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MARCH 2025

New Israeli Airstrike On Gaza Kills Three Palestinian Children

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New Israeli Airstrike On Gaza Kills Three Palestinian Children

he “Adir” jets first flight in Israel. Pictured: “Adir” jet and F-16I “Sufa”. Photo by: Maj. Ofer

On October 28, the Israeli Air Force (IAF) announced that one of its warplanes targeted three Palestinians who had approached the security fence in the southern part of the Gaza Strip. The IAF claimed that the Palestinians were “terrorists” who were attempting to plant an improvised explosive device (IED) near the fence.

“Today – 3 Gazans placed an explosive device on the border fence with Israel, ON GROUND … We responded by firing towards the terrorists,” the Israeli military said on Twitter.

Few hours later, Palestinian sources revealed that three children were killed in the Israeli airstrike, which targeted them east of the area of Deir al-Balah. The victims were identified as 14-year old “Khalid Bassam Mahmood Abu Saaid,” 13-year old “Abd al-Hamid Mohamad Abd al-Aziz Abu Taher” and 13-year old “Mohamad Ibrahim Abdullah al-Satri.”

Palestinian fighters may respond to this incident by launching rockets at Israeli settlements around the Gaza Strip in the upcoming few hours. Such a response will likely result in a limited military confrontation, similar to what we saw on October 25 and October 26.

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I have already mentioned that benjanyahu is a child butcher. He only likes to butcher children.

You can call me Al

Unfortunately the killing of children is the best way to eliminate future conflicts with an enemy and speed up genocide. We are all seeing it first hand in Palestine, the Yemen and elsewhere.


Prior Israeli statement was: “and were APPARENTLY involved in placing an improvised explosive device adjacent to it” So kill the kids first and change the wording later for damage control ? :(

H Eccles

So three Palestinians approached the fence ( thought it was a wall ) anyway the Israelis thought this merited their air force springing into action (cos kids are so tough to deal with.. even for the mighty IDF) who then blasted them to smitherenes. So much for prancing all the way to Oman to talk about peace.

Of course how the Israelis would know that and IED was planted, before going down to inspect is something no one needs to bother asking.. and of course why 3 kids would so something so blatant that would obviously get them killed by the trigger happy IDF is also something we need not bother asking.

Rob G

You act like the war just started and the kids are clueless. Lifes a bitch and those kids were pawned off for the “war effort”

Lena Jones

It’s the fucking OCCUPATION stupid!!!

Rob G

Uhh, elaborate, STUPID! These kids got told to go to the fence and evolution happened… Blame the adults, not me you ignorant fool

Lena Jones

Blame the evil jews for their antigentile infanticide motherfucker!

Rob G

Lets blame the ignorance of your futile comprehension….

Lena Jones

Let’s blame the klepto antigentile genocidal jews brutally occupying Arab Palestine!

Rob G

You have said some wackey shit every reply… When will you actually speak some life?

Lena Jones

You have vomited jewish propaganda at every turn of the screw motherfucker!

Rob G

Your kids run with lack of discipline.. All you have said was insults instead of replying to me with honor…

Lena Jones

You have no honor when you blame the OCCUPIED!

Rob G

Im blaming elders/parents/any other authoritive figure in that area… Having kids near this escalation zone is just absurb….

Lena Jones

The jewish occupier having babies on OCCUPIED land is a lethal form of child endangerment: a jew-on-jew crime, no less!

If you’re an occupier who dies while on occupied land, your death is karmic. Not a tragedy!

Rob G

Fuck.. U.S.A should non-exist then.. ?

Rob G

So stuck in your post mortum that you fail to view the other side….

Lena Jones

FACTS ARE FACTS! I stick to those and make conclusions based on verified facts and not on some twisted jewy ‘blame the victim’ media brainwash bullshit.

And STOP trying to ride the moral high ground – you ain’t got one! You wouldn’t know morality if it punched you in the face!

Terrorist israel has an evident pattern of mass murdering unarmed civilians and especially women and children – the WHOLE WORLD can see this long and blood-splattered evil litany, why can’t YOU?!

Rob G

Go tell another audience some twisted hate BS…. Your views are WAY one sided

Lena Jones

Dumbass analogy – typical!

Tudor Miron

Borrowed time?


So why the jews don’t start using modern days contraceptives and stop multiplying like rats? Where are the jew parents to teach their offsprings not to go to other people’s land?

Rob G

You would think…. With matters of this nature.. That you would instill the wisdom into your children to NEVER go near that fence… This is probably a ploy by hamas or some other agency in gaza jus trying to stir shit up.

Lena Jones

Jews NEVER learn, do they?

Rob G

You tell me. Im just stating the fucking obvious.

