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New Israeli Airstrikes Target Sensitive Military Facility In Syria’s Hama (Videos)

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Late on June 4, a series of Israeli airstrikes targeted a sensitive military research facility near the town of Masyaf in the western countryside of Syria’s Hama.

A military source told the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) that the airstrikes were launched from Lebanon’s airspace. Sources in Lebanon confirmed this and shared several videos of Israeli warplanes flying at a low altitude over Kesrouane and Beqaa.

According to the SANA, Syrian air-defense systems intercepted a number of hostile missiles. Pro-government sources shared videos of some interceptions.

The targeted facility, which is run by the Syrian Scientific Studies and Research Center, was targeted by Israel before. The facility is reportedly involved in the development and manufacturing of missiles. An S-300 air-defense system supplied to Syria by Russia is deployed near the facility.

The Israeli airstrikes resulted in serious material losses. However, the SANA and several other pro-government sources said that there were no casualties.

Israel stepped up its attacks on Syria in the last few months. Several military sites in southern and central regions were struck. Israeli sources claim that the airstrikes targeted Iranian forces. However, most of the targeted positions were of the Syrian military.

By conducting such attacks, Israel hopes to force Iran to pull its forces out from Syria. This will not likely happen any time soon.


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Why the hell doesn’t Lebanon have a fucking air defence system?

Furkan Sahin

agree they must buy


Because they would lose them too.

Rhodium 10

who would lose?..I bet that Masyaf have minimal damage which cost 1% of each Delilah cruise missile and Israel use to launch no less than 10…IAF have attacked 7 times that warehouses if Pantsir are useless tell me why IAF need to attack 7 times with 10 cruise misile few warehouse?…


The question is why doesn’t Russia give them AA or at least patrol their skies?


Simple … the IAF are firing to Syria using the cover of Lebanon air space …

Tommy Jensen

If IAF can use Lebanon as cover, SAA could do that as well no?

Icarus Tanović

Syria doesnt wants two fronts.


Seems like they do want it, since they help the IRGC and Hezbollah with their missile program.

Free man

The Syrians have no control over the Iranian forces. Nor to the Russians. The Russians allow the Israeli bombings in order to send a clear message to the Iranians.


which is a sovereign right,a deal between two countries that are independant from Israel, just like the US gives it billions in US taxpayer money each year,each months and with so much tech transfers and gifts,on top of manning ABM bases inside Israel itself. Has Israel ceased the testing and active development of its own nuclear and ballistic program,or any other military project ?

You don’t like the arms race then call for negotiations and be ready to compromise,instead of shutting down any UN pannel on global middle-east disarmament that Syria,Egypt,Iraq and Iran were all ready to participate in once upon a time,and then crying foul about your competitors arming themselves. You can’t have it both ways and you reap what you sow.


thing is gryzor, those missiles / rockets will be used to hit Israeli civilian centers, we can’t just sit back and do nothing. Any country would do the same to protect its citizens from a terrot threat, Israel is no exception.


They would only do that in the event Israel strikes their country first , thats called self-defense and military deterrence i.e. having the means to respond decisively to possible future aggression,like Iran having the ability to utterly remove your vital infrastructure in case you attack them The result ?20 years without an IDF strike. Simple. And good with me. We don”t need an all-out war here as well.

What is all of these IDF offensive technologies for if not to attack your Arab neighbors and keep their border territories and ressources in your hands? you call yourself the Defence Forces, why should anyone believe you considering you always attack first with bogus claims ? Exactly why you harbor an illegal nuclear arsenal with their warheads constantly pointed at arab cities. Should Egypt/Irak/Iran/Syria/Lebanon jointly preemptively strike you for that too ?

Anyway by following the same rationale Russia and the US should anihilate each other as all of their nukes are pointed at each other and all their conventionnal weapons are also pointed at each other in central and eastern Europe where NATO us present near Russian bases. Preemptive strikes are illegal under international law for a reason ,if it was a viable means of war then war would be constant since all countries with border issues could come up with unilateral claims of imminent attack and attack first,a the damn time and never settle. There would be no end to wars.

Mutually Assured Destruction,or M.A.D. is key to keeping enemies at bay from both ends of a separation line. Cold entente is better than hot wars. Mosow,Washington and Beijing know it well.


