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MARCH 2025

New Photos Show Russian Black Sea Fleet Submarine Being Loaded With Deadly Cruise Missiles

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New Photos Show Russian Black Sea Fleet Submarine Being Loaded With Deadly Cruise Missiles

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The submarines of the Russian Navy’s Black Sea Fleet have been employing their land-attack capabilities in support of the special military operation in Ukraine.

On April 24, Russian sources shared photos showing a Black Sea Fleet Project 636.3 Improved Kilo-class submarine, Velikiy Novgorod (B-268), being loaded with four 3M14K Kalibr land-attack cruise missiles in the port of Sevastopol. The photos were reportedly taken in mid-April.

The Black Sea Fleet’s Improved Kilo diesel-electric attack submarines have reportedly carried out several strikes on high-value military targets of Kiev forces since the beginning of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine. The most recent strike was reported on April 22.

New Photos Show Russian Black Sea Fleet Submarine Being Loaded With Deadly Cruise Missiles

Click to see full-size image. Via Twitter.

New Photos Show Russian Black Sea Fleet Submarine Being Loaded With Deadly Cruise Missiles

Click to see full-size image. Via Twitter.

The 3M14T cruise missile has a range of 2500 kilometers. The missile’s guidance system is built around an INS [inertial navigation system] and GLONASS satellite guidance systems. The missile can fly at low altitudes thanks to a TERCOM [terrain contour matching] system.

The missile, which has a terminal speed of Mach 0.8, is armed with a 450 kg HE-FRAG [high explosive fragmentation] or bunker buster warhead.

The Kalibr family includes several types of land-attack, anti-ship and anti-submarine missiles that can be launched from warships, submarines, ground vehicles and even warplanes. Ship-launched land-attack cruise missiles of the Kalibr family have already seen action in Ukraine.

At least six Improved Kilo submarines are known to be in service with the Black Sea Fleet’s 4th Independent Submarine Brigade. These quiet, heavily-armed submarines can provide serious offensive capabilities.


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The mind controlled Ukrainians need to wake up pronto and realize that this isn’t a game any longer. They need to understand the severity of the situation — that the demonic entity of Nato is leading them and their entire country down into a black hole from which they may never ever arise again. Fools are leading fools.


Mind control because they are not bending over and spreading their cheeks for the invader?

Is that what you would do?


Well, if they, the Kiev-junta, had let Putin do what he had intended to do, without interfering — liberate Donbass and kick out the nasty usurpers of Kiev — there wouldn’t have been a war at all! And not a single Ukrainian would have died, and not a single city or village would have been shelled.

Now, doesn’t that sound like some sound advice that should have been taken … and would have been taken, if Ukraine had had a normal leader who cared for his country and its people? A normal leader would have used his brain and realized that the Donbass was lost, no matter what he did. And he would also have realized that Ukraine never could win an outright war against Russia. He would then, this normal leader, decide to save his people and country from the hell of war, saving ten of thousands of their lives.

jens holm

You not even know where it is. How many kanguroos and pinguins do they have.


No because they are the enemy of the real world with their bio lab pathogens fucknut,dumbkunt!


Ukraine is a US vassal state. Zelensky bent over plenty.

jens holm

We have internet here. I hope You will get it too. Do You get informations by pigions or mail with stamps.

Here in Denmark we has more then 20.000 refugees. None says as You are told.

They also has direct dayli contacts by their mobile phones to friends and families there. There has been no revolusion like there since yesterday.


You do know you have issues, right?


You have internet only because the US allowed you to use it ,every single part of your network vectoring is made by broatcom chips carrier Routing by Cisco/Juniper maybe some access multiplexer are made by Huawei but also with broatcom CPUs they are all us companies, if you are not frendly to your Master he will cut your Internet connection ,russian doesn’t need us chip they use Baikal CPU made by russians ,unfortunately we have here the same problem,

Thomas Turk

Didn’t the alcohol, fluoride mRNA injection soaked skanda-hooligans, (D’s) sell their Carib Island to Murika for 20M$m after cruelly slaving the sugar plantations for over 150 years.


‘Invasion’ ? Looks like a military intervention – on humanitarian grounds – from here.

jens holm

Thasts how it is. We have been sliding about it by the Russian invasion, the devatstating destruction and very much the many refugees here,

So many new NGO help the incommings and tranport of almost everything to the internal refugees in Ukraine. Many of those has no homes anymore. Homes are bombarded away and therest too.

Russia dont do a military operations only.

Thomas Turk

Hope you kicked out the Somalis from your spare bedroom and took in the poor frightened Ukie family.. and gave a credit card too, eh? Good girl, Jens.


Pretty much. Then there is the also likelihood that those Ukraine labs were doing exactly what the US claimed Iraq was doing, but wasn’t. WMDs.


Fck, this place is gay.


Yea you’re right, Russia has been very patient, too patient if you ask me, but of course it’s too reduce the civilian casualties. Soon Russia will have no other choice but to start hitting hard, and only hard. The SAS terrorist who are fighting in Ukraine is only the start, if NATO keeps doing stuff like that, Russia will have to start hitting NATO as well.


