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New Photos Reveal PMU’s Heavy Losses In Recent U.S. Strikes On Iraq

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On March 14, Iraqi sources shared photos revealing the Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) heavy losses in the recent U.S. strikes.

The photos document the destruction in the PMU’s 46th Brigade headquarters in the area of Jurf Sakhar south of the capital, Baghdad. Dozens of vehicles, multiple rocket launchers (MRLs) and howitzers were damaged or completely destroyed in the U.S. attack.

The 46th Brigade headquarters was one of five positions targeted by the U.S. early on March 13. The other positions were bases of the Iraqi military’s 19th Commandos Division, Babylon’s Police Regiments and an under construction airport near the holy Shiite city of Karbala.

Three soldiers of the Iraqi military and two policemen were killed in the strikes. A civilian was also killed in Karbala’s airport.

The U.S. strikes were a response to an attack on coalition troops in Camp Taji on March 11. The attack claimed the lives of three coalition service members and injured others.

Earlier today, a new rocket attack struck Camp Taji, injuring three coalition personnel. The U.S. may response to the attack with a new wave of strikes on Iraqi military positions in the upcoming few days.

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I understand that many of the US troops with ‘Headaches’ have now self identified as women and are now suffering with PMT as well. :)

Jens Holm

I see no difference. For sure most of them wasnt fighting trropps but teachers for the Bagdad Governent soldiers.

Ot seemes something has hit You too.

Hasbara Hunter

Hahahahaha…ZIONATO-JENS & His 77th Brigade of Retards are shitting their Panties….they desperately try to f*ck up this page…

Too much Truth to Handle….

John Wallace

Yep , all he is doing is stirring the pot adding nothing of value. Needs to be sent to ISIS so he can discuss his ideas with them as long as he keeps his head.

George King

Actually Jens is needed at home to help out with the refugee slum/s emptying projects (so his darlings have no excuses not to integrate in to Danish society) and reduce the criminal refugees or deny them their free leech on society. I have visited Denmark many times and outside of Copenhagen is a beautiful country and very friendly. I have asked many citizens many times about the great things they enjoy and their response has always been it is due to their citizens compact. Time the refugees integrate and contribute or be cast out!

John Wallace

Actually I think he needs to be put in one of those gigantic concrete mixers and mixed with sand . gravel , and cement to he can be used in the reconstruction of Syria. At least that way he would be contributing in a concrete way .

Jens Holm

You will, when You die. You might be reborn as worm for the ariculture and birds.

Looking at Syria i see the succes for no reforms. I am for reforms, where things dont work. Reforms increasing production making jobs makes less uprise and less crime.

50% unimployed men in Syira with no hope are the best paid recruits You can get against bad Goveness.

And I do write for reforms for Denmark as well as USA too. Those might be much different, but You have to change things during time. Islam often is like a frozen salmon.



Jens Holm

Is Ulrich or Dik Your correct name ?

John Wallace

I vote for coming back as a worm Jans, That way I will be eaten by a bird and end up flying high without drugs.

Jens Holm

We willl se.

Jens Holm

Actually I have written many times that about 50% deny to fot in and try to make things as they are, where they come from. I dont want semni states like that at all.

I always has been for, we can take in the ones, which integrate or we need for some time doing the work, we have no time for.

Those non needed 50% should integrate, where they come from.

And yes, we have done a lot to reduce the numbers of poor people giving them roof, clothe, food educations and to make them into taxpayers. Thats a long time thing. I think we have been re´lative succes full.

So we need none, which are, where we were 100 years ago and fx spending 3 billion dollars extra on those non productive incommers.

True. I am for harder and more effective integration.

According Copenhagen I would like the part of the incommers, which do nothing where women are not even allowed to do at least something, to be relocated to less expensive areas. We do have a few smaller Islands having had good farming and local fishing. Some could livve there well not be herased by someone like me. Thay feel that.

I am tired of paying for them as well as we are main supporters by food and others things by UN. My part is smal, but its like throving money and credit cards in the sea

Hasbara Hunter

He lost his head long…long time ago…

Jens Holm

I am fine. I know I am among Hill Billie homies enjoying their own succes armed to teeths only having different coolors of flags and helmets.

