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MARCH 2025

New Footage Of Russian Drone Strikes Against Kiev Forces Surface Online

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New Footage Of Russian Drone Strikes Against Kiev Forces Surface Online

ZALA Lancet attack drone. © Marina Lystseva/TASS

On March 29, the Russian BTR80 channel on Telegram released a video documenting a series of Lancet loitering munitions strikes that targeted Kiev forces last winter.

The video shows a number of previously seen attacks as well as never seen before strikes that destroyed several targets, including a 5P85S transporter erector launcher (TEL) of the S-300PS long-range air defense system and a Polish-made Krab self-propelled 155 mm howitzer.

The Lancet loitering munition was developed by the ZALA Aero Group, a subsidiary of Russia’s defense giant Kalashnikov Concern.

The company produces two versions of the loitering munition, the Izdeliye-52 with an endurance of 40 minutes and a three-kilogram warhead and the larger Izdeliye-51 that has an endurance of an hour and is armed with a warhead weighting five kilograms.

The loitering munition flies towards the designated area with the help of a GLONASS-aided inertial navigation system, the operator then utilizes an onboard electro-optical targeting system via a two-way data-link to detect, track and lock on the target.

Due to its low-flying profile, small radar cross-section and minimal infrared signature, the Lancet is very difficult to intercept.

Documented Lancet strikes against Kiev forces increased to 45 during March, compared to just 23 last February. This indicates that Russia is increasing the production of the loitering munition, which has proven its worth during the special military operation in Ukraine.


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Mini Tactic Hypers. Nuke locked on Kiev and Berlin

the deadline to leave the monastery complexes in Kiev passed and the heroes monks didn’t leave , on the contrary, people have arrived there to defend the monks. Best case scenario would be a huge clash between the Nazi authorities against the believers and monks which hopefully could spark into a larger conflict, and even a small revolution against the junta. Not all but many Juntas fell due to religion oppression. So I would not be impressed if this would be the last nail on Zelenky’s coffin.

Putin's MASSIVE Balls, NATO's empty nutsack

The persecution is coming from US Neocons, Rome (with it’s Uniate clergy) and the dual passport holding foreign oligarchy.


Ruským vojskám sa darí. Tejto ŠVO sa mohlo predísť ak by bol západ počúval čo RF hovorí a bral ich vyjadrenia vážne. Lenže prehnitý západ pod vedením darebáckeho štátu USA a jej vazalov z EU za výdatnej pomoci zločineckej teroristickej organizácie NATO nepočúvali!!! A to urobili obrovskú chybu. Putin ich už dávno varoval, že RF má hypersonické zbrane, ktoré nemajú obdobu. Tak isto ich varoval pred nezmyselným sa rozširovaním na východ k hraniciam RF!!! USA skorumpovali politikov na Ukrajine a ku moci tam dosadili fašistov!!! Tí im mali poslúžiť na začatie útoku na RF!!! Ale RF im v tom nakoniec zabránila.


The majority of these strikes were not Lancets. Look close at the strike vehicle, Lancets do not have long and short wings, nor a rudder…they have X-shaped ‘wings’. At least the first three strikes shown are not Lancets. Look at the strike on the boat, that is a Lancet, the strike following that is also not a Lancet. They look more like Orlan 10.

Lawrence Hill

Mongo like when bomb go BOOM!!


poor drones never stood a chance!

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