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New Hot Point: Israeli Military Fires Warning Shots And Plants Sensors On Separation Line With Lebanon (Photos)

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The Israeli military fired warning shots at three supposed personnel of Hezbollah who approached one of its units while it was carrying out a mission near the separation line with Lebanon as a part of Operation Northern Shield, Lieutenant Colonel Avichay Adraee, a spokesman for the Israeli military, announced on December 8.

“The Israeli Defense Forces [IDF] warns from approaching the area near the fence or its operation to discover and neutralize the terrorist tunnels. Anyone who tries to approach and sabotage the IDF efforts will be risking his life,” Adraee said on Twitter.

From its side, the Hezbollah media wing said that the personnel who approached the separation line were of the Lebanese military intelligence. According to the source, a unit of the Israeli military was planting vibration sensors next to the fence when the incident occurred.

The Israeli military launched Operation Northern Shield on December 4 to destroy cross-border tunnels between Lebanon and Israel. So far, only two short tunnels have been allegedly discovered.

Today’s incident shows that the situation in southern Lebanon may escalate further. Two days ago, Israeli Prime Minister warned that the Israeli military may have to operate in Lebanon to counter the threat of Hezbollah tunnels.


New Hot Point: Israeli Military Fires Warning Shots And Plants Sensors On Separation Line With Lebanon (Photos)

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New Hot Point: Israeli Military Fires Warning Shots And Plants Sensors On Separation Line With Lebanon (Photos)

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New Hot Point: Israeli Military Fires Warning Shots And Plants Sensors On Separation Line With Lebanon (Photos)

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New Hot Point: Israeli Military Fires Warning Shots And Plants Sensors On Separation Line With Lebanon (Photos)

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New Hot Point: Israeli Military Fires Warning Shots And Plants Sensors On Separation Line With Lebanon (Photos)

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New Hot Point: Israeli Military Fires Warning Shots And Plants Sensors On Separation Line With Lebanon (Photos)

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New Hot Point: Israeli Military Fires Warning Shots And Plants Sensors On Separation Line With Lebanon (Photos)

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New Hot Point: Israeli Military Fires Warning Shots And Plants Sensors On Separation Line With Lebanon (Photos)

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New Hot Point: Israeli Military Fires Warning Shots And Plants Sensors On Separation Line With Lebanon (Photos)

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New Hot Point: Israeli Military Fires Warning Shots And Plants Sensors On Separation Line With Lebanon (Photos)

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New Hot Point: Israeli Military Fires Warning Shots And Plants Sensors On Separation Line With Lebanon (Photos)

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New Hot Point: Israeli Military Fires Warning Shots And Plants Sensors On Separation Line With Lebanon (Photos)

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New Hot Point: Israeli Military Fires Warning Shots And Plants Sensors On Separation Line With Lebanon (Photos)

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New Hot Point: Israeli Military Fires Warning Shots And Plants Sensors On Separation Line With Lebanon (Photos)

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New Hot Point: Israeli Military Fires Warning Shots And Plants Sensors On Separation Line With Lebanon (Photos)

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New Hot Point: Israeli Military Fires Warning Shots And Plants Sensors On Separation Line With Lebanon (Photos)

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New Hot Point: Israeli Military Fires Warning Shots And Plants Sensors On Separation Line With Lebanon (Photos)

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New Hot Point: Israeli Military Fires Warning Shots And Plants Sensors On Separation Line With Lebanon (Photos)

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Promitheas Apollonious

Lets see if the scum of the earth make the mistake.


Maybe the IDF are tired of attacking helpless Palestinian women & kids – they think they can take on Hezbollah!!


yeah sure that will be the day – the israeli fuc..kers going up against someone who actually is capable of defending himself.not ever going to happen. when the israelis go up against anyone, it’s from behind and with excessive force and they sure as he..ll don’t ever confront someone prepared and willing to fight. DE-RECOGNIZE israel now! join BDS now!!


1,000,000% correct. The same policy is practised with their slave and goyim …the USA….United Snakes of aipac.

Zionism = EVIL

They are shitting in their kippa’s because they fear Hezbollah. Zionist criminal cowards are so paranoid that they see tunnels everywhere. They sent a unit to US occupied Germany to examine the rocks there :)

Icarus Tanović

All this bull is Netanyahu faces criminal charges, so he plays with fire, making this funny stuff with bulldozers, etc. ’82 ain’t gonna happen again, never again. I’m glad that Ariel Sharon lived long enough to see hes army fucked in them ass, back in 2000 and especially 2006. He can do anything he likes, but he isn’t gonna be PM any time soon, believe me.

Zionism = EVIL

haha Zionist scum lost some more of their Americunt donated sensors to Hezbollah. Al-Manar was the first to post photos of the captured Zionist equipment that will now be examined in Iran.

Icarus Tanović

Hahahahaha, to fuck with them!

H Eccles

That has to be the shittiest covert operation of the month. They plant sensors and the next day everyone is talking about them. Anyway, it only takes a moron to fire warning shots. So no real drama there.

I really hope Hezbollah kicks their asses.. on behalf of all mankind.


Next day Headlines for Times of Israel/Haaretz: “Jewish Sensors Captured by anti-semitic hezbollah iran forces” MURICA SAVE US

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