It’s not like we can ask Iran “Please stop your missiles transfer to Hezbollah” right? and you know they won’t stop anyway. I don’t see other option but preemptive strikes, atleast that is when we can choose the timing.


and it’s not like they ,Lebanon and a few hundred countries in the UN ,Europe included, have been asking you “please Israel leave the Lebanese Shebaa Farms,the Syrian Golan and the Palestinian West Bank”for the past 50-60 years right ? considering you keep on trying to expand and develop over such territories with force and no virtue or law ,arming themselves is a fully sovereign and legitimate right for the people concerned to prevent further advances from you . You don’t back down they won”t either. A country that you dislike and of which you occupy ressources-rich lands will never stop defending itself against you and hating you. Plain and simple. The way you persist in that endless mistake and not understanding the bankrupcy of the Israeli position here this is beyond me,but after all I’m not the one paying the price anyway.


So for example, do you think we should give up on our border with Jordan and don’t annex the Jordan Valley? let the Palestinians decide what gets into Israel without us having the option to say no? wanna hear your thoughts.


Well you don’t own Palestinians. You can annex or occupy their lands,kill them routinely in the West banks streets, indiscriminatly in Gaza?but you dln’t own them,period. My question :is there a peace deal or initiative other than doing whatever you like with them,destiny and life to begin with ? Do Palestinians decide what gets in and out of Israel, including stuff that would hurt them bad and hurts them daily ? a real Two-State plan that you Israelis pulverized for good was exactly the answer to such worries. Tjere would have been peacekeeping forces and UN institutions in place to watch over agreed parameters of tje two-state solution. Do you like Egypt ?do you trust Egypt ? before you answer :it doens”t matter. The Peace Deal holds and no government can question its clauses short of outright war. Business is flowing and beyond words, nothing will allow Egypt or yourself to do anything stupid against one another at the border. Same is true of Jordan ,of whom you’d violate the very clauses of that peace deal by suddenly de-facto appearing at their border via annexing Palestinian lands the way you intend. Same must happen with Palestinians. Go on,break the law and decency even further and go ahead with your ciminal plans,and see what happens.

Luke Hemmming

It’s just a vicious circle. Israel takes land and suppresses Palestine. Palestine retaliates. Israel then justifys this as an act of aggression and retaliates harder and justifies the land grab as trying to prevent terrorism against their territory. So Palestine retaliates again with more force. Israel retaliates to this and ups the ante again. And so again the cycle keeps going round and round. With each cycle escalating. A vicious cycle of violence and yes creating an arms race/war with each blaming the other for the increased violence. You can apply this same principle to who Israel calls its enemies who are Syria, Lebanon and Iran. Palestine, Hezbollah and Syria are greatly outgunned and lack the advanced technological weaponry that Israel possesses and so relies on primitive tactics and Iran to provide some sort of defensive and sometimes offensive retaliation to Israel’s attacks. The reason these countries don’t have advanced weaponry? Well years of sanctions, oppression and the monetary control of the Zionist dominated banking, finance and economic institutions ensures these countries are not allowed to advance technologically. Also a constant infiltration and manipulation of opposition forces help keep these countries in a constant war like stance where the government’s are constantly putting scarceful and important resources into fighting against these much more powerful forces as well as trying to defend their borders and protecting their internal society that they cannot put enough resources into education, health, technology and industries to grow their country into a significantly advanced and peaceful society. This is a vicious cycle. Israel is to blame for this. Lebanon, Syria, Hezbollah and Palestine are only reacting to the constant economic and military attacks on multiple fronts. It’s no wonder they do what they do. They are merely trying to survive but they also want to advance their nations. How can they when they are up against goliath like opposition attacking them economically and militarily? It is a David vs goliath battle. Israel is goliath and they Lebanon, Palestine and Iran etc are David.


The only terror threat comes from you bastards,how many times have you invaded Lebanon? in 1982 when you invaded you bombed West Beirut from land sea and air for three months killing thousands,then to top it all you stood by while your phallangist friends butchered thousands of Palestinians in Sabra and Shatila camp,most old people women and kids,are you proud of that you bastard?


Yes I am, that’s what they deserved for killing Israelis. We will do it all over again if we have to.


I was talking about Lebanon


S-300s could cover Lebanon.


That’s a good question, how come it is not fully destroyed by now after 7 times? I ask the same.


Because this is for show,and political points. Pinprick attacks with no strategic value changing the balance of power or the dynamics on the ground. There has long been such entente between Putin anf Bibi. No actual victims or relevant damage, but some results that seem nice on aerial view or sat images. This facility has long gone out of commission,its sensitive equipment moved elsewhere in underground SAA facilities, and every single actor involved know it.


