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New Israeli Missile Strikes On Syria (Locations, Details, Casualties)

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Last night, a new round of missile strikes hit positions of pro-government forces in Syria. According to pro-government sources, the strikes were carried out by the Israeli military and hit three targets:

  • the 47th Brigade ammo depot east of the city of Hama;
  • the Fire Fighters Center in the western Hama countryside;
  • a military position around Aleppo Airport.

According to local sources, all these positions were belonging to Iranian-backed armed groups and the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). Different sources say that 26-46 members of Iranian-backed forces and even Iranian servicemembers were killed in the attacks. The Iranian media rejects reports about casuatlies about Iranian personnel deployed in the country.

A major part of the casualties was reportedly caused by an explosions of the ammo depot in Hama:

On April 30 morning, the pro-Hezbollah Lebanese TV channel Al Mayadeen reported citing a commander in Liwa Fatemiyoun (an Iranian-backed group operating in Syria) that no missiles had hit Liwa Fatemiyoun positions near Aleppo Airport.

According to the Liwa Fatemiyoun commander, “the military facility is not damaged, there are no casualties among the personnel.”

The number of the fired missiles, according to Syrian sources:

  • 7-8 missiles were used in the area of Hama;
  • 5 missiles were used in the area of Aleppo.

There are also reprots about some surface-to-surface missiles fired from Jordan. However, these are unconfirmed rumors.

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) rejected to confirm that the Israeli military had been behind the last night missile strikes. This is a common media approach by the Israeli military.

Earlier in April, the IDF also rejected to confirm that its forces had carried out the April 9 missile strike on Syria’s T4 airbase. However, all the following activity of the IDF and Israeli leadership clearly showed that the strikes were carried out by Israel.

It’s important to note that the recent missile strikes took place amid important developments in eastern Idlib and southern Damascus:

Some pro-government experts and activists described the strikes as an attempt to undermine the reached evacuation deals.

On April 26, Israel Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman threatened Iranian forces and bases in Syria with new attacks and said that “the Iranian regime is in its final days and will soon collapse“.

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The jews are working so hard towards their own death. IF the number of casualties is confirmed I would like to give my moral support to the families and to Iran. I shall have no such feelings when the news of the total collapse of the artificial state comes to reality. This only demonstrates the desperation of the deep state and its paranoia.


And after white nationalists finally take power throughout North America and Europe, nearly the entire Jewish population in the world would become disenfranchised with under 1,000,000 left undisenfranchised.

Gregory Gregory

Those figures are the Jewish version – like only 269000 in Britain. It’s at least ten times that – of course many are cryptos.

Igor Dano

It is wikipedia. Your coeficient pf 10fold is in my eyes sober.

klove and light

fuck all jews on our planet…..fuck em up the ass.no peace on pplanet earth as long as jews are living here.fuck that jewish trick with zionism.its all the same .they all go by the talmud.period. TALMUD: All non jews are GOJIM..all non jewish women are whores!!!


You’re right.. but really.. It just takes thousands of missiles to that huge illegal colony of squatters on Palestinians’ Land.. just blow them off to the ground..! I guaranteed the world will be at peace..! But unfortunately, most of the leaders had no balls to do so.


But you would still need to oust them from power over all white countries throughout Europe, North America and Oceania (Australia and New Zealand, Latin America too (non-white majority countries).




Winston Kolubah

They are protected by God, no nation on earth can will over come Israel, Because God said one who bless Israel u are bless, and one who curse Israel are curse. Any nation that attackIsrael that nation is cruse.

klove and light

fuk u , u jewish bastard……god said????LOL Israel????? LOL fuck u so bad u mother fucking jew bastard

Winston Kolubah

You can not fuck God children, if you do your country will perish from the earth. When you are bless by God, no one can be against you. God bless ISRAEL. And God bless those who bless ISRAEL.

mohib khan

God is not human and has no children. The fucking jews are their because of their lies and intrigues and because of the British intrigues and soon the Christians will feel cursed to protect Israel. The day is near

Gianni Demichelis

God protects them like during nazi time? More or less?

Pave Way IV

Which god is that? The one that told them they could and should attack and kill everyone they could in Canaan/Phonecia, burn their cities to the ground and steal their land? The one that said they should divide up the war booty promised lands by tribe and call that Israel? They had to kill or otherwise ethnically cleanse their promised land of blood of maybe a half-million people that were living there at the time. This was OK because the Phonecians were all descendents of some guy named Ham who saw his dad’s penis so this god placed a curse on Ham? “Get out or die – you’re on OUR land. God said so!” That god?

