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New Models Of Small Arms Of Chinese Special Forces

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New Models Of Small Arms Of Chinese Special Forces


Written by Colonel B. Kalinichev; Originally appeared at Foreign Military Review 2019 #2, translated by AlexD exclusively for SouthFront

In the People’s Republic of China (PRC), when re-equipping special forces units with new models of small arms, preference is increasingly given to nationally-developed models made according to the standards of the NATO alliance.

So, along with pistols of the Colt series (USA) and Beretta (Italy), the divisions of the SPU of China receive QSZ 92 personal weapons of their own development of two main calibers: for the reinforced 9x19mm NATO standard cartridge and for the original, 5.8x21mm. A special feature of the latter is the increased penetration ability, which ensures that the target is hit in a standard army bulletproof vest at a distance of up to 60m.

The automatic pistol works on the principle of bolt recoil when the barrel is short. Turning the barrel locks the pistol. It has a double-acting trigger mechanism (USM). The frame of the weapon is made of impact-resistant polymer material. The kit includes replaceable inserts for the pistol grip, which ensures that the weapon fits the anatomical features of the shooter’s palm.

In addition, in two versions of the caliber – 9 and 5.8mm, the SPU PLA adopted a submachine gun Type 05. Made according to the “bullpup” layout scheme, it is equipped with a removable device for silent and flame-free shooting. The 9mm weapon has the designation Type 05 JS and, unlike the 5.8mm model, is equipped with a collimator sight.

Automatic weapons work is based on the recoil of the free bolt. The trigger mechanism provides the ability to fire in semi-automatic mode, short bursts with a cut-off of three shots and long bursts. The receiver is made of aluminum, the elements of the box are made of plastic. The carrying handle and handguard provide a universal mounting for optical and optoelectronic devices.

New Models Of Small Arms Of Chinese Special Forces

5.8mm QBZ-95 automatic rifle

The 5.8mm QBZ-95 automatic rifle (Type 95) is also made according to the “bullpup” scheme. It is designed for a more powerful 5.8x42mm cartridge with a 4.1g steel core bullet. Automatic weapons operate using a gas-discharge scheme. Turning the longitudinally sliding bolt on three combat stops locks the barrel. Shooting can be carried out in two modes – semi and fully automatic. The rifle is equipped with a 40mm under-barrel grenade launcher, and the design of the muzzle compensator makes it possible to shoot rifle grenades.

The upgraded version of this automatic rifle – QBZ-95-1 (Type 95-1) differs from the basic model by the increased quality of materials used for the barrel, the design of USM slide stop and gas regulator, quick-detachable optical sight and a 35mm grenade launcher are included in the composition components. In addition, the weapon changed the direction of ejection of spent cartridges (to the right-forward at an angle of 45° to the firing line), which allows firing from any shoulder.

New Models Of Small Arms Of Chinese Special Forces


The CS/LR14 7.62mm caliber rifle has been developed for the SPUs under NATO standard cartridge. It is based on the Type 81 variant according to the standard layout scheme.

In contrast to the prototype, the work of automatic weapons is based on a gas-discharge scheme with a short stroke of the gas piston.

The butt is adjustable in length. On top of the receiver and handguard straps of universal mounting Picatinny rails are provided, making it possible to use various optoelectronic devices and the additional snap-in, for example, install a front pistol grip for easier control of the weapon, as well as tactical flashlight, laser pointer aiming point, etc.

New Models Of Small Arms Of Chinese Special Forces


For the first time in China, a large-caliber NCSLR5 sniper rifle with manual loading was developed. The absence of automatic weapons, the hanging barrel and the presence of modern optoelectronic sights in the kit provide increased accuracy compared to similar army models.

The direct fire support in special forces units, the use of a 35mm manual semi-automatic QLB-06/QLZ-87B grenade launcher is provided. It provides suppression of enemy firing points in shelters of light field type, effective defeat of lightly armoured targets, including in urban conditions.

New Models Of Small Arms Of Chinese Special Forces


Specially for actions in the city, smoothbore 12-gauge combat rifles, also designed on the basis of gas-discharge automatics, were developed and adopted by units of China’s SPUs. The QBS 09 semi-automatic weapon is made of aluminum alloy and has an anti-corrosion coating.

Its feature is the presence of a gas regulator that provides the ability to fire in various conditions and block the operation of automatic weapons for manual reloading.

The rifle is equipped with a telescopic retractable buttstock. To reduce recoil, the design provides a spring buffer mounted in the back of the receiver. Mechanical aiming devices are equipped with a swing diopter device. On top of the receiver is a universal mount for optical and optoelectronic sights.

For this weapon, the standard ammunition is a Chinese-made DBD 09 cartridge with a steel sleeve, loaded with round tungsten buckshot. The cartridge accommodates 14 striking elements with a diameter of 5.3mm and a weight of 1.4g each located in a plastic wad container.

A distinctive feature of the LW-3 smoothbore rifle is the ability to fire in automatic mode. In addition, it is equipped with a 38mm under-barrel grenade launcher.