True. But for some reason he doesn’t want to go all in just yet. Nobody really knows why? He is, of course, surely concerned about the civilians. So perhaps he will hit Ukraine much harder once he has liberated all of Donbass? He is sure to know all the vital facts concerning this war and is now, I believe, patiently waiting for the correct time to unleash his full wrath on the Nazi-loving Nato scum.

jens holm

Its little childs revenge. It started when Poles defeated the Re Army and Russia lost WW1 three times.

Here Banderas is created too in a Stalin farce version. Its still learned in school. Its forgotten Banderas tryed to start a west Ukrainian state 5 years befor Hitler wrote his nasty book.

After the defeat to Poland the paranoia infected communist were very afraid. They made the Stalin line all the way from Murmansk to Odessa by Kiev.

jens holm

USA and UK are employed by the Ukra state. As asked for Russians now meet a well educated defence military force.

As usual from Your kind we are more studid then You and sitting ducks.

The rest of the world is wrong. Putty has spoken and Pavlov has raised You with Potemkin

Thomas Turk

It’s the cauldron next.. already softening it up with nonstop artillery and aerial. 60-90K to B O I L.

Muhammad your Prophet

They understand the severity of the situation. Deranged Putin cockroaches are trying to murder them with old shitty tanks.


Putin is not deranged, far from it. If he were, why are Nato so afraid of him? Only a deranged person would state something as ridiculous as that.

jens holm

Its seen before, what desperados can do.

We see it right now. There has been no Minsk 2 for Ukraine as well as Russia. But Russia has killed at least 50.000 and destroy an already poor country.

So now we keep the Minsk 2 less and less. Trying to be nice for many years seemes to have no effect for a free and open Europe.

The dirtbag is for revenge only.

jens holm

How is it collecting green cheese on the backside of the moon?

Dick Von D'Astard

Interesting to see if the Russian shipyards could produce a VLS equipped stretched Kilo.

Last edited 2 years ago by Dick Von D'Astard
jens holm

Row row, row Your boat.

Soon they probatly not even has the advanced stuff for missiles and other things.

Dick Von D'Astard

Average depth of the Caspian Sea is 690ft, max depth 3.360 ft. Would having a Kilo or two operating in the Caspian Sea provide utility to the Russian armed forces?

jens holm

That makes no sense.


NATO, Israel and Ukrainian fighters are Nazis.

jens holm

Secret weapon might be trying us to die laughing.


Israel say that they are the victims of Nazis and this was a big lie. In fact Israel themselves are Nazis. They butchered so many innocent civilians in Germany. Never trust Israel and NATO.


Exactly,the holohoax is real they used orthodox victims as the scapegoat,truth is the askenazis are a vile evil packa noobs,whoms ugly heritage begins to expose their ugly faces,mongrel bred incestrys, no secret 10 k higher ranked vile evil nazis where these coward covert fake news asswipes,the fact that there was no 6 million jews but rather stalin relocated 6 million jews to the middle east was also add to the fake total soviet loss of life to make out onerall stalin lost 20 million soviets where the real numbers were 7.5 million losses according to official ww2 recently released usa war archives, use logic,do the real math follow all the dots,what we got are sodomised variant nazis in the form of reicht secular neo-liberism with all the tangible benefits of the pink swastika labour union trustees!

Any sodomised maggot try to mock years of hard work,id fight it to death tooth n nail,no more lies!

Last edited 2 years ago by TRUSS IS A TRUTH ASSASIN WHORE
jens holm

bork bork

jens holm

Secret weapon might be trying us to die laughing.

You really are kept.


The admiration of the Nazi political theorists for the policies of the semitisers was recorded in their public comments. It’s a recorded historical fact.

Pasi Kuronen

Make the nazi clown Zelenskyi suffer!


Dislodge its jaw first,then feed it to the lions and record everything,celebrate the world liberation day.

jens holm

You learned form the necrofiles or cannibals?

jens holm

bork bork bork

Thomas Turk

bork? The sound of a skanda-hooligan swimming in Carlsberg, fluoride and mRNA injections, loaded with graphene, AIDS, hep, flu, parasites, cancer and nanobots? Been triple injected, Jens? Silly girl. eg.

Video: Graphene Oxide: A Toxic Substance in the Vial of the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine? By Ricardo Delgado and Prof Michel Chossudovsky Global Research, January 19, 2022.

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko. The mRNA injections HAVE AIDS!


I’m no navel guy, but isn’t it weird to have green and brown cammo on the boats behind the sub? Shouldn’t they be blue or grey?

Florian Geyer

I suppose that you and your zionazi mate sleep under a Rainbow camouflage duvet.

jens holm

You really dont get the point. It is to include all the best we can. It makes another atmospre for Our dayli life.

By that we can focus on other things much better.

It exact the same for equal right for all. We get the best to the jobs not drowning i blood, tits and shawing.

