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MARCH 2025

New Footage Shows Kiev Forces Launching British-Made Brimstone Missiles From Modified Truck

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New Footage Shows Kiev Forces Launching British-Made Brimstone Missiles From Modified Truck

Screen grab from a video by MBDA showing a live-fire test of the Brimstone.

On May 12, Ukrainian sources shared footage showing Kiev forces launching a salvo of three British-made Brimstone precision-guided missiles from a modified launcher.

The launcher seen in the footage was reportedly developed by the UK specifically for Kiev forces, by simply bolting a triple Brimstone launcher rack used on aircraft onto the back of a truck. The footage were reportedly filmed during an exercise.

In April, the UK pledged to supply Kiev forces with hundreds of ground-launched Brimstone missiles. The first use of the Brimstone missile by Kiev forces was documented in the Donbass region in the first week of May.

The Brimstone missiles supplied to Kiev forces were of the first generation which utilizes an active millimetric-wave radar seeker and an inertial navigation system.

The maximum range of the ground-launched version of the Brimstone is unknown, but the air-launched version can reportedly hit targets more than 20 kilometers away. The missile is armed with a 6,3 kilograms tandem shaped charge warhead.

The Brimstone is capable of salvo attacks and autonomously finding targets once it reaches a designated target area. This makes the missile ideal for targeting vehicle formations.

The Russian military has already captured a nearly intact Brimstone missile, which failed seconds after being launched by Kiev forces near a front in Zaporizhzhia oblast.

The UK has been leading Western efforts to support Kiev side by side with the US. London hopes that its military support will prolong the war in Ukraine and weaken the Russian military.


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Putin’s campaign has gone so unexpectedly poorly that U.S. officials have begun reviewing their own intelligence assessments to determine how they could have so badly misjudged the strength of the Russian military. Despite pouring billions of dollars into modernizing Russia’s military, Putin’s forces have been saddled with poor equipment, communications and morale — all leading to, so far, a stalemate against a much smaller and overmatched foe.


3 things have become apparent since the invasion:

1. Russia is not as strong as their propaganda portrays

2. Putin is not the tactician/chess master the media makes him to be

3. Having trouble with a much smaller country, NATO could take on Russia in a conventional warfare and likely win

Its funny before the war everyone was scared of Putin but now? Not so much. All bark, no bite

Last edited 2 years ago by Annon5228

You too dud q,must be the partner of the gimp above,yet you poofs are not aware of the stealth worms up ye anal canals in lieu of all the lies you try to post here albeit in vain, so kudos to your losses yes all the losses at breakneck speeds i may add,like it or lump it you going down assfloggs,this attest to the fact whats really taking place,yet you are so hell bent on your nwo sodomised genders,when it really hits the fan you poofs will be the first go right under the bus,certainly not the heteros or truth bearers here whom infact to have the natural ability to change things for the better,unlike you loser bums, checkout your down votes dud,YOUS ARE AN ABSOLUTE DISGRACE UTTERLY USELESS TRUTH BE KNOWN:



OK God bless you mother Russia but . You have to accept and swallow the true as well they’re not strong as you know .nothing wrong with that little bitch


You and ” the true ” are like oil and water.


3 things are quiet clear about the west 1 they miscalculated Russian economic power and are now loosing the economic war. 2 nato trained and motivated troops are hiding behind civilians but are loosing so badly that they have to send untrained men to cap the holes in front line. Very old men 40 and older. 3 western media is very effective on simpletons but after a while it starts to crack and doesn’t help win wars. Russia is owning the whole west. It would demolish any western country entering conflict , Russia tries to capture Ukraine not destroy it.


