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MARCH 2025

New Photos Show Extensive Damage At Syria’s Damascus International Airport After Israeli Attack

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New Photos Show Extensive Damage At Syria's Damascus International Airport After Israeli Attack

An Israeli Air Force F-15 fighter jet. © Amir Cohen / Reuters

Syria’s Damascus International Airport has sustained extensive damage as a result of the June 10 Israeli aerial attack.

Israeli fighter jets launched several munitions at the airport from the direction of the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights. Some of the munitions were intercepted. However, the airport was badly hit.

Satellite images shared by ImageSat International shade some light on the damage at Damascus International Airport. According to the images, both the northern and southern runways of the airport were completely destroyed. Each runway received three direct hits from what appears to be heavy precision-guided munitions.

New Photos Show Extensive Damage At Syria's Damascus International Airport After Israeli Attack

Click to see full-size image. Source: ImageSat International.

New Photos Show Extensive Damage At Syria's Damascus International Airport After Israeli Attack

Click to see full-size image. Source: ImageSat International.

The airport’s arrival hall also sustained extensive damage as a result of the attack. The London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights shared photos showing some of the damage on June 11.

The Israeli attack placed Damascus International Airport out for service. Initially, the Syrian Ministry of Transportation said that the airport will resume operations within “48 hours”. However, in a latter statement the ministry said that operations at the airport has been suspended until “further notice”.

The results of the attack were not limited to material losses. At least one civilian worker was wounded, according to official Syrian sources.

Russia, Iran, Lebanon’s Hezbollah and a number of Palestinian factions, including the Hamas Movement, condemned the Israeli attack on the airport.

Several Israeli attacks targeted Damascus International in April and May. Israel claims that Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps has been shipping advanced weapons to Hezbollah in Lebanon via to the airport. Tel Aviv has not presented any evidence to back these claims, yet.

The last attack on the airport was an unprecedented escalation by Israel. Despite this, war-torn Syria will not likely respond in order to avoid a full-on military confrontation.


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Hit Tel Aviv airport FFS.


I produce eighty 5 dollars each hour for in operation an online job at .st25 I ne’er thought i’ll have it off but my relief makes 10 thousand greenbacks monthly operating this job and she or he Hav or he instructed coniferous tree State to be told further concerning it. The potential with this will be endless. For a lot of detail…… 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐞.𝐭𝐤/

Last edited 2 years ago by Marjorie

US has been killing million of innocent people s in the middle east.


It would be worthwhile to target Tel Aviv airport. Israel is prepared to make small strikes, what if they do not want a full scale war? There can be a treaty and boundaries to future actions if strikes make them come to the negotiating table. They can also be asked whether they want a full blown war with Israel Iran Syria and Lebanon. Perhaps they should be asked this question. It is a good time to go to war as the weapons have been depleted in the West.

Elohim Kosher Bar

If Team Putin does not stop the ongoing judaic terrorist acts on Syria, then I’m going to call them Jew Whores.

hunter bidé lab pork !

so for izzisrael terrorrists lgbts nazis they can bomb a civil infrastructure in another country. So Syria and friends can bomb everything in iszzisrael pigs !!!!! F then !!! and ONU and so on !!!!


No peace in the. MIddle east until the zionists are destroyed Where are the decent Israeli people with a conscience have they all been brainwashed like the ukranians


Palestinians, Lebanese, Hizballah, Russia, Egypt, Syria, et al: when it comes to fighting the Israelis they all turn into pussies and human doormats. Amazingly, Israel can bomb Syria and Palestine with total impunity, killing hundreds, destroying airports, installations, etc with total impunity. Not so much as a slap on the wrist. WTF!? Time to send the drones to Tel Aviv on bombing missions: it’s payback time bitches!


Decent Israeli people? Isn’t that an oxymoron?

Peter Jennings

There are some, but as soon as they protest, they get hammered. Such is the way of regimes. They don’t care. The priority is the ideology, and not the race, or colour of skin, or way of upbringing. The regime will turn on its own just as quickly. I’m sure the majority of decent people prefer to keep quiet and hope that trouble passes them by. There may come a time where hope isn’t enough.


So why weren’t Russia’s most advanced SA-400s protecting the airport?… Or did giving them to Turkey 5 years ago provide the “workarounds” that Russia’s other “at arms length ally” and consummate business buddy needed to eventually take advantage of???…

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt

You’d think the airport would be a top priority to protect


Now is the best time for Iran and Syria to form an economic and defence cooperation with North Korea or Pakistan who are both experiencing economic turmoil and desperate for assistance to salvage the nations from total collapse and thereby willing to trade their nukes. A win win situation for anti-zionazzi parties.


Pakistan new government was Put in power not too long ago by USA, unfortunately Pakistan is now off the table. But agree with the rest


Israel knows Hezbollah and Iran still transport what they need, and this attack doesn’t do anything. Israel does these attacks to show they’re the biggest and baddest the name of their “promise land” during a war, a lot of airstrikes will come from damascus as way to say fuck you israel

Last edited 2 years ago by Jnoub
Peppe il Sicario

Jews only have a big mouth and no balls as was epically depicted in the film “Godfather” with the Woltz character, the big mouth Jew producer who ended up with the severed head of his prize race-horse in his bed. That’s how you treat arrogant Jewish scum. Unfortunately, most of the world hasn’t figured it out yet.


I don’t know why Russia, Syria, and other enemies of the israelis don’t fight back more. They’re such pussies! Kick some fucking zionist ass already! Why oh why do they let those motherfuckers bomb, kill and attack with total impunity, time and time and time again!? Follow the example of the Houthis: they kick some Saudi ass, and frequently! Houthis have brains the nerve to use them: they attack with drones–deep into Saudi territory–and hit their airports, military and oil refinery causing real damage. But what do the mouse-like Syrians do? Nothing! They are human doormats, pussies who never take the fight back to those fucking Israelis. Syria ought to invite the Houthi army to come to Syria and defend their country: immediately Tel Aviv would be carpet bombed with drone attacks. Time to KICK ZIONIST ASS!!!!!


No sanctions against Israel for their neverending acts of international terrorism? No sanctions against Israel for 74 years of occupation and continuous ethnic cleansing and genocide against the Palestinian people? Who controls the stooges in the Western governments? Who controls the mass media in the Western world? Why is Israel allowed to participate in sports in Europe when they are not even part of Europe? How is it possible for Israel, a country in the middle East to win the Eurovision song contest? Why are the five people who own the entirety of the Western mass media all holding Israeli passports? Is this healthy for democracy? When are people of European descent going to realize that all the conflicts and wars are instigated by the banking parasites who rule over them? There’s an ethnocide going on in the countries still inhabited by people of European descent.

Last edited 2 years ago by Ioan
Peter Jennings

Its doesn’t seem to matter to the isreali apartheid regime whether these claims are true or not. Their claim is usually good enough. Any old pretext to bomb.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out just who is behind the destruction of Syria. A greater isreal anyone? as if the isreali apartheid regime couldn’t be any ‘greater’.


This will happen to every single country as long as there is NATO in this world. The regimes are drug addicted in NATO.


How many trims have I stated, HIT BACK but with PLAUSIBLE DENIABILTY or Isreli will continue with its WAR on Syria and YES it is WAR.

I cannot imagine a neighbour of mine bombing part of my 2000 acre farm, including Buildings, a couple of times every month for years and I would do nothing, except say I don’t want to start a full blown war

What do you call a “full blown” WAR?

That neighbour would be GONE, long ago

Israelis are laughing at you because every day they are winning, until nothing is remaining of Syria

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