Go on killing each other. The few left might make western right wings happy as well as the many warwidows had to share You and only suffer 1/2, 1/3, 1/4.


John Wallace

Jans Jans Jans. You have been listening to Arlo Guthrie too much . I am concerned your KILL KILL KILL will get you conscripted to the US army as you will be just what they are looking for. I have included the lyrics version so you don’t mis understand .. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zPx2t7xoF1k

Jens Holm

I make improvements. Too much here is forked up or maybee down.

Jens Holm

Its only true its a large base having many kinds of jobs and facilities. I know very well about everythig ther, because we are leaders of the education and logistics for the Iraqians there the next year and we as several other Nato partners to USA are not participters in war against the same soldiers and the same country we educate to improve in those matters.

We for Years has been main runners of a Danish relative good radar, we have particiopated on taking Al Qaim from ISIS being the target spotters on the ground for the F16s and probatly several other things with our special units.

If You laugh it must be about Your own low knowledge level or something.

I am sure the Bagdad army now waste less bullits and by that need less bullits as well as they also hit mpre targets. We also has makes many very good, flexible and determinat mobile small leaders for the clasic smal unitog 10 soldiers being able to act with much more quality.

We are very good in this and educated and armed for that kind of warfare using accurasy for many big guns. Thats needed for attacking infantery and for protected tanks amd artilley well, so they can protect Yourself.

Were are not in the dispute with Iran and USA as well as the Iraqia base units there are there to protect us. We dont have fighting soldiers there apart from some few against theft and internal disputes.

Jens Holm

I dont think any areshitting their panties. We would never have educaters there if we knw we could be hit by ballistics. Never.

I so we at least would have protected us better. Ourr people were choked by the hard detonations as well as the surprice being not safe.


Now iran is very very angry. They will shoot another airliner full or iranians and teach those yanks a lesson that they will never forget.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

death toll of usa soldiers in those strikes is at least 32. they were kept on life support because the concussive blast from iranian strikes fkked the yanks up because you dont even build bunkers well enough to cower in.

and that plane was heading towards ukraine, where a lot of terrorist activity between ukraine and isis continues to happen

USA cannot invade iran, if you coulda, you woulda already

Jens Holm

Another stupidisme of the worst kind. USA will never waste a single life for not even a single Ayatollah freek. This is not WW1 or defence of sewverl 100.000s unarmed young men against Saddam.

If there is a war, the USA will cut all electricity, water, bridges and maybee try to hit the missile bases in Bandar Abbas and make Iran into bicycles.


But then Israel will give those bicycles flat tires, if need be.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

incorrect, if usa could have invaded iran, they would have.


These strikes are Iraqi not Iranian. We simply don’t know if they are ISIS or not.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

iraq and iran are fighting ISIS. you are a moron if you think iran or iraq is behind ISIS everybody knows ISIS are USA creation

Icarus Tanović

That’s right.

Jens Holm

I dont think he writes Iran is behind ISIS. He writes ISIS could be the agressor too. I dont think so.

Everybody also dont know ISIS are and USA creation. I see Assad were main starter of ISIL in Iraq.

Its true USA for a while supported ISIS to eleiminate Assads, buit then stopped because they could not vonytol them. Obama stopped them even Hillary wanted to go on a little more time. USA also stopped Saudis for giving thm advanced weapons, which were meant against Houtis and self defence only.

Sausdi now are not supreme buyer af the most advanced USA productions.

“Everybody” certainly is not everybody in time as well as strenght.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

assad didnt start isis in iraq at all. wtf is wrong with you? any idea’s that assad is the bad guy and USA is the good guy should be purged from your fucking tiny mind. Saudi may buy a lot of shit expensive USA military equipment but it is donig them no good whatsoever, with UK and USA ‘assistance’ in the genocide of yemen saudi are still getting spanked raw

Jens Holm

I nver has written USA is a good guy. Assads are bad.

As long as I recall there has been wars aming at least 2 groups in Yemen. I have been reading Gamel Abdel Nasser as there too long tiere before my time.