lol, well firstly Russia has committed only 200,000 troops this is smaller than the entire Ukraine army and yet they have accomplished EVERY GOAL set out in first phase both decoy attacks to keep forces from reinforcing the front along the donbass and mariupol which worked PERFECTLY as Kiev had to keep those troops around Kiev to handle the feint from Russia, after the first phase complete those forces REJOINED Russian and Donbass forces along the Donbass front and also completely cut off Mariupol and then captured it. secondly Russia has only used 1/10th of the 3 armies lined up along the Ukraine border so that 200,000 troops they are using is only 1/10th of those 3 armies so in just those armies alone Russia has another 1.8 million troops and war machinery waiting in case NATO are that stupid to blunder into direct confrontation with Russia so 1.8 million men and machines against the entire NATO war machine of just under 150,000 at this moment in time YOU DO THE MATH GENIUS LOL, thirdly Putin has outsmarted the EU, NATO and the USA time after time didn’t the west say they would be crippled by now with their sanctions and yet the RUBLE is now the best performing currency in the world as announced by the world currency board and that Russia’s economy is booming and is better than it has been since the Soviet Union fell, fourthly Russia’s is pounding the Ukraine and NATO positions using artillery to destroy the enemy before advancing as the Ukrainians and NATO troops retreat and just rinsing and repeating this keeps Russian losses to bare minimum and Ukraine and NATO losing hundreds of troops every day, fithly Russia advances keep going and no matter how much NATO sends to ukraine it has no effect at all as Russian advance is non stop grinding Ukraine into the dust this has always been about DESTROYING MEN AND MATERIALS FIRSTLY, secondly is capture of ground which will come as Ukraine are running out of manpower fast day by day. So victory is ASSURED for Russia but on Russian terms and TIMETABLE not the west or Ukraine timetable, Russia is sucking more and more manpower and machinery from Ukraine into the cauldron and destroying just as planned. – Z –


Very well said, kymsheba.


Ver well said the loses by the Russian military are small in comparison The west have already started to talk about 40,000 boots on the ground The Ukrainian foreign Legion is now a joke The anti tank weapons supplied early were meant to slow the Russians but haven’t The heavy artillery shipments were meant to change the war but haven’t Russia still controls the sky’s Russia is achieving its goals Military, economically, politically and strategically The west continue to use a single strategy of arming, expanding NATO, failed sanctions, asset freezing and sporting and cultural banning


This sounds like wishful thinking. Indeed, although outlets like SF sadly overdo their propaganda, rather the opposite is true. 1) Russia‘s economy is doing very well. The embargoing states‘ doesn‘t. 2) The military operation is going satisfactorily. All NATO ‚help’ to Ukraine didn‘t change that. 3) In fact, I think Russia will take NATO yelping and its bite… and just win.

Last edited 2 years ago by Dave

After russia dump a boat load of cash and dead troops u russian support not see the long run russia is fucked look how much more putin has been balding i can see through his scalp this guy stays up every night with a vodka bottle staring at that nuke button cuz he know its the only power left he got to fight nato

Last edited 2 years ago by MalcolmXnxx
Holms Jen

It is not a much smaller country, Ukraine is 1/3 of the Russian population, and 1/2 of Russian army in size, being trained by NATO for 8 years, and equipped by the same. Plus it is getting all the intel and recon directly from US. Russian army is exactly as strong as their propaganda says, because they said themselves that their nukes and missiles are their only strong point.

The only thing you got right is about Putin being and idiot.


Says the proud owner of the F35 and the US Navy littoral ships. And the Patriot.


The F35 could blow the rusty soviet shitbuckets of the Russian Airforce straight out of the sky from miles away. Your pilots wouldn’t even see anything abnormal on their radars before spontaneously combusting.


It blew the pockets of the US taxpayers wide open, that’s for sure. Now, if only they can get it to fly….


or sell….


F35s ARE USELESS YE DUMBASSED DEGENERATE RUST BUCKET FOR A BRAIN! with your immature kiddie rant,your pathedic,go get a proper education girly boy!


talking like a little girls…

Simon Ndiritu

F-35 lemon 🍋😁😁😁


lemons are useful


LMAO, in which dream? the frikking cant even fly without crashing. LMFAO HOLHOLHOLHOLHOLHOL this man is funnier than Zelensky!

Last edited 2 years ago by BanderiteLivesDon'tMatter

also, remember, the Apache cannot fly in the deserts of Iraq.


dont forget the rail gun system for all the new ships and reconfigured into the launcher for all new aircraft carriers being re engineered at the building yards because it fires aircraft into the ocean every 9th launch only slightly further than it can project a shell. 20 yrs effort – BILLIONS in design – total failure This is why Russia and China have advanced high speed rocketry and America has nothing new that works. Hey Murica…y’all been fleeced, bamboozled, hustled and robbed by your own guys.


The fact that the US have not made one single “intel assessment” that is accurate has nothing to do with Russia, it is all about the ideological activities of US morons. Their Generals have not made one single accurate prediction, they have no idea what tactics the Russians are using, because all they know is “shock and awe” and “civilian murder”. IF Russia is losing so much, why does the US need to throw 60 billion at Ukraine in 3 months? They don’t sound like winners to me.


Add in the spend from the rest of NATO and its a hundred billion $ of weapons. Add in the information wars, they are costly, add in the SAS salaries, CIA salaries, the training abroad, the training in Ukraine, the military sent over there, the security services personnel from multiple nations,the training from 2013-2022. The only reason the US wins anything at all is because they have trillions of $ from a bottomless pit to spend on them, in their fraudulent monetary system.