That wasn’t a god that said that. It was a psychopath justifying genocide and land theft.

mohib khan

Unfortunately this is not true for where was this Protector before the second WW?


Christian Zionism is based on the myth that Jews are god’s chosen people, it is used for the purpose of mind control by relying on the ignorance of the unlearned, such as yourself and many others.

These so-called “Chosen people” truly believe in the falsehood that they are superior to anyone who is not a Jews, in other words a “master race”.



Take a look at the Kabbalah and the Babylonian Talmud:






“Sometimes people don’t want to hear the truth because they don’t want their illusions destroyed.” ~ Friedrich Nietzsche


















Peter Bond

So many Israeli haters and retards here, Iran is weak, it’s airforce is a shamble, Iran basically is defenceless, the s300 is a joke, f35 walks through Iran defenses it would be like taking candy from not just a baby but a retarded one.


You speak from a perspective of ignorance; read the Babylonian Talmud, research the casualties of Israel’s tyranny (pictures especially), lookup the former PNAC (Project for a New American Century), and finally lookup the over representation of Jews in the governments of Western countries, the media, education, and finance.

No amount of education or imagined intellectual superiority can do that, except for the high group preference displayed among Jews (their nepotism) and the omnipresent promotion of white guilt bullshit and mass immigration from the 3rd world into Europe, North America and Oceania (Australia and New Zealand); yet these same Jews insist that Israel’s borders and citizenship must remain closed.

If the Israelis were capable of defeating Iran and occupying it on their own, they wouldn’t be asking for NATO’s help. The same was true for Iraq, they didn’t even join in 1991 or 2003, they had their goyim do it for them.



Here’s some of the propaganda you allude to in regards to the S-300, apparently you’ve never heard of the Pantsir-S1/SM, the S-500 or the A-235 PL-19 Nudol. Video games and science fiction aren’t real life; lookup retired US Army Colonel Douglas Macgregor PhD on Facebook and Youtube and you will better undersand my point as far as the state of NATO and the US military is concerned, however I would not recommend his perspective in other matters.






Peter Bond

It is obvious you are a paid troll, you just bombarded me with garbage comments and images, don’t fall for Muslim lies, you Muslim are evil savages, and yes, your false prophet was a paedophile!


So just because I disagree with you, that automatically makes me a “paid troll”. You could be a paid troll for all I know, after all the globalist deep state stretching across Russia, China, Israel and the whole of the Western world have their own “cyber troops” deployed to spread misinformation across the web. They are the true paid trolls who are nothing more than low-ranking traitors employed by the traitors that rule over their Jewish puppet state.

I’m more pro-West all of those Jewish thugs that use America and the rest of the West like a whore, Jews have a long history of parasitism due to their religion. You would know this if you were to review everything I had sent about megalomaniacs Jews and their god complex.

Some interesting facts about the Jewish “master race”, the largest disease carriers on earth:


According to Haaretz (a major Israeli media outlet), Ashkenazi Jews are 40% more likely than non-Jews to develop schizophrenia in their lifetimes.

Scientists Discover Gene That Predisposes Ashkenazi Jews to Schizophrenia:


[Variations of the DNST3 gene make Ashkenazi Jews 40 percent more likely to develop schizophrenia and similar diseases.

Israeli and American scientists have discovered a gene among Ashkenazi Jews that increases their chances of developing the mental disorder schizophrenia, as well schizoaffective disorder and manic depression.]



Judaism also involves paedophilia, that’s why Sigmund Freud (the father of psycho analysis) and numerous Jews support it either directly or indirectly. This also explains why the nut jobs in control of Western governments are pushing sexual confusion upon small children and all other Cultural Marxist dogma such as the LGBT movement, radical feminism and white guilt, all of which is encouraged by the Satanic Talmud and Kabbalah.

All of the “New Age” religions (Jehova’s Witnesses, Mormons, Scientologists, etc), including organizations such as the freemasons and other secret societies are Proto-Communists, which are offshoots of Jewish Cabalism.


Judaism is anti-Christian; arguably, Christianity and Islam are apart of a two thousand year old plot by organized Jewry to enslave the peoples of Europe and elsewhere to further their aim of Jewish dominance. Just as the Protocols state, Jews turn Christians and Muslims against each other to weaken each other, unaware they are being used to the further Jewish interests to the detriment of Europe, Africa and the Orient.

Lobby to invade North Africa and Middle Eastern countries, then open Europe’s and North America’s borders to millions of displaced Muslims. All of these wars for Israel only result in breeding hatred of white countries in the minds of Arabs and Africans to further the Jewish intention of ultimately eliminating all of the world’s non-Jewish races so the Jews can elevate themselves to “god hood” in a world of their own.