Lena Jones

No you’re NOT stating the “fucking obvious”, you’re parroting the blame-the-victim hasbara memo!

Rob G

So tell me what fences do your elders tell you to stay away from, which lies a war zone?! Im blaming victims?! NO IM BLAMING WHO EVER THE FUCK IS NOT TELLING THESE KIDS TO STAY AWAY FROM THAT FENCE!!! & who ever is responsible for these kids shoulda told them a long time ago to stay away from that zone.

Rick E.

Sure they learn, and that is the crux of their ‘foreign policy’. They could not care less about anyone but their own, aligned with their apartheid views. They’ve learned enough to manipulate virtually the whole world!

Lena Jones

Actually, they NEVER learn. Three thousand years of incessant and violent antigentilism and they’re still attempting their evil talmudic vision of mass-murdering the whole of gentiledom. Three thousand years of getting their jewy ass kicked time and time again, regardless of the (hollow) powers their achieve through deception, corruption and terrorism. And kicked their asses will be again, and this time, by the REAL semites of the Levant.

Rob G

Why did you reply to me?! Troll

Lena Jones

To counter your jewy propaganda/violence AGAINST THE VICTIM!

Rob G

??? im far from a jew…..

Promitheas Apollonious

same reason you reply to her.


The usual recrimination and counter recrimination, and South Front presents their opinions as fact.


The baby rapers shouldn’t have these planes in the first place. 81% of Americans opposed the $38 billion in military aid to Israel:

“Some 80.8 percent of Americans oppose the $38 billion in “aid” that the Jewish lobby-controlled U.S. Government last week pledged to Israel, an IRmep poll fielded by Google Consumer Surveys has found.

At the same time, the Jewish lobby will pour money into campaign funds of politicians who support this “aid” package, while the controlled media will demonize any candidate for office who dares to oppose it.”

– 81% of Americans Oppose “Aid” to Israel –


The way to solve America’s Jew problem is to implement the final solution starting with mass arrests of Jews for murder, rape and all of the other crimes that they’re guilty of. That non Jew Americans are prosecuted and convicted for every day. But Jews aren’t. Because they’re a parasitical disease that gravitates to control positions in society. And then thoroughly debases and corrupts it so that they can get away with their crime and malevolence.

Judaism should be outlawed in the US and on our planet, and the synagogues and yeshivas closed and demolished. So that Jews and Judaism go extinct. Problem solved. Goodbye evil Jews and good residence.

Promitheas Apollonious

and then they control every breath americans take funny ha?

On another note I never understood why palestinians have their children do what they conceive as war in their place. What kind of parents will send their children to get slaughtered on daily bases? To me using children as shield as they do is as bad as what the israelis do.

Agree that israel is a shithole need to be cleaned up, but also who ever is the ones who organize children to go to the slaughter must also answer for their actions. If they are so hard up they should go themselves not eliminate their future because they are too much of cowards to do so themselves.


Does it matter what age unarmed demonstrators are? Some are minors, some aren’t. What threat do unarmed minors pose that it’s necessary to break their legs and kill them? They’re there of their own free will for the excitement as adolescents everywhere are want to do. Who is the greater villain, parents letting their children attend demonstrations, or mass murdering cultists? The answer is pretty obvious don’t you think?

Promitheas Apollonious

no it does not matter, when you shoot unarmed demonstrators agree, but that is not the point, I make and you know it, so if you answer answer what I say not how ever you want to understand it. The palestinian kids are not going there on impulse they going there, because they organize them to go and sending them, for political gain.

israelis are known to be the scum of the earth no question there. But I am not talking of the scum of the earth but their cousins on the other side who use the children and there is no excuse as far I am concerned. In my mind there is no difference between the ones who organize the children to go die and the ones who shoot the children dead. In both cases there is no honor in the act.


I don’t agree that they’re organized to go. What proof do you have?

Promitheas Apollonious

Where I grown up we had a very big palestinian population that come as refugees and been helped a lot as well we make schools for them and many palestinians of that era consider our motherland as their second country. How many palestinians do you know? How many did you speak with and socialize with?


There are a lot in the US. I’ve met a number of them. If it’s as prevalent as you claim, you shouldn’t have any trouble providing written proof. Adolescents anywhere would do the same thing under the circumstances. They get out of school and go where the action is.

Promitheas Apollonious

written proof about what exactly? Is one thing meeting people who have left their country generations ago and is another thing to meet with the people who actually come as refugees but with the first chance they got went back home again.


And there aren’t refugees in America, the land of immigrants? Proof that the Palestinians are organizing their children into cannon fodder and that it’s not just something spontaneous.

Promitheas Apollonious

sorry to say this but is your brain connected when you make such a foolish question? In any case thanks for the spontaneous laugh you given me. You keep changing what I said maybe is good to read and understand first before answering? I am only responsible for what I say not how ever you like to translate it to mean in your mind.