Hector Elizondo

Well that’s not exactly true: they know exactly where the sex parties involving children are going to be located at in DC


from the extensive tunnels they can pop up anywhere.


Correct. They predicted Russia would run out of missiles weeks ago. Not that they still use them on a daily basis, but those utter morons spread some BS about how they use chips from a dishwashers or microwaves to keep their missiles running. What a load of crap. Those “experts” tell you just about anything to make their “fairy-tale” in the first place not fell apart. They are just saving their asses as their “intel” was nothing but some wishful thinking. They see their stockpiles of ammo go down and assume the same about others. Simple conclusion.

Bob - Enough

My goodness, you really are as thick as sh1t and absolutely useless at this propoganda. Give me a million quid a month and I shall turn all the alt web sites against Russia if you want .. OH, but wait … being a BRIT on the other side, you can f’ck off. Get out of here you retard; you embarrass yourself, me and my Country.


Hes been infiltrated by spies .

Hector Elizondo

The only spies in DC are congresspersons spying each other at sex parties passing around kids. The Epstein Network is still in control from its headquarters overseas


how else will they control everything. thesis antithesis synthesis


The poof is too dumb to even know whats a spy,let alone tell worms up its cakewhole!


Well said


Bugger off poof,you fool no one here,not me,nor the angels,nor educated adults,fukoff! So utterly and miserably down right pathedic degenerate bandera faggot factory punk!


Dumbo very upset he’s going to fly again.pat pat


They better go over their force composition. Right now, there isn’t a single NATO military formation you would want to send against a Russian one without having it destroyed. That must scare the shit out of the US and NATO.


What intelligence dumbass? You cant even find your way out of any homosexual brothel! How dare you post very low iq content here,poofters like you need to be put in your place, the fact the total opposite completely is what is really taking place,proves you are a loser and a fascist biggot and also part of the infamous 4th reicht cult of banderaism,fekn punk!




Putin has only a fraction of his forces involved in the war . He could have gone in American style , leveled Kiev and all major cities , ended the war in a couple weeks , but he’s held back , concerned about civilians and infrastructure damage such an attack would entail . Best ignore the propaganda being spewed in US / western media , Kiev / the Nazis still have very little chance .

Last edited 2 years ago by K-man

US “officials” have been wrong about any part of this conflict on any occasion so far. They still have no clue what is going on and they obviously are lying to hide the fact that Ukraine has lost and Russia is grinding them down to nothing. Their BS has been a real blow to their credibility. No one takes them seriously anymore. Russia did not default, ran our of supplies or missiles like those “experts” predicted weeks ago.


Rabbi Schlomo, how is the weather in Tel Aviv today?


Taken more land and destroyed more material than 9 yrs of ATO in 3 months. BOOYAKAA

Holms Jen

Russian army was not even modernized, wtf are you talking about. No new tanks and jets, even T90s where not modernized to T90M variants. And Ukraine is not that small and an overmatched foe, they are just 1/2 times smaller than Russia in army size, and were trained and equipped by NATO for 8 years.


Wel Sir, do you know the word, tactic, waiting for them as they come thinking that you are weak, like up snake Island, and than every body outside Russia et Oekraïne seams to no everything, even how Putin thinks, but always negetif, their real arms are supperieur to all other country’s, where are they waiting for ?!


An individual who hides behind a respectable person’s face is a discussion by itself. Thumbs down.


And you analysis is based on what? You seem to be parroting standard MSM talking points. The truth is “I Hate Putin Because My TV Told Me To”, not because of and substantial analysis. The Russians appear to be making slow and steady progress. You may not like it, but that is a fact. They now control and area larger than the UK (that’s the little island full of piss-and-vinegar on the edge of Europe).


Does Britain actually produce something? I thought they were fully in the business of stealing resources from the third world.


Arrogance, they export arrogance.


And dud weaponry,allready russia has several of these very low yield inferior grade sht!


insecurity, they export insecurity nd conduct pschological operations with their cultural output which is basically pornography in the vein of the aristocrat joke. youre welcome.


nothing, it is a nation of shopkeepers.


they produce whiny self entitled unemployed dole que scroungers. Anyone else need any? plenty to go around.


I can’t believe that I ever thought Russia’s army was an actual threat. I’m pretty sure Estonia could beat them in a 1V1 conflict at this point.


Hell yes and Mike Tyson could beat a silverback gorilla.