We are doing pretty well by that equalizing. We optmize. We even has more time to laugh at You too.


I’m also not a navel guy, but that doesn’t have much to do with boats. :) Ships/boats in open waters are detected with radars and camo doesn’t matter much. Those boats are probably used in rivers where it is possible to hide them amongst the trees.

jens holm

We had those kind many years ago. They were almost gone i dark weater between the waves. You might be correct. Rivers and lakes often has more green and dark as these.

Ours mainly was fast torpedo boats. They went in where radar was not needed an zig zagged.


They are for river recon infiltration and counter insurgency? Marines/sbs use it.


depending which mission,incase you havn’t noticed see the stealth black submarine,you saw it no?

Last edited 2 years ago by TRUSS IS A TRUTH ASSASIN WHORE
jens holm

Yes, stealth is many things. Its also deflecting radars or try to look like something else.


Looks like a variation of “dazzle” camoflage. It’s not supposed to make them hard to see … it’s to make it hard to get an accurate distance to them in visual range.

jens holm

nice to know

jens holm

You can read about it. Camouflage is a science. Some seemes even funny.


Just ask google.

The maharaja

no they are shallow water fast assault , they are employed near the shore line. at 45 tons they do not go out to sea. They are likely to be used on rivers etc again near shore lines they blend to that back ground. Thats the idea.


Wait a minute…..the mainstream media told us Russia was running out of missiles, LOL!!!


Apparently Russia has already used 75% of military, LOL.

Luc Rozon

And MSM is running out of diapers!


Yep. They also told that no one will be paying in rubles.


Happened weeks ago according to Cocksuckers Cunning News media cnn

jens holm

I dont think we know much about that. Its assumptions. But its for real they need parts to make several kinds of new ones.

It makes sense to assume Russia has navy missiles in Leningrad and Murmansk. They might even have some for the Kaspian sea.

Muhammad your Prophet

Since the beginning of the special moronic operation it looks like the submarine has done jack shit because there are no Putin cockroaches in Kiev anymore. The special moronic operation turned into a freakshow of Russian burned bodies.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet



Why don’t the Russians pull a surprise, and instead of Odessa first, just run over to Izmail, seize the smaller port and link up with Transnistra. Who would be expecting them to do that? Then Odessa covered from three sides.

jens holm

You forget Odessa is well fortified and even has a own tank battalion.

You ignore we already has seen Russians dont handle supply and long distances well.

The maharaja

First because this whole thing is some odd bullshit! Look at what Jens writes a Tank Battalion is sitting in Odessa? Horseshit! The Ukies have no tank battalion and if they did it would have been sent to the front in the east weeks ago. Odessa cant be taken because Russia lacks the man power. Its another huge city. What you say makes sense as it would be easy to cut a chunk off Ukraine in the South ( probably where most weapons come in ) link with the Motor rifle troops who have been there the last sixty days and done fuckall knows what while their country is at war? It would effectively cut 400km off the southern border force any shipments tot the west. Would also leave a nice chunk of Ukraine sitting there in the south for any eager neighbor…. I hear Moldova thinks its owed some land? as was Romania? I would guess they would be happy to take that area for themselves.

But again it would make sense what you say and none of this war makes sense.


Publishing photos of these subs armed with cruise missiles will up the ante in this conflict, forcing the AFU to re-evaluate their miscalculations on Russian “weakness”.

jens holm

Sure . Missiles and othe rstuff might be extra prepared. You comment in a very internal context, where the enemy is even more dum then Yourself.


anglo nazis wet diapers

dj dd

Did you hear that the NY Times is reporting that the forensics done on the Bucha and the Irpen corpses showed shrapnel inside their bodies, indicating that most of the dead died from artillery and rocket rounds instead of from gunshots. Most striking of all is that the forensics and the reports were done by the Ukrainians themselves and the press conference was also done by them. The logic goes that Russia completely controlled Bucha and part of Irpen until they withdrew. Ukraine claimed that all victims were found on the Russian side and therefore claimed that Russia committed genocide.

If the report is authenticated, then Russia is vindicated as they cannot fire upon the areas that they have already captured and controlled. Also Russia left these areas at the end of March and Ukraine claimed that the corpses were all found at around the beginning of April, still fresh. But the Ukrainians were the ones striking the Russians with hundreds of rounds of artilleries and other ammunitions. As the Ukrainians were firing, Russian troops were hurriedly moving out.

Ukraine just made it difficult for the world to sympathize with them. Even the European leaders are now treating all their other claims of Russian killing of civilians and mass graves with suspicion.

The maharaja

4 behind the raptor, 2 on the flat bed in picture one. plus 4 on the dock with a torpedo. Read many time they carry only 4 LACM always wondered why not more? Some write has to do with room and launch sleeve used in tube? Well looks like here is a good shot of a 636.3 about to get at least 10 LACM. … so 10 Kaliber makes this sub a far more deadly machine than what a lot of publications have on it. Awesome photos!

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