You could be right gryzor, but then why would we waste our rockets and take a chance to be hit for an empty building? it has more than it may seem.


For one thing you barely even pay for those missile IZ, as their part of the US aid package that just grew bigger a couple weeks back, and for another the psychological effect is part of warfare and it keeps Israeli superiority in sight for the Assad no matter how much of theur country they get back from jihadi hands.


gry, even Bibi admited he preferes Syria to go back to pre 2011 situaton, meaning Assad can keep his seat. However, he can not play both hands and we made it clear for him that if his army helps Iran against us then Syrian assets will be also hit and destroyed. Now, it’s up to him and Russia to decide and they can go the same path they are now, but that is a risk we can not take.

Stephan Schulze

You cannot go back – but you (intentionally, of course) miss the key point. Israel had a choice in 2011 – and Israel willingly cooperated and still cooperates with the worst Islamic terrorists (do not try to lie on this – you know that even Israeli intelligence officers and newspapers discussed this issue – including evidence through numbers of (stupid) terrorists posing on safe Israel soil). If you disagree – I ask you a simple question: Provide examples there ISIS or Al Quaida attacked Israel.

No, I am NOT asking for the uncounted examples of Israel supporting the mass murdering terrorists with money, intelligence, cover, logistics, medical support or Air strikes through the cowardly IAF (some call it “ISIS Air Force” – obviously right) etc.

I know from your posts that you do not care for rules or law – but maybe you have a brain at least:

If the super Powers in the 1960s would have followed your concept or preemptive strikes on possible enemies, you and I would not exist. Start thinking on this issue and try to learn from the past – or there will be no future.

Hint: The old superpowers defined ways to communicate and to establish trust – to avoid direct confrontation.

Astar Roth

They are worst Wahhabi terrorists, created and supported by CIA, as well as Zionists…


that’s the idea. Of course a few AD batteries deployed in Levannon would timately be dedtroyed, can you imagine the numbr of North Vietnemase destroyed by the USN and USAF ? The idea is to start taking down a few planes and killing/capturing pilots,it will entail a very strong political and psyhological effect at home, in fact if breaching lebanese airpsace starts coming with any real , even merely symbonic costs for the IDF, then its political class will swiftly rethink its strategy.

Now if their dumb enough to react by waging totalnwar against ordinary Lebanese by levelling Beirut, then alll bets are off for a LOT of Israeli citizen in Israel too,as Hezbollah has all the means it needs to basically hit any place it chooses there,civilian or military. That’s why you don’t see Israeli aistrikes on any Hezbollah target in Lebannon itself,and when there is an occasionnal flare-up,they play cat & mouse,evacuate entire border bases and launch bogey artillery strikes in unpopulated areas to call it a day like it happened a few months back. Certainly nothing remotely close to real offensive action, late alone anything decisive as taking it all the way to Beriut lol, it would be a gift from heaven to Hezbollah to unite all religions ,ethnic grouos and political tendancies under one anti-Israeli banner and kick them out of there with higher prejudice than 2006. The IDF can sure hit harder now,but Hezbollah’s leap from its old self is even higher comparitively.

Anyway over time it will become harder for the IAF to fly over that country and humiliate its people as if it was their own backyard, Lebanon is snowly getting out of political crisis and will get its hands on ways to defend its sovereinty sooner or later,with or without Hezbollah involved. A lot of non-Hezbollah parties have worn impatient in that regard,it’s only normal to dismike a hostile,deadly neighbor encroach on your country’s skies as much as its border lands after all.

Bottom mine is that times changes and patience and hardwork always end up being rewarded. Gosh who would have though that Israel would finally give up its ludicrous hold on water-rich southern lands after having clinged on it paying huge blood and treasure for over 17 years straight ?

What Israeli politicians must understand is that time plays in its enemies favor, all of them will get the means to deter IDF forces from overtly attacking them after breakfast like it was a walk in the park. Once the Suez and the whole of the Sinai was theirs, South Lebannon was theirs and tvey xould strine at Iran any time they decided. Now none of those territories are theirs and they would not even thunk about going it alone without Uncle Sam against Tehran considering its ballistic abilities that the Israeli military brass itself recognizes. Syria is getting rearmed and the Idlib situation is coming to a long overdue end. That day,their behavior to unprovoked Israeli attacks will change, too.