So You might add the disputes in Yemen is no new thing with or without colonialisme.



What the hell are you talking about? Are you dazed and confused? Silly question, of course you are.


Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes, I was addressing LR captain’s line, “is this going to escalate until IRAN strikes US troops again”. You are correct, ISIS is a Saudi Wahhabi Sunni creation of the US/UK, along with Al Qaeda’s MB. ( with Qatar and Turkey). Russia, Syria, Lebanon Iraq and Iran are fighting the Salafists. My objection was the tendency to blame Iran for attacks on Americans.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

sorry i misread. there is every chance this is for the soleimani. at any opportunity across the globe there will be attacks on USA soldiers. His influence and power was enormous

Jens Holm

I expect those are Iraqis militis too. Bagdad dont control great parts of Iraq.

good american

Well, I reckon it will be more difficult for the PMU, and other effective fighters of ISIS, without this equipment. Mission Accomplished!

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

PMU is iraqi internal security against ISIS, yeah well done. once again yank pigdogs destroy the equipment being used to fight ISIS

you protect your ‘assets’ well

good american

Yes, when dealing with the US, watch the actions, not the words. Obama taught me that one with Libya.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

yep, all the west ‘welcomed gaddaffi’ to the international community when he got rid of his WMD’s, within two yrs libya were fucked and he was dead.

John Wallace

Was it Tony Blair that went and shook his hand welcoming him back to the fold and giving him the Mafia kiss of death.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

yeah it is really hard to find those videos again . if you have links would be useful

John Wallace

I think the last time I saw it was a couple of years ago in a ?? war history doco so not sure which one. Didn’t realise it had been scrubbed so if I see it again I will drop a line. ?


weak hand very weak hand for the americans right now, as coronavirus bites hard plus only being able to ”bomb here and there” mostly unaffiliated security forces, whome they pay the salaries. It reminds me of a movie l saw many years ago: there was this Hercules fighting a 50 meters tall giant Cyclope, he manages to stab his only eye and the beast, now blind, starts to hit with a club anything he can reach, mostly rocks and cliffs. That is the analogy here between the stongest army in the history of mankind, with hands mostly tied, and a mobile, unknown, undefined militia hitting maybe towmorrow, next week, next month or nex year who knows..

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

coronavirus is a smokescreen. This olympic years pandemic is having an extremely good results on global martial law implementation

(remember there is a pandemic crisis every olympic year and suddenly a bunch of absolute dickheads start thinking MSM is credible …)


both iranians and USA soldiers should leave iraq alone. they clearly can handle themselves just fine. They only need a bit of chinese economic expertise and financial support and they can get going just well. No need to be guinea pig for NATO weaponry

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

Iran are in iraq at the request of the iraqi government. Iraqi government has told USA pigdogs it wants them to fuck off out of their country. yank pigdogs are refusing to leave iraq because they enjoy bombing it with impunity so much that killing iraqi’s is just like a round of golf to them now

It was Soleimani who saved baghdad from ISIS and was responsible for pushing ISIS out of iraq


If Iran stays the US will always have the excuse not to leave. The Chinese, like l said, should be selected to bring more stability to the country. Since they are not a sectarian society, they can show Iraq the way to prosperity instead of this endless sunni shia conflict that benefits only NATO butchers

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

If Iran leaves USA will continue to stay. Next you are gonna say USA genuinely believed Saddam had WMD’s USA continue to use any excuse not to leave Iraq and this will not change. USA are the bad guys


US will be prompted to leave by countinuative attacks. At that point, there is no reason for lran to have any political influence anymore. China can take that role

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

Iraq and Iran are allies, China and Iran are allies, Russia and Iran are allies. USA is allied with israel UAE and saudi.

