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New IED Attack Targets SAA Vehicle In Eastern Daraa

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A vehicle transporting Syrian Arab Army (SAA) soldiers and officers in eastern Daraa was targeted on December 14 with an improvised explosive device (IED).

The attack, which took place on the road between the towns of Naamer and al-Sourah, targeted a vehicle of the army’s 52th Brigade.

According to the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), several soldiers and officers were injured as a result of the attack. However, there were no fatalities.

New IED Attack Targets SAA Vehicle In Eastern Daraa

Click to see full-size image. Via Google Earth.

There was no immediate claim for the attack. However, the eastern Daraa countryside is known to be infested with ISIS sleeper cells.

On December 7, two ISIS members attacked a checkpoint of the Syrian Military Intelligence Directorate (MID) in eastern Daraa, killing a service member and injuring two others.

Syrian government forces are conducting a series of combing operations in eastern Daraa. Earlier this week, the army uncovered several weapons caches and a booby-trapped car in the region.

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Jacob Wohl

Daraa was the cradle of the first Syrian Revolution in 2011, and it will be the cradle for the 2nd Syrian Revolution! The Butcher Regime must be overthrown.


Is it difficult to manage 5 accounts? So here you up voted yourself twice, how pathetic is that!

Liberal guy

Still on a hope of regime change hahahahaha.change will occur in idilb soon when more hts so called modern militias die u hts scum

Willing Conscience (The Truths

But Israel prefers Assad to Erdogan, why don’t you, the Israelis aren’t saying they want Assad removed from power anymore, now they’re actually saying they want all Turkish troops out of Syria instead, so why don’t you. Aren’t you up to date with the latest Israeli news, I am, and as a Jew you’re not playing your part very well, I’d say you’re more like a Turk than a Jew, and that’s because I know you’re a Turk, not a Jew. You people are the dumbest paid for trolls I’ve ever encountered, you think because you’ve made some inroads by covering safe subjects like Israeli attacks against Syria and Iran you’ve fooled people, maybe you did for a while, but now you’ve all switched to pro opposition propaganda, you’re all failing dismally, hopefully others will realize exactly who it is you’re all working for, and all your paychecks come in liras with a Turkish government receipt attached.


Amen brother!

Azriel Herskowitz

The unrest in Daraa is proof that the people of Syria want to get rid of the Assad regime. Daraa is where the butcher regime massacred the civilians who were rebelling against the regime.

Pave Way IV

Hey, give credit where credit is due. Those were CIA and Mossad snipers taking out both protesting civilians and SAA in Daraa.


Sounds like what was going on during protest in Iraq. A third party taking shots at both sides. Is that situation starting to calm down?

Pave Way IV

Calm down? No way. An escalation is being engineered now. The protests in Iraq and Lebanon are part of the latest US/Israel/GCC war on Iran. Just like the original Syrian Daraa protests at the start of the war, the people of Lebanon and Iraq do have legitimate complaints against their governments as well as perceived Iranian influence. But that fact is being used by US/Israel/GCC to push their own anti-Iran/Iran regime change agenda, exploit any divide (this time) between Iran and Hez and Iran and PMUs, and make those differences the claimed centerpiece of the protests. At least in the extra-chromosome minds of the western MSM.

Iraqi Shiite leader Sadr is in Iran now. Something possibly to do with:

1) Sadr, Sistani and Iraqi protesters’ opposition to the planned appointment of al Sudani to Iraqi PM (backed by Iran’s Soleimani).

2) Baghdad universities on strike tomorrow, big protests calling for independent elections for a new PM rather than al Sudani. Protesters will wear white – better to show their blood spilled by US/Mossad snipers (to be blamed on Iran, of course).

3) Soleimani back in Baghdad today.

4) Twitter: supposed convoys of Iranian armor moving into southern Iraq (unverified). Hardest to believe. Why would Iran use such a stupid provocation? Almost sounds like CENTCOM working overtime using tired old Twitter narrative-shaping. Might be true – who knows?

Is Soleimani there directing IRCG and PMUs to crush Iraqi protests tomorrow? Seems unlikely to me, but mostly because this would be a dream-come-true for US/Israel/GCC. Another excuse for Iran War:ON. More US troops need to die now to ‘save’ Iraq from Iranian influence and armed intervention because Iran is blowing away protesters with tanks – or something like that. I would expect the US to move to the next phase of shit-stirring inside Iran as well, building the justification for war.

Pave Way IV

Oh, and I would expect more ‘mystery’ mortar attacks on US bases in Iraq (blamed on PMUs) turning deadly. Bibi knows US public needs to see some of our troops killed before we’ll attack Iran for him. The IDF is on it. They’re in Iraq and have the candidate sacrifices’ bases bracketed in. Will leave a pile of Iranian passports among the mortars once Operation American Outrage is complete.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

the blessed nation of Iran will always be victorious, none of the zionists’ evil plots will succeed, because Iran has God as its mightiest defender :)

Liberal guy

Some terrorists sleeper cell does terrorist attack and and u pro hts supporter called it people’s revolution.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

thank God no deaths, hope the SAA servicemen recover soon

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Isis, HTS, FSA, take your pick, they all had huge support here, any group could’ve been responsible, it’s time for Assad to beef up his intelligence services big time.

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