The Vietnamese built with Russian help a very effective air defence system in the North,they shot down hundreds of US aircraft.the Vietnamese wrote the book on how to fight an Imperialist Bully,the Arabs would do well to study it.


yes, even thousands ! 2000 airplanes and 3000 helicopters if I’m not mistaken. The “Telephone Poles”system were notably efficient and deadly along the Ho Chi Minh road.


ISrael, with all the tech and money they’ve extorted from Western taxcattle thanks to the Ziocorporate regimes installed there, has been forced to withdraw many times by far-less expensive forces and has lost modern fighter aircraft to military museum air defenses, and not even with the Kremlin’s cooperative consent have they been able to destroy the Masyaf base for good.

Icarus Tanović

They’ve lost a super dup tech battle ship too. With radar that can be purchsed from ebay.


Pootin will not allow it… He wants isrealhell to have a free hand to bomb whoever they want.


Since the end of the civil war, Lebanon has no budget or funds to maintain a conventional army.

Ashok Varma

Yes Hezbollah needs to get air defence weapons from Iran.


Then what? once they use it they would lose those systems and Beirut will be back in ruins.

Free man

All these Mullah supporters live in a computer game. They don’t understand that Lebanon doesn’t have money for advanced weapons systems, their economy collapses. And no one will sell them an AD system, sophisticated enough, to shoot down Israeli planes.


Exactly Free Man, you and I are from the region so we know how things work here. Most of SF guys just write their nonsense without any true knowledge about the players here.

Free man

Basically the peoples of the region are not your enemies. Lebanese and Syrians don’t want to die to fulfill the goals of the mullahs regime.


I know, but Iran is actively taking over. Even Syrians in the south don’t want IRGC presence there.


There were NO Iranians IN Syria until you bastards unleashed your Jihadi Apes on the Country.

Ashok Varma

Lebanon is a failed state and only kept together by Hezbollah, it is the resistance that needs to get top notch air defence.

Mustafa Mehmet

you will pay for it ? lebanon got no money for air system …hesbo mafia sucking there blood


Bollocks!! if it wasn’t for Hezbollah those IDF thugs would be drinking Beer in Beirut.


Lebanon cooperate with Israel, that is the reason.


As I said, we most likely striked a factory that helped Hezbollah get accurate missiles, sponsored by Iran. I hope the SAA got the message, if not, we can keep doing it and no S300 will stop us.


He would have a long trial, I don’t know when it’s going to end. Also, Russia said they would push Iran 80KM and we could live with it, but they couldn’t force them to do it. Hezbollah has accurate rockets but not in big numbers, the SAA and Iran help them get it on Syrian soil. Thus, both of them are legi targets for us and Russia has to step in or the strikes will just increase. We can talk about it tomorrow at Discord when I’m free at the evening, going to sleep now mate. Goodnight.

Concrete Mike

Thats a terrible justification. Are you guys trying to start ww3?

You deserve better than this, this living in fear all the time. Good night.

cechas vodobenikov

candy Zion is ignorant–it is believed that Hizbollah now possesses vast numbers of advanced missiles that can easily target all cities in Israel…this is why they refuse to engage Hisbollah in combat…recalling their humiliation in 2006


We will clean Southern Lebanon for the last and final time if it comes to that, it won’t be an invasion it will be a carpet bombing on that country back to the stone age. Next month will be interesting.

Porc Halal

Yes, the S300 can stop you but they are not activated against your aerial attacks…Syria uses other old soviet AD systems against israely attacks…


And why they are not used? that’s right, one missle vs IAF jets and that system goes KABOOM.

Porc Halal

You did not pay attention to what I was saying…


I read what you wrote, I know they use S200 because they have no other choice. Even with the S300 they would fail, and you know it.

Porc Halal

Haha…if activated your jets wouldn’t be able to fire one single missile…like I said in other comment, surely the S300 system is not activated yet doe to some bilateral agreements between. Russia and Israel on one hand and Russia and turkey on the other hand…even so, due to the same agreements, both israel and turkey can only ‘play’ between some well established boundaries…when these boundaries are crossed, kaboom!!…


Clown, once it will be used then it’s game over for the S300. We have enough offensive weapons to take it down and Russia knows it.

Porc Halal

I dont know what to comment further…its like I talk to the hand…I dont bother anymore…

Porc Halal

No further comment…i mean it is useless..its like i talk to the hand…

regarding the clown part, have you watched yourself in the mirror this morning?…surely you saw this…. https://i.pinimg.com/236x/16/43/70/164370776b6e98dcbab2e0729fa95539.jpg

Porc Halal

Not to mention of S400 which is UFO to you…

Rhodium 10

Israel have attacked that military facility in Masyaf( few warehouses) over 7 times…as usual pro israeli propagande sources included the fake satellite that will post fake photos of damage… but 7 times attacking means that research facilities would be complety destroyed years ago!…I remember an attack 2 years ago and the burning base was indeed some trees as consecuence of debris around the military facility!