Iranian backed houthi’s are also spanking NATO backed saudi in their illegal invasion of yemen

Why shouldnt Iran have any influence in iraq? Iran actually helped fight for iraq against the illegal USA invasion. (that is when soleimani offed 5-600 usa soldiers. aka war criminals. because while many virtue signalled their ‘protest’ against the iraqi war, iran actually fought against the illegal USA occupation of iraq.


people recognize only the needs of thier respective countries, not of elusive international alliances

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

erm… people recognise the psychopathic fucked up aggression of USA as it continues to abuse it’s power. Countries recognise the need to have solid allies in the face of illegal USA wars and aggression Trust me, these alliances are borne out of a necessity for self preservation against the USA

The USA only has vassals, not allies

Jens Holm

I agree very much in Your version of the world. We have to have allies.

I dont se we are vassels of USA art all. We are westerns economics having added EU as wel, I anytime will prefare being in that system with USA.

They are depended of us and we are depended of them. Here China also are a growing affiliate.

I wil never choose different and would like to see some insiting links for, whats better how, why, when and like that.

And what do the world see. Well people want to emmigrate to us and hardly any from us wish to emmigrate to You. That should be a proof for normal thinking people.

We dont want and need that at all.

We think You need to devellop and fx take the good parts already invented by us and use them for Your own populations. But You deny that. You even insist in no needed changes even You are overpopulated but also has potential for much more needs.

To me You are vassals of the bad parts of Islam. Very often as if You not even has written, what written and YOIur world is driven by old men being titolly illiterate and supported as they wish by a 100 years old Choran.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

what faith? just because i am against USA indiscriminately killing, maiming torturing and invading other countries doesnt make me a muslim because i understand that USA is ISIS and they are absolute stinking pigdogs doesnt make me support a totalitarian barbaric and violent cult

Jens Holm

Thast not correct at all. You can say “most people do”. But they are very deoended in all conntection to the rest of the world. We therefore has seen all kind sof those conntections whatever their names are and what they are for.

The socalled “Island” theory hardly exist. Yoi might even be forced to. USA was forced into WW1 as well as WW2 even their politics was, they were with themselves as a big country having South America by the Monroe doctrine.

My own Denmark is same thing. Norway, sweden and Denmark did avoid WW1 insisting we were not involved and should not be involved. That was a succes.

We tryed the same for WW2 but´the Nazis need Norway very much as well as food from Denmark, so they took us until some other liberated us. We didnt liberatre us.

So we had 2 whoch demanded us to be with them. Ypou cant go to oil countries and expect anything like “we live in pur farms”. You also get a lot of money in.

If not for the oil, You as Iraqi could not live 40 million there but maybee as before fx 10 million.

If You had no oil, You could do as Denmark did before the real industrail way became a fact. We had to devellop the agriculture by export and in meat and eggs. We dint need food but were very overpopulated compared to what we needed from the outside. Fx we had no iran for tools for the farming.

Iraq could do that, bu Yoú had ti have connections to sell the good food.

Jens Holm

Again a very biased version even some is true. Iranian help is a relative. We have seen it even before Islam was invented.

I can see most things are old stuff made by Yourself.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

that made no sense

Jens Holm

China will be there for own purpose. We see that all over. The biggest change would be Youthen had to learn to speak chinese and blame them instead of Jews and Westerns.

As long as You are in the old days with most things, where vomen hardly are counted in the statistics as human beings as wel, You will be likeold days, where oil was for lamps only andfill Yourslef up with hate, because You not even take time for giving Yourself a good life.

Thats what I see.

Jens Holm



Iraqi Prime Minister signed a $30 billion deal China. The U.S. threatened the Prime Minister with death. And deadly sanctions on Iraq if they dont tear up the deal


That is not good

Jens Holm

So what. The Chinese trade with everybody. They do need oil and of course has to pay for it. They dont care. Look how they treat their own muslims…

You even assumes, they are Yiur friénds. Ha ha.

Jens Holm

Most of that is highly incorrect. Its no excise to doanything just becauise You saved Bagdad for own purpose.

Thieves are like that too.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

You do understand i am white British and live in the UK yeah? i have no vested interest in portraying USA cunts as they are. it doesnt help any ’cause’ i might have. My information comes from years of looking at facts

Jens Holm

I dont care if You are brittish or not. Churchill did a lot of bad things even when he was premiere minster. If I add and subtract he was a bad guy even he under WW2 mainly was doing a great job.

