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New Photos Reveal Militants’ Heavy Losses In Idlib’s Jarjanaz

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On December 26, Russian journalist Oleg Blokhin released photos revealing the heavy losses al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and its allies sustained in the town of Jarjanaz in the southeastern Idlib countryside.

The photos show at least six vehicles, which were apparently destroyed by the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and the Russian Aerospace Forces.

New Photos Reveal Militants’ Heavy Losses In Idlib’s Jarjanaz

Click to see full-size image. By Oleg Blokhin

New Photos Reveal Militants’ Heavy Losses In Idlib’s Jarjanaz

Click to see full-size image. By Oleg Blokhin

New Photos Reveal Militants’ Heavy Losses In Idlib’s Jarjanaz

Click to see full-size image. By Oleg Blokhin

New Photos Reveal Militants’ Heavy Losses In Idlib’s Jarjanaz

Click to see full-size image. By Oleg Blokhin

New Photos Reveal Militants’ Heavy Losses In Idlib’s Jarjanaz

Click to see full-size image. By Oleg Blokhin

New Photos Reveal Militants’ Heavy Losses In Idlib’s Jarjanaz

Click to see full-size image. By Oleg Blokhin

The SAA captured Jarjanaz on December 23 following heavy clashes with HTS and its allies. The army’s 25th Special Forces Division, previously known as the Tiger Forces, spearheaded the attack on the key town.

On December 24, HTS and its allies launched a counter-attack to recapture Jarjanaz. However, the army repelled the attack within a few hours, neutralizing most of the attackers and their equipment.

According to the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), HTS and its allies have lost more than 160 militants since the beginning of the SAA’s large-scale military operation in southeast Idlib earlier this month.

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Liberating Jarjanaz was of high importance. 6 days ago i commented that it would be awesome if it was done by the end of the year. Only 4 days after that it was a fact. SAA and friends rock!!

Toni Liu

Is there any site that we can saw this destroyed vehicle still including their gored bodies? And I miss video where RUAF make drone video where this rat running hopellessly to building or under a tree and got blown up, why they dont make it anymore for this recent battle

Marcus Porcius Cato

Unfortunately, only the Houthis seem to post pics and vids of newly dead Zioscum.

Toni Liu

Yes it’s harder now to get site with that kind pictures, even bestg*re doesnt had that kind pictures anymore

Liberal guy

And can u too answer my question

Toni Liu

Thats really hard to answer because their neutral stance, but from many thing happened lately in hongkong seems they resist zio kind movement so for now we can said yes they are anti zio

Liberal guy

Can u answer my question

Marcus Porcius Cato

What question did you put to me?

Liberal guy

Are the Chinese zionist or they are anti- zionist


After the deliberate attempts to destabilise Hong Kong, I would think that Zionists are persona non grata in China.

Liberal guy

So the nwo scums is much weaker then I expected 5hanks for your help made me ver much happy

Peter Jennings

They are neither or, but pro-China.

Liberal guy



bestgore ? xD

Karen Bartlett


Liberal guy

Mr Karen Barlett are the Chinese zionist or anti-zionist???

Karen Bartlett

Sir, I think that is a complicated question. I looked up “Chinese-Israel relations” (could not copy the web address but you can look it up) on Wikipedia. Apparently China has “warm relations” with Israel, but also with Palestine and Muslim countries. I think their stance is more or less neutral on the Israel/Palestine question. Also, countries will often trade with one another even though they may not agree on policy. Individual Chinese people may have their own opinion, of course.

Liberal guy

Means they are against this nwo scum great to know this thanks

Karen Bartlett

Yes, I think they are against the nwo scum, although they may not, as a country, be able to come out and say it. :)

Liberal guy

I think they are against this satanic now by looking at current thinks thanks for ur support brother

Liberal guy

Am not a conspiracy theorist but this is truth and one thing is for sure these cursed wahhabis are there most loyal slaves

Pave Way IV

The Chinese government is neutral and diplomatic with respect to Israel, but talk to everyday, ordinary Chinese and you’ll find they despise Israelis and their overbearing government. Same with Saudis, as a matter of fact – Chinese hate them.

The Chinese don’t expect to be buddies with every other nation on earth, but they have a very keen sense of respect and instantly know when they’re being patronized by another country. And (kind of like the Russians) they never forget being treated condescendingly. Israel never ‘did’ anything to China that I recall, but it doesn’t matter. The Chinese will never trust or respect them.

Liberal guy

So they are with the resistance front that’s make this nwo scums more weaker thks for your help

Peter Jennings

It seems for the Chinese that business comes first. If there is a friendly relationship with that, all to the good. If not, there’s still the business.

Daniel Vogel

It depends on which level of truth you are referring to. On a low level China is used as a boogieman for the west and acts as such as well. On a higher level we have to keep in mind that Zionists created communisme and their dictators.