You sound stupid. Russia is taking on the entire West is it that hard to tell? Russia is outgunned outspent outmanned. Heck they have clearly been outsmarted. I guess all the Ukrainian cheerleaders would rather forget that inconvenient truth. The US has been defeated militarily by much smaller countries as well ever hear of Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, or Vietnam?

The maharaja

Hohol pride? How much pride could you have? I guess so much you decided to sit this one out? What kind of a twat claims to have pride in a country thats been invaded and is begging for fighters and weapons and here you are? I guess your covering the keyboard flank ? Pride or Cowardice ?


HOL tards have been begging since the soviet union invented them.

Last edited 2 years ago by BanderiteLivesDon'tMatter

Im sure you are a quad vaxxed junkie on fetanyl posting here with your homosexual partner!


Homosexual? Russia has the most HIV in all of Europe. There’s a shit ton of raw gay ass sex going on in Russia at any given moment.


such is the despair of the mongrel halfman


How many transvestites in their government compared to yours? yeah, thats right little playgirl, go pee with the big boys in dresses.


Fentanyl? Lmao. Go snort krokodil Ivan. You must be going through withdrawals right now, because you’re acting you’re on your period.


Estonia can’t even live without Russian gas and they would not last a week if taken by Russian forces. It took Russia 3 days to reach Kiev and paralyze the entire Ukrainian army. Estonia is just a blimp on a map.


which considering ukraine has been saying Russia has been attacking them for 10 yrs and did NOT defeat the “attackers” in the ‘ATO’ does not say much for ukrop retard brigades useless as ever! Slava that in your grasshopper soup! Hoisted by your own petard HOLHOLHOLHOLHOLHOL so funny


Just yesterday, it was revealed that Russian troops were massacred while trying to cross a river in the Donbas after Ukraine discovered their sneak-attack and unleashed an artillery barrage that destroyed at least 58 vehicles.

Zelenskys Sore Rectum

I recommend Telegram for a more inclusive and varied experience of Information rather than propaganda spewed by child molesting family businessess based in Atlanta, New York and Los Angeles and DC.




Even SF admitted their losses lol Denazification and demilitarization gone right



Скоро чубатые шароварники кизяк запускать со своих шароваров будут.


More civilian deaths (small truck drivers) coming to Ukraine. Any bakery truck or removal van, is now a legitimate target… So Immoral.

The maharaja

Bakers feed soldiers, the min the Ukie government started handing out guns and having kids make bombs they all became legit targets. Lucky they are fighting the Russians because any other nation would have slaughtered their ass by now. Not to mention all males 18 to 60 are mobilized by their government making them all legit targets!


Most of Ukraine’s military age males left the country years ago, which explains why they foreign mercs to hold off the Russians. Native Ukrainians would rather get drunk and pick fights in the West where they don’t have to worry they will get killed.


If that were true, it would be sensible as weapons are being poured into the country. Well I would do just that in Putin’s shoes but he is much more restrained. It is not as if Russia is invited to search these vehicles. Removal vans can carry a lot of weapons but how many removals vans cross borders in war times?


Rio Tinto wants Serbias Lithium they need to ensure Serbia is split from Russia. Defeating Russia is the best suction to multiple problems and if course has been desired for centuries anyway.The English went berserk when they actually realized the fabulous wealth of the ROMANOFFS..Tuned green with envy.


Russia should adopt similar low cost approaches. You learn from your enemy.

The maharaja

No thanks, having your country invaded and getting the shit smacked out of you to the point where you beg for hand outs of old systems so you can niggerig them to a milk truck and hope they are combat effective does not seem like a good idea. Low cost or not. The TOS looks like its doing just fine.


Russia, WHY do you think the UK wants to have Russia weakened? They want to do another LIBYA on you this time. Sorry that the Western media is filled with masquerades and deceptions but trying to look good to the rest of the world is not actually the most important battle at this time. The satanic forces of our world like NATO US UK, they will up the ante, until they are destroyed back to the stone age or until you are. They are like toddlers who have always had their way, suddenly not getting their way and having a tantrum. toddlers who have grown big now and have turned into the inevitable bullies. MIGHT makes right has been NATO’s motto and these filthy bullies are begging to be beaten.


Last edited 2 years ago by 7even-N-6
Mordecai Vanunu

Following orders leads to death of the Soul…


These Brimstone missiles are falling from the sky and not detonating. I’ve seen videos of at least three laying on the ground in various condition. The only thing it blows up are budget for the poor tax payers who footed the bill… This is why the US and UK public infrastructure is so threadbare and our politicians so corrupt.