Please post the real satelite images

Rhodium 10

You can see how after 7 airstrikes IAF have destroyed one warehouse and 2 small warehouse..all of them cost less than one Delilah cruise missile..and in each attack Israel launch 8-10 missile. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2d34bb4ab8dbc8dd8cacf4c81ae4cfd21a8f6c2ec4dc2e2a3b7a4089de410e71.jpg


How could it be? They didn’t bribe Google enough?


The Zioterrorists are terrified of a war-torn, weakened Syria, because they see the SAA-Hezbollah alliance as an existential threat given their proven superiority over their Ziocorporate-subsidised beachfront neocolony in Palestine in military conflict. NATO’s 2nd largest terrorists, the Turks, are the same as the ISISraelis.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

The obvious conclusion is Russia wants Iran’s covert forces out of Syria too. Russia isn’t protecting Iranian forces from attack inside of Syria.

Porc Halal

Yes, I can understand that but it wasn’t the case here…at least the article doesn’t mention any iranian presence at site…

Dick Von Dast'Ard

“By conducting such attacks, Israel hopes to force Iran to pull its forces out from Syria.” Seems to me an inference that Iran had some sort of linkage. The missiles obviously would require sensitive components.

Tommy Jensen

Assad paid advance payment for S-300 about 10 years ago………….?? Russiaaaaaaaaaa??

Porc Halal

I am also intrigued by this embarrassing situation. especially since an S300 unit is installed in the vicinity of the facility … it seems that the S 300 AD system is not active when Israel launches these attacks against targets in Syria … somehow, I think these aggressions are previously communicated to Russia and they are accepted as such … what is the reason behind this attitude from Rusia, I really don’t know !!!…

Porc Halal

Yes, I can understand that but it wasn’t the case here…at least the article doesn’t mention any iranian presence at site…


I wouldn’t be surprised if the zionist antisemite terrorist attacks are intended to provoke the defenders into unmasking their best weapons to gain data on them. It’s annoying that the zionist antisemite filth keep up these pin-prick attacks but that’s what you get when you let zionist antisemite pricks take over Palestine. The longer that the Allies refuse to rise to the bait, the longer this terrorism will continue. If we’re lucky nothing will come of it, if we aren’t the Allies will let rip. If they do, it won’t remain over Syria and Lebanon because the stakes will be higher.

Icarus Tanović

America is in deep SHHHH, so Israel be careful what you are doing.

Chinese Dog

Shia terrorists eliminated.


You all must thank Pootin the zio terrorist rump crack licker for giving Satanyahoo a free hand to bomb whenever they like…. Russia is no friend of Syria… Syria is just a live testing ground fir Russia. Pootin will defend isrealhell if anyone attacks them.

Alberto Garza

syria was about to collapse when russia started its involvment in syria russia in in a very bad neighborhood surrounded by hostile nations ( saudis,israelis ,turkey and the u.s. airbases there) russia does not have th emilitary strenght to face everyone there its forces would be surrounded the turkish strait will close and the u.s. would close the airspace over iraq and it would be a turkey shoot against the russians ..they are not powerful enough..



Swift Laggard II

Not true. There is a reason they have not been attacked by anyone. They simply are double dealers who seek to maximise the benefit from their involvement by eating from all sides. That is the truth. They are double dealing pigs.

johnny rotten

Useless and impromptu blows of the tail of the fascist scum.

cechas vodobenikov

the stupid Israelis believe sand dunes are military targets; all important military assets in Syria and Iran are underground, impervious to Israeli strikes

Lone Ranger

Finally a smart man.


whatever goes on in syria is sort of irrelevant but what is relevant is that the jews over and over again with apparent impunity, are attacking syria (and hezbollah in lebanon) and the only relevant conclusion is that the jews in palestine must be eliminated down to the last one of them. no other way to bring order in the middle east. thus end the illegal occupation of palestine either by a complete wipe out or that the vermin start an exodus to somewhere else!