Jens Holm

We caould hope that. Unfortunatly You have to add corruption of the worst kind too.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

bodybags for yanks are coming. killary trump fkked up with soliemani murder


Maybe. But the ones for you Islamists are being used by the hundreds with hundreds right now with lots more on order.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

what do you mean you islamists? fuck islam, mohammed was a pedo. nazi’s like you cannot see the difference between islam and mulsims

Hasbara Hunter

The only thing USrael has got left at the moment is: AIRSTRIKES….their foot soldiers the ISIS 7th Cavalry under command of General Elliot Shimon already got decimated….with Air-Power alone one cannot win a War…training & arming new Headchopper-Brigades will be a Costly & Longterm business…

The Emperor with no clothes became a General without an Army…their Bases in the Middle East tiny spicks of sand in a vast ocean of desert…

Icarus Tanović

And headchopping Wahhabis are bit concerned who is gonna lift them with new passports to America.

Hasbara Hunter

Hahahaha…USrael tends to throw all their former Allies under the bus…

Dear US Allies I found y’all a noice apothegm: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/097688373f703d19a59d74e103914bfa278c57167ac9fc836049cd8011d6fba9.jpg


Jens Holm

Rhars right. THey nevershould have left SDFs as they did.

Jens Holm

It says You according to Trump are completly unimportant.

You realy dont get we were there asked in to help taking back areas. The need for forst class soldiers and logistics were vital.

Thats not votal anymore. There are no need for so many troops and Iraq itself also now has a sall but reliable airfoirce. So they are reduced because ISIS are.

Your agenda is far out and crippled.

I will remind You, that the Bagdad Goverment also are the mainpayers for that help even DEnmark this year as help will pay 50 milion dollars.

YOu are correct USA are decimated in the Middle Easts. According to, how Trup was elected, thats the change and USA shoud be more themselves only.

You shoud be more hip hi for that then Your stupid assumptions.

Hasbara Hunter

Who’s Trumpf?

Jens Holm

He is 53 in my old cardplay.

You should make statues. He has seen You are totally unimportant and never will bee. He therefore has decided You now are can be free and more then ever.

Hasbara Hunter

Your Trumpster is pretty unimportant for me personally too…I think he’s a Clown… can tell him that…

You have not answered my question yet…so I will ask it again:

Who asked you to come over & help in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya & Syria?

Icarus Tanović

Jens is as stupid as it gets. Retarded ziofacsist. He lives Isil because iy shows, trying to present Muslims in a negative light. Tell him to go to fight with them Wahhabis.

Hasbara Hunter

Islam in essence is a Religion of Peace….the Western Sheeples will understand some day….I myself have learned a lot in recent years…a bad Muslim is no Muslim to begin with….

The ZioNazis & Knights Templar tried to destroy Islam & Christianity with their Divide & Conquer…They did not succeed…Islam grew stronger….UNITY is the Elites’ worst Enemy…

Jens Holm

Islam is no essense of peace at all. Its the same for other religions as well as sekularisme.

Its about how people do use it …

Hasbara Hunter

Hey smart! You are bloody right…it is all about interpretation…the Koran is a Manual…How to live a good life…be nice to peoples & animals…do not steal…do not murder…do not rape…help the needy peoples…The more good you do the better your seat in paradise…sounds logic right?

ISIS, Al-CIAda, Muslimbrotherhood, FSA, Nour al din al Zenki, HTS & other Moderate Headchoppers are Rapists, Murderers, Psychopaths, Criminals, Terrorists….& thus can’t be Muslims…


Oh, come on. You Islamist Muslims love killing eachother more than anyone else. You’ve done it for centuries. Damn, look at Syria, Yemen, Libya…

Hasbara Hunter

So you are still alive…like I said all them parasites come crawling out of that place where the sun doesn’t shine at the same time…It is all a matter of interpretation boy… I personally don’t hold the Majority of Humanity in the highest regard….But it was you AngloZioNazis who have done most of the Genocides, Wars, Looting, Raping & Destroying for at least the past 500 years

Jens Holm

Many muslims represent Islam in a very bad way, so I dont need to put them in a negative way.

