as some of you believe. They’re also active in Quneitra where the insurgents bombed the Air Force Intelligence building in Saida Hanout,

“South Syria: massive blast heard tonight in S. Quneitra province as insurgents blasted the Air Force Intelligence building in Saida Hanout. Dead & wounded as per 1st reports”.

And in As Suwayda the Druze have been holding anti Iranian protests for the last few months complaining about subversive Iranian activities, but now they’re starting to hold anti Government protest as well, which is a truly alarming development, the Druze have always been supportive of the Syrian Government but they’re not anymore, Iranian subversion in their neighborhoods has changed their stance on the Government and now they’re blaming Assad for the Iranians activities. Aleppo is also under threat from Iranian subversive activities, they’re besieging Kurdish held areas in the towns and villages of northern Aleppo known as Al-Shehaba area.

“The checkpoints of the 4th Division and Air-Force Intelligence prevented the entry of flour, fuel and medicine to these areas, and imposed large levies on vegetable cars in return for their entry”.

So is it any wonder the Kurds are giving the 4th division, Air Force Intelligence, and the Iranian militias such a hard time in Al Hasakah, it’s just more of the usual tit for tat crap they both engage in, and as usual the Iranians started it, the Iranians started it in Aleppo and the US/SDF continued it in Al Hasakah, tit for tat. Iran is quickly changing the sectarian nature of Syria, their overbearing presence and their demands for political/military/economic/and religious control in certain areas of Syria is actually doing more harm than good, they’re unwanted activities are effectively rallying all the other ethnic/religious/political groups to unite in the common cause of fighting Iranian influence, and by default that now means the Syrian Government is becoming the focus of their protests. If open rebellion starts in the southern Governorates it will quickly spread to western Aleppo and southern Deir ez Zor where other groups also have disputes with the controlling Iranian forces. And if that happens countries like Turkey will take advantage of the situation and possibly intensify their efforts to control larger areas of Syria, the US will probably do the same thing near Al Tanf and take over most of eastern Rif Dimashq and all of As Suwayda, and the Israelis will probably offer air and missile support to the Southern Front Alliance if they fight against Iran in the south, and then let the Arab league control the territory if they win. Iran is stirring up a hornets nest with careless abandon, some of you see them as the solution but I wonder why, the only group that supports their current activities in Syria are the pro Iranian elements of the Syrian Government, no other party in Syria supports them, NONE. So they’ve effectively alienated EVERYBODY, the local Sunnis, the opposition parties, the Druze community, even the Baathists who are usually loyal to the Syrian Government, so that has to tell us something, they’re very unpopular everywhere they go in Syria. But outside of Syria they’re even more unpopular, Israel, the US, and the Arab League all have horses still in the race and they’ll support any local insurgencies that are motivated to forcibly remove Iranian assets. Only religious fanatics start a fight they can’t possibly win, they sincerely believe God’s on their side and think God will help them to prevail, but God doesn’t take sides, God just watches from the sidelines. So I think the Iranians are in big trouble, and sadly that means the Syrian Government’s probably in big trouble too, unless they can do something to loosen the Iranian noose around their necks the popular uprising will continue to grow, and it’s already at breaking point now, so it may be too late to do anything anyway. God help Syria.

The Objective

Wonderful post. Keep it up and ignore the morons who only like cheer-leading. This post is much more enlightening than the article itself.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Thanks for the encouragement, 1 sane voice amongst a hundred witless morons is enough to keep my spirits up, so your kind words are very deeply appreciated.

Tommy Jensen

There is just one problem in this. Syria only exist because Iran defended them and Soleimani travelled to Kremlin and said now or never. The question is more can Syria and Assad do it alone with the Russians?? Conflicts between militias happen all the time. I guess Israeli bombings against only Iranian troops promote the divisions inside Syria.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Yes I know it’s hard to slap away the hand that just saved you but what other option does Assad have, if he continues to let the Iranians have open slather in Syria the non Shia elements of the population will rebel against him, and when and if that happens the rest of the vultures will all fall in behind the opposition groups, the Turks, the US, Israel, and the Arab league and anyone else who wants a piece of Syria, there won’t be much or anything left for either Assad or Iran if that happens. Yes Israeli bombings, text messages and leaflet drops are all purposely trying to divide the SAA, and at the same time those messages are also effectively emboldening any and all the opposition groups as well, so they’re serving at least 2 purposes. Except for a few groups the SAA in general probably won’t pay too much attention to the Israeli messages, but the opposition groups will, and sadly they’re the spark that will ignite the whole inferno, so I think they’re the biggest problem. Iran doesn’t really need to get out of Syria, all it has to do is stop building up infrastructure that threatens Israel and then pull out most of it’s forces, that would totally stop all Israeli subversive activities in their tracks, and it would also go a long way in calming down the anti Iranian opposition groups that have sprung up everywhere all over Syria, and I’d even go so far as to say it would also help isolate Isis to some degree as well. I don’t mind Iran building missile bases in Iran but Syrians needs a break from all the crap they’ve endured for the last decade, so Iran should just let Syria recover rebuild and move on, let Iran and Israel fight their war somewhere else I say.

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