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New Rocket Attack From Gaza Provokes Series Of Israeli Strikes

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New Rocket Attack From Gaza Provokes Series Of Israeli Strikes

An explosion during an Israeli air strike on Gaza, August 8, 2018. IMAGE: Reuters

Late on September 6, unknown Palestinian fighters fired 5 rockets from the Gaza Strip at nearby Israeli settlements, according to the Israeli military.

“Earlier tonight, 5 rockets were fired from Gaza to Israel … In response, we just struck a number of Hamas targets in northern Gaza,” the Israeli military wrote on Twitter.

The Shehab Agency confirmed that several positions of the Hamas Movements were struck by Israeli warplanes and artillery. The targeted positions are located in the areas of Beit Hanoun, Beit Lahia and Shejaiya north and east of Gaza.

The rocket attack was apparently a response to the killing of two Palestinian teenagers earlier on the same day. The two victims, 17-year old Ali Sami Ali al-Ashqar and 14-year old Khaled Abu Bakr Mohammed Al-Rubai, were reportedly killed by the Israeli military while participating in protests near the separation line.

Both the Hamas Movement and the Islamic Jihad Movement condemned the killing of the teenagers. However, neither of them claimed responsibility for the rocket attack.

The situation in the Gaza Strip is not expected to escalate any further. Several similar attacks took place last month with both sides avoiding any large-scale military confrontation.

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These protests near the separation line seem counter productive for the Palestinians in Gaza. Sorry, but that’s my opinion. Why not deescalate?

Luke Hemmming

Deescalate the situation by Israel stopping the building of these illegal settlements, withdraw from all the Palestinian territory it has slowly been taking over bit by bit over the years and remove those walls from the Palestinian land, lift the sanctions on Palestine and give the palestinian government billions of dollars in aid money with no interest or payback to compensate for the decades of misery and oppression Palestine has suffered at the hands of Israel and then provide materials and equipment to help rebuild it’s dilapidated infrastructure and industries. That would go a long long way to deescalate. Otherwise this will continue. But Israel is he’ll bent on destroying Palestine so don’t expect anything positive to happen anytime soon.


“Otherwise this will continue.” Yes , Hamas is still in charge of Gaza.


I am indigenous to the Middle East and the European Jew is not. He was sent to Palestine on account of Christian Europeans wanted to get rid of him and the white man came to my region claiming to be Israelite. It is such a joke. This white man should go home and leave us alone. Nothing will work except the removal of the European aliens in Palestine.

Free man

How does what you wrote relate to the unnecessary war in Gaza? Gaza jihadists are like Idlib jihadists, they don’t understand that it is better for them to invest in their population instead of enslaving their families to lost wars.


On what basis is the European Jew on that land?

Free man

What is the relevance of this to the suffering of the children in Gaza? Are you going to feed them with lofty theories?

Zionism = EVIL

That is the major problem with Arabs, they talk more than they think or ACT and that is why they are easy bait for Jew divisive agenda. If the Arabs got rid of the treacherous scum like the Saudi whores, Emirati pimps and Sisi, the Zionists would be history in one day. The total embargo on Gaza by Egypt is killing as many children as Zionist cowards bombs and bullets.

Monte George

Who is going to feed them if they end their resistance? The Zionists? Americans? Don’t be ridiculous. The history of the region proves that submission only encourages further expropriation of land and property, further degrading, demoralizing oppression and brutality, and continuation of the slow, steady ethnic cleansing of the native peoples from Palestine. Submission is death. Resistance is life, and will eventually emerge victorious.

Free man

1. Are you Willing to live in Gaza? Obviously not, you want to live in the West but preach to the Gazans why they should suffer for your ideals and that of the jihadists. 2. According to your logic, jihadists in Idlib should fight and resist at least until their living conditions are the same as in Gaza. And still continue to fight and cause the complete destruction of the cities where their families live.

Ceasar Polar

Dont compare idlib terrorists to Gazans, dont even try to do that, not even one second. Totally unrelated. Idlib—-> militants/terrorists wanting to separate from Secular Syria under Assad. Gaza—-> city under siege by An Apartheid regime that wants to wipe its population/history/culture and steal its land and rename israel. Gazans are RESISTANCE.