Come now, the fck eu’s shower their scrip and stolen research on NATO military tech. The Brit halflings only come out their caves to go to the shop for some more slow death.


How many of these old missiles will actually destroy aircraft? On past NAYOYO ‘poisoned apple’ wonder weapons, Russia should expect half to work. Those trucks are vulnerable to artillery, helos, and missiles.


Masking and hiding behind civilians – classic British, US and Ukrop nohow…

Muhammad your Prophet

It’s all about mobility. Something that the Russian tanks severely lack of. And it’s probably a little too late for Putin the terrorist cockroach to overhaul his shitty army by now.


First , this is not a war between Russia and Ukraine only. If that would have been the case , Ukraine would have been knoked out in max 3 days. In reality is Ruassia agains EU and USA war. So keeping in mindthese factors, Russia is doing acceptable quite ok. They refussed to get boged down in some tranch wars, and adapted their tactics. Anyhow, the ”real objective” has been achieved : Land conection between Crimeea and DPR. LPD and fresh water source for Crimea. Now , the only objectives remaining are Kramators, Slavianks and rest is bonus, like Odessa.


sure. but thats no answer for why putin dont send in all available active forces and still dont call in no one of 2 million resrevists.

Muhammad your Prophet

Because they’re already dead, you fucking delusional idiot.


You’re the idiot in this conversation. Russian has 2 millions troops . They only sent 150000 . Do the math genius ! And don’t forget to change your username ukrop


He needs those in case that he has to take Pooland and those other flag stamp and banknote territorial national shtskn holiday camps.


Because he probably knows what’s NATO plan , to involve Poland in this mess and start the WWIII As he said is not a war , just a military operation

Muhammad your Prophet

He’s right. Russia’s grotesque invasion is just a special moronic operation to liberate the People’s Republic of Lunga Lunga.

Jean Paul France

I want Russia and Multilateralism to win and the criminal and arrogant NATO to lose, but I think that Russia is doing quite badly in this war because they lie a lot and without shame: In Kyiv they did quite badly, boat “Mosksva” a great humiliation with big lies and without a strong response, (imagine that they do that to the US), on Zeimy Island they had serious losses, it was seen in a Ukrainian video but they continue to lie, in Kharkov they have also withdrawn with serious losses, in the “cauldron fake” Donbass are going very very slow, THEY HAVE NO AIR CONTROL, they can’t stop the entry of super modern and lethal weapons like NATO artillery, their missiles can’t win a war either because they only tickle the big Ukrainian infrastructure, etc etc.

Only by mobilizing many more troops and using their special one kiloton weapons, for demolitions and establishing large exclusion zones on land, will they be able to turn the tide of the war, but they dare not do so either. The republics are fighting heroically (I like their leaders and soldiers very much), but Putin is proving to be a very mediocre man, without temperament, determination or intelligence. (In Georgia and Donbass 2014 he already did it only half)

Proof of this lack of temperance is when he threatens NATO with strategic nuclear weapons, something totally irresponsible and disproportionate, having at his disposal small tactical weapons, which he could use within the territory of Ukraine, without activating NATO article 5.


Lying about what ? Kiev never lied ? Russia sent only 150000 troops which is very small compare to the ukrainian army + NATO mercenaires … They haven’t lost anyone on Zeimy island you’re totally wrong … must be another fake … Ukraine have lost a lot when they failed their attempt to take over the island If Donbass is going slow is because they want to protect civilians.. recently ukrainian army released a video where we can see ukrainian army destroying russian tanks , later on , it was reported as a fake from a video game ( Arma III ) I’m agree with you about the fact that Putin is too moderate and need to officially switch in war mode


Russia army has Lost the war , its all Over , SouthFront can you confirm that and make it official ?! Worlds moust tragic defet from an army


Can you explain why Russia lost the “ war “ ?

Last edited 2 years ago by Laurent

lol back to the days of willy wonkas chocolate ATO adventure in creative Grad design.


NATO really pawning off the junk on the ukrops, cant even afford to send launchers… wont take long to bleed them to the knees


Each day rump Ukropland and its Al CIAduh owned naZi gangs looks a little more like their fellow gangsters, I$I$ in the angloZionaZis other lost war in the ME.

What next, Toyota technicals with aZov thugs in blackface and sandals with beaucoup bling and rapping bandera gangsta nonsense? I’m sure Mr Bear would be truly scared.


Well where are we waiting for, nuke the UK, not the whole but leth we say a big navy port !


Russia is winning the war that is clear when you stop watching the mainstream media

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