All types of 12-gauge ammunition are used for firing the rifle. The ammunition of the under-barrel grenade launcher includes non-lethal shots, including kinetic ones with rubber striking elements, as well as equipped with formulas that irritate human mucous membranes.

Thus, Chinese experts in the field of small arms have been able to develop modern models for special forces units over the past decade.

It should be noted that the presented copies do not just copy western counterparts, but are often original developments that take into account the best design solutions of specialists from developed countries in this field.

New Models Of Small Arms Of Chinese Special Forces

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Expecting Zionism=EVIL with his session of kissing Chinese ass “even though” China didn’t commit not even 1 soldier to help “mighty” Iran in Syria. He likes kissing their ass all the same. So I am waiting…

Ivan Freely

No soldiers. The Chinese really should have as it was the perfect excuse to test out their equipment and doctrine. However, the Chinese did provide support staff and construction aid. I believe Sputnik covered it several years ago.


Glad to hear that they did help. They didn’t help recently with anything though. And if China doesn’t want to help militarily the need for economic help is big. Syrian economy is non existent. They would need factory or two, so that people can feed their families and start living normal lives.

Or am I wrong about that also?

Ivan Freely

I don’t know about recently but I wouldn’t be surprised to see Chinese support is not covered. They like to lay low but with the anti-China hysteria from the US I believe China should step it up.

China’s main contribution is economic help in the form of equipment but not sure about factories. I remember reading from Al Masdar News that the Chinese were very careful to avoid contested areas in their reconstruction projects in Syria. This was before the Idlib campaign. Unfortunately, I can’t seem to find the article now. It had a picture of a Chinese front loader operated by a Syrian in the reconstruction of some small town.

In addition, the Chinese do supply military equipment as there was a local Russian news segment that briefly showed (not talked about) a Chinese radar deployed in Syria. This means that China is definitely supplying military equipment. Here’s the source article (the video was removed by Twitter unfortunately): https://avia.pro/news/v-siriyu-pribyli-kitayskie-sistemy-pvo


Glad to hear all that. Thanks a lot for the link.

Lux et Veritas

Are an infatuated homosexual? you seem desperate for his attention or even any acknowledgement. Try Grinder.

Ashok Varma

lol, he sure sounds like a queer troll stalker ponce.

Zionism = EVIL

What can I say ;)

Jim Allen

Impressive, the Chinese have mastered the industry, and manufacturing tools, and technology China recieved from the Western Corporations that moved production from their home country to China, and other selected countries, beginning in 1975 in USA. Quality was a major issue in the beginning, in products that require precision in manufacturing, and the machining of the exotic alloys used in today’s products. No one remembers the first cars produced by Honda back in the 1970’s. Today’s Honda automobile lines are some of the finest in the world. Surpassing US auto manufacturers decades ago. China’s products evolved in much the same way, and Honda is a major contributor to the high quality, and reliability of China’s manufacturing today. In order to produce custom ordered products for other countries the technology data, specifications of the materials, used machining, treatment processes of each part was supplied. Assembly specifications data as well. These products carried the brand name of the Corporation that ordered them. The industrial product lines, were quality from the start. Companies like Cummins engine Co/Onan/Komatsu, that shared technology, Caterpillar, Mitsubishi, Isuzu, MAN, Siemens, BMW, Apple, IBM, Honda, Link-Belt, US Government, The Russian Federation, and every country in the world. Even US Government war production was moved to China, and other selected countries worldwide. Argentina, Brazil, Turkey, India, Vietnam, and others. Build components for US military technology, including electronics, every aspect a given component uses to be a complete finished unit, then the components from their country of origin are exported to US, and a few designated countries to be assembled. With US adding technology considered too sensitive for offshore manufacturing. The “consumer” products quality advanced more slowly, but by the mid to late 1990’s the quality was noticeably higher, by the early to mid 2000’s much of these products were high quality, reliable, durable, precision built pieces, in the Chinese branded lines. Quite impressive, I have tools, generators, pumps and more that I’ve had twenty years, or more. Some of the older tools it was necessary to disassemble, and smooth out the machining, and add a couple things, to ensure smooth operation in use, and hand fit the piece together. The price allowed some time for this as opposed to paying two to three times more for a tool one wasn’t going to use hard daily, although most did find their way to daily use. I’m curious about the reliability of these small arms. The Russian AK, manufactured outside Russia, are generally not the same quality as the domestic weapons, ranging from equivalent to utter junk. Chinese SKS isn’t one of the best examples of Chinese quality. This may have changed.

cechas vodobenikov

some produced in Mexico, turkey, etc…I have read that the most reliable vehicles in Japan are produced by toyota

Zionism = EVIL

As an engineer, the final quality of any product depends on the education, technical skills and quality control of the manufacturing process. Americunt quality is poor due to the uneducated drugged out workforce and that is the primary reason the Bilderberg outsourced to China, which has a educated disciplined workforce with high level engineering skills. That is why India failed to attract manufacturing as it has an illiterate, underfed and totally unskilled workforce that can produce low tech inferior non-value added products like textiles and a few homewares, but nothng high tech. Why do you think India and many other poor countries can’t even make a car engine? The end quality depends of TQM, the Japanese and Germans are at the top. Lexus is considered the benchmark in auto manufacturing.