Let the kikes come back to Europe, and make a country there. Lets see how the europeans will react.

Free man

Jihadists are jihadists are jihadists. Hamas helped Syria’s jihadists fight the SAA. You forgot, the Syrians didn’t.

Jens Holm

You seemes to forget howso many became muslims before this as well as Jews and others was persecuted by Romans before that.

You also ignore all the many deportations there and around the world and Jews only were a small part of the suffering and millions og dead in WW2.

I wonder how some very small dot all the way from Marocco to Djakarta kan make that much diaperjumping as well.

Jens Holm

There we go again. Find a Noah and build an Ark again, and let Noah only have girls.

I will prefare Noah or the Wife are of Jewish origin and build it, so they dont drown.

Ceasar Polar

So you steal their land, kill their brothers and uncles, impose an appartheid system of checkpoints, subdue their leaders with coercion and corruption, and still want them not to resist to the ongoing slaughter ? Gazans are Humans, they will defend themselves, until death if that is necessary. And one day or another the whole world will have enough of this zionist slaughter/global kike control, and turn the tables around. Tomorrow, we will have memorials of the Fallen Gazans Martyr in the fight against apartheid regime of zionazi scumms. The zionazis will be remembered like we remember the nazis today.

Free man

1. You want others to suffer and get killed for your ideals. 2. Have you ever held a rifle in your hand? Have you ever heard a fighter jet over your head? probably not. But Gaza’s kids hear bombs exploding and fighter jets all the time. Do you know what it does to a child? Do you care ? 3. The Gazans should teach their children sciences, computers, math, philosophy and art. And maybe three generations from now they could really stand up to Israelis

Jens Holm

I can confirm that very much here from Denmark. We have totally stopped taking in Palestinian United rescue refugees.

Those from Gaza all more or less permanent are totally traumatizeised, dont treat their children well and even has records for staying uneducated with no jobs as well as they as a group has 10 times more overcrime compared to more normal muslims.


May all those danes along with us along with isis get butchered in Syria. VIVA SAA, VIVA IRGC, VIVA HEZB, VIVA RU gtfo of Syria.

Jens Holm

Its not forbidden to hope. I pray sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday and friday for weekend – And Saturday my wishes come thrue :)

My next birthday wish is bigger pillows, so I can pray even harder…


Cry me a river jew motherfucker. You destroy their schools, homes, TEACHERS, families, hospitals…then you accuse them of not teaching their children to become dumbfuck shit for brains destroyers like you. GFY and stand in the way of an israeli bullet POS.

Free man

I didn’t ruin no one’s school You fool. You and losers like you always give excuses why you are not successful in life. Winners win despite all obstacles. It is time for the Gazans to choose to be Winners and then they will have a chance to beat Israel.


And you can say all kinds of shit and not be in their shoes. Fucking coward.

Free man

Luckily I’m not in their shoes, but I feel sorry for them. The Gazans suffer from their neighbors (Israel and Egypt) and from their jihadist rulers (Hamas). They are miserable and nobody really helps them. The fact that you curse doesn’t make you wise or right.


[“It is time for the Gazans to choose to be Winners and then they will have a chance to beat Israel.”] That is you quote which is quite arrogant and blaming the Gazans…even their babies for what Israel has done since 1948. Do me a favor..go there, stand shoulder to shoulder with them and fight back with only stones and see how you feel standing there on your arrogance. A FUCKING coward hates even the thought of that scenario let alone be in it. It’s time for the tables to be turned and keep watching the kike cowards run into the sea. Palestinians across the board are more braver than you could ever imagine in your own life. You are the type to hide behind apron strings and allow a Mother to take your hit. FY

Free man

As I wrote, you are unwise and unjust. Just a rude person.


Wise caught you in your hypocrisy kike.

Jens Holm

There we go again in the steel land everlasting chapter.

More like those Martyrs are random SELF DETONATORS. They didnt fall in any fight. After their socalled friends sended 3 missiles,the Israeliens as expected sendes something back too.

You are the egg or the hen?? And in which generation. After all it started in 1948 and hens also make many chickens every years. Half of them a small cocks.