Peter Bond

blah blah blah, are you done? Now, bugger off you Iranian thug.


You’re the troll who lacks manners, accusing me of things I am not. I have the facts and you have none, therefore you land ad hominen attacks in a pathetic attempt to denigrate my character to make me sound less convincing. That’s all you’ve done, nothing more. You’ve proven nothing except that you are quite possibly a Southern hick.

People like this should be banned from any position in the government, the media, education and international finance:



And it was not the Jews who made the modern world, white skinned Caucasoids are responsible for 97% of all scientific achievement and possibly more.












You’re too crude and vulgar to comprehend after all of those years of indoctrination you’ve been subjected to, the narrow minds of the sheltered are not worth my time. I recommend you take your Loxist racism elsewhere before other imaginary trolls come around to give you an ulcer.


A book published in Israhell titled: Torat Ha’melech (King’s Torah): How to Kill Goyim & Influence People


The Romanovs (the Russian royal family) also were murdered by the Jewish Bolsheviks in a human sacrifice ritual.

Jewish ritual sacrifice (blood libel) discussed on Oprah back in 1989:



You shouldn’t project your own characteristics onto others, it only helps to reinforce your own foolishness.


“Sometimes people don’t want to hear the truth because they don’t want their illusions destroyed.” ~ Friedrich Nietzsche

“Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.” ~ Mark Twain

John Cleese explains the Dunning-Kruger Effect:



In other words, you are unable to process what I had sent as a result of your confirmation bias and the cognitive dissonance produced by the information that conflicts with your deeply entrenched beliefs. However please understand that facts don’t care about your feelings, things are the way they are regardless of whether anyone likes it or not.

The following link contains information about the Babylonian Talmud and other information commonly found in the library of any synagogue.

Original Source: “Ted Pike – The Other Israel (1987) Christian view of the Jewish Question”


The Kabbalah:



Peter Bond

All bollocks, get a life Pratt!


You can’t prove you’re right because you are wrong, therefore you attack me personally and childishly insist that you’re right and I’m wrong because you cannot disprove the evidence that I have provided.



I already have a good life and it’s about to get even better.


I urge you to vote BNP (British National Party), here’s some information about one of their party members:












I already have a good one that’s only about to get better, try following your own advice for a change.



This is but a small taste of what Israel does to the Palestinians, evidently you approve of it you sick minded fuck!







The US Airforce has used depleted uranium in Syria back in 2016 (technically falls under the classification of chemical weapons), NATO countries have also been helping Saudi Arabia bomb Yemen since 2015 both with the help of their own aircraft and special forces, as well as the many multi-billion dollar deals they signed with Saudi Arabia, Qatar and UAE on an annual basis that has reached more than $300 billion USD in weapon sales to Saudi Arabia since 2014.

The Saudi-led war in Yemen and their countless indiscriminate artillery, missile and airstrikes on locations with high density populations make the destruction of high-precision Russian bombing campaign in Syria appear mediocre by comparison.

Russia’s small scale military operations in Syria by comparison have proven to be far more efficient and effective, despite fewer aircraft and a small troop count; not only because they are much better trained and equipped than their Saudi counterparts, their airstrikes have focused on tactical air support combined with strategic surgical strikes upon the enemy’s logistics, its command & control network and surrounding infrastructure from bridges to structures re-purposed as command centers.

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a36baf6b2d2d6d243af4e698da87f4409461c3d8bb5292da6b1f96cdeb017e6b.png http://www.renegadetribune.com/us-starts-new-war-syria-no-evidence-israel-murdering-civilians-video/














It was already evident that they don’t want people who are not Jewish to know what the Talmud, Zohar and the Kabbalah really says because it would lead to more non-Jews finding out the truth about Jews and what they actually believe. In fact, the Babylonian Talmud (its official name) states than any Jew that tells a non-Jew the truth about the Talmud, the real one and not the fake one reserved for gentiles, deserving death.





The 6 million number existed long before the alleged Holocaust had ever taken place:




Before 2014: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e612608876a933b731407934e208c4491dbd9ed967d6df6575dd48cef291623b.png After 2014:



Hi retard! How’s it going you 007 wannabe?





One of Nutty Yahoo’s former extramartial affairs.