Lux et Veritas

China graduates the largest number of university students in the world. In 2018, a record high of around 7.5 million students graduated from undergraduate programs at public colleges and universities in China, mostly in engineering and hard sciences. That number was nearly double as high as the number of degrees earned at all levels and was expected to exceed nine million in 2020. China also has the largest number of post graduate students overseas.


Russia and Iran rank second and third in terms of science and engineering grads.

Robert Ferrin

American poor quality is due to the companies and corporations using the cheapest materials that it can get their hands on,as they say everything is a business model and with American thinking that’s to built products in the cheapest manner possible calling them throw away products, so the C.E.O’S and the company/corporations can use the excessive profits for stock buy backs.They invest nothing back into their business’s including research and development and wonder why other countries are so far ahead of them,Boeing a good example of ALL American business as their planes were crashing from a failed design they were dumping 93% of all their free money into stock buy backs to enrich the corporate heads.the board. and the stock holders.!!!

Zionism = EVIL

China has the money, technology and discipline to build a modern military.


US and the west in general have been exposed now as they created a unsustainable inequitable society based on short-term capitalist greed, while China builds a cohesive superpower.

US and UK are bottom of the pile in rankings of governments’ handling of coronavirus pandemic in global response and health care.

kajetán pičura

plastic garbage.

Jim Allen

Show us your superior toys…


Please elaborate?


Lol.Army of punks with plastic toys

Jim Allen

Well then, why don’t you head on over there with your pea-shooter Junior, and just whip their ass ? Save Trump the trouble. US is the Army of punks with plastic toys. That don’t work, old neglected, and used exclusively to serve the Zionist Khazar criminal Banking Cabal, at The City of London. US citizens are enemies of the State. Since 1933. Fantastic pretense of knowledge ya’ got there.

Zionism = EVIL

He is an Indian kid and tries to pass disparaging comments to get attention. I feel sorry for these ignorant clowns as they tend to personalize things rather than look at objective reality. China is now the uncontested economic, military and manufacturing power and is building the most modern military in human history. They have the manpower and the money to it as well as a very educated and disciplined homogeneous population. I believe the Chinese military modernization is going hand in hand with their One Belt plan and the string of pearl bases around the world.

Zionism = EVIL

Think before you post, or you will always end up being a clown like the desperate hasbara idiots. This is is the “modern” Indian army by contrast below. I remember the first time I fired a NORINCO type 56 was in the 70’s as a young officer and it was still better than the German G-3 and easy to disassemble and take apart and very good quality steel. Since them China has become the primary military and economic power and its latest weaponry and soldiers kit is perhaps the best in world, mostly because they can afford it. You kids need to grow up and look at reality.



Chinese toys aren’t battle tested.Thats the main point!

Zionism = EVIL

That is a fair point in general. However, let’s hope we never find out, nobody wins in a war, humanity loses. From what I know of Chinese weapons, their SSM have been battle tested by Hezbollah and Iran in Lebanon and Yemen and proved very effective, even without radar guidance. Hezbollah had only 2 C-802 and fired one which hit the IDF Hanit equipped with most modern ECM and almost sunk it, if a double tap had been fired. The Ansarallah used the same off the Red Sea coast and totally destroyed a UAE supply ship and Saudi cunts most modern al-Madinah class frigate that was sunk in a single hit. That is 100% hit probability. The Indians scored almost the same success against the idiotic Pakis who in 1971 had spread their only two destroyers in a WW2 style picket 70 nautical miles off Karachi,without air cover or submarine escorts, when the OSA II Russian FAC missile boats struck with STYX scoring three direct hit and sinking the Khyber. So based on that I would not disparage the 4the generation PLA weaponry, which is upgraded Russian tech and many Chinese hybrid designs.

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6fe14256893f8515397819a92042b727867062def4f8a862452f69e5199c6f6f.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c3a2a2df24592558c0592d6aab601b2fc51d1b7fd9a4663eac57ebd98809e630.jpg

Lux et Veritas

They beat the Indians with those plastic clubs quite recently I believe.


Asshole.Indian soldiers beat those Chinese to death as well.Stop believing in CCP proponganda


Is that so, based on such superior intellect.

Ivan Freely

Never liked the QBZ-95. Someone in the States got a hold of an export version and wasn’t overly impressed by it. I understood this was meant to address both left and right handed people but then they had the ejection port favoring right handed people.

Lux et Veritas

Very impressive and reflects on the massive upgrading of Chinese military.


The whole US system is based on bluster and propaganda and is rapidly falling apart. US economy is in free-fall and its military has lost every conflict it started against much smaller nations.

Robert Ferrin

The American system is based on nothing but greed,starting with Reagan and de-regulation American business had/has a field day ripping off the public with their cheap junk,it makes little difference where its made its still made to their spec. including the material.!!!


Love the new camo uniforms and body armor.

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