Here at this site I have written, that the 50% incomming muslims here are ok because they are abe to integrate well.

O also has written the 50% whioch dont are bad. They cant inspeckt we should do as they do. Thats not their country. The integrating and sometimes even assilmialted are new danes no¨matter which religion, they have.

Sunni to me is You change to where You are and being obligated to You children doing well as well as I see men forget the right their wives has too.

So I kind of dont like 500 million muslims.

And Your selfie is complete, because Yiou forget, that the more You dont change, the more we see our right wings see at muslims here, where You for them are the new Jews.

Jens Holm

Americans of course. My Goverment suported it. I was for throwing Russians out of Afgganistan. They were a very good reason for us to go there.

But after that the locals should go back to old days having a low profile KIng, President whatever in Kabul.

I have the same for Iraq, Libya & Syria. Apart from killing the bad and violent Leaders there, we should not be there at all.

I will not waste any of Our lives for any semilar to You until You all have pigs as pets in Your homes. That od course include jews and any other too,which amputatet their children below. .

And again: We are not only being asked. We are together in my world and sometimes more and sometimes less. So Denmark has chosen to be very close to americans more then many even that does not include all danes.

Hasbara Hunter

Why are you growing heroin in Afghanistan?


The Serbs would disagree. And in the end, the Japanese would have to disagree.

cechas vodobenikov

obviously—the US loses all wars except against island nations w nearly no military…so pitiful, they were unable to subvert Cuba….amerikans r too cowardly to wage war….”amerikans have always been genocidal, enjoying killing from afar”. Philip Slater…..unable defeat Vietnam, Serbia—obviously it was the USSR and China that defeated Japan—when the USSR amassed a million troops in Manchuria, declared war on Japan (they had humiliated Japan also in 1939) and began to occupy northern Japanese islands, the insecure amerikans surrendered, accepting the same terms the Japanese offered Stalin 3 years earlier when USSR was neutral….of course “amerikans r exquisitely ignorant of history”. Hofstadter…..”amerikans r not educated to think historically or sociologically”. Morris Berman obviously amerikans r too neurotic and puritanical to think…”busy busy numb–amerikans cannot feel alive unless they feel themselves busy…amerika is a vast goo of meaningless stimulation”. Thomas de Zengodita

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

don’t forget at least 32 USA pigdogs died from concussive blasts as they cowered in their bunkers as well. USA kept them on life support but they were brain dead. Just so that the yanks could say there were no casualties

Jens Holm

Its normale procedure, You bring bad messages a litle by little and try to make socalled damage control in medias.

So many here know so little about things. You are experts in bringing non sense and make thibgs even mpre difficult to understand as it is.

I take it again: USA and we Danes are asked for to fight ISIS and educate the Bagdad armed forceds from none to something. WE have succes with both and even pay to help.

But the rest of Nato are not in the USA-IRAN agenda. As for Syria we other Natos hardly support USA according Syria. We see it as a waste.

I am sure most Nato countries and EU dont love Iran as well as Syria, but we wont risk life for Your own everlasting stupifities. No way. You also forget non Natos and EU support things going on there.

Saudis fx also are arabs adn not only “Wahabits”. You arabs are one of a kind in theory only but also veru different ones.

WE support stability and change by argumentation, but You insist in making no countries or keep parts bad. That goes for the artificial states named Syria and Iraq and partly Turkey. Our critisism around Turkey mainly is for all living in Turkey more and mpre handcuffed my some 50% for very bad reasons.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

you talk such shite


Utter bullshit, not even USSR could hide their deaths in Afghanistan. USA can’t hide 32 deaths, maybe maximum 2 that theysaid that died in Germany


Looks like they bombed a wrecker’s yard


My thoughts exactly

Icarus Tanović


Hasbara Hunter

When Iran strikes again…they probably won’t be able to cry for their mommies this time… https://youtu.be/i62MDG81mlI


The PMU is a legitimate part of the Iraqi government, almost like a National Guard.

It is not a creature of Iran or anyone else.

So, the US is again attacking Iraq almost twenty years after its original completely illegal invasion and killing about a million people.