Peter Bond

Listen you Iran Shiit muslim goat shagger, I am not even a Semite but acknowledge the superior religion, education and society of the Israels, you muslims are just hating cos allaah cant support u to defeat Israel. After all the rhetoric bullshyte you balless muslims still get your behind kicked…Lately in Syria, many Iranian terrorists were killed till date Iran can’t retaliate because they know if they do, they would be humiliated by the Israelis…ever heard about the F35s muppet? They can’t be detected by Iran’s missile, even the S300 can be defeated and Israel is going to show the west how to.


“So little pains do the vulgar take in the investigation of truth, accepting readily the first story that comes to hand.” ~ Thucydides

You’re the a presumptions religious zealot, I’m not even a Muslim. I’m a white Caucasian male who was born and raised in Canada; I am a mixture of Anglo-Saxon, Scottish, French and Swedish ethnic background.

Jews are parasites, especially in the Western world they covertly push white genocide through Cultural Marxism (faux Liberalism) and forcing uncontrolled mass immigration into Western countries. Middle class Jews such as Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Max Horkheimer and others like them were financed by wealthy Jewish and Crypto-Jewish bankers (the Rothschilds, Morgans, Bilderbergs, Warburgs, Rockefellers, etc) to contrive Classical Marxist and Cultural Marxist ideologies with the ultimate intent to destroy Christianity and the white race along with it. They are responsible for provoking both world wars and both of the phony Cold Wars that followed.


It’s Israel that attacks with impunity .

Has to admit, Israel wins. Iran very lame and cannot do anything about it.


Just wait until Russia sends over S-300s, the Syrians are acquiring more Pantsir-S1s as well. Although I’m not sure about the Pantsir SM/S2 just yet.


The Ass 3-400 just won’t happen if you know what’s going on in these war games..!

Hisham Saber

its good that Israel is deeply afraid. It see’s the writing on the wall, and it doesn’t bode well for the apartheid state.

The ‘soyboys’ of the IDF who are only good at shooting unarmed protesters would absolutely be no match whatsoever to the battle hardened Syrians, Iraqi’s and Hezbollah.

Israel will not be here in less than 10 years. Its obvious. Its eating itself alive, because Jews are never meant to have a homeland, hence a parasite always needs hosts, but when parasites gather together in one spot, they need to expand, but the good ole days of 67′ and 73′ are long ago, and its a new deal now. One that favors Israels enemies by a vast margin. Better move back to Brooklyn before its too late.

Gregory Gregory

I dare say Iran would love to meet them on the ground – which will never happen. They attack like sewer rats from Lebanese air space then scuttle back over the border.


Yet Israeli troops and Mossad agents still fight under the umbrella of ISIS.



Hisham Saber

The ‘soyboys’ of the IDF would be absolutely no match for Hezbollah, Syrian Arab Army, who both have real time hardcore combat experience for 7 years now,NDF, plus you have the IRGC corps, Chechens from the Russian MoD, Afghan volunteers, the massively numbered Iraqi Popular Mobilization Forces, who answer to Mr. Khamenei, and if need be, the Iranian National Military. The Assyrians, Alaites, Christians and all Arab tribes fighting the U.S. French British Israeli troops.

While the U.S. and French are garrisoned in their bulls-eyed bases, the Israeli’s would be routed quickly, with the good guys rolling up the acres all the way to Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.

The U.S. is in no position to carry out a protracted, or even brief , for that matter, regional war. Not enough troops on the ground and even to hastily bring in hundreds of thousands, they would be swallowed up by their enemies and surroundings. This, what we are witnessing is the beginning of the U.S., England, France being kicked out of the middle East by Syria, Iraq, Iran, Russia and behind them China. The Zionists would better themselves by purchasing some island somewhere with their trillions, because Palestine is about to be liberated.

Igor Dano

For an army of 100 thousands you need a logistic. For the LGBTxyz army of us, you would need double as much logistic. In the case of Iraq .2003, it took us 2 years to ramp up such logistic. Until npw there is nothing vossible.


If Israel uses mini nukes will do very well. They can spin them as arms depot explosions. Only idiots take conventional weapons to a nuclear war. The timing of the mini nuke or arms depot explosion with the accusations against Iran constitute a warning that Israel will go nuclear as soon as it begins losing conventional war.


Israel cannot go nuclear if the fight is in Isrral itself.

But stupid to think Israel dare to use it as the leaders will hang in the Haque


Israhell is winning what exactly? They are desperately trying to provoke a war and they are not getting it. You have twisted perception.


Nobody is fighting right now with Israel. So, it is senseless to say that Israel is wining. Even more, when Russia is allowing Israel to make any attack she wants. This is just a typical coward attack of Israel that happens when nobody is expected and nobody can retaliate.