Free man

And who will do it for you? Who are the moms you want their children killed to fulfill their morbid ambitions? If you’re so brave, why not get out of your hole and start killing people? Or you don’t have an exit permit from the institution.

klove and light

lololol where are the 99% Zionist brainwashed motherfuckers?????

u dumb motherfucking jew cock sucking Donkeys…….

where is your “savior” PUTIN?????ß

Putin is a dirty treacherous bibi cock sucking Zionist PIG Putin is a dirty treacherous bibi cock sucking Zionist PIG Putin is a dirty treacherous bibi cock sucking Zionist PIG Putin is a dirty treacherous bibi cock sucking Zionist PIG Putin is a dirty treacherous bibi cock sucking Zionist PIG

u 99% dumb brainwashed idiots….

ps. STOP watching your fucking Zionist brainwashing Hollywood movies u dumb motherfuckers

Porc Halal

While I don’t agree on the way you are saying what you are saying, I agree on the 99% of the information you shared…

Porc Halal

This article is about who really rules the world… https://twitter.com/ruptly/status/1268531449054953472?s=21


Rabbis? Didn’t they have a hit in 1973 with “Baby I want your lurve thang”?

Porc Halal

I mean there is a travel ban in place for everybody!!!…well, aparently this travel ban does not regards the masters who actualy imposed all the dictatorial restrictions on everyone…they are excepted ofcourse…

Traiano Welcome

More than 200 attacks over 10 years and no results for Israel. Are they firing blanks ?

King Cliff

Why these stupid Lebanese politicians and military leaders can’t not control they airspace. apparently Israel wanr they lands and they still occupied part of they land,you thought those idiots would bring all parry together and created away to protect they nation from Israel transgression some people are dumber than a donkey.

Lone Ranger

How could they control their airspace when Israel has the 4th strongest military on the planet?

Swift Laggard II

4th strongest in the world? Come one man, be realistic. USA, Russia, China, India, Japan, France, UK, DPRK, no way it’s the fourth strongest in the world. Most powerful in the Middle East may be more accurate

Lone Ranger

Its more powerful than India, Japan, France, UK, DPRK. Only U.S., Russia and China are stronger. Manpower is not everything. Their missile systems are state of the art, better than what the U.S. has. They also have at least 500 MIRVed ICBMs. And hundreds of jetfigethers and helo gunships, which are well maintained, unlike in the EU. They also have a few German built stealth SSN hydrogen fuel cell powered subs, wich carry conventional and nuke tipped cruise missiles.

Swift Laggard II

that’s rubbish man. IDF is not more powerful than India, Japan, France, DPRK, not even Iran. That’s total nonzense. What missile systems? Israel has no sizable missile arsenal simply because their doctrine does not value that aspect, choosing to rely more on tactical airpower. 500 icbms? that’s total rubbish. you are just another useless ignorant clown spouting off on things you have no idea about

Lone Ranger

Ever heard of the Jericho I, II and III systems?


The Lebs should do a deal with the Russians to defend their skies.


Who said there is serious material loss? I read they hit a building and didn’t knock it down.

Lone Ranger

ISIS Air Force strikes again…


That’s what you get for helping Hezbollah develop accurate missiles on your soil, you get bombed.

Lone Ranger



Russian Air defence is useless within current technology deployed.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

I’m sure it is… So why are Israeli stealth-but-not-stealthy warplanes violating Lebanon’s airspace to conduct their airstrikes then?


ask them

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Well I don’t need to.


good on ya mate

Porc Halal

This is for the moron calling him self <>…you coward, you insulted me and now you have blocked me?!…let me answer you first and then you can do whatever you fucking want!!..

regarding the clown part, have you watched yourself in the mirror this morning?…surely you saw this….



I didn’t block you, I just think there is no point to discuss it.

Jamal Utr.

Putin the homosexual likes to act like he is against some world order and that his third world country acts as some buffer, but this lying homosexual transgender guy is doing nothing but sucking jewish cocks more than any leader in the world. He keeps getting pounded by jewish cocks every week while he plays dumb


Well, nothing new.


Forget sleeping if you are tired and Israeli jets makes your night a living hell.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

“Israeli sources claim that the airstrikes targeted Iranian forces. However, most of the targeted positions were of the Syrian military.”

The Israelis do bomb Syrian infrastructure that’s true, but they only bomb the Syrian air defense systems that are actively protecting Iranian infrastructure, they don’t bomb any Syrian air defense systems anywhere else, just where they’re protecting Iranian assets. The Israelis and Russian are good at giving hints, but sadly Assad and most of me fellow SF readers aren’t very good at understanding them, or taking them.

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