Liberal guy

I think they where but not now they are against these satanic on level thats good news thks Mr for ur support

Liberal guy

Am not a conspiracy theorist but this is the truth and one thing is for sure these cursed wahhabis are there most loyal slaves

Liberal guy

Oh yes

Marcus Porcius Cato

Where’s Azi Herskowitz to boast about the “brilliant” tactical maneuvers of his headchopping circumcisers? They were to have been supported by Yiddish Balloon Corps bomb-throwers. He was sure this was a fool-proof thing.

Liberal guy

On tell Aviv with jolani scum

John Wallace

Perhaps even he can no longer stomach the dribble he is required to post. Mind you someone did mention Pavlov the other day and I can’t help but think that perhaps Megahertz is the one ringing the bell.

Karen Bartlett

Maybe he got fired because it’s so obvious that he’s a nincompoop.

Liberal guy

Can anyone tell me are the Chinese zionist or they are anti-zionist


Do they like the Dollars?

Liberal guy

Dollar is the one world currency mr

Liberal guy


Willing Conscience (The Truths

I can, they’re totally anti Zionist, but at the same time they’re also pro Israel, so if you understand what the term Zionist really means you’ll understand my answer. China supports the Nation of Israel but at the same assists the Palestinians too, the classic peacebroker, China’s actively working with both groups to come to an agreeable solution but favours neither. But China also never agrees to any land grabs by the Israelis and condemns them when they happen, so I can assert that officially makes them anti Zionist, and since they’ve been a non interventionist country for many thousands of years now, that’s also in line with the political mood of the Nation and most of its people too. I used to read Chinese news quite a lot a few years ago but I never ever seen pro Zionist articles on any of the sites I visited, not once, so I suspect they’re aren’t too many Chinese Zionists in China at all.

Liberal guy

Thks for ur answer brother for many i have this big doubt may god bless u now i think along with the Russian empire and persian empire and their allies the resistance front also have the Chinese empire which now makes this satanic more weaker an so happy to this

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You’re welcome, I suggest you take a look at the Russian/Chinese international monetary institution and see what the Bric’s nations have been doing to curb the LGBTQI western nations hegemony and control over the world. Search for ‘brics bank’ and ‘brics nations geopolitical aspirations’. Cheers.

Peter Jennings

IMO, one has to make the distinction between isreali’s and zionists. There are good people in the former camp but none in the latter. The isreali people tend to stay in isreal, whereas the zionists are everywhere and fucking things up for everyone.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

“There are good people in the former camp but none in the latter”, that’s the truth more people should understand, well said.

Abdul Wahib Al-Mahdi

since you won’t tell assad thugs casualties i will tell you. 50+ assad thugs killed, 2 bmps captured and 1 tank disabled by atgm


hahahahahahhaha..No more goat fucking for you…

John Wallace

He doesn’t care if they are dead or even a little mangled.

Karen Bartlett

There’s no such thing as an “Assad thug”. The thugs are the Wahhabist head choppers, terrorizing, starving, decapitating, crucifying unarmed Syrian civilians, among them women and children. You know this is true. If you are working with them, you would do well to pray and repent for the crimes you have no doubt committed.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

If HTS lost 160 fighters here I suspect other groups lost fighters too, they had the FSA assisting them here in south east Idlib and in the north west they had the SNA helping HTS and Al Nusra, so it can’t just be HTS that lost fighters.

Icarus Tanović

This was quite a battle in Jarjanaz, they have had well fortified positions and numerous of artillery pieces. Cursed Wahhabis.

Tommy Jensen

Disgusting. Never seen so many dead and wounded cars and vans.

Peter Jennings

Cars and vans and not armament, which suggests that the scum lost some leadership.

Karen Bartlett

I do not understand how not showing “dead and wounded’ armament “suggests that the scum…lost leadership”. Please explain if you can, if you don’t care to, I understand…

Peter Jennings

I was supposing Karen. I will concede that two of the vehicles seem to be flatbeds which could have had weaponry attached or being used to transport fighters. However, i don’t see any broken weaponry or broken armament or body parts laying around in the images. Was the site cleaned up before the images were taken? IMO, the vehicles were transporting personnel. So, either the scum are lacking military vehicles to transport their fighters in numbers, or the cargo was some kind of field management. I would like to know your views because it seems to me that Russian and Syrian forces do not tend to waste weapons on targets such as cars and vans unless they are known to contain something worth destroying.

Karen Bartlett

It’s kind of you to want to know my views, but I have never been in a war zone or fought in the military and I actually did not understand your first comment. I will take your word as to what the photos meant, I did not realize that not showing shot-up weaponry would indicate that there was instead personnel aboard the vehicles, or perhaps as you said, field management, or both.They probably did clean up the site, because the Syrians and Russians aren’t terrorists-they just quietly go about their business of freeing Syria. It’s the terrorists who brag about how many troops they killed. And the reason terrorists usually show dead bodies, imo, is to terrorize people viewing the photos. I think your very logical conclusion is correct.

Peter Jennings

Thanks for the reply Karen. Maybe it’s wishful thing on my part. Irrespective, i feel we both have the same goal in mind. All the best.

Karen Bartlett

And to you, sir. Thank you for explaining!

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