And it is doing so after being asked by the government of Iraq to leave the country, which it refuses to do.

So, who’s the bad guy in all this?

Jens Holm

I dont see that. Bagdad Goverment are based on a conglemorate of too armed fractions split up in many kinds of puzzles.

John Wallace

You don’t see shit Jems. All you see is a chance to stir the pot with bullshit.

Jens Holm

You not even know what You are figthing for and against, You just fight for any silly flag in the sky.

You need organisation and structure and sensible divindings. Your own leders deny You that having their own invented agandas for won purpose.

And I do know the history book about it more then most. You not even try to learn to avoid the most devastating parts from there.

Its no bullshit to make people clean their own houses and not blame others for whats comes from Your own shaved and not shaved behinds.

If there was a Nobel price for lying all the time and aming Yourself as number one, people in that region had many winners.


it is creature of iran.


Nahhhhhhhh…the Iraqi government has not asked the US to leave. In fact, it has asked NATO to stay and increase its support. Matters not if they are associated with the Iraqi Army. They got what they deserved and will be getting a lot more unless they behave themselves and stop taking direction from the Islamist Iranians.


No, they asked US to leave. At same time, they asked several EUROPEAN nato members to continue with teaching of iraqi forces.

cechas vodobenikov

by unanimous vote they demand that the US leave—-clearly amerikans r envious of nations that possess democracy

Jens Holm

You ASSUME 100 are suffering from PTSD. Assune…

Jens Holm

Most of them will recover.

You might understand an army better. If it looses 100 soldiers, You can registrate many are dead, many are wounded, many are prisoners and some ran away in fear.

If you look later many of the wounded are back 100% or at least almost, rhe ran aways are found and some might be in prison for a whole and the prisoners can be exchanged or come home, when the war is over.

So 100 is here and now ..

We do have the traumatized here too even in small hands. Some are damged in their heads forever and live by themselves in the forrest and we also see the dig deep in the ground, when we are clapping our hands.

So we know them. Most of them recover even it takes years for them.

Jens Holm

Very incorrect as well.


WTF is the Iraqi parliament doing? They should be passing a resolution declaring the US a hostile occupying force and seeking international help. I know it would be a symbolic gesture only, but they need to at least take this first step before the US presence can be ejected.

John Wallace

They should but probably got a gun pointed at their heads . Isn’t the new leader in their pocket after the previous one who stood up to them bullied until he resigned.


Iran let die his proxies. Nothing new.


Well, some of them died as well, including yet another general.

Jens Holm

The Parlament, which decided what You expect was not the full Parlament but a group of them.

So as minimum they have to agree having some majority. You also have to learn, that Americans as also we other Nato members are not day to day but has a period to leave in an organized way.

Another thing is, that many mebers of that parlament are worried beciase the influence rapidly will grow, so it makes sense, they would like some in the middle solution.

USA are called in by the Iraqian Goverment. GOT IT. Americans was asked to leave and all did apart from some important bigger parts of some embassys.


I might agree some with You about the parlament. The elected seemes not being able to do, what they promised and few other things.


They all went home in garbage bags.

Jens Holm

The garbage bags must for for saving money. They are not dead.


Iran got nothing to loose, break out through the sanction, awesome for war any troop deployments will face biological armageddon

Xoli Xoli

USANATO pretends always as their are above any law.Their invade countries or inter countries forcefully or with false pretences and always claim that their reserve the right of self defence.How could you violate other sovereign countries airspace and territories and claiming that you reserve the right of self defence.If this a acceptable norm then let other countries follow this example of USA to violate under watchful eyes of double face UN guterres.

dan kopfz

Trump doubling down on the stupid.

dan kopfz

Iran likely has nothing to do with these rocket strikes directly. US pissed off everyone in the region, and this is a reaction to it.

cechas vodobenikov

desperation from the dying empire http://www.sott.net/article/430741 now the CIA admits the US is the biggest loser in Syria


US gonna bring Apaches against civilians again? “he’s putting his hand in his pocket”, “splash him”, and so it goes. The pilot scum get to play their video games for real. No one in Iraq is safe now, not that they ever were.

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