Because Israel – a small country with small population, and modest economy, is none the less armed to the teeth with essentially free, US taxpayer funded, advanced US military hardware. Israeli lobbyists in US – AIPAC – ensure that US Congress gives Israel masses of the hardware that they themselves dictate, within US funded ‘aid packages’. Whilst the equally politically powerful US military industrial companies equally use the whole Israeli-Congressional-lobbying process as a effective means to transform US public monies into their private profit through military hardware transfers. Likewise, the same US companies are all too happy to use Israeli attacks on its immediate neighbors as the real world testing ground for its military systems. To put all this in perspective, Israel has been the single largest cumulative recipient of US foreign aid since WWII. Thus, the US has provided Israel with $134.7 billion in aid within that time-frame – most of it in massive military aid programs. Israeli is not a powerful state per se, it is actually rather small, rather its been able to successfully appropriate vast resources and military hardware from the US state – through aggressive political lobbying means.

US-Navy Revert Shia

Look asshole joe the puck from Steer & Queer Country ISISraHELL is all on XANAX & a Lame Duck, you will all see Real fire & Death to ISISraHELL In days to come trump is already a lame duck the game is over joe….. Lebanon Hezbollah Has Guided Missiles aimed right up Netanyahu-di ass Xanax joe https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0445374eb49b288db6b91d0b492ebd957c5d0d6362288e89643b32609fbb9502.jpg


Well just wait if it happens as you said by the next Israeli strike.

I expect Iran will just swallow its pride as right now

Roger Snellman

Israel has already completely destroyed Hezbollah’s Navy, Air Force and AD systems.


Ip dip polah dom dom doodo binki twill.

Roger Snellman

English please. Thanks for praising my post but is hard for me to respond in your native tongue.


That has always puzzled me about the Talmudists. Surely they see that it is extremely dangerous to antagonize everyone at the same time?


I know. May be in their delusional state of mind they hope they will be able to destroy their enemies believing that their enemies are like the Palestinians, armed with stones and tyres. Possessing nukes is also a guarantee of destructing the enemies but the winds might blow in the wrong direction. Or may be they are used to having it their way of lies, complains and manipulations. Exceptional stupidity, barbarism, greed. They will meet their master.


FAKE Israel Making more ENEMIES than Friends


Israel does not need and want friends. They consider all other people as animals.

Gregory Gregory

That’s the S300 for Syria secured. If not now, then when?

Angelo Cinarelli

Everything happens in the Middle East is the responsibility of Israel. Stop Israel or it will be the end of the World.


Russia does not want to stop Israel…..for some unknown (?) reason, Russia consider israel as her sister.


A large part of the Israeli settler population are from Eastern Europe and guess where else?


Of course, that is the trick used by jews, and they must have a secret jew lobby in Russia.


And mostly in the land of Palestine are Russian Jews..! Still most don’t get it..! Peace.

neil barron

Your an idiot for the provoking statement. There never has been a Palestine country. Just a bunch worthless warring people of all ilk running amok on the desert.


Aha.. you must be another of uncle sholomo indoctrinated idiots who thinks he’s clever.. you fucking ignorance.. just learn the history not the fucking Talmud


Yet …

”the peasants of Palestine were the descendants of the inhabitants of ancient Judea.”


• David Ben Gurion and Yitzhak Ben Zvi, Eretz Israel in the past and present, 1918 (in Yiddish), and Jerusalem, 1980 (in Hebrew)

• Yitzhak Ben Zvi, Our population in the country, Executive Committee of the Union for Youth and the Jewish National Fund, Warsaw, 1929 (in Hebrew).

Besides, it’s not like there was an Israel country until 1948. A Palestine country was also supposed to be created but the Zionist savages attacked and seized upwards of 600 Palestinian towns and villages in the last months of the British mandate (which led to war) – and that, after going on the rampage of the land for a decade (1937-1948) with terrorism.

Igor Dano

U have got no brain.

Winston Kolubah

Russia can’t fought Israel, don’t fool your Russia.

Winston Kolubah

Any nation that attack Israel, that nation will fall bro Only God can stop Israel.

It is true, while part of Israel is Arab, and another part (small part) is even Christian. But it is not the Christian segment of Israel attacking, and it is not the large Arab part of Israel that is attacking either. Another words, it is not really Israeli that is attacking its neighbors, it is literally Jews that are genociding Goyims. http://faithandheritage.com/ https://dailystormer.name/jews-launch-bombing-campaign-on-syria/


*goy is singular, goyim is plural


“regime iranian will be collapse” phantasm israeli!! mdr!


Israel is planning since some time ago to make Iran to Collapse, that is why Israel-USA-NATO created ISIS and anexas.


They have been trying since 1979 to collapse Iran – hasnt worked well has it!


I wonder what types of missiles where used, what they were launched from, what types of air defense systems where present at the targets, and if any were intercepted.

Alexander Lyapunov




It’s quite doubtful the bombs can yield that much explosion and there are rumors it’s a tactical nuclear as well. As of now there’s just no conclusive details.

Alexander Lyapunov

It was dropped on a weapon facility with a lot of explosives.


Yes i also think that the big explosion were secondary but we really lack of conclusive details.


Israel has used nukes in Syria already. The tell tale signs of tactical nukes that are easily observable are, plasma rain, heat lightning above the explosion, and pixel blur on digital cameras. The last one is really the best nuke test there is… and we have seen all three in Syria over the last 5 years.

neil barron

Are you nuts there isn’t a viable target for a tactical nuke yet.


On the contrary there’s a lot of target that desperately need tactical nuclear. Mainly the Syrian airbase.

Concrete Mike

I agree the tell tale is the plasma rain and camera pixelation. VT has a big article bank you guys should check out


Israel is desperately trying to provoke a war with Iran ASAP, preferably well before Syria wins their war – and then have US G.I.s getting killed all over the world for Greater Israel. They can bomb as much as they like – until SAA takes care of the internal front lines i.e. eliminates all the Salafi pockets that could stab them in the back and until the Russian set up effective AD umbrella. And then we’ll see just how effective Iron Dome really is and how good are Iranians in making all sorts of “new, big or small smart and dumb” missiles…


They are trying to start a war with Iran to prevent Syria from winning the war against empire.

Floyd Hazzard

Iran should withdraw all the permissions it grants to Russia and prevent their aircraft from flying over it’s territory. Nobody should have a traitorous ally like that.


Russia’s never said or implied it would defend Iran against Israel. Russia is obliged to defend allies in an ODKB (SCTO) union. Is Iran a member of ODKB? No. Iran’s a big boy. If it can choose enemies – it should be able to fight them. Iran came to Israel borders to fight against Israel, not vice versa. Iran should be able to defend itself.

888mladen .

What a dumb comment. Does Israhell have right to kill journalists and Palestinian children and confiscate their land and destroy their centuries old orchards? What is a legitimate right for Zionist entity to exist? Their only right is might of their US/UK/Vatican sponsors. Their criminal behavior is unparalleled in the modern history of mankind. German Nazism is a far cry compared to criminal state of Israhell. A real hell on Earth.


Germany fought against globalism and the international Jewish cabal that controlled Germany’s enemies through black mail, bribery and central banking usury (debt bondage) like the Federal Reserve and Bank of international settlements (etc), had a large influence over the major press of these countries.

They lied about a rebellious Germany and its allies in order to convince the world to subdue it through war, therefore the international banking clique was able to regain control over the Germany and lied about it in order to hold onto their power.






Bullshit Mr., tell me please, during this whole Syria war where Iran has been participating since many years ago…..when Iran has lunched an attack to Israel ? Russia attitude through Iran inside Syria lack of friend commitment since Russia has allowed Israel to bomb Syria (whoever be in turn) any time she wants.


Just WOW..speechless

Concrete Mike

Your comment was ok until the last bit. Iran did not got to syria to fight israel, it went to save syrian society from headchopping orcs aided nd abetted by israel and the west.

Ethercruiser One

The world’s opinion of Israel will continue to turn against it. Israel is choosing to trust in “horses & chariots” rather than God. Israel cannot continue to strike targets in Syria with impunity.

Ziad Adda

russia is a joke


If Russia was a joke, they wouldn’t be paying you and many thousands like you to say Russia is a joke. Think of the cost, how many shekels do you get, then multiply it by at least ten thousand?


Russia is main responsible to allow Israel to carry these attack. Russia has the technological capabilities to detect any fly, any missile, any direction of plane, any plane taken off of Israel basis.

SFC Steven M Barry USA RET

What is wanted is for somebody to bulldoze and plow over that foetid pestilential Ghetto sewer.

Steve Bell

“the military facility is not damaged, there are no casualties among the personnel.” This from an Iranian on the ground in Aleppo. Wait till the real story is told- this incident occurred with Pompeo’s arrival and just after Iran ditched the dollar for the euro (Saddam and Gadhafi tried to ditch the dollar as well, but Iran is now supported by China and its petro-yuan).


As long as the U.S. and Israel continue to launch these strikes with impunity I can only draw three possible conclusions. 1. Russia and Iran are paper tigers and blowhards without spines. 2. Russia and Iran actually believe they can win a shooting war with diplomacy. 3. Russia and Iran are really in cahoots with the western Zionists and this is just another chapter in Satan’s cunning deception. The U.S. flag will soon be flying in Jerusalem. Can you say “Abomination of Desolation”.


2. Russia and Iran actually believe they can win a shooting war with diplomacy. Close but not a winner, try, 2. Russia and Iran actually believe they can win a shooting war with economics.

The US is bankrupt, their end is very near. As for Israel, once the American money supply stops, the Israelis will leave, because working for a living is an anathema to religious Jewish people.

Winston Kolubah



No I’ve retired, how about you?


Yea but when the U.S. has the opportunity, aka false flag, they will directly bomb Iranian or Russian sites. Then What? War is good for the economy.

Winston Kolubah

If u Put all the nation together to fought Israel , Israel will win them .


That is just one more of the deceptions of this world. What does Scripture say? The nation of Israel, which was the physical seed of the patriarch Yisrael, was disobedient and stiff necked. They, as a nation, refused to heed the prophets and even Yahshua’s call to REPENT and turn back to Yahwh’s Holy Law. The Physical Covenant made with them came to an end with the death of Yahshua Messiah. Also with His death and shed blood, as required by Scripture, the Spiritual Covenant was enacted. The ISRAEL of promise is of Spiritual seed, NOT physical. The physical nation of Israel today that was formed by the U.N. is the deception. They will be destroyed in the end just like every other, but the Spiritual Nation of Israel is everlasting. We are all called to be part of Spiritual Israel and the coming Kingdom. The message is the same as it has always been, “”REPENT””.

Don't read butthurt replies

Syria seriously should look to Iran for more help at this point rather than Russia only. Let Hezbollah arm them self to toes and use whatever and any mean necessary to take down those walking abortion and long nose reptilians. I hate these idiots at the UN and the rest who stay quiet about the crimes from the Zionist gov, yet talk a lot of crap and false bullshit about Venezuela, Cuba or NK.


Is Al Maya Deen trying to saves Putin’s @ Russia’s face..?


Israel has used nukes in Syria already. The tell tale signs of tactical nukes that are easily observable are, plasma rain, heat lightning above the explosion, and pixel blur on digital cameras. The last one is really the best nuke test there is… and we have seen all three in Syria over the last 5 years….


bo back to kindergarden


bo back to kindergarden ??? bo? bo? I don’t gey it you Pavlovian school product you.


you are only bastard


Looks like Russian defence can’t stop attacks.


Russia chooses not to engage IAF – I’m certain they will track everything over Syria including incoming missiles


Agreed, but this is NOT a good sign ! And where was the SAA AA missiles ? Is this a sign that the Radars were blinded by ba new form of Israeli counter-EW ????????


SADF manage to repel 70% of last US missile strikes.why this time around SADF is not inaction ?


this was not so, as was wrote.

Icarus Tanović

What language are you talking? Abulajumba dumba jidish? Suck me!

You can call me Al

Exactly and thus my scepticism – http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/Middle-East/2018/Apr-30/447405-iran-denies-reports-of-rockets-hitting-its-military-base-in-syria-killing-iranians-tasnim.ashx

PS On another page, the article describes the alleged ammunition = small + limited range.


The Israelis dropped gliding bombs from over Lebanon, the bombs are mostly made of plastic and do not show up on radar. Perhaps when the new photonic radar that Russia is developing it may be possible to intercept these things. The only real solution is to destroy the Israeli air force on the ground.


So, then i was right, that IL is able to destroy syrian aa/ad sytem :P

you should excuse


I don’t speak Yiddish, what’s an IL in English?

Icarus Tanović

Hahaha, that’s fuccking Illinois!


The abbreviation of Israel IN ENGLISH is IL. you should finish elementary school. :DDDDD


Btw. yiddish was the lenaguage of central-european jews. the jew language is called: hebrew. :P

Icarus Tanović

Ayo, babe, come here, suck my dick again!


that means the previous US airstrike was just a mock. US and allies could do much more devastating strike with these things IF they want but they dont.


No, because these bombs have limited range and a small payload. The last US assault was the first strike of a planned US air campaign against Syria, just like the US campaign against Libya. However the first strike, the one designed to destroy Syrian air defenses, and allow US aircraft to bomb Damascus failed. So the US retreated, I’m sure they are working on another way of attacking Syria.


MH370, could not have crashed where the US and Australia were searching, because the ocean currents and wind south of Perth flow to the west, debri would have washed up on the shorelines of Tasmania, and Chile. Some wreckage was found along the African coast, suggesting that the plane crashed much further north, at about the same latitude as Diego Garcia.

Hide Behind

Israel’s military and economic strength lies not so much in Israel proper but through all the EuroCentric nations, with US,, British Commonwealth, France, and Netherlands being their primary supporting elements. That represents centuries of religious, ethnics and cultural traditions the likes of which the peoples of any nation can compare.. IN once sence of word they were never realy a defeated people’s no matter who tried to control them or spread their people’s all over world they still retained a cohesive identity and though they too have different sects their cultural roots are the glue. One cannot say religious roots as in God-head figure, you can be atheist and still be Jewish. Iran knows that “any” attack upon Israel proper, even if defensive in nature, that no nation will come to its aid, and all of US, Arab , Central Asians British and Eurocentrics would attack and utterly destroy them The very fact that they lack the technical means to mount any kind of defence over their military installations within Syria against Israeli harm is telling. Imagine that lack of the same in Iran proper would cause if SHTF with world crapping on them. Iran and Russia are playing long term defensive moves, and not just militarily, as they join China breaking free of US dollar dominance in petrol markets. Remember it is not just oil this move away from dollar but from lumber to minerals and export grains as well. I’m the meantime they take the hits, bite their tongues in clear logical reasoned verbal response to world while still building up its own people’s standards of living while developing newer weapons of war. THEY will need those advanced weaponry if they and others break world away from petrol dollars, the economies of US Britain and especially Israeli currency will tumble, and a frightened leadership will then go completely mental and lash out.


The Isreali PM will declare war to Iran this evening on TV.


Doubt that. If Israel declared war on Iran, Iran would have the legal right to attack Israel. Israel will be sneaky, it’s their way.


Pompeo in Saudi Arabia, Netanyahu live on CNN, both spewing lies against Iran…


Count the seconds from the big burst . The fireball spreads at the speed of sound for 2 or three seconds. The fireball radius would have been what 600 or more meters ?According to Nukemap the fireball radius of a 100 kt nuke is 380 meters. Literally 100 KT to 1000 KT of explosive force ? Why would Syria store so much in one spot rather than distribute in hundreds of miles of tunnels that are already captured.. It reeks of sabotage with the action blamed on “invisible outside party.”. The wings of glide bomb undestroyed and unbent are discovered so conveniently? Do the wings come off hundreds of feet before impact? The attack was warning that a single 100 to 1000 kt nuke can toast an airbase.


Damn, there is a shit-load of supposition in your “theory”, it just doesn’t hold water……………………. sorry.



Icarus Tanović

Have my dick in your mouth and smile!


Compare the videos. The Ukrainian explosion was 80KT of conventional underground explosions. The Syrian blast wave lasts longer therefor must be more powerful. What caused it ? who knows? Explosions do not hold water.


no. you can see series of explosions.

Icarus Tanović

You can see series of bangs in ylur rotten brain.



If you were a skilled physicist you would have figured it out before the article.


I am not a physicist, but then again neither are you……………., don’t claim to be anything other than an observer looking for clues…………………… just like the rest of us. We are all dependant on qualified sources, and I chose to wait for mine, before accepting an explanation which is cogent.


I have always loved physics . I skipped calculus II. I entered US med school at 20 because I skipped 11th and 12 grade. Your skepticism is quite normal .


SO IT LOOKS LIKE THE ISRAELI’S LAUNCHED A NUKE…………https://www.veteranstoday.com/2018/04/30/israel-strikes-syria-with-tactical-nuke/ WHERE WERE THE SAA -AA DEFENCE SYSTEMS LOOKING ?


Watch the fireball photo of the Syrian blast. It moves at the speed of sound for 2 or 3 seconds before slowing to subsonic . The fireball radius had to be 2200 feet to 3300 feet or 660 meters to 990 meters . Go to Nukemap. put in surface burst 100 KT which has a fireball radius of 250 meters. Then compare Syrian explosion to 80 kiloton Ukrainian arms depot explosion on video. The Syrian was much bigger. Where are the seismic recodings for blast.. I guess Israel has influence with media to keep it quiet. The message that Iran will loose 100 lives before one israeli was sent. What …you expected Israel not to use nukes when they have them? Do you think the Israeli play by humanitarian rules?


Interesting how when news like this pops out troll scum like velociraptor, jim crowland, smaug or mountains show of the wood work. I guess they cant make their putrid arguments when are article talks about areas liberated by the Syrian government from their terrorist buddies. When you have articles like that, these disgusting two bit racist, zionist and wahhabi posters are no where to be found.

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