And you didn’t say that the Palestinians are organizing their children into cannon fodder?


I also don’t agree that they’re cousins. Most Jews are inbred European AshkeNAZIs, with little if any Semite genetics, Palestinians are Semites.


No, they don’t control every breath, but they had a stranglehold on information before the internet, and have infiltrated and debased much of American society to it’s detriment. They need to go. America and the world will be a much better place without them.

Promitheas Apollonious

They do in my opinion. They may not controlling your way of thinking and understanding reality agree. But every breath you take and in europe, they control minus a small minority that are not following their system and have found ways to not only overcome it but also use it and abuse it at will.

Every one in so called civilized countries minus a 5% and I think the number is high even at 5%, are employees of the system and supporting it willingly or because they have no choice. I hear many americans bragging of their free speech etc. And then you have home land security TSA SS (social services) and another 50-60 agencies that their sole purpose of existence is to control and abuse you and your families. In short you live in a worst reality than Orwell predicted.

This ones you say they have a stranglehold could not have done that with out the majority in usa supporting them and be their obedient followers. Like your religious organizations there evangelikas and the various branches of the religion given to humans to control them. So you are a minority as we are in our own countries who think similar to many here, who post.


That wouldn’t be my take. It’s like saying all bankers are bad because Jew bankers have done so much evil. The solution is to get rid of the Jews, not bankers. Chinese bankers have brought enormous progress and an improved standard of living to billions of people.

Promitheas Apollonious

no is like you saying that. I only agree that the zionist must become extinct along with their globalization followers. Jew means people from judea. As for bankers none ever needed them. The banking system is exactly the tool that hold all the world under their thump.


And what would your alternative be?

Promitheas Apollonious

My alternative is already practiced among my people, maybe is time you find yours. I am not here to convince you of anything or to change your mind about anything I could care less. if you have the brains you know also the solutions to your problems if not it does not matter what any one tells you.


There are over 6 billion people on this planet, my way supports them, and without Jews will support them a lot better. Will yours? I’m guessing not.


Jew means someone married in a synagogue, buried in a Jewish cemetery, and who was a member of a Jewish congregation during their life.

Promitheas Apollonious

to you yes the word jew is the french pronunciation, as it sounds like, judean. The zionist took this name after the meetings in zion for strategic reasons and based on their planning to create the zionist state on the lands of palestine, claiming it as their ancient land given to them by their god. Which is not true as the semitic people who come there, come from Iraq. You are not very well versed in historical fact are you?

Also jews of today, are not a race is a cult following the talmut. So it is not specific now or then to a race, but to a religion not unlike chritians or budist or………..


Jews are people practicing Judaism starting 3.5 thousand years ago to today. Same cult, different ethnic group.


“THE HAGUE, 28 September 2018. The State of Palestine today instituted proceedings against the United States of America before the International Court of Justice (ICJ), the principal judicial organ of the United Nations, with respect to a dispute concerning alleged violations of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 18 April 1961 (hereinafter the “Vienna Convention”).

It is recalled in the Application that, on 6 December 2017, the President of the United States recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and announced the relocation of the American Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. The American Embassy in Jerusalem was then inaugurated on 14 May 2018.

Palestine contends that it flows from the Vienna Convention that the diplomatic mission of a sending State must be established on the territory of the receiving State. According to Palestine, in view of the special status of Jerusalem, “[t]he relocation of the United States Embassy in Israel to . . . Jerusalem constitutes a breach of the Vienna Convention”.

As basis for the Court’s jurisdiction, the Applicant invokes Article 1 of the Optional Protocol to the Vienna Convention concerning the Compulsory Settlement of Disputes. It notes that Palestine acceded to the Vienna Convention on 2 April 2014 and to the Optional Protocol on 22 March 2018, whereas the United States of America is a party to both these instruments since 13 November 1972.

The Applicant further states that, on 4 July 2018, “in accordance with Security Council Resolution 9 (1946) and Article 35 (2) of the Statute of the Court, [it submitted] a ‘Declaration recognizing the Competence of the International Court of Justice’ for the settlement of all disputes that may arise or that have already arisen covered by Articles I and II of the Optional Protocol [to the Vienna Convention]”.”

– The State of Palestine institutes proceedings against the United States of America –



Most Americans opposed moving the US embassy to Jerusalem, I was one of them. I hope that the Palestinians win their case and get a court order to outlaw the US embassy move.

– Poll: 2-to1 Americans Oppose Moving U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem –



Israel has given more reason to UN to be condemned than any other dictator in the World. But no one seems to care, FUKUS keep licking jew asses, because they are owned by them. Hitler had a vision and was not as bad a person as HollyJEWood showed to the world.

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