Men should be forbidden in ME. Cocks not even lay eggs but mainly raoe hens and fight among each other only. Old ones has to be boiled for at least 24 ours for food too and only makes meat, if You can effort a good meatgrinder…

Jens Holm

Hardly none in that region understand that. Its hardly an argument there. All is revenge even from before a single arab was there and Moses was by vessel at the Nile.

Jens Holm

They even painted the white man even more white and indians became red for real.

Nature was same thing. They killed the red dead too :)

Zionism = EVIL

Demographically, it is simply not possible to destroy Palestine, infact the opposite will happen as regional power dynamics are changing by the hour. The recent Zionist humiliation and sulking after Hezbollah strike and exposure of their pathetic IDF filthy facilities just showed.

Lazy Gamer

And that is why, Israel will be trying to reassert in the near future and force the rest to recalibrate again.

Zionism = EVIL

Pisrael is all Hollywood mythology as simply does not have the strategic mass to deal with the future. Watch the detailed videos of their pathetic IDF and the filthy living conditions and even Bangladesh military looks pretty professional compared to the IDF child killers.

Jens Holm

Many countries are smaller then them and are doing fine. You are wrong of that. They now has found oil as little helper as well.

Its not that dark.


The thing you need to understand about Palestinians is that they are the scourge of the Arab world, they create problems and try to manipulate the system in every country where they constitute more than 1% of the population, they are very similar to the jews you know in Europe, in fact they share a lot of common DNA with the jews

You can call me Al

Look up who created HAMAS and all will be revealed.

Zionism = EVIL

Initially yes, but now Hamas is more allied to Iran and the Axis of Resistance, and even in tiny Gaza gulag there are many factions now. The Zionist Shin Beth created the original Hamas to split and weaken the Palestinians as they already had most of the so-called PA or Fatah on their payroll. Mahmoud Abbas is a Zionist pimp just like Sisi.


It’s actually funny they funded Fatah, considering so many Fatah fighters became joined Hezbollah. It’s even funnier considering the Zionists and Americans greatest enemy, the Martyr Imad Mughniyah started off training in Fatah.

Zionism = EVIL

Indeed, all true, the Zionists are aliens in a very shifting region and are also not that smart as the recent Hezbollah strike and the pathetic condition of the IDF showed. Zionism is a British construct (Balfour) to divide the Arabs and keep a western outpost in the region, not going according to plan.


Whoa there, Captain – Hamas’ political wing just spent most of last decade officially backing the Syrian militants – because the Syrian militants originated in Syrian branch of Muslim Brotherhood. In 2012 Hamas packed up its office in Damascus and went over to Doha, Qatar, major Gulf sponsor of Sunni militants. Because Hamas itself is derived from Egyptian branch of Muslim Brotherhood. Hamas are not part of the Shia crescent – they are a separate regional faction and Sunni Muslim Brotherhood based. Likewise, Hamas operatives taught the Sunni militants to tunnel – and both SAA and Hezbollah infantry had to fight these entrenchments on contact lines for years. It is only because the militants obviously have no further ability to threaten Damascus, and Qatar became preoccupied with own regional problems, that Hamas have come crawling back looking to the Syrian-Iranian axis for support. The Syrian-Iranian axis may have occasional regional mutual interests with Hamas, but they are certainly not going to be forgetting Hamas’ recent history over Syria.

Saddam Hussein

You have a profile photo of a tank but think like a soyboy cuck.

Zionism = EVIL

Zionist scum not that brave against Hezbollah who blew their shitbox wolf APC to bits in broad daylight :)


The video was inconclusive. 2 weeks ago, you where talking trash against Iran and Hezbollah. So now you change like a flag in the wind? Pathetic troll. :)


I blocked him.

You can call me Al

Yep, me too.


https://worldpeace365.files.wordpress.com/2019/09/3×3-european-jew.png?w=660Palestine was stolen in broad daylight by the European Jew who is just another white

man like the British in Kenya or the French in Algeria. But to add insult to injury, this

white man like to tell a fiction that he is no white man but an Israelite returning home.

A people without shame!



Jens Holm

That phrase is used for many millions in the whole world as well. It doesnt make it better.

They also still divide in born in Israel and not …


I can understand if one argues about policy, international law and the right of the palestinians against Israel. But you are just a racist. Color of the skin is no argument, and there are many Jews with even darker skin that most Palestinians. You are part of the problem, and no solution.

Jens Holm

True. Most arabs and most muslism even are harder racists among each other. A last name does it.




…just lost my lunch

northerntruthseeker .

Mossad operatives operating in the Gaza Strip launch their usual bottle rockets back into Israel and of course hit NOTHING..

AND of course the psychos in Isra-hell respond with a brutal attack on the innocent people of Gaza, killing many and destroying more Gazan infrastructure…

I hope that everyone sees this is the same pattern of Jewish evil regurgitating again and again here!

Tiresia Branding

the world is full of blind people… sad

Zionism = EVIL

and Americunt and Zionist trolls :) the whole Americunt loser military with a combined IQ of less than 50 has been ordered to troll and spread fake news like the lardass dumbass geezer Trump does.

Jens Holm

So they should use more sunglasses and umbrellas in stead :)

You have a low bite memory card deleting GAZ people sended some missiles before that “brutal attack”.

After many years I often ignore who kills who. Sometimes I see a long, long line of hens and eggs from the moon and back about it. Much like Israeliens work har to reach the same kind of darknes as Yours.

Tiresia Branding

guys, since yesterday the war propaganda against China started in the USA. WWIII is coming true :(

Zionism = EVIL

I don’t think the bankrupt deadbeat Americunts are in a position to fight WW3. The average redneck’s life is worse than a dogs as all recent surveys and studies show. US is a sunset power and is largely irrelevant now.

Tiresia Branding

they are playing all-out before their economic/financial system collapse definitely. It is not a coincidence it happen immediately after the China-Iran deal that will be the nail in the coffin of petrodollar

Zionism = EVIL

The post WW2 Zionist/Bilderberg Jew imposed Breton-Woods was a vehicle for plunder of developing nations and their resources. The US is like a mafia Don running an exhortation financial racket. Sadly, after the collapse of the USSR there was no challenge to the Americunts and they and their Zionist masters got out of control and pushed the Yinon agenda. Only after the hubris drunk Americunts went after Russia and China, there seems to be resistance building. The most important action to destroy the Americunt/Jew fiscal monopoly to dump the dollar and build an inclusive alternate global alternate fiscal system, which China with Russian, Iranian and various other nations is now capabale of doing. The dumbass Americunts are sinking under the weight of debt and losing Zionist wars. Empires die quite fast, look at the pathetic Brits after WW2 when they simply went broke and lost the Jewel in their Crown-India. Americunts are more stupid, violent and Jew infested and will die faster. This is the beginning of the end.

Jens Holm

I see no collapse and definity. The world always has had problems.

And of curse You NEVER compare with Turkish Lira, Syrian Pounds, Iranian Rials and like that, But of course You already are collapsed and wish us to unite with that.

makes me laugh.

Jens Holm

Do You sell sunglasses and lead coffins.


Israeli general elections are coming in this month – September – Netanyahu always creates a ‘security crisis’ just before elections, its long been his primary electoral strategy. Nothing new here.

Zionism = EVIL

Sure, bombing women and children for the bloodthirsty Zionist vampires is always easy, taking on Hezbollah is not the cards.


It’s the tradition! Some israelis take sofas to the nearby hills to watch the bombing going on. Just a leisurely picnic. Good for the election.

Fleecing Rabbi

maybe we should send some wolf to gaza with dirty sleeping bags and see if khamas have khornets? mazal tov!

Ceasar Polar

So this what diapers cowards pseudo military like to hit, a heavily dense mainly civilian population with missiles and bombs deployed with air force. I wish they tried to do this with hezbollah so that another General dies like 6 days ago with the destroyed Wolf. Gazans are the real martyrs of this planete. How can everyone see this and literally cover for zionist scums… even the aliens are looking at this and say: “and no one says a word ??”

Xoli Xoli

Israel lies as usual to attack Palestinians. Israel killer regime relies on war making for election purposes. After running back from Hizbollah fire their are looking for soft targets.

Israeli prayers is killing humans every day to please plastic rubbishThor which eventually not a God.

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