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MARCH 2025

UPDATED: New Massive Border Assaults Failed. Ukraine Lost More Than 230 Fighters In Battle Against Russian Elections

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UPDATED: New Massive Border Assaults Failed. Ukraine Lost More Than 230 Fighters In Battle Against Russian Elections

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Kiev and NATO are trying their best to thwart the upcoming presidential elections in Russia. The Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine (GUR), which is under the full control of the Western special services, with the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) continue attempts to launch ground operations in the Russian border regions. 

On the morning of March 11, a large group of Ukrainian forces was destroyed by Russian fire in the border areas. The ground operation across the Russian border was thwarted and the Ukrainian military suffered significant losses. LINK

The fact that Russian servicemen were closely observing their preparation to the upcoming assault did not stop Ukrainian commanders. On the morning of March 12, the Ukrainian military attempted new ground attacks in different border areas in the Russian border Belgorod and Kursk regions.



At about the midday local time, the Russian Ministry of Defense claimed the victory. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation together with the units of the border service of the FSB repelled all Ukrainian attacks inflicting heavy losses to the enemy. As a result, Ukrainian forces failed to violate the Russian state border.

At about 3 a.m. Moscow time, after intensive shelling of civilian objects, Ukrainian terrorist formations, supported by tanks and armored combat vehicles, attempted to enter the Russian territory simultaneously in three directions: near the villages of Odnorobovka, Nehoteevka and Spodaryushino in the Belgorod region. In addition, from 8.00 to 8.25 a.m., four attacks by Ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance groups were repelled near the village of Tetkino in the Kursk region.

The Ukrainian military attempted to take the Russians by surprise, take an advantage of the confusion of the border guards on a large front, but they did not succeed.

Ukrainian groups were welcomed by the Russian troops, airstrikes and artillery fire.


The Russian Ministry of Defense summed up the results:

Up to 60 Ukrainian terrorists and four pickup trucks were destroyed in the area of the settlement of Odnorobovka in the Kharkiv region.

Up to 45 militants, two tanks and two armored personnel carriers were destroyed by air strikes of the Russian Aerospace Forces, artillery and Lancet unmanned aerial vehicles on the border territory from Ukraine near the settlement of Nehoteyevka in the Belgorod region.

In the border area from Ukraine in the area of the settlement of Spodaryushino, Belgorod region, thanks to the competent actions of state border protection units, strikes by tactical and army aviation with ATGM “Vihr” destroyed more than 100 militants, five tanks, three Bradley infantry fighting vehicles manufactured by the United States and two vehicles advancing towards еhe state border of the Russian Federation. Another engineering vehicle of the barrier was blown up by a mine.

The Ukrainian military lost 234 militants killed, seven tanks, three U.S.-made Bradley infantry fighting vehicles and two armored personnel carriers.

Footage from the Russian border checkpoints show the destroyed Ukrainian vehicles, and wounded militants escaping from the battlefield:





During the ongoing battles, the AFU attempted to launch missile strikes on the Belgorod region. At a bout 7.30 a.m. local time, Russian air defense forces intercepted 8 Czech-made Vampire MLRS shells and one Tochka-U missile.

UPDATED: New Massive Border Assaults Failed. Ukraine Lost More Than 230 Fighters In Battle Against Russian Elections

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Kiev again threw hundreds of servicemen to die in another media campaign. The attack was launched by the so-called Russian Volunteer Corps, Freedom of Russia Legion and the Siberian battalion. According to Ukrainian propaganda, these military formations consist of Russian citizens, who are fighting against Putin, and are acting independently. Kiev officially lied that it has nothing to do with these units and that they are not under the command of the Ukrainian military. In fact, these formations were created by NATO through the means of the GUR and they are completely subordinate to the Ukrainian and NATO command. It includes several former Russian citizens, who moved from Russia a lot of year ago, and who are promoted as the military leaders. In fact, they are only playing the media role in the operations on the Russian territory, filming videos with standard claims. These units do not have enough manpower to launch any significant attacks. That’s why most of ‘Russian’ militants of the volunteer units are Ukrainian soldiers, disguised foreign mercenaries and NATO servicemen.



Fake video of a tank with the EU flag allegedly moving in Russian village:



Kiev tried its best to gain as much hype as possible. The failed assaults were accompanied with various fake videos and claims, like Ukrainian control of the border villages and the destruction of Russian aircraft. The militants confirmed that their main goal was to thwart the upcoming elections. As a result, the ongoing attacks on the Russian border are only increasing the support of the population to the acting Russian President Vladimir Putin.


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on my big screen i can clearly see that it is not an eu flag. a blue flag with some kind of wreath-ring. can’t find out more precisely.


aaaannnnd another big plane down 🥲


nafomo sad. next year for bandera days parade in sebastopol? maybe not.

jens holm

bandoleros best cowboy movies in daenmark. we root for bandoleros all time. boo cowboys in white hats.

jens holm

i never wrote that crap

stinky joo

jens we told you you could use the internet terminal to send out job applications.. get off the terminal and go to occupational therapy now

Clyde is a commie loser

this year russian loser navy parade in sevastopol? maybe not. 😘


i use my 75 inch tv as a monitor for my pc, and i noticed the eu ring of stars as well.


these ukrainians are really dumb. what are they doing ? spreading democracy maybe ?? eager to die for s0r0s, zuck and rothschilds plans , help them depopulate the planet, be the first to die ? why are they doing that ?


ukrainians are desperate and need a pr stunt to show their masters that investing another 100 billion dollars, more weapons and “mercenaries” are going to take them all the way to moscow.

jens holm

we in west have new plan now. make russia economny grow too fast and they blow up from inflatio and overthro govermint.. it be like bad gas from over eating.

Last edited 11 months ago by jens holm
jens holm

that crap is not made by me.

Ryan Lowe

you are the crap

jens holm

my crap is saved for my feces taco sauce


if you post sensible comments instead of your usual crap then maybe you won’t need to write crap.

major general jens holm

i am military genius—my lgby militia defended gay bar in aalborg from invasion by 2 eskimo

jens holm

we like they spread democracy very thin, so it go long way and can see thru. it have copyright name in daenmark, it called ‘i can’t believe it not democracy’.

jens holm

really. news tome.

if so its doing very well in most things.

major general jens holm

according to as senile moron 35% need mental health treatment is doing well

jens holm

joke of the day. they should the collapsed ussr system?

you give the answar yourself. you not know about other systems and cant the good parts of the chine communisme.


what do you think poland defense minister meant when he said 300k nato soldiers are ready to be re-deployed to poland? are they going to secure western ukraine knowing that the end of the war is imminent and land will be absorbed by russia. poland. hungary and romania?

jens holm

we will see.

nato of course will defend our new members.

that goes for new ones eu, which are behind in economics as well. here we give them in a something for something program.

as usual your kind always try to connect anything to nato. by that your internal propaganda is false with false is anything is true.

jens holm

excuse my advanced senility—ihad 7 seizures yesterday when sodomized by sawyer and stupo

AM Hants

have they got 300k left? or is that the nato corpses that went on vacation? the polish defence minister, isn’t he the one who was a witness on 21 february 2014, when yanukovic signed the agreement to stand down, bring elections forward and all he wanted in return was a peaceful transition? the same political imbecile that is married to the anti-russia journalist/atlantic council member?

Fake Inspector

you nazis are a failure, surrender already

Red Horse

more nato boots on the ground now filled with rotting soldiers

jens holm

we have volunteers in daenmark who go collect boots and donate to poor starving israelis who palestinians try to kill everybuddy there.

jens holm

never written by me.

jens holm

dane volunteer collect used condom in gay bars

jens holm

mainly we are moved our defenline east. strange if we didnt.

we also are bígger adding soldiers from ddr, poland, tjekkolavia, hungary, roumania. balgaria and partly moldova.

and we have to add swedes, finland and the baltics as well.

jens holm

pygmy army can defeat every nation i mention…lgbt amerikan nato humiliated by poor less numerous militaries—taliban vietcong—etc…my multiple personality disorder getting worse

AM Hants

special ingrediant in that monsanto-beyer compost. guess the 2014 contribution needs topping up.


only good amerikan nazi is dead—disgusting immoral vermin like jens holm stupo sawyer saxon are inferior species possibly worthy to be fertilizer

jens holm

i not wrote that

jens holm

as a registered nazi scum i vote for torture—morality is money in my amerikunt colony populated by alcoholics

jens holm

there is no electioin.

jens holm

if there is no electioin, i rub harder. i work hard for twenty-five øre coin in toilet.

jens holm

we give 89% tax to govermint so they take care of us forever. electioin good and give us chance to give 10% more. stupiud ruslanders say we communist country but i not believ.

jens holm

thats party coirrect.

the system, with a goverment is elected by ourselves, take well care of us. by that we also has obligations.

we live long and well but no forever. its true we i many ways are different from usabut they are not far out as russia. russia has nothing to offer and usa has many things.

so thank you bill gates, google and internet.

jens holm

we obligated to submit to sodomy by amerikan—they offer us coke bottle in my azz

jens holm

we are like infants no initiative creativity —we are like lump of dirt–beg govt for burger

jens holm

election between one person.


hard time for solomon counting the votes.


just like your country only has us appointed candidates counting the votes

jens holm

those counters are from 10 different parties and are never alone.

the control is by the 2 main tv stations controlling each other.

we are the best in low corruption. many couold learn from that. in index % we are 90 and russia is 29. in the short version russia is tree times more correct ten us.

the the real and expended version is 10% corrupt and russia 71% says russia is 10 times more then us.

and we anytime recount all parts of the votes.

jens holm

danes–best at delusion stupidity …we are submissive 404 nation


elections in little denmark are meaningless, no matter which party wins they like the good obedient little vassals they are, have to do as their masters in washington dictates, and instructs them to do.

Last edited 11 months ago by Christopher
Based US Vet

hey jens holmo, when will ukraine finally have free and democratic elections?

jens holm

some 142 nations in un has asked russia to retreat. that would help.

and they have voted a about it. if some 2/3 in their pm think different, they can change. they has not.

jens holm

holmo the senile moron—how many nations refuse to sanction russia?…ha ha ha

Just me

it looks more like the ukro army will help in the elections in russia… putin’s party has exactly that as its main election argument: the west is attacking us. and that’s what happens at the election. a threat to russians in russia from which only the government can protect them. strongly reminiscent of gladio or the bombings in russia in the 2000s.

jens holm

the small attack is made by russians not liking putin.and not ukras.

Kev not Kiev

reet, they used their own tanks that they bought with money they made mowing lawns in siberia, only to get mowed down in belgorod…

jens holm

never writ that—230 dead ukies identified

Edgar Zetar

this western strategy could be perceived has to “destroy the goverment in order to control the land and resources”. sent to their dead to all the veteran soldiers, kill all the thinking civilians in ukraine (replaced the head) in order to take all ukraine you must destroy all the sovereign people import foreigners. ukraine it’s an advice to democratic countries, if you let the outsiders or foreign intelligence services to take the presidency in your country, you are in big troubles.

Edgar Zetar

also, this is feeded by the corrupt system western civilization had, the corrupt politicians always take money and go behind power, so there is an easy catch to the bigger countries to infiltrate weaker and stupid countries who didn’t had a sovereign goverment and corrupt politicians. once foreigners are in, the only way to remove them is in a open revolt; revolution is the only way to remove the foreign head, or kick them off before they arrive (preventive).

Based US Vet

they are not russians, they are neonazis. and they are now dead. cope.


yes, one has to give their head a shake sending all the men and equipment to an obvious destruction. that said; maybe they are mostly nato goons.


banderas are pedos looking for brown eyed trolls. western backed transforming males.


do not be afraid, we’re off to be sacrificed for nothing. forward brothers! it’s worse than starship troopers and they don’t even get any real benefits from the military service. once again, the planet is stranger than fiction.

Last edited 11 months ago by BunkerDwellers

“the idiosyncratic amerikan conscience is feminine–immoral; amerikan males are troubled w a basic insecurity inadequately disguised by their boasting and bragging”. geoffrey gorer

amerikan used car salesman

we are inferior loser terrified of superior russian…”i do not envy amerikan happiness-it is the happiness of a different and inferior species”. stendhal

Emanuel Gomes Bueno - Brasil

230 soldados ucranianos mortos menos!


cia trolls tantrum humiliated by russia—double prozac can help or use glue like holm jens

Kev not Kiev

uaf command sent these young lads, childish and deluded young lads, to their obvious deaths with no plan to support them logistically, and no hope at all for any success. they might still be alive if they’d turned on their evil masters and asked russia for help, but, you can’t fix stupid.

major general jens holmo

we train you to lose

jens holm

many seizures today when snorting glue

donald trump

when i replace the senile clown i will terminate ukraine $$$ denounce the corrupt danemark parasites and cut relations with nation 404 duncemark


clyde pedo troll, 230+ ukronazis, 5 tanks, 7 combat vehicles etc… us and nato lost badly in ukraine and europe can’t even put an army together to challenge russia after beatdown.


jens is rear deck hank for his tranny us admiral in high heels. you can transition to pedophile